Sunday, January 23, 2022

Vlad the Impaler Chapter 25

 The third reign of Vlad III


“My Lord, the Turks are across the Danube.” Lord Vlad III was told and when he approached the King of Hungary, he was told to join Báthory had waged war in Bosnia, where Báthory was sent by Corvinus to free a certain Bosnian king whose name was also Matthias. The new campaign would involve Hungarian, Moldavian, and Wallachian troops, with the assistance of a small Serbian contingent.

Vlad wrote to Stephen of Moldavia to wait for him so that the two could merge their armies, but the merging failed due to delays in the movement of the Hungarian troops, which resulted in Stephen's defeat at the Battle of Valea Albă.

It was then Lord Vlad III then named Dracula, claimed upon the victory at Bosnia he merged his army with Stephen and got rid of the Turks in Moldavia. They captured Srebrenica and other fortresses in February and March 1476.

After a consultation that took place in the city of Braşov, Dracula, Báthory, and Brancovic invaded Wallachia from southern Transylvania with an army of thirty-five thousand, whereas Stephen would aid them by attacking eastern Wallachia with fifteen thousand men.

Dracula's offensive began in early November 1476 and defeated Basarab Elders who was with Dan III, the other pretender to the rank of Volvode of Wallachia.  Their strength was eighteen thousand strong armies at Rucăr, at the Wallachian-Transylvanian border. 

Dan III and Basarab Elders were defeated but only Dan III was captured in a battle near Rucar. Basarab Elders managed to escape.

“I am the rightful Volvode. I was given the support of the King of Hungary.” Dan III called on his rank with the King before Dracula.

“You did but no more. You authorized the officials of Brașov to confiscate the wealth of the Wallachian merchants who had fled from the town because of the emerging conflict.” Dracula looked to the brother of Vladislav II whom he killed. “After Țara Barsei where I took back what was mine, you accused me of cooperating with the Ottoman Empire.”

“I am not the traitor but yourself.” Vlad Dracula forced Dan to "dig his own grave" before beheading him. Dan's supporters were impaled. After being informed of Dan's death, the burghers of Brașov sent an embassy to Vlad, but he imprisoned their envoys and again plundered the lands near the town. 

“No one shall defy my rule or suffered the same fate.” Dracula sent out the words to the others. That war was to cost both armies lost around ten thousand men. 

On 8 November, Dracula captured the capital of Târgovişte where he met with Stephen.

“Brother in the rule.” Dracula greeted the other. The two swore eternal allegiance to one another and when at the presence of Báthory, the two pledged as well to pursue a great crusade against the Turks. The words reached Sultan Mehmed II then.

“Vlad has done no others could do; unite the lands there to challenge me.” Sultan Mehmed II sighed.

By 11 November, Báthory reported to the town officials of Sibiu that most of Wallachia was in Dracula's hands and added that "all the boyars aside from two are with us" and "even the latter will soon join us."

“Hail Dracula. He united us where others had failed.”

On 16 November, Bucharest fell to Báthory's army and on 26 November, Dracula was re-established as Prince of Wallachia for his third time. (

At the approach of the new army of Dracula's army, Basarab Elders and his cohorts fled, some to the protection of the Turks, others to the shelter of the Transylvanian Alps.

After placing Vlad Ţepeş or Dracula, as he was named then on the throne, Stephen Báthory with the bulk of Vlad's forces returned to Transylvania leaving Vlad with a small army.

“I must return to Hungary. The King called for us to strengthen Hungary.” Vlad was told.

“I am still with a small army. If the Turks returned, I will be in a weak position.” Vlad pleaded to Stephen Bathory.

“We are under orders and the Turks won’t invade you. You have just sent them with many defeats.” Vlad was told. “More to it, the fame of Dracula is known here.”

With those words, Dracula was left with his small army.

“We will be fine, my Lord.” Janus stood by his Lord and smiled. “I am still here.”

“Janus, I need you for a task. I have a son. To protect him as if he is your own. He is Brasov and may need protection.” Dracula looked at his friend. “Do so and I will be glad.”

Janus acknowledged it and before he took off, he told his Lord that he will be back if the Lord’s life was in any danger.

“I won’t be,” Dracula assured his friend but inside of him, he felt fear. He retreated to his chamber and only appeared to meet the boyars. It was soon or rather too soon when he got the news.

“My Lord, the Turks are across the Danube once again.” Basarab Elders was to return at the head of the Ottoman’s columns to reclaim his rank.

Lord Vlad III had little time to gather support before a large Ottoman army entered Wallachia determined to return Basarab Elders to the throne. He appealed to the boyars but Vlad's cruelties over the years had alienated the boyars who felt they had a better chance of surviving under Prince Basarab Elders.

Even the peasants, tired of the depredations of Vlad and wars also abandoned him to his fate. Vlad was isolated even by the King of Hungary.

“Lord Vlad, I cannot commit to you any army but my blessing.” Corvinus, the King of Hungary dispatched to Vlad. He knew then that he was defending his land. He made the plans to keep his family safe. In Brașov and confirmed the comMirceal, his only son the privileges of the local burghers in Wallachia.

Dracula then looked to the Churches for guidance but none was given. He was furious and denounced his faith.

“Let the devil take. I will march on the Devil’s mark.” Dracula was forced to march to meet the Turks with the small forces at his disposal, somewhat less than four thousand men.







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