Sunday, May 31, 2015

47 Ducks 1.4


The two commanders stood on their webbed feet facing the back of the older duck. Merlin had selected the chamber for it was on the far side of the Palace some distance from the consorts nesting. The place was bared of anything resembling a comfortable area for it was all twigs and vines.

“The Emperor has to be avenged before we placed another on the nesting.” Merlin quacked out. “There is none other than the two of you who are qualified to take the nesting.”

Othello looked to the other commander. It then faced Merlin and quacked out.

“I will not stand for Emperor, but if Caesar stands for it I will retired my rank.” Othello spoke its mind. “I respected El Gluck but not this one.”

“Othello, your pride will be your undoing. I am keen to be Emperor, but only upon the correct way. Tell us what was to be done.”

“Enough!”Merlin raised the vocal chords to quell the argument. “If there is to be a new Emperor, then I will decide.”

Both commanders looked to the old adviser. It was Othello who spoke.

“Surely you do not mean that nerd duckling Arthur will be the new Emperor? All he did was pulled the worm out of the hole.” Arthur was the young duckling who managed to rescue the King of Earthworms who was caught in the hole at the large stone. May had tried to pull the worm out but failed until Arthur came. When the King was rescued, it asked Arthur how it was done. Arthur told the King, that the number of seasons which had kept the King in the stone had caused it to drop in weight thus it was easier to pull out. More to it, there was the element of the erosion caused by droppings. That last statement caused the King of Earthworms to forbid all communications with the ducks until its death.

“Enough talks of being Emperor. First, slay Colonel Saunders and the one above that cock.” Merlin gave the command. “The one who commands the Colonel is none other than King Large Drumstick.”

“So it shall be done.” Caesar spoke up. “My Legionaries will march today.”

“A fool’s errand.” Merlin replied. “Your legionaries of ten thousand will not reach the Colonel let alone the King. You need a smaller army; one of dedicated warriors who will steal their way in and kill the two.”

“How many of these warriors?” Othello asked. “The Guards will do it. I do not have ten thousand, but the three hundred of mine will gladly die for the Emperor.”

“Bah!” Caesar quipped out. “Your three hundreds could not guard a passage pass my feathers let alone fight the chickens. I have more than three hundred to select from…”

“Enough!” Merlin raised its vocal chords. “There will be Guards and Legionaries. Give me selected twenty three of your men including yourself. I will give you the one that will take you into the King’s stronghold at Kentucky Court. There will be a total of forty six of you. It’s in the signs.”

Merlin was also a quack soothsayer and constantly studied the stars and waves for signs.

Kentucky Court was the strong hold of the chicken clans, consisting of several main breeds like the Andalusia’s, Bantam, Campine, Brakel and even the Broiler. The Court covered over fifty acres with ten separate camps, while the main camp was where the King resides. King Drumstick was a Broiler; the white breed like the German Langston which was a cross breeds from the Cornish strain and white Plymouth Rocks. The Broilers were bred for they grew much faster and laid more eggs. King Drumsticks was an exceptional; it was prime stock and thus maintained to breed. The King was in a large shed which covered over seven levels covering over half an acre in buildup. It has fifty doorways on each level, but there were no spies who made it beyond the first level.

The King was guarded by the Broiler’s best with Colonel Saunders helming the team. The German kins were only one of the several breeds which served the King. There was also the mystical breed, Japanese Yokohama which was rare and hardly seen by the others. There was also the Thai Game breed; small but robust breed for cockerel fighting.

“More to this”, Merlin spoke out again. “There will be one other who will join you. The number must be forty seven of you.”

With that, Merlin quacked out to call out the last member of the killing team. From the corner of the private chamber, blended into the surroundings was James ‘Zero London’ Duck. The ‘Zero London’ nickname was for the achievement of that duck on a mission there at the far lake when it returned with all its targets removed. Not one was left alive hence the zero denomination.

“Zero London?” Othello reeled back in shock. “Zero London is a misfit. It’s equivalent to having Ollie with us.”

Ollie was the hog that resides nearby in the muddy banks while enjoying basking in the sun. Ollie was entertained because it ran an all natural spot there which the young ducklings like to go.

Caesar turned to leave the chamber, but Merlin stopped the duck. Caesar turned to look at Merlin.

“Zero London in and I am out. He is a scoundrel, and will get us roasted up with the skin crisps for easy peeling.”

Saturday, May 30, 2015

47 Ducks 1.3


The Emperor was laid in the personal chamber lined up with its nine consorts while its fifty four offspring occupied the outer chamber of the Royal Palace. The Palace was located on the top branches of the bush with the nesting inside it. The nesting was made of the small twigs laid in layers with moss in between. The sides of the nesting were reinforced with larger twigs and strengthen with fine vines. There was also a small pool made from the dried mud of the lake for the Emperor’ personal spa. Next to the spa was the bamboo nesting filled with fresh earth worms from different parts of the lake.

Beneath its nesting were the general assorted nests of its consorts and then the scattered palace grounds for the stewards and servants. There was no personal spa there but a dug out with water for the consorts to laze in when their services are not required by the Emperor. Next to the nesting area, was the cordoned off area where the consorts laid their eggs. There the Stewards laid out the soft nesting for the mothers to gestate their eggs. It’s a forbidden zone for the male ducks except the Emperor and its Stewards. Next to it was the nursery with the direct access to the small pool where the young ducklings learned to swim with their mothers. There were also the lines of young ducklings in tow by the mothers towards the feeding area or the lake side for their waddling sessions when older.

On that morning, the palace was crowded with the younger ducklings kept away at the feeding area while the older ducks throng the long lines to pay their respect to the dead Emperor. The Emperor was placed on his nesting covered in herbs and other fleshy servings while it was guarded by the personal guards of the Emperor led by Othello. All of them had their feathers covered in the dark mud of the lake banks to mask the colorful shades. The stewards were busy serving the arrivals and then it stopped in its work to admire the newly arrived guest.

A commotion was created when one of the consorts went into hysterics; claiming that it want to die with the Emperor. Commander Othello moved into action by knocking the consort to the ground and had it dragged out.

“A disgrace to the Palace.” Othello muttered to itself. It was then the Steward called up.

“Hail, the great Commander of the Legionnaires.” The Steward at the entrance announced the arrival of the Legionnaires. “Hail, the great Caesar.”

The duck walked in with the personal entourage of senior officers including the trusted lieutenant Brutus and Anthony. The Legionnaire Commander was a prime Mallard with the green head with a prominent streak that looked like it was blown out of place making a shape of a crown. From it there to its chestnut-brown chest then shaded to golden, contrasts with the white sides, golden back, brown rump and black upper- and under-tail coverts. It also has a coat of fine twigs over its chest to form an armored piece. The speculum is violet-blue bordered by black and white, and the outer tail feathers were white. The bill was yellow to yellowish-green and the legs and feet were coral-red. Its feathers on the wings were few but the missing ones where replaced with sewn on feathers with its tips adorned with red shades. That was the Legionnaire shade of recognition.

“Othello, tell me what happened?” Caesar quacked out that may had its equivalent with that of a lion’s roar. Othello who was in discussion then with the guards’ looked over. It does not report to Caesar for its role was different. Othello was to reply in a tone of in subornation when the wise adviser to the Palace intervened. The old duck graying in its few feathers with its bill droopy was none other than Merlin. The Stewards have provided the old duck with a fine midnight blue shade feather coat with a set of coated looking glass perched on the bill. The old duck wadded towards the Legionnaire Commander with the assistance of three young ducklings which was its apprentices.

“Commander Caesar, I see you have returned with your Legionnaires.” Merlin quacked out in a low whispers. “Pardon my manners but I am aged. How was the battle at the Cedar End?”

Commander Caesar bowed to the old duck and then reported on the happenings at the far lakeside. The legionaries were dispatched there to remove some intruders.

“Wise Merlin, I have not come back without victory.” With that last quake, Caesar looked the assembled. It was expecting them to cheer, but they were still mellowed in the sadness of losing their Emperor. “I have removed the Call Ducks. These miscreants do not belong with us.”

The Call Ducks looked like Mallard but were of smaller frame. They were bred by some oversight of other clans and have overpopulated the breeding areas of the Mallard.

“The battle was brief but brutal. We lost some Legionnaires but none died without honor.” Caesar flapped its wings and quacked out loud. “I maimed their leather, Duty Call. It won’t dare to come again. Hail the Legionnaires!”

Duck fights were rarely if any recorded, for they were vicious and the defeated were tore into pieces by the winner. If it was compared to a Cockfight, then the duck fight would be triple fold in deadly ratings.
The call of the legionnaires was soon echoed by the officers and then rippled through the Palace by the assembled Legionnaires outside. All of them cheered their commander. Caesar then looked to Othello.

“Who killed our Emperor?” Caesar asked but Merlin intervened again.

“Commander Caesar, you have brought a guest.” Merlin indicated to the female duck at the rear. It was a Mariana Mallard; the head was green like the Mallard but less glossy, with some buff feathers on the sides, the dark brown eyes stripes that brought out the lids and a faint whitish ring at the base of the neck. The upper breast was dark reddish chestnut brown with blackish-brown spots sporting sexy on there. The wing patch and the tail was also like the mallard including curled-up central tail feathers, but the tips of the speculum feathers were buff. The underside was a mix between the vermiculated grey feathers of the mallard and the brown ones of the darker shade duck. The bill was black at the base and olive at the tip, the feet reddish orange with darker webs and the iris brown.

“Pardon me, Merlin. This is Cleopatra … my bride.” Caesar introduced the other. “She is a Queen of her own clan, the Niles.”

The hush among the Mallards could be heard despite the crowded conditions. Merlin pulled at its coat before it quacked.

“Welcome then to Camel-lot. Hail Caesar to your new bride. It’s time the clans needed to look beyond its line.” Merlin gave its consent. “I salute you for showing us the new ways.”

Merlin turned to look at the darker Mallard.

“You are a beauty with your own features, Queen…..Cleop….” Merlin was interjected by the female duck.

“Cleop will do.” The female duck stood by her lover duck and the bill pouted out in a sexy manner. It was an alluring gesture that stirred up the urges among many of the younger Mallard, but none would dare to challenge Caesar.

“Caesar”, Merlin called on the Commander by name. “Join me in the private chamber with Othello. We have a need to discuss the action to be taken for our Emperor.”

“Dead Emperor.” Caesar corrected the Adviser. “El Gluck is no more Emperors.”

With that Othello stepped up but Merlin intervened again.

“Warriors, the private chamber await us.” Merlin gave the order.

Friday, May 29, 2015

47 Ducks 1.2


The old Emperor escape was foiled by the four cockerels which have used their claws to hold the old duck down. The duck would have fought off these four cockerels its prime time, but old duck have been too long away from battles.

“Release me, you cocks.” EL Gluck struggle in its captors grasp but the cockerels were younger and stronger. The captors spread their wings to add strength to the hold.

“Give up, old quack.” The shrilled voice sounded in the nesting area. El Gluck looked towards the feathered enemy of his.

“Colonel Saunders.” El Gluck quacked out. “Ain’t you a distance too far from your farm? I hear they fried your kind in oil.”

Rooster Kent ‘Colonel’ Saunders was a prime Bantam with its short and compact body and the prominent breast protruded out as if it was on the marching ground. It also have the large, long wings should be carried at and almost resting on the vulture hocks. Its tail was full and held upright. The monocle glass hung perched on its bill covered left eye. It was one proud rooster and this one held its self higher in esteem for its role in dark operations for the Chicken Lord. It was rumored that Colonel was involved in the massacre at Ducky Farm, causing over three hundred ducks death. The Colonel held a death or alive notice with a reward of one year’s feed, but all the bounty hunters have never come forth to claim it.

“Give up, El Gluck. They are the selected best of breeds.” Colonel Saunders peeved towards the four cockerels. “They are the rare German Langshan. Heavy breed with their extended legs and claws make them formidable warriors. They are experts in the art of Savate.”

Savate also known as French boxing is a renowned art of martial skills with the focus on the body limbs. It originated from the selected farms in the larger continent and soon spread to the other farms in the other continents.

“Please meet the brothers, Baron Schmidt, Schneider, Schulz, and Smith. The last one he thinks he was more Isle bred.” The Colonel sighed. “You may have heard of them as the Four Pillars. They specialized in the ‘fouette’ kick or you may know it as the round house kick.”

The Colonel demonstrated with a poor imitation of it to the Emperor.

“Whoosh and your bill are gone. Let me add to the tale, their father was drowned by you in the pond at Water Trough some seasons back. You could say the chicks are back for your feathers.”

El Gluck shrugged its wings. Those four cockerels were in the Intel folders; they were classified as dangerous and to be removed on sight. It stopped in its struggle and looked to Juliet. The other was safe which made El Gluck questioned the role of Juliet. Colonel Saunders looked to the young duck and clucked.

“Juliet, your day of vengeance is here.” Colonel Saunders looked to the young ducking. Juliet approached the captured old duck. It stooped down and looked into the old duck’s eyes.

“Bill to bill, Emperor.” Juliet quacked out in hissing tone. “You may not remember me but some seasons ago, you ravished my mum. You bastard forced yourself on her when she refused to be consort. She died three seasons ago after she gave us life. All seven of us but they are all dead fighting your regime except me.”

Among the ducks in the clan, there was a splinter group named ‘Roasted’ which opposed the Emperor.

“Your Legionnaires killed them on your order. I escaped to fight you.”

“Who…No, it can’t be.” El Gluck sounded out. “I did not…No, I did it because your mother wanted to kill me. She tried to kill me. She had a baby viper in the nesting.”

“It was no viper. It was an earth worm. No bigger than yours.” Juliet stepped on the old duck’s phallus. “That’s for mum, Father.”

El Gluck shrieked out in pain but it was unable to move. It was then Colonel Saunders gave the command.

“Kill the old duck.” The four cockerels reached with their claws to tear the wings off the old duck before they broke the bill and then severed the vocal chords. It was a gruesome killing by the brothers.

“Here’s to you, Dad. Bottoms up.” Smith the youngest cockerel saluted their dead father while it stood over the dead duck’ carcass lying there with its bottoms up. The others looked at the odd one among them.

“Okay, Zum Whol!” Smith called out again with the brothers joining in. They then looked at the young duck still standing there.

“What about that young one?” Smith asked with the devious look on its bill.

“Smith, it’s foul for us to copulate with the ducks.” Schneider quipped out. “Its best we retreat before the others arrived.”

“She is a captive now.” Smith replied and then switched to German. “Was ist mit euch? Huhn aus ?” ( English translated ‘What's with you guys? Chicken out?’

“Copulate? Please don’t make me gurgled out my worm.” Juliet smacked back towards the cockerels. “The four of you might as well wet your own feathers.”

Colonel Saunders rushed to the young duck and smacked it with the extended wings. Juliet fell to the side and looked at the obese old cock.

“You are one lucky duck. I am not in the mood to kill you except your Emperor.” Colonel Saunders told it off. “You best be gone before the others arrived.”

Juliet got up on her legs and wadded out. She moved to the lake to wash off the dirt off her feathers when she saw the arrival of the guards. She turned to call the chickens.

“The guards are here!” Juliet quacked out and it was then it felt the attack from the duck wing. Juliet fell towards the water before looking at the attacker. It was Casanova. That duck was a member of the elite but Casanova was also its admirer. Casanova was one of the best duck scouts and its role was pointer duck in the pack.

“Casa…How could you?” Juliet quacked out. Casanova landed on the water but its wings were still spread out. It was the traditional skills of the Elites to learn the art of Extended Wings Art. Its handed down martial art form learned by the Grand Masters to protect themselves.

“I am sorry. Why did you alert them?”  Casanova asked. “Those are Chickens.”

It was then Othello and its assembled six duck guards had reached the bush. They saw the dead Emperor with the chickens still standing there.

“My Emperor!’ Othello sighed out. It looked at the five chickens. “You killed my Emperor.”

It was then Colonel Saunders threw the mixture of herds towards the ducks. It was a mixture of oregano, wheat, barley, parsley, thyme and whatever else that was dropped by some flying feathers. When it’s grounded, it formed a deadly musky, pong deadly potion which will burn or itch on contact with the exposed skin.

“Cover your eyes. It’s the H-Bomb.” Othello gave the warning while covering the head with the wings.  The herbs hit the ducks and blinded some of them. It also gave the chicken time to escape. Othello was the first to recover when it’s washed its feathers in the lake. It looked to the departing ducks and then at Juliet.

“Morgan, why are you here?” Othello asked the young duck. Morgan aka Juliet was one of the young ducklings which was seen at the Guards training ground. They are there to admire the young gallant ducks undergoing their routine daily with their feathers striped to the skin. Before Morgan reply, she looked to Casa and then back to Othello.

“It was the Emperor. It tried to …” Morgan feigned a teary look and then looked to Casa. “I refused and then the chickens came. I escaped and shouted to the Emperor that you have arrived.”

Casa looked to the young duck whom it had some desirable intentions. Morgan was always there to preen its feather after training. It nodded and then told the Commander of the outcome.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

47 Ducks 1.1



The lake surface shimmered with the twilight; giving it a silvery glare that was intertwined with the fleeting colors of the legged inhabitants. Some of the inhabitants took their places among the bushes or below the branches while others took to their night migration to other breeding grounds. There was one clan numbering more than two hundred which occupied a section of the lake area. They are organized with the ranks among the clan. The perimeter was occupied by the elected members to maintain security and intercept any uninvited creatures from the ground or above level. They are trained to work in teams of four; they are named the sentries. Inside the perimeter were the Legionnaires; the elite formation which are used in battles with the others, while behind them were the others like the staff and young’s. In the center, there were the elected clan leaders; and among the seven, one was given the rank of Emperor.

The Emperor was Harold ‘El Gluck’ d’Duck; an old veteran of over sixteen seasons that spawned a lineage of almost one quarter of the clan. The elderly duck was over two feet high with the feathers trimmed and daily preening by the stewards. The older mallard have a white neck-ring which separated the green head from its chestnut-brown chest, contrasts with the gray sides, brownish back, black rump and black upper- and under-tail coverts. The speculum is violet-blue bordered by black and white, and the outer tail feathers are white. The bill is yellow to yellowish-green and the legs and feet are coral-red. It had a nick on its right side which was a battle scar when an eagle talon swiped at it.

The King was guarded by a handful of warriors that was to be his personal guards. The guards were led by one named Commander Othello. It was not of one Mallard’s finest but it survived nine seasons over two dozen battles fighting bill for bill with the best warriors. Othello was never fully accepted by the others for it had a dark streak on its neck ring unlike the others which were white but its bravery and skills earned the respect of the Emperor. It served the Emperor without questions or doubt in loyalty. Othello had its own battle scars with the slight limb of the left webbed paddle, and the missing left eye from a rooster sneak attack. The commander had worked from the ranks; a duckling to its current rank. It was not of one of the Emperor’s offspring but it served the King like his own.

On that evening, the Emperor left the comfort of the nesting for a secret rendezvous at the far side of the lake.

“Juliet, where art thou?” Emperor El Gluck quacked out in its raspy vocal chords. It was a notch below the minus D key if one understood musical chords. The old bird steps out of the bush and wadded onto the lake banks. It looked to the stretches of the lake banks for its mate of the evening. It soon caught sight of the living dream among its current batch of consorts.

Juliet was a splendor to El Gluck sight. A mallard unrivalled with the mottled brownish color complete with the violet speculum bordered by black and white. The crown of the head was dark brown with a dark brown stripe running through the eye giving it a seductive aura when stared at. The remainder of the head is lighter brown than the upper body. The shade of brown was not like any but with tinge of blonde to the shade to deliver off an alluring sexy preen to it. The pouty bill was shaded orange splotched with light brown, and the legs and feet were orange with a slight shade of yellow.

“Romeo…” Juliet quacked out with its melodic vocal that quivered within its quacks. “I have waited for too long.”

The female Mallard turned its body away while its wings spread out to flap off the evening mist. It was such a sexy sight for the older Mallard then. It showed in its bill which had turned greenish yellow. El Gluck wadded over on its hurried steps on the soft grounds of the lake bank.

“I brought you an earthworm.” El Gluck showed the other duck the wriggling worm on its bill. It was a sizeable one compared to some of those captured by his stewards.

“Romeo…”Juliet was impressed by the gift but modesty called for feigned excuses. “I can’t take that. You must consume it yourself. Or one of your other …”

“Juliet, there are none others besides you that I have …” El Gluck held it’s vocal while it looked around. The lake area looked secluded. “I have only my bill for you.”

“Oh, Romeo.” Juliet turned to look at the older duck. It may be older but who cares. In love, age does not matter but ranking does. Juliet could see in her dreams then the nesting of eight young ducklings trailing her on the lake. It reached out with its pouting bill to snap at the wriggling worm.

“Hey, don’t I get any last words?” The worm shrieked out just before its body was severed in half by the love struck ducks.

“Juliet, would you like to retire to the nesting? I may have the need to shower you with my love.” El Gluck quacked out with its raspy tone. Juliet’s dark brown crown flushed out in a heavier tone while it wadded towards the dark moist ground near the bushes. It was not the Royal chamber, but it will do for then. El Gluck wadded close behind with its bill lined up on the rear end of Juliet. It was so different from its own consorts; all sodden from the long lineage of his offspring.

“Romeo…. You do know it’s my…” Juliet stopped its track. The old amorous duck bumped into the other and then had to compose itself before replying.

“I know, my love. It’s…” El Gluck left the words to trail there for fear of saying the wrong thing then. Juliet heard his reply and continued on her wadded stroll. There is something sexy about seeing it moved those feathers in the tight swing at the rear. Soon they were at the improvised nesting. El Gluck flapped its wings wide and gave out a raspy call while Juliet primed itself for the consummation act.

El Gluck was to take its step forth when it felt the presence of the others. It took a step back but it was too late.



Sincerely, I apologies for the late postings. I have been working on my personal life and also work and that leaves not much creative time to write. Since my personal tragedy in the family, I have slacked in the last months and even left "Hamlet"; the tale I was writing at half way and then moved onto a new one "The Book of Modred". The later is hovering at 37K words after two ( or three ) weeks but I am not rushing it.

Why the change in my writing to this new tale? It was not because Hamlet was not interesting ( it was to me. ) but I found the readership for Shakespeare re-write are few. I was reading the 'The Hobbit' by JRR Tolkien and decided to word the other. Then again, with the above other concerns, I had to kick myself at times to write. Writing to me should be a fun time and stress release factor besides reading ( though the later makes me sleepy after four pages ). I also enjoyed putting in words my fantasy if I may termed it that. I started off with New Pangaea ( over 320 pages ) as a past time and in between the so named Male Tales. The tale lengthen into a 52 weeks of writing with each week expanded into the tale. Hence the long pages but it was an exploration of the mind. Since then, I have penned many tales ( unpublished ) but they are in storage for now.

Later today, I will release the simple and fun tale I wrote some months back for my daughter (for her final semester presentation in story board submission. She had graduated last month; majoring in Creative Art Illustrator. And then my son went in do the same course but will major in Animation. ). Its the tale of 47 Ducks. Its a teenager tale with adventure in it. Its not serious stuff like Hamlet. It should give me time to shake off the dust off my creative side and move on with newer tales.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Titus Adrian Final Act

SCENE III. ( the final act. )

Court of TITUS's house.

The barons all stood up from their seats. They were of many thoughts; from the indignity of being served man’
flesh, to the imprisonment there in the hall, and of worse to witness the killing of the leader. Some other thoughts
were of sympathy to the Adrian while some were contempt of the action by the vile Queen. None was to think that
their leader was weak, but one did said he was sadly influenced by the vixen, and with both their deaths, there was a
closure to the matter.

It was then they asked themselves who shall be leader; the Grand Baron of all the barons. It was then one who was
not a baron yet the aide to the previous Leader spoke for the Adrian and for Rome.

“Lucas our leader; for well I know the common voice do cry it shall be so. AEmilius looked back to the barons and
nodded. Theirs was a look of confusion but soon their good obliging nature prevailed. They fear another war, and
with the Adrian ‘drained’ of warriors; they feared their sons may be sacrificed in it, and to the worse, their lands be
taken too.

“Lucas, all hail, Rome's royal leader! The barons hailed the new leader. Fresh wines were poured and the tables
cleared of the foul meat. On it was laid new servings of fruits and sweet tidings; as befitting for meat then was
considered repulsive to the taste. Soon the celebrations came to an end with most of the barons satiated with wine
and their diet amused with fruits, they were roused from their rest by the calling of Micheal.
“We have one more thing to do.” Micheal looked to the servants. “Go into old Titus' sorrowful chamber. And hither
hale that misbelieving Moor to be adjudged some direful slaughtering death, as punishment for his most wicked

“Thanks, gentle Romans: may I govern so.” Lucas spoke to the barons. To heal Rome's harms, and wipe away her
woe! But, gentle people, give me aim awhile, for nature puts me to a heavy task.”

The eldest son of Titus approached the previous patriarch.

“Stand all aloof: but, uncle, draw you near, to shed obsequious tears upon this trunk. Lucas went down on his knees
before his dead father. “O, take this warm kiss on thy pale cold lips. These sorrowful drops upon thy blood-stain'd
face, the last true duties of thy noble son!”

Tear for tear, and loving kiss for kiss.” Micheal laid his hand on the loyal son of Titus Adrian. Thy brother
Micheal tenders on thy lips: O were the sum of these that I should pay countless and infinite, yet would I pay them!”

Lucas stood up and the saw his son, the young Titus Adrian by his side. He pat the boy on the head.

“Junior, come hither, boy; come, come, and learn of us to melt in showers: thy grandsire loved thee well. Many a
time he danced thee on his knee, sung thee asleep, his loving breast thy pillow: many a matter hath he told to thee,
meet and agreeing with thine infancy; in that respect, then, like a loving child.”

“Shed yet some small drops from thy tender spring, because kind nature doth require it so.” Lucas told his son.
“Friends should associate friends in grief and woe: bid him farewell; commit him to the grave; do him that kindness,
and take leave of him.”
O grandsire, grandsire! even with all my heart.” Junior replied. “Would I were dead, so you did live again! O Lord,
I cannot speak to him for weeping; my tears will choke me, if I open my mouth.”

The boy ran to hug his grand uncle for comfort. It was obvious the boy was more comfortable with the elders than
his own father. Lucas could not blame him for he was hardly near the child. He was at war most times and more so
then the child’s mother had died. He hid his grief in battles and killings. He was to call for his son when the
servants brought in Aaron.

You sad the Adrian have done with woes: give sentence on this execrable wretch that hath been breeder of these
dire events.” AEmilius told the new leader.
“Set him breast-deep in earth, and famish him; there let him stand, and rave, and cry for food; if any one relieves or
pities him, for the offence he dies. This is our doom.”Lucas gave the order. Some stay to see him fasten'd in the

Aaron struggled in his bindings and then cried out.
“O, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb?” Aaron curses out. I am no baby, I, that with base prayers. I should
repent the evils I have done: ten thousand worse than ever yet I did would I perform, if I might have my will; if one
good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very soul.

“Silence!” Lucas kicked at the Moor. “Take him away and be done as my command.”
“Lucas Adrian, I thought Romans fought with honor. Yet you seek to kill me when I have no way to defend myself?
Not fair! May you die in a dishonorable manner equaled to this. The Moor cursed at the new leader. The Moor was
led away while Lucas turned to the barons.

“Some loving friends convey the leader hence, and give him burial in his father's grave.” Lucas bowed to them. “My
father and Lavinia shall forthwith be closed in our household's monument.”

“As for that heinous tiger, Tamara, no funeral rite, nor mourning weeds, no mournful bell shall ring her burial; but
throw her forth to beasts and birds of prey: her life was beast-like, and devoid of pity; and, being so, shall have like
want of pity.
“Then, afterwards, to order well the state, that like events may ne'er it ruinate. Lucas gave his order.


Soon the hall was emptied of its guests and the cleaning servants came in. There were two of them; a tall with a
heavy bottom in the frame was one while the other was deemed to obese in the looks given his girth around his waist
matched half his height. They began the dire tasks of cleaning when the first one ever the brighter of the two spoke

“I wondered if Titus was ever sane or was he mad like what the others said.” Abbot the taller one spoke while he
cleared the mess done by the Goths.
“ Aye, he was mad. I saw him with my own eyes. I cared not to report it for we are humble servants here, and not
some barons.” Costello replied. “More to it, was the last part of cooking his insanity or his real self? ”

“That was his true self. I had known him since he was a child. He likes to cook for he favored the flesh of man more
than creatures. He had hi dden it from his family and friends but for the few trusted ones.” Abbot replied. Costello
was shaken by the revelation but his awareness came too late. Abbot thrust the dagger into the heart.
“Rest well, my friend. Your meat will taste well in my feast for Junior. He likes them tender with some fats on the

side. Like his grandfather. ” Abbot laughed. “Considered you now truly one with the Adrian.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...