Sunday, October 24, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Story 33

 My weekend in New England


Authors Note: This is a short tale on the title above


Contests rules:




"Snow melts, rivers run high, flowers bloom... spring is the season when New England springs back to life. It's also a time to picked up the rubbish and leftovers when the naturists go back to their world."

 I asked myself how can they be leaving so many discards when they are naturists. But my work is to clean up and I would. Once I am done, I would also don my clothes and be like one of them. But how was I know during that spring, my life would have changed.

 "Ahoy there!" I hear and I looked around, but no one is around. The last couple to leave was yesterday and the whole place is supposed to be devoid of any more guests.

 "Ahoy there! Look to the river." I did and there she was in her kayak going down the river or so I thought.

 "Place is closed. Come back next summer." I waved to her and then I realized that I am not wearing anything and she is clothed from head to toe. Naturally, I jumped to cover behind my garbage bag and holler at her. "We are closed. Come back next year."

 But she had docked her kayak and walked up to me. Darned it, she is all clothed up and I am as natural as the cedar tree in full bloom.

 "Hi, my name is Wendy. Is this Albert' Cove. Am I late for the season? I am so sorry, as I was upriver and things got busy so I was held up. Could I just join in for a day or two?"

 Well, she did come late and the place is close but who did said the season is over. It may be coming to spring but there is no reason to enjoy natural life in any season. Except for maybe winter.

 "Okay, but I had to caution you. Most of the facilities are close but I have some food and drinks with me. You can share with me if you help me clean up the place. But first, you have to be like me. This is a natural park."

 "Oh, okay, I am fine with that if you are fine with that..." She laughed at me and give me a poke on the ribs. I nodded and I went back to my chores. I don't know why but when I turned my back to pick up some cans I missed, I also missed a heartbeat in my heart.

 Sheis beautiful.

 I meant she is beautiful and I admit she is.

 Pardon me, am I repeating myself. Yes, I am. She is beautiful.

 "You picking up the cans or drooling to fill the contents." I am caught with my defenses down. I smiled and picked up the cans and more on the trail leading to her. I would spare you the mundane details but we spent a nice and quiet weekend before we decided to leave for the other world.

 "Thank you for allowing me to stay. I enjoyed our company. I am going back to NY."

 I told her I am from NY and we can meet sometime back in the city.

 Two weeks later, I bumped into her in NY. I offered her dinner and we had dinner. Then I walked her to her apartment.

 "You want to come up for a drink?" I thought I will be damned if I refuse but I did.

 "Not today. Maybe another time." I pulled myself away from her door but she grabbed hold of my hand and said.

 "There is some part of me you have not seen. You sure you don't want to drop in."

 I looked at her and remembered that I had seen a lot of her during our stay in New England. Maybe all but some of the other stuff.

 "Ok." That night we stood by on the balcony at her apartment while Barry Manilow sang these lines;

 Time in New England

Took me away
To long rocky beaches
--and you, by the bay
We started a story
Whose end must now wait

And, tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when will I hold you again

"You feeling cold?" She nodded and I held her close to me in our natural state while enjoying the feeling of Spring.

 "Like New England?" She nodded again.

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