Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Vlad the Impaller Chapter 1


The Impaler

The General that stood by the Ruler.


By Jimmy Loong





This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The Price of being a Prince


“Vlad! Where are you?” Vlad heard the call from the aide to his father, Lord Vlad II Dracul. The young lad was in the chamber with his friend, Janus Alige.

“We have to remain silent. The old man is calling for me.” Vlad who was then aged years told his companion seated across him. They used the chamber as their playpen when they are in the house. It was the chamber at the left side of the three levels house where Vlad’s family had taken residence.

“Do show yourself. It's urgent. Your father needs your attendance in the main hall.” The older aide heaved in deep breaths while he stood at the stairways on the second level.

“I can’t run after you. I am too old.” The aide sighed. The older aide served the Lord for many years when the latter was in exile. Vlad II was the illegitimate son of Mircea I, and at a young age, he was exiled to the court of Sigismund. He was received by the latter. He waited while his half-brother, Alexander I Aldea was the one who took over from his father to rule the land that was once his father. He grew there till the death of his half-brother and seized the land with the support of some nobles.

“Do me the honor, young Vlad. Come down and let us see your father.” The aide leaned on the stair banister.

“Vlad, I think we need to go. My father will displease not only with you but myself too.” The older companion of the young prince spoke of his concern. Janus has joined his father to serve the family. He was assigned to the younger prince. The lad was five years older than Vlad, taller and stout build where he was the play companion and also coached to protect the young prince. Both the lads were given martial training including weapon training.

“Janus, don’t be accommodating.” The young prince disliked being interrupted when he was in playing or resting. He was a difficult child to put up with but young Janus put up with the prince.

“It’s the Lord’s command. We---” Janus tried to reason with the prince.

“I don’t care. He has his own --- there are my brothers’ he can call on. I don’t want to attend any discussion. All they do is talk and talk.” Vlad was examining the sword then. It was a Hungarian Magyar sword; it was a long blade at almost thirty over inches, with the short hilt and rounded cross-guard with sturdy quillons. The blade curved at a slight angle, and it was designed for slashing or cutting from a vantage point on horseback. It held a hatchet point at the tip than at the guard.

“I liked the weight.” Vlad held the sword in his hands. “It’s heavy but when I am older, it will not be.”

“Vlad, do listen. We have to go.” Janus approached the prince. “We can come back later.”

Vlad heard his companion and then sheathed the sword back into the leather scabbard that was arranged with the attractive trimmings. He then placed the sword into the long case where he discovered the sword. He followed on by rushing off to the staircase and downwards to the Hall, followed closely by Janus. They ran past the older man and were soon standing before the Hall.

It was the only area large enough to accommodate the ornate furnishings of wooden carved seating and a monstrous long table laden with food and fruits. The walls of the hall were covered with thick fabrics with the golden trimmings on the wall with decorative motifs, and the paintings of the father, the Lord of the land. The Lord had wanted more paintings of the heroes but due to space constraints, only his picture was hung there over the fireplace. The narrow spaces on the walls were adorned by the collection of swords that the Lord kept.

Vlad saw the Lord was with his visitors then seated at the long table. At the rear of the Lord, were the two guards who were to protect the Lord in the event of any attack. They have served with the Lord for many years and were considered his Generals on the battlefield.

There was also Radu, Vlad’s brother, seated next to the Lord, with the dignified appearance looking stern at the visitors. Radu was younger by two years to Vlad, but he was the more obliging son than Vlad. He saw then the three visitors which one was seated. He recognized their attire as Ottoman.

“Them again---” Vlad hissed out.

“Come in, Vlad. You are late.” Vlad was called by his father. Vlad approached the table with silent steps. He stood before his father and then bowed to the latter as the Lord.

“I was –” Vlad was to explain his late entry when he was interrupted by the Lord.

“My other son. His name is Vlad. He is a ---”

“A fine lad but he should be more disciplined. How is he dressed in that to address me?” The guest spoke.

Vlad was indeed dressed in a simple tunic and pants with leather footwear but his appearance was untidy with the hair unkempt and covered with dirt. He was playing with Janus then before he was called there. He looked to his brother, Radu who was all dressed to meet the guest.

“I do apologize for my son. He was in ----training at the yard.” Lord Vlad smiled at the other.

“Vlad, do greet the Emissary of Sultan Murad II from the Ottoman Empire. He is here today to see me.”

Vlad bowed and wished the Emissary good tidings before he studied the one seated there. The Emissary held a tall frame with a slim appearance and had on a long beard with a thick mustache. His complexion was tanned which showed him to be a person who spent time out in the sun. He wore a long dark blue tunic over his white pants and sequined dark footwear, and the cloth belt to house their powder horn and sword, a tall ‘bork’ hat. The hat held a tall, jeweled ornament in the middle of the forehead area and a lengthy tail that goes down the wearer’s back, slightly farther than the shoulders. His tunic was adorned with two rows of medals. It was similar in the dressing of the two standing guards, except the missing jeweled ornament and medals but they held the long musket rifles on the right with their right hand.

“A lad of strength I can see in him. Does he handle the sword and bow well?” The Emissary asked.

“I can shoot at fifty paces on the target.” Vlad cut in with his confidence there. He had been training with the bow since five.

“At fifty paces? That is a boy’s range.” The Emissary smiled. “Can you shoot riding on horseback?”

“I have not ---but I will soon. I will best any of your riders then.” The arrogance of Vlad was seen toward the guest.

“Vlad, you will not be rude to our guest.” Lord Vlad looked to his son. He then bowed to the Emissary.

“I will discipline my son more, Your Excellence Shari Omar.” The Lord assured the dignitary guest. “He is ---”

“Crude and young, but I liked his confidence.” The Emissary smiled. “I am not a person of the Court despite my appointment. I am Janissary; trained since young.”

Vlad looked hard at the Emissary seated there and his curiosity got the better of him.

“Is that a warrior in your Empire?”

“Vlad, you will return to your chamber now.” Lord Vlad was upset at the boy’s behavior. “Vlad, you will stand here behind me.”

It was an undignified action that was given to Vlad; as if he was demoted to be with the guards and not seated like Radu. Vlad took his place and looked to the guards standing behind the dignitary guest.

“Let him be, Lord Vlad. The boy displayed a character that I liked. He will one day be a great warrior ---and time will tell.” The Emissary smiled at Vlad.

“I do again apologize, Your Excellence Shari Omar. He is young.” Lord Vlad was courteous.

“Lord Vlad Dracul, as I was putting the concern of Sultan Murad II; his highness the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, on your refusal to partake in the invasion of Trans--- What was it name again?”

“Transylvania---” It was Vlad who spoke.

“Yes, Transylvania. The Volvode there named Hunyadi revolted and attacked our guards. You were asked to repel them but --- the Sultan was concerned about the refusal. Transylvania --- a rather small estate ----”

“Transylvania is a sovereign.” It was the young Vlad again who interrupted.

“Impudent cur!” The Ottoman representative stood up and roared at Vlad. “You are disobedient. Do you know that in my land, you will be flogged with the lashes? Twenty or perhaps thirty for your insolence.”

“I am not ---” Vlad snapped out in anger.

“Silence, Vlad. You will not be rude to our guest.” Lord Vlad stood up and faced his son. “You will apologies to the ---Emissary now.”

“Father, I ---” Vlad's words was silenced by the back of the hand slap from the Lord. His face tinged from the pain but the shame on him was worse.

“You will apologize, Vlad or I ---” Lord Vlad glared at his son. It was Radu who came to the rescue of the elder brother.

“Vlad, do as father asked.” Radu who was the calm one held Vlad’s shoulders. The younger brother of Vlad was always the calm one in the family and spent his time reading. He was a small lad then and followed the father on the visits and discussion.

“It does not matter, Lord Vlad. I will await your reply by day break tomorrow.” His Excellency looked at the Lord. “I will stay with my men outside your ---- village.”

That was an insult to Lord Vlad for the town he was staying in was huge but compared to the Ottoman’s cities, his town was a tiny one. Nevertheless, he took pride in the town there. He stayed in a simple three levels house with a handful of staff, and a small army to guard the land.

“Your Excellency, you can rest here where it's most comfortable. I have ---” Lord Vlad offered his generosity

“I will decline your hospitality, Lord Vlad. I am more comfortable in my tent which ---- is bigger.” His Excellency then looked at Vlad. “If you are to come to the Sultan’s palace, he must come. No ---- all three of you shall come. The palace can accommodate all of you. We do have a huge palace with five hundred rooms and that was only the smaller palaces.”

The Excellency then turned and left the Lord with his sons. 

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