“Titus Adrian, my lord the leader” Aaron greeted them all and then looked to the great warrior, Titus. “Sends thee
this word,--that, if thou love thy sons. Let Micheal, Lucas, or thyself, old Titus, Or any one of you, chop off your
hand, and send it to the leader: he for the same will send thee hither both thy sons alive. And that shall be the ransom
for their fault.”
Titus could not believe his ears. The sacrifice of his hand for the safe return of his sons.
“O gracious leader! O gentle Aaron!” Titus rebuked back. “Did ever raven sing so like a lark that gives sweet tidings
of the sun's uprise? With all my heart, I'll send the leader my hand. Good Aaron, wilt thou help to chop it off?”
“Stay, father! for that noble hand of thine” Lucas stopped his father. “That hath thrown down so many enemies,
shall not be sent: my hand will serve the turn. My youth can better spare my blood than you; and therefore mine
shall save my brothers' lives.”
“Which of your hands hath not defended Rome, and rear'd aloft the bloody battle-axe. Writing destruction on the
enemy's castle?” Micheal sighed. “O, none of both but are of high desert: my hand hath been but idle; let it serve
To ransom my two nephews from their death; Then have I kept it to a worthy end.”
“Nay, come, agree whose hand shall go along” Aaron gloated out. “For fear they die before their pardon come.”
“My hand shall go.” Micheal showed his hand but Lucas stopped him.
“Sirs, strive no more: such wither'd herbs as these are meet for plucking up, and therefore mine.” Titus intervened.
“Sweet father, if I shall be thought thy son,” Lucas offered himself. “Let me redeem my brothers both from death.”
“And, for our father's sake and mother's care.” Micheal chose to intervene. “Now let me show a brother's love to
“Agree between you; I will spare my hand.” Titus told them. Both the others gave him
“Then I'll go fetch an axe.” Lucas rushed off to fetch the tool.
“I will use the axe.” Micheal offered to fetch the axe. It was then both Lucas and Micheal rushed off to retrieve the
“Come hither, Aaron; I'll deceive them both.” Titus looked to Aaron. “Lend me thy hand, and I will give thee mine.”
“If that be call'd deceit, I will be honest.” Aaron replied. “And never, whilst I live, deceive men so but I'll deceive
you in another sort. And that you'll say, ere half an hour pass.”
Without hesitation, Aaron revealed the hidden machete from his clothing. He took Titus’ hand and swung his
machete. The blow severed the right wrist of Titus. Immediately Titus reeled back in pain, while the servants rushed
to aid him. They bandaged the stump and administer much wine to Titus. Titus took the seat offered to him. Titus
two accused sons were then led away for their execution alongside with Titus’ hand.
It was then Lucas and Micheal stepped back in armed with the axe. Lucas saw his father wounded, and immediately
raised the axe he was carrying.
“Now stay your strife: what shall be is dispatch'd.” Titus stopped his son. “Good Aaron, give his majesty my hand:
Tell him it was a hand that ward him from thousand dangers; bid him bury it more hath it merited; that let it have.”
“As for my sons, say I account of them.” Titus told his son. “As jewels purchased at an easy price; and yet dear too,
because I bought mine own.”
“I go, Adrian: and for thy hand.” Aaron spoke to Titus. “Look by and by to have thy sons with thee.”
“O, here I lift this one hand up to heaven,” Titus spoke once again to his family. “And bow this feeble ruin to the
earth: If any power pities wretched tears, to that I call!”
“What, wilt thou kneel with me?” Titus invited his daughter Lavinia. “Do, then, dear heart; for heaven shall hear our
prayers; or with our sighs we'll breathe the welkin dim, and stain the sun with fog, as sometime clouds when they do
hug him in their melting bosoms.”
“O brother, speak with possibilities,” Micheal appealed to his brother. “And do not break into these deep extremes.”
“Is not my sorrow deep, having no bottom?” Titus replied in irritation. “Then be my passions bottomless with
“But yet let reason govern thy lament.” Micheal tried to explain himself.
“If there were reason for these miseries,” Titus explained himself. “Then into limits could I bind my woes:
When heaven doth weep, doth not the earth o'erflow? If the winds rage, doth not the sea wax mad, threatening the
welkin with his big-swoln face? And wilt thou have a reason for this coil? I am the sea; hark, how her sighs do
blow! She is the weeping welkin, I the earth: Then must my sea be moved with her sighs; then must my earth with
her continual tears become a deluge, overflow'd and drown'd; for why my bowels cannot hide her woes, but like a
drunkard must I vomit them. Then give me leave, for losers will have leave to ease their stomachs with their bitter
The servant came in bearing the two heads and a hand
“Worthy Adrian, ill art thou repaid for that good hand thou sent along, Here are the heads of thy two noble sons;
And here's thy hand, in scorn to thee sent back; thy grief their sports, thy resolution mock'd; that woe is me to think
upon thy woes More than remembrance of my father's death.” The servant spoke in contempt of the execution. He
favored the Adrian for he had fought with them in some of the battles with the Goths.
“Now let hot AEtna cool in Sicily,” Micheal spoke out in sarcasm. “And be my heart an ever-burning hell! These
miseries are more than may be borne. To weep with them that weep doth ease some deal; But sorrow flouted at is
double death.”
“Ah, that this sight should make so deep a wound,” Lucas looked to the assembled. “And yet detested life not shrink
there at! That ever death should let life bear his name, where life hath no more interest but to breathe!”
Lavinia leaned forth on her legs to kiss her father, and then her uncle before the last was her brother. She was
thankful for the support they gave her.
“Alas, poor heart, that kiss is comfortless.” Micheal replied. “As frozen water to a starved snake.”
“When will this fearful slumber have an end?” Titus lament on his woes.
“Now, farewell, flattery: die, Adrians;” Micheal continued on his sarcasm of the assembled. “Thou dost not slumber:
see, thy two sons' heads, thy warlike hand, thy mangled daughter here: Thy other banish'd son, with this dear sight
Struck pale and bloodless; and thy brother, I …even like a stony image, cold and numb.”
Titus had seated there with his emotions hidden behind his stoned expression.
“Ah, now no more will I control thy grief.” Micheal continued on. “Rend off thy silver hair, thy other hand gnawing
with thy teeth; and be this dismal sight. The closing up of our most wretched eyes; Now is a time to storm; why art
thou still?”
“Ha, ha, ha!” Titus forced himself to laugh.
“Why dost thou laugh?” Micheal was not amused. “It fits not with this hour.”
“Why?” Titus looked to his brother. “I have not another tear to shed: Besides, this sorrow is an enemy, and would
usurp upon my watery eyes and make them blind with tributary tears: Then which way shall I find Revenge's cave?
For these two heads do seem to speak to me, and threat me I shall never come to bliss till all these mischief be
returned again.”
“Even in their throats that have committed them.” Titus continued on. “Come, let me see what task I have to do.
You heavy people, circle me about, that I may turn me to each one of you, and swear unto my soul to right your
wrongs. The vow is made. Come, brother, take a head; And in this hand the other I will bear.”
Titus handed to Micheal one of the heads, while he took the other. He offered his daughter the severed hand of his.
“Lavinia, thou shalt be employ'd: these arms!” Titus looked to his daughter. “Bear thou my hand, sweet wench,
between thy teeth.”
Lavinia took the hand between her teeth and walked away.
“As for thee, boy, go get thee from my sight.” Titus told Lucas. “Thou art an exile, and thou must not stay:
Hide to the Goths or anywhere, and raise an army there. And, if you love me, as I think you do, Let's kiss and part,
for we have much to do.”
“Farewell Adrians, my noble father, the wofull'st man that ever lived in Rome.” Lucas wished his father before he
leaves. “Farewell, proud Rome; till Lucas come again. He leaves his pledges dearer than his life: Farewell, Lavinia,
my noble sister; O, would thou wert as thou tofore hast been! But now nor Lucas nor Lavinia lives but in oblivion
and hateful griefs. If Lucas live, he will requite your wrongs; And make proud Saturday and his Queen. Beg at the
gates, like Tarquin and his Queen. Now will I to the Goths, and raise a power, To be revenged on Rome and
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