A lonely part of the forest.
“Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the
truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life. ” ~
Hermann Hesse was a German-Swiss poet, novelist, and painter.
But if the tree was cut into wood, would it be able to tell the same with its severed parts. If it does, there were lots of
wood in the mansion of the great leader would have whispered a lot of tales. More so when it’s the locked chambers
there like that day before dawn, two bodies were writhing on the make shift bedding.
“Procne's husband, King Tereus of Thrace (son of Ares), agreed to travel toAthens and escort Philomela to Thrace
for a visit. Tereus lusted for Philomela on the voyage. Arriving in Thrace, he forced her to a cabin in the woods
and raped her.”
“Like what you did to me every time we meet.” Tamara stretched her body before she laid her legs over Aaron.
“Even my current lover lacked the stamina you have.”
“Why do you want me to tell this tale every other visit?” Aaron pulled himself away from her and rose from the
bedding. He pulled the ropes away from his limbs and held it in his left hand. Tamara was not his usual lover. She
liked to be bounded while she was entertained. Thing was beyond her needs for the pleasure of restraint and pain.
“Hush your words. Tell me more.” Tamara stretched her body once more; her body glisten with the scented oil that
was applied to her body; one of her other fetish. Aaron walked to the basin of water to clean himself of the oil.
“It incited Tereus to cut out her tongue and leave her in the cabin.” Aaron continued on.
Aaron looked to the lady. Initially he catered to her on the command of his King then, and then on his own accord
for the lady not only suited his preference for love, she was also a unique one. Since then, he had come back for
“Philomela then wove a tapestry that told her story and had it sent to Procne. In revenge, Procne killed her son by
Tereus, Itys and served him to Tereus, who unknowingly ate him. When he discovered what had been done, Tereus
tried to kill the sisters; they fled and he pursued but, in the end, all three were changed by the Olympian Gods into
“The nightingales? I know.” Tamara cooed out. “Tell me my bird of prey. Would you like to devour this poor
It was an invitation most men would not resist. Aaron grabbed hold the rope and pulled it taut before he straddled
“My poor sparrow…” Tamara moaned out while Aaron lips trailed the body of his Queen.
Soon Aaron was in the forest. He approached the clearing in the forest that he had planned for the trap. He looked to
the tree lines where he saw the place was well covered and deserted. He had tracked the hunting parties which were
ahead while the ladies were to his rear in the camp. He carried with him a purse of gold; hidden from his captors and
it was to be used for the devious plan of his.
“He that had wit would think that I had none,” Aaron looked to the bag of gold. “To bury so much gold under a tree,
And never after to inherit it.”
“Let him that thinks of me so abjectly”, Aaron laughed to himself. “Know that this gold must coin a stratagem,
which, cunningly effected, will beget a very excellent piece of villany: And so repose, sweet gold, for their unrest.”
Aaron then dug a large pit and placed the gold in the ground by the tall tree. He heard a sound behind him, and
looked to the source. It was Tamara. She was dressed in the light brown shade gown with the motifs of the leaves
covering the right side of her clothing. It was given to her by the leader. He frowned at the gown for to him, it was
from the enemy. Tamara held him in her arms and laid her head on his chest.
“My lovely Aaron, wherefore look'st thou sad, when everything doth make a gleeful boast?” Tamara praised her
lover. “Bind me and have your way with me. I am yours and will always be yours.”
Tamara had many but that one had never disappointed her. It was the way they fornicate their lust; not of the
common ways of lovers, but with deviation in the methods. Tamara had found it with that lover; the art of
submission with the pleasure of erotic pains. It was from the later, she derived her own pleasures.
“The birds chant melody on every bush, the snake lies rolled in the cheerful sun, the green leaves quiver with the
cooling wind and make a chequer'd shadow on the ground.” Tamara spoke of the surroundings while she raised her
gown to show him her gift.
“Under this sweet shade, Aaron, let us mellow in lust, and, whilst the babbling echo mocks the hounds, replying
shrilly to the well-tuned horns, we will bathe ourselves in our body scents.” Tamara cooed into his ears, while her
hands roved over his muscles toned body. “Let us begin now and match those yelping noise for our march like the
King and Dido once enjoy'd,”
The previous King of the Goths was known of his deviant ways; nothing he would ravished for long they will
sheathe his lust.
“When with a happy storm they were surprised and curtain'd with a counsel-keeping cave.” The King was
discovered then and banished to his chamber by the elders while his wives were all sent off. They fear he was
bewitched by the four legged bitches but it was a relief then by the wives to unburden by the King’ advances.
Tamara was then not deprived, but given the freedom to indulge with her other lovers.
“I recalled then that we wreathed in the other's arms for nights and days. Our pastimes done, possess a golden
slumber; Whiles hounds and horns and sweet melodious birds be unto us as is a nurse's song of lullaby to bring her
babe asleep.” Tamara yearned for those nights of illicit affair; the secrecy and the possibility of being caught gave
her the urges just like when she sneaked off to locate her lover while her King laid in bed.
“Madam, though Venus govern your desires” Aaron pushed the lady off. He was turned off by thought of her
thinking he was just a doll for her on the needful times. More to it, he felt revolted by the vision of Saturday body on
his love. “Saturday is dominator over mine now: What signifies my deadly-standing eye, my silence and my cloudy
Tamara looked to her lover on his rejection. She looked to herself as if she was diseased. Aaron saw the hurt in her
eyes and explained his woes.
“My fleece of woolly hair that now uncurls even as an adder when she doth unroll to do some fatal execution. No,
madam, these are no venereal signs.” Aaron reached for Tamara’ hand. “Vengeance is in my heart, death in my
hand, blood and revenge are hammering in my head.”
“Hark Tamara, the Queen of my soul,” Aaron bowed to his Queen. “Which never hopes more heaven than rests in
thee, this is the day of doom for Bastion: his Philomela must lose her tongue to-day, thy sons make pillage of her
chastity and wash their hands in Bastion' blood.”
Philomela was the Princess of Athens and the younger of two daughters of Pandion I, King of Athens and Zeuxippe.
While the myth has several variations, the general depiction is that Philomela, after being raped and mutilated by her
sister's husband, Tereus. Aaron liken the plan of his as similar to that ordeal of Philomela but there was more to the
tale not mentioned by Aaron. Philomena did obtained her revenge and is transformed into a nightingale,
a migratory passerine bird associated with the myth, the song of the nightingale is often depicted or interpreted as a
sorrowful lament. Coincidentally, in nature, the female nightingale is mute and only the male of the species sings.
“Seest thou this letter? take it up, I pray thee, And give the king this fatal plotted scroll.” Aaron passed Tamara the
note. “Now question me no more; we are espied; Here comes a parcel of our hopeful booty, which dreads not yet
their lives' destruction.”
“Ah, my sweet Moor, sweeter to me than life!” Tamara replied in glee. She had known the pain of non-consensual
fornication. She was one of those sufferers, not once but several times. She learned one lesson from it; she was not a
match to them in their ferocity of strength but she had one other strength which they could not match. She possess
the physical beauty that allowed her to subdue others to be her champion. She had done that task many times, and
her tormentors will eventually pay in pain for her sacrifice.
“No more, great Queen; Bastion comes. “ Aaron stood up and looked to the approaching couple. Bastion had come
not alone but with his lover, Lavinia.
“How convenient.” Aaron muttered to himself before he turned to Tamara. “Be cross with him; and I'll go fetch thy
sons to back thy quarrels, whatsoever they be.”
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