Monday, November 5, 2012

COTN House of Canaan Part 2

2. The warning

"Guardian Cedi, may I ask what we are waiting for?"

He looked at the young warrior who is unfortunately assigned to him as his understudy. He would had appreciate her more if she would not asked him a question every half an hour. He wanted to be more explicit in the reply but his prey have arrived.

Its a small body creature which is a cross between a hare and fox, the later is because this creature is no lovable cuddle animal. This creature also known as Rafox is a rare creature which any hunter would love to get their hands on. Their fur are valuable in the market and he intend to catch one during this training. They have been hunting it for three days and today is the final moment. The young warrior jumped out of their hiding place and rushed to the creature. He tried to warn her when he said earlier that its not a lovable cuddle animal. Its actually a killer on being alarmed or in danger, and in this case it felt danger.

"No, Dian!"

The Rafox had reacted in the manner consistent with it character. Its flare up with its talons out on its paw and was leaping at her. Dian jumped aside just as Rafox was about to add to her facial lines. I by then had jumped in with my specially prepared steel netting and grabbed the creature before it can do anymore damages. I boxed the creature into a cage and then I walked towards Dian.

"Dian, your training is over. You failed in your training. Now go back to your division." Cedi left the young apprentice to walk back to the camp. He looked at his catch and work out the value of golds he could get for it. Cedi saw from the corner of the sight the arrival of the Councilor Theni.

"Good day, Councilor. How may I assist you?" Cedi know he sits on the Council of the House and if he is coming to look for him, there must be a bad reason.

"Guardian Cedi, I need to talk to you for an important task. Can you leave now? I need you to do a task for me."

He nodded to the Councilor and then continued. "I want you to go to the Deep Creek for a meeting with me."

You do not refuse a request by a Councilor. Not when its involved his safety.

They rode there on horses and arrived just before nightfall. Their meeting partners have arrived; there are two of them. Both are Man and they are dressed in thick leather armor. The one on his right is dressed like a warrior with this sidearms including a very long handle spear. The other dressed in long flowing cloak that cover to his saddle but he don an armor below it with a short sword on his waist belt. The one with the long cloak addressed the Councilor when they arrived. His name is Elder Kane and he is a leading Elder of the Man empire.

"Submit to us or suffer the same fate as Judas. Your people weaken them but we relocate them into the ranks of non-existence." Cedi wanted to correct the Elder as the House of Judas was closed but there are many of their people who are around. Its the law that if their House is no more, they are to wander for certain years before they rejoin their House or join others. 

"Elder Kane, your arrogance is typical of Man. The House of Judas was closed by the Nation and its people scattered for now. They would reform again and they would be back again. But if we strike at your people, yours would not be able to reform again. They be unknown for ages. So bear that in mind." The one with the long spear kicked at his stirrup and rode up close to the Councilor. Cedi move his horse to block the warrior.

"Move another step and I would remove your arms." The warrior stopped and placed his spear crosswise to on his legs, and glared at me.

"Dark Elf, remember me. My name is Commander Abe of the Red Guards. I would one day seek your head."

But that threat has to wait. They were intruded by a group of armed elves. These are not your vagabond or bandits but professional killers. He can tell from their dressing; they are of the Elite Guards of Judas. He count six of them and they led by a tall one.

"Surround them. No one must escaped."

The killers surrounding them have their swords drawn. Cedi drew his and covered the Councilor. Commander Abe turned his horse to faced the guards. The guards near to Cedi lunged at him with a wide swing which he evaded and thrusted his sword at the killer.

The guard was caught off balance by his bad swing but he could not avoid Cedi sword. The thrust Cedi made was into the lower right ribs.The killer collapsed on his knees as Cedi withdrew his sword.

"Jen is down. Kill him"

The others attacked them and Cedi had to parry off some more slashes while trying to lead the Councilor to safety. He saw the Commander had dismounted to fight the elves while backing the Elder to the tree. The Commander does not see the Elf behind them which is moving in for the back kill. Cedi drew out his dagger and throw it at the back stabber. The dagger sink into the chest and the Elf went down.

"Ride, Councilor. I got to take care of these rebels."

Cedi slapped the hind of the Councilor horse to make it run off with its rider. The councilor would not be pleased but this battle is on the ground in the Dark Valley. Here, as a Guardian Cedi is responsible for the sanctuary and also for its peace. Cedi rode in with his sword swinging to bring down one more Elf before he dismounted next to the Commander.

"I am a Guardian and you are on my land. No harm comes to our guest if I can stopped it." Cedi held the sword with both hands and looked back at the Commander. " Shall we take the initiative now?"

They both charged out at the rebelling elves with their war cry and swinging sword. Cedi parried the oncoming thrust and reversed the sword to sink it in the ribs of the Elf. The Elf was wounded in the ribs still tried to raised his sword again, when Cedi twist the sword to cut from his ribs to the shoulder. Then Cedi kicked out at the dead body and faced my next opponent. With the sight of their dead friend, they had enough and choose to flee from the area.

"The Elite Guards do not forget, Dark Elf. We would seek yours along with his." Their leader shouted back in defiance and disappeared into the forest. Commander Kane wanted to pursue but Cedi held him back,

"The elves are gone. The forest is their home and you are no match for their speed there." The commander took offense to the words and swung his sword at Cedi. It stopped just before the neck .


Both of them heard the voice. Its the Elder and he has commanded the officer to hold his swing.

"The Guardian is right. It would be foolish for you to pursue them. Who would take care of me and my safety?"

The commander pulled back his sword and turned to bow to his appointed care.

"Guardian, I thank you for your assistance. These are obviously members of the Elite Guards under the House of Judas. I have completed my task and now I need to be away. Commander, can we leave now?" The councilor mount back his horse to ride. He bowed at Cedi again in thanks for my help.

The commander on mounting rode past Cedi without a salute.

"Commander Kane, Red Guards. I shall take note of you." Cedi muttered to myself. He then looked at the dead elves at the clearing. Its time for him to call on the spirits to take them away. He kneel down on his right leg and bowed his head in the chant of prayers for the dead. Cedi closed his eyes and keep on the chanting for their safe delivery of the spirits before he stand up again.

Cedi then mount his horse and rode to the nearest outpost. There he told the sentries to send out a patrol to bring the bodies back. Cedi' instruction was for them to be delivered to their next resting place with the proper ritual.

"I hear they are from Judas. Why should we bother with them? Let the forest take care of their carcass." The Outpost leader protested. Cedi reached down for the Outpost leader and slapped him across the face.

"They are elves like you and me. Do as I say or it would be your carcass I leave at the forest." Cedi did not wait for the reply as he rode off back to my home. The last war has taken its toll on the elves as a Nation; now they are still divided despite the war has ended some time now. One great house equivalent to the Canaan was removed and its people dispersed but the memories stayed and the pain still linger in them.

"How can we survive as a Nation if we harbor such feelings?" Cedi mutter to himself. Upon reaching his home, he was met by Jaca; a fellow Guardian.

"Councilor Theni have complained to the Council of your behaviour. They want your answer to your conduct. But I told them that the Guardians have an oath to safeguard the Dark Valley above any person's life." They both laughed at the remark.

Jaca is right; they are sworn to protect the Dark Valley and then its people. Unlike the other guards, the Guardians are an elite company of warriors numbering not more than a hundred and they are to protect the place. The Dark Valley holds a number of secrets for its people and its their duty to protect it.

"Anyway, the councilor is to answer why he allowed Man into our valley and even to the Creek. That is uncalled for and the place is secluded. Its only used for the cleansing ritual which is once a year. And how did the Judas rebels knew about the meeting place? Many unanswered questions."

Cedi know Jaca is a cautious man but he asked too many questions at times. He once told Cedi, because of his curiosity he could live longer as a Guardian.

His questions disturbed Cedi too that day.

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