Friday, January 14, 2022

Dante Book IV Canto III Scene II

 Canto III

Ante Purgatory

Scene II

Dante took the path that was taken by Cato with Virgil who had appeared in the hologram form similar to the form he took when in Hell.

“This form is the construct of the orb to give you the complete companion form. And more to it, the orb needed to be hidden inside the form to avoid detection.” Virgil the construct explained.

Their path seems to be of no end along the wall. During that walk, Dante did not question the latter for he knew from his conversation with Virgil in Hell, he either gets an intellectual reply or something that will point to his self- doubts. During that walk, he saw Cato and Virgil in the lighted environment were without a shadow. He took upon himself to see his and found me with one.

“Yes, I am not a hologram-like them,” Dante uttered.

“You are not for now. Somehow, your hologram had picked up some substances at the atomic level into it and attached itself to form a physical form.” Cato saw the wonderment in Dante. “I know not why or how but it was recorded by my sensors. It’s akin to magnetism and that makes you ---different from me.”

“Perhaps the Doctor wanted me --- with a solid form to work on,” Dante replied with the bare knowledge he held of the subject matter. “Or God did step forth to do me here?”

“The divine possibility fails to me without supporting evidence. Even what you had endured here may sound to you like a divine journey aka the journey through Hell, I can assure you the events you underwent were man created and not any divinity call.”

“Your mind may have regressed into the recognition of it as I had mentioned, but the awakening recently had been explained when you met the Doctor. In plain explanation, you were brainwashed.”

“Maybe I am still in a dream state, and I only woke from my nightmares in Hell. Maybe all of this is not like yourself?” Dante was questioning his existence then.

“If you are implying you are still a captive of the Doctor, then it’s a possibility that you are still in the dream state and I ---rather we are your antithesis to the punishment or rather perceived to be one induced by the dream state. I did mention that you are still in a dream state, and having awakened from the dream within the dream.”

“Don’t confuse me, Cato. I was ---”

“Self-doubts are natural for you had awakened from a dream state. There are proven scientific cases where the mind may create a sub-level of consciousness ---”

“Alike to multiple personalities?” Virgil cut in.

“Similar to that but invariably the condition here that was termed as a false awakening; a vivid and convincing dream about awakening from sleep, while the dreamer, in reality, continues to sleep. A dream within the dream.” Cato offered his explanation. “However, I won’t go into details with you for it may make you confused. Or you could regress into it and never recover. We will focus on the task here.”

Dante was not ready to accept that but Cato was persistent in the task.

“As you are now in the pursuit of escaping or trying to retrieve your physical body, in my assessment you are not in any induced dream state but the real physical attachment here except your existence here somewhat complicated to explain, baffles me even now, but you have to complete the task here.”

“Be sensible, you are not dead, and yes, your current physical form can be concluded as your intangible soul had attracted radical atoms which lend itself to some form of physical attributes that make you appear tangible. It’s like transforming an image into three-dimensional.” Cato was ever the analytical one like Virgil then in Hell. “Like a storm being formed from air droplets. A mere temporary event.”

“You mean my so-named hologram may have an unreal physical form? Radical!” Dante was grinning.

“Exactly my probable contribution but I have no explanation for the process.” Cato continued. “Unlike you, I will remain as one hologram.” Cato sensed his thoughts.

“No squabble in that but do tell me what will happen to those who arrived here? Let us complete the task. I want to be truly awake. I will take the challenge of the Doctor and defeat him.”

“Dante, are you mad?” Virgil looked at the poet that he had journeyed through Hell.

“Hell no, I am fine. For once in my life, I am battling the injustice served here.” Dante was uplifted.

“Let it be, Virgil. The poet is now the warrior, and we will let it reside in him. He needs that courage to take the challenges here.” Cato assured Virgil. He then turned to Dante.

“The ones you may meet are terms as the excommunicates in the journal retrieved from the Journal. If you were to clear your muddle mind on your radical form now and stop trying to figure out if you will pee from there, I can assure you won’t.” Cato had one the expression of disdain.

“Back to the task on hand, for all you had known, Hell and Purgatory were created to emulate the experience of the methodology of the Biblical dispensing sinners before they reached the zenith which is Heaven. It’s an act of retribution after the journey of living.”

“You meant a journey of life?” Dante corrected Cato.

“Presumption accepted. Life and Death are commonly death focused on the character of cessation of something. More specifically, death occurs when a living entity experiences irreversible cessation of all functioning. As it pertains to human life, death is an irreversible process where someone loses their existence as a person.” (

“In medical terms, the definition of the moment of death is required, doctors and coroners usually turn to "brain death" or "biological death" to define a person as being dead; people are considered dead when the electrical activity in their brain ceases. It is presumed that an end of electrical activity indicates the end of consciousness. Suspension of consciousness must be permanent, and not transient, as occurs during certain sleep stages, and especially a coma.”

“Back to the task here.”

“The Doctor created this environment in this structure with the mind-induced programs to make them believe they may be dead and were to serve their dues in there. It was a form of psychological torture that resembled a death sentence in plain words.”

“We are now at Ante-Purgatory. We need to find the passage in.”

It was then Dante saw a group approaching them from the front. They looked the same; dressed in the orange overall and wearing those manacles. They were moving in slow steps with some of them heads bowed while others were looking upwards. The sun was near its zenith but the coldness of the environment made them all still huddled close.

“Behold, a group approaches and we can seek counsel from them.” Dante quipped out. During his journey through Hell, he had found his understanding there by having a conversation with the ones he met.

“Let us go forth for they come slowly and I can confirm my hope on their purpose.” Dante stepped forth. It was not a short distance but over a thousand steps before he reached them.




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