Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Tempest; Prologue


The Tempest is a violent windstorm, frequently accompanied by rain, snow, or hail. Or it could be a moment of anger or agitation as depicted by Shakespeare play "The Tempest"; "The tempest in my mind/Doth from my senses take all feeling". Shakespeare play of the Tempest was said to be written by him alone in 1610-11. It was a tale of dark comedy on vengeance and then forgiveness; a touch of humanity to restore balance to the first act. It was also a tale of redemption for the daughter of the main character to be reconciled back to society. It was depicted at the end of the play with the marriage of his daughter to the enemy's son.

In this tale, it ran along the same theme, but the twist was the era, the change of motive and the final redemption.

The new cast:

The Millers'
Paul Miller; father and mobster. In his life, there was only two families; his own and the one he adopted as mobster.

Bernice Miller; mother and wife. She gave him a daughter and died too early.
Miranda Miller; daughter. She gave him a new meaning to life but she had to bear the burden of his past actions.

The Nates'
Alan Nates; father and mobster. In his life like Paul Miller, was two families. But he favored the mobster more. He had one son, whom he wanted to be as tough as he was.

Abigail Nates; mother and mobster' wife. She was his life and also his partner in the business. She later when she negotiated for the family with the cops.

Ferdinand Thomas Nates; son. He was sent to London to study but came back to assist in the family. He was never his father's son.

Brady; brother in law to Alan. Tough guy who lived his life with the fists and later the guns. He was the hot tempered one and leaned on his brother in law for power and protection.
Christopher Tanis; Senior member of the Miller/Nates family. Went out on his own and started off his own 

Anthony Nates; nephew. He was the sensible one but he was also a careful person. In the world of mobster, that is either cowardice or a no starter.

Stanley Nates; Brady' son who adopted his mother maiden name. He was like his father, he leaned on the family for support but he wanted to Anthony Nates to be the next head.

Gonzales Franco Delon; Attorney at Law. Fished out of the corporate world to defend the Miller' family. He never looked elsewhere but at the Miller'.

Ariel; faithful servant of Paul Miller
Kabib; another one of Paul Miller's servant
Steven; ex-male nurse
Timothy; ex-male nurse

The place
A Sanatorium on the hill.

Prologue 1

The poker game was getting heavy on the pool with the five players seated there. They were dressed down to their shirts with the pants strap unloaded off the shoulders. The room was a back room in the bookies front for those who would chanced their dollars on the horses. Or it could be the hour which the ship would disembark from the berth at the port some miles away. It was a popular place for the pundits but at that odd hour, there were the five at the game.

One of them was Alan Nates with his sidekick, Christopher Tanis. Alan had another boy standing at the rear. It was a standard negotiation standoff to have a person really holding a gun.

"I raised you fifty on the call." Dulles "Duller" Digby, the eldest of the threesome siblings that ran the bookies shops in the area. He was spending his evening on the request of the two guests and he had invited two others; his own henchmen.

"I am out." Danny Digby, the youngest pulled out. He was playing to entertained his brother's request but regretted that decision. He was to play pool at the other end of the block and sharing some beers instead of seated there inhaling the cigars smoke. He looked to his cousin, Adrian Digby; that one is a die hard poker player. He was the one who dragged Danny here.

"Hold on. I am consulting my cards." Adrian played his cards slow, and that irritated everyone at the table.

"Fucked your cards. Raise, call or whatever." Dulles was getting impatient. It was a game he called to delay the discussion with Alan Nates.

"Okay, here is my final offer, Dulles." Alan spoke out while throwing his cards on the table. "I would compensate you for the boys destroying your shop. They said they were conned by your boys."

It was Brady actually; he was Nates right hand who actually screamed the con, and got the boys to break the 'spine off those crazies'. He placed some bets on the words of his friends, and then when he won he was told the odds hand changed. He was upset at the difference of his winnings, but had to escaped under a hail of bullets, but the Digby do not forget. He had shot one of theirs in the chest; not fatal but he was family. The Digby called on for the revenge, but Alan Nates offered to reconciled. Instead he was asked to sit for a game of poker.

Dulles placed his card down. He looked at the other man.

"Ten grand plus I want one of your men knee capped." Dulles drove a hard bargain. Alan was not going for it. He got up and told the man.

"I am walking out of here. You would get nothing." Alan kicked the chair back. He turned to go and never seen the gun pulled by Dulles. The man shot the armed guy in the back of the room in the right knee.

"You still owed me ten grand." Dulles told him. Alan looked to his man who was groaning in pain. He had just joined in with them last month, showed his deadly aim, but he obviously never been shot. He was not groaning, he was also crying.

"Brady, take him with you. Then dumped him in the river. He's hopeless." Alan left the bookie place. He later told his partner, and the later paid Digby.

That pissed Alan Nates; he never pay debts. They pay him back.

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