Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tweet tweeeeet ............ 26/04..... Easter over and we are jumping to May

An excerpt of an ongoing tale....

“Probably yes. They are part of the Twelve Knights of Arthur.” Rumpel replied. “Sir Percival led them. Lamorak and Tristan.”

I recalled them all. They were a trio always; with Percival being the leader. Percival was the loyal one to Arthur; some questioned his loyalty was to the man or the lady that the man was wedded to. Percival was the loyal one to Arthur; some questioned his loyalty was to the man or the lady that the man was wedded to. Guinevere was never a saintly figure for a lady with her affair with Lancelot known by few and whispered by more, but Percival was the far flung lover whom she occasionally flirt with. Lamorak; the son of Pellinore. He was also the younger brother of Percival. He was best seconded only to Lancelot among the twelve knights. And there was Tristan, the archer who hardly missed. It was said that he held the bow that once belonged to Athena the Goddess but it was only a rumour.  

Without a warning, I swerved the bike to the right just as the arrow went passed us but it nicked me at the left lower arm. I bit down on my lower lips to quell the pain I felt. It was Tristan doing then but the time for the next action was mine. I directed the bike towards the trio instead of fleeing.

“Are you out of your mind?” Rumpel cried out but he was already moving into offence mode. He called up the strand of string and from it soon a trio of hand sized ball appeared held together by the entwined strand of strings of over ten feet in length.

“Throw it.” I shouted at Rumpel.  The other did as I said while I called on the wind to lent its weight to the propulsion of the throw; moving it to a high speed while the ball of strings were building up with the sands on its surface coated with the moisture to become hardened mud. The trio of mud caked balls sped on towards the dragons with my enhanced winds. It was aimed at the left dragon mounted by Lamorak. He was tough one and with his build, his dragon was larger than the other two. The balls hit at the dragon’ extended neck and winded itself over it. It was then I pushed out my craft of fire to blaze it. The dragons may be able to cast out fires from their jaws but they feared the fire generated by man. It was a different type of fire element from theirs, and it hurts them when it burns beneath the scales. 

Was I out of my mind when writing Hamlet? Actually, no, I was out of mind with the ongoing pressure of work. If there was a word for mind boggling that was the reply. 

I came across a few clues for the tale up there; like Mordred, Dark Queen, Merlin in between watching Blacklist/Scorpion and Penny Dreadful ( all TV series circa 2015 ) and reading four graphic ( mind you they were decently graphic ) novels from Marvel Comics ( Captain Marvel/X-Men/Avengers and SheHULK; remember that one well. Get those Expanders; they don't erupt when stretched. ) when the idea hit my fingers and transmitted into words. I am at 26K words now after a week considering I was 'mind bogged' by my daily real work issues.

Hamlet is still ongoing; narry the thought that I will dump the 'prince of madness' when he was about to showcase his madness. Its hovering at about 31K words and just took a break in between to write something else....more free flowing without a script or should I say impromptu from the mind. Well, at least in this virtual stage. I like to keep things fresh and fun. All we want to do here is enjoy the morning or evening drink, relaxed, and having a good read. 

What? No much sex in there. None in Mordred, I am afraid. I am trying to keep it decent for some. Unless you want to read a dirty passage of what the Knights have beneath their armors. Or .... Never mind, I am planning it in Hamlet. Now you know why I stopped at Hamlet for a while. I needed that inspiration to lay it there ( Figure of speech. )

In Titus Adrian, the spin of the tale will get more morbid and gory with madness thrown in. So beware how the mind works. 

Till then, Spring is coming. Let the flowers bloom and the reading to be fun....

P.S. Marvel Editors, my girl friends are asking are those for real on She HULK? With those circumferences, don't you think the theory of jiggling or wobbling may be felt? Like a tremor...'grin out' tremor.....Just a passing comment,

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