The place was
named Tito Palace; a series of four large caverns with their individual
entrances, but the four caverns are now interlinked while a strong wall lined
outside the entrances to protect the inhabitants of the caverns. In the
tradition of their forefathers, they discovered more caverns elsewhere with
underground compartments to stored their eggs guarded by the serpents. There
are five of such caverns with one already destroyed by the 'slave raiding'
way!" Tut had jumped aside for the calvary formation of twenty dragons
riders on their mounts. The dragon riders are the elite warriors of Crema.. He
envied them as they were given a lot of privileges and led by the Lord's
youngest, Senior Leader Micten; an arrogant creature that was as mad as the
Leader Tut, we need to confer." Senior Leader Tut turned to looked at the
one who called him. He smiled and walked into dark shadow of the cavern.
"Tell me what
you know of the new 'raiders'. Follow me close. " Tut followed the one in
the dark shadow.
On the river,
Tairi may had sailed far and wide on the open seas, but never had he ever
sailed on a river with strong undercurrents. The current pulled the raft down
river as they tried to control the crude boat but they were no match for the
"Hold off
from the rocks!" Tairi shouted as the raft was dragged further down the
river. The land lubbers are all huddled close in the middle with their face
drawn white by the event. They do not know what they can do in this event
except to pray for safety. During the turbulent journey, the men saw many
unseen before creatures.
Long elongated
creatures with flippers for their feet but these are large sized ones; ten
times the size of theirs. Then they saw the scaled leather backs creatures with
a long tails and a head with long sprout for its jaws filled with jagged teeth.
These creatures are found on the lying on the river banks; basking in the
"There is a
wide river bank over there." Tairi told the others and worked hard on
pushing the raft towards it. He was afraid if they go on, they may crashed on
one of the river's obstacles. The raft was managed and beached on the wide
river bank. The land lubbers did not wait for the raft to be dragged up but
they ran up to the river bank and prayed for their safety.
Iza jumped up with a small serpent with four legs on its belly that bit into
his left hand. He flung the hand several times but the serpent was relentless
on holding to the hand it bit. It was Edo who came to his aid with the swing of
the naginata that killed the serpent. Iza pulled at the serpent head off his
left hand but the wound was bleeding blood. Its scent caught the other river
dwellers and was headed to the wide river bank.
inland!" Taisa gave the command and the men all grabbed the supplies to
move off the river. Gunso held off the predators as the men all went inland.
Gunso caught up with them at the clearing some distance from the river. He
joined the rest there but noticed Iza was holding his left hand which had
turned purple and swollen in size.
"Edo, the
serpent had poison. Kill me as the pain is unbearable." Iza screamed out
as the pain spread to his body. Edo approached and consoled his friend. It was
Gunso and Taisa who did the needed work on Iza. Taisa held out the left arm and
Gunso used his katana to severed it at the elbow. Iza screamed out and then
fell into a state of unconsciousness.
"Why did you
do that? You could had asked me first?" Edo confronted the samurai but
Taisa had ignored the farmer while he tended to the wounded man. Gunso pulled
Edo back.
"We done it
many times in battle. Let him be." Gunso held the man back. Edo turned
away in shame that he could not helped his friend. Meanwhile Taisa had a fire
lighted up and burned some woods over it. Then he applied a pressure bandage on
the wound. He also prepared some potion in his personal supplies but most of it
was made up of using any plants he can lay his hand. When the fire place was ready,
he took up the burning wood and applied it on the wound. The unconscious man
came back with a scream before slipping back into unconsciousness. Taisa took
to apply the herbs when he was kicked over. He looked up and saw an older man
was there to attend to Iza but he was unknown to them.
"Who are
you?" Taisa Mori asked but the older man was not alone. He had two others
with him; strangers wrapped in rags and wielding the katana and yari. The
strangers turned out to be ladies, with one of them holding a yari as the older
man took out some potion after cleaning the wound of the unconscious farmer.
"Held them
back. These idiots are killing their friend." The older man shouted out.
Taisa Mori got up and reached for his katana, but Edo stopped him.
"Let the man
try. I can see that he is doing a better task than you." Edo motioned to
the older man who was putting a stop to the still bleeding ends. "More to
it, these warriors are not men, but ladies. They could be Shinobi."
At the mention of
Shinobi, the rest of the group had taken extra care but laughed when told that
they are ladies. Shinobi are covert agent
or mercenary in feudal Japan
who specialized in unorthodox warfare. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage,
infiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain
situations. Their covert methods of waging war contrasted them with the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor
and combat. Shinobi are also known
as Ninja.
"Yai! Shinobi
are assassins." Gunso Mita spat out the name like it was a distaste in his
mouth. "I killed some in my days, and anytime is a good time to kill
"Hold back,
my friend. We would see what their master do for Iza first?" Taisa Mori
cautioned back the Gunso. He was intrigued by the ladies as there were tales of
them being one with the Shinobi like the ladies of the court are also trained
as samurai. The one on the left with the yari looked older and more confident
in her stance, but the other one with the katana was unsure on her feet
although she was prettier.
The older man
stood up and turned to looked at Taisa Mori.
"Samurai! You
are all fools." The older man shouted out. "Your method would had
killed the man. Those herbs you pounded are dangerous to an open wound. If not
for me, he would had been dead."
"Are you the
leader?" The older man asked of Taisa from his dressing. Taisa Mori
"I thought
so. I remembered your face well. Taisa Juno Mori. You were there to fetch me at
the beach. I am Lord Tano Noriake, who once visited your Lord on the
Taisa Mori then
recalled the entourage that came to see the Lord when he was just posted to the
island. He remembered standing by the jetty watching the three boats
approaching it. Lord Tano Noriake was sent by the Shogun to oversee the
development of the island. The Lord came with a hundred and fifty samurais, a
hundred over slaves and with his personal family including his two daughters
Kimi-ko and Ayu-se Noriake. He recalled the girls were just over twelve and ten
winters, and were giggling most times. It was four winters ago when he saw them
back for Edo but there was reports that they did not arrived by boat. They were
thought to had died in sea by either the winds or pirates.
Taisa Mori went on
his knees and prostrated before the Lord. Gunso and the rest of the men
followed suit.
"Forgive me,
Lord Noriake as since we came here, I have not expected to see you here."
Taisa Mori kept his head down as he await the orders from the elder samurai.
"There is
much to explain but this is not the place. You need to seek shelter and above
all, safety in the trees." Lord Noriake led the way with the group
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