Tuesday, November 20, 2012

NAWRIMO in the pipeline

November is the month for NAWRIMO; what's that?

I did not know until November 6th and bang I was the coyote running after the Road Runner. Ita a contest for aspiring writers worldwide to spend their hours coming up with a 50K word tale. I did mine and am about to complete it. Its a struggle to think, write and edit and then re-write....who am I kidding? I been doing that for over two years now.

What's the book?

Well, it was a spin between two that was on my mind, but the one that won is not trailing at 43,000words. I stopped at the other one at 27,000 words.

What's the book?

Well, one would be made into a movie soon. No, not mine. Mine is still in the progress of concluding and editing the finer points. The second was put as it was linked to some historical epic.

What's the BOOK?

Well, one was tentatively named The Grass over there is Greener. The other I am not sure as yet; it named Dorothy for now.

But I would let you know soon. Meantime, enjoyed my Chronicles of the Nation. The second book on these elves are also eighty percent completed. So is Pangaea Two. In total, I have five uncomplete tales..... but who's counting.

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