Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cinderella - The Un-mentionable version.

"Cinderella, there you are. I been looking for you." I looked up to my handsome and charming husband. We been married since the day he fitted on the crystal shoe on my feet. After that day, it was a whirlwind of romance and love; a story waiting to be told to all.

Oh, how I wished it was so.

I may be Cinderella; once a maid to three nasty sisters and an equally nastier step mother. I did the works and cleaned the dirt, and above all, watched all my sisters; no, they are step sisters. You see that was the version you all read. The truth was never reveal; well it would be now as I am already married to this man.

I am Cinderella; undoubtedly sounded to the name but not by reputation. I was born to a lovely family, left by my mother on my birth; she was the lucky one. She never see me grow to who I was to be. My father saw it in me. He called on his trusted aides and the conclusion was I needed a mother. They found me one; a fat sow sewn into a tight corset while allowing the fats to bulged at the seams. She may had been a good Witch; preferably named as Fairy for their deeds, but she declined the offer.

"Its outrageous that I spend my nights with him. Why he snores like a pig? Grunts like a sow; incidentally I should know. And howls like a wolf baying for love. Please for the sake of his child, let me be her Godmother. That way I can only appear when she is in woes and not be my woe." So it was, I had a Godmother. But my imbecile father felt fit that he has some to snuggle onto at night than some cold feather pillows; he sought out a widow with three daughters. After all, he reckons if she can spot out three, another one more won't add much to her waist or was it bosom.

The wedding went by while I was sill hugging my Teddy Bear to sleep, but the chores came soon enough when dawn breaks on the departure of the honeymoon carriage. I was sent to the servant quarters and taught to be one like them. I learned my tasks, and tusk away any advancing stewards who thinks his ladle was mine to suckle on. Soon I developed a murderous heart but with layers of goodness to shield it from the rest. I would pickle the tea with saw dusts, or rubbed the chicken droppings into the liver and marinate them with paprika that would ail the nose to bleed. I was the best at doing this with a smiling expression or a dumber one if my step mother tells me so.

Soon my antics took its toll on my step sisters; they became like the by products of the family genes. Those dastardly contents I been feeding them brought out their vile looks. But who dares to comment. If there was, I would have the person do the water tasting upside down. Among the servants, I am the Queen there. Obey me or be tortured.

As for my step sisters, they have been well padded from such acts as no one takes notice of them at all. The servants smiled at them not for their presence but the fact that they are dumber than the servants. If any servants stepped out of line, the fury of hell would not matched mine scorned by anyone who breaks my rule. They know it all and are sworn to silence by my threats. Even the polished flooring are sprinkled with flour to cover the reflections when the sisters walked past.

The crunch came when the Prince announced the Ball. I wanted to go but the rest you know. So I pleaded with my Godmother bawling like a babe. She came eventually and asked me to stopped.

"Your shelling is rocking the sanity of my emotions. Pray tell me what do you want?" I told the Godmother of my wish and she thought hard. It must had been harder for her to turn me down as I would had skewer her over the fireplace and melt those fats. She gave me my wish and told me to back by midnight.

"Sure thing, Godmother. I am a good girl; I go to bed before midnight. Only bad girls come on the bed after midnight." She was livid but she was glad I accepted her terms. After all, I am a bad girl who comes on at midnight. How else do you think I get to sleep if I am all stressed up. I seen enough of rat's play of "How Hick dicked Kory at the Clock" too many times to remember how it was supposed to be exciting.

The Ball was on and I danced with the Prince as you probably read. It was not that easy as there was all these young admirers gnarling at him so I had to improvise. One thing I learned well at tailoring with the mice; a loose thread is a loose threat to the gown. I picked a few and let it ripped. I can assure you there were more falsies dropping off them than the champagne popping. I walked up to the Prince and stood next to him watching those harried ladies running holding onto their modesty.

"Sad when you don't have it." The Prince looked at me and I droop it down for him. "Natural buoyancy assured. No falsies here; only soft handle bars."

Next thing I knew we were waltzing through the night. I mean where else can you grope without having a slap on your face than to dance waltz on the floor. He sweep me at every curve and I mean the broom really reached under the carpets. I did remember in one stance, I did tell him to stop poking or I would had it broken. That reveal his true personality to me; he was into bondage. Trust me, we never stop dancing since then; tied to each other and refusing to be pried open. But then natural calls prevail; the birdie had to rushed for the water fountain while I was left holding onto my loosen corset.

It was then the clock struck midnight and I remembered my Godmother's warning.

"Darned, all those foreplay to go to waste." I rushed off for my last ride home and made it in time to the carriage. Did I tell you the darndest thing that happened then. The ride home was like a survival test, with the components all around me reverting back to their original self. I ended up with half of  the pumpkin covering my exposed boobs and the other half covering my mound de Venus. But I made it home and back to my own bed.

Was it embarrassing? No, it was not, as the paparazzi were still stalking the other half dressed ladies. The mosquitoes did bit me at the flank; bloody difficult to reach with your hands at times. So I had to paddle the ladle to ease the itch.

Then on, as you probably have read' I fitted into the shoe. Then it brought me to where I was at in the opening para here. My charming Prince leans over and kissed my lips while his roving hands on an exploration for softer pasture. Normally I would had consented but today I was in one of my foul mood. I grabbed him by his manhood and made know my other intention.

"Yes,...My darling." he squeaks while I squeezed. I asked him for the latest tabulation of gold pieces in the Treasury which he duly replied. He knows his position well; I am Domino. And in my bondage tryst, there are no safe words; only personal gratification.

If anyone wants to know about my half sisters; I married them to the barbarian's leader at the frontier. They are now happily married there with a dozen other harem sisters.

So here's to the lines 'they lived happily ever after'.

Next time before you annoy your servant, asked is she named Cinderella.

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