Saturday, October 30, 2021

Dante Book II Canto XXIV Scene II

 Scene II


Cacus, a Centaur who once stole cattle from Hercules. He stole Hercules’ cattle and dragged them by the tails into his cave so that their hoof prints would lead in the other direction, away from the cave. One of the cattle bellowed, Hercules heard the sound, and he came running to the cave. There was Cacus who barred the doorway.

“You may not enter the lair of mine,” Cacus warned Hercules. “I will defend what is mine.”

“How can what taken by thieving yours to own. I will not only enter your lair; I will destroy it.” Hercules climbed the slopes and tore off the mountain of its peak before he hurled down boulders to kill Cacus.

Such was the wrath of Hercules on the thief, and in turn, then, Cacus arrives to punish Vanni Fucci. He was seen carrying many snakes on his back, including a fire-spitting dragon.

The other serpents on seeing the Centaur call slithered towards Vanni. They did not bite Vanni but held him at bay. Casus reached down and directed the serpents he brought to strike Vanni in turns.

“Whatever he may turn into, cursed him with more.” Casus exerted the wrath of God.

Virgil saw the punishment and felt sympathy for Vanni.

“He is punished with every turn. His turns are never-ending. Such a sad thing for the snake.”

“Snake? There are no snakes here. Only serpents.” Dante explained. “Snakes are the creatures of God like the lion or the mouse. The snake held a purpose to the living realm but not a serpent. The serpent is the evolution of the snake and it shall reside in Hel. It held the only venom in its fangs, and brought the living to Hell.”

“You are unforgiving, poet.” Virgil snapped in. “Snakes held venom to defend themselves, or to paralyze their prey. You likened the snakes with venom to the creatures of Hell but you are wrong. We are all creatures of God but the ones of us who moved to do sin evolved into serpents. Unlike snakes that shed their skins to grow, serpents never did. They fatten with the same skin.”

“You are right, Virgil. I was taken in by Vanni. He is truly a serpent. He won’t shed his sin at all.” Dante looked at the sinner there who was made to suffer the bites upon each transformation. “I don’t approve of thieves. They take what others had toiled with their hard works.”

“Poet, have you read of the ‘To a mouse’? Let me narrate it to you.” Virgil spoke of the plight of the mouse seen by the farmer who had razed the other’s home.

“To a Mouse” Summary

It was November of 1785, and the speaker has just accidentally destroyed a mouse’s nest with his plow.

The speaker addresses the mouse as a small, sleek, huddled, frightened little animal and notices how scared she is. He tells her that she doesn’t need to try and scurry away in such a rush—he has no desire to chase and attack her with a deadly plow-scraper.

He also tells her that he is sorry that humankind has come to dominate the earth and its creatures and has ruined the harmony that naturally ought to exist between people and animals. This domination makes it understandable that the mouse would be frightened of the speaker, even though he is a needy, vulnerable creature just as the mouse is.

The speaker knows that the mouse sometimes steals food from his stores, but asks whether that should matter—the poor mouse has to stay alive after all! The occasional ear of corn from a large bundle is a small thing to ask. The speaker counts himself lucky to have what is leftover and will never suffer because of what the mouse takes.

Then the speaker turns his attention to the mouse’s little nest, which is destroyed; its weak walls are being blown around by the wind. Unfortunately, there is no more grass left for the mouse to use to build a new nest, for the biting, bitter December winds are already starting to blow, meaning that winter is coming.

The mouse, the speaker sees, realized that the fields were empty and that the dangerous season of winter was approaching, and had hoped to live comfortably in its nest, sheltered from the winds—until the destructive plow crashed right through its home.

The speaker reflects that the tiny dwelling made of leaves and shorn plants took a great deal of exhausting effort for the mouse to build. Now, after all that work, the mouse is left without any home to shelter it through the winter’s sleet, rain, and frost.

But the mouse is not the only creature to realize that planning for the future can sometimes prove to be useless. Even the most carefully made plans, created by animals or by humans alike, often go wrong. When that happens, the planner experiences sorrow and distress instead of the happiness he expected.

The mouse is lucky, however, compared to the speaker. The mouse is affected only by the present moment. But, the speaker exclaims, he can look back into the past at painful memories. He can also look forward to the future and, although he cannot know for certain what it will bring, he can anticipate and be afraid of what might happen.


“The mouse is not a thief but many of us claimed it to be. The land we occupied was theirs.” Virgil looked at the sinners below. “Not all of them may deserve this.”

“If it was so, then when we complete our task, we can be the farmer for those who are mice and not rats. And Vanni is a rat. He deserved what was there.” Dante then took to the bridge to cross over.




Dante Book II Canto XXIV Scene I

 Canto XXIV

The Eighth Circle: Fraud

Bolgia 7: Thieves

Scene I


“I have been in love so many times.” Virgil hummed to himself when they climbed the hill to the right of the huge building. While he took to the slopes, he recollected his failed marriages. He recalled each of his wives; they were not of the physique that others will cheat over but they held intellectual qualities that he loved. He used to banter with them on his works hence when he was without a wife, he developed the orb to be his companion. He felt that the orb should be his conscience to the real world not of mechanical inventions but other meaningful ones.

“What’s love have to do with this?” Dante had interrupted Virgil’s thoughts. “I need to rest. The climb is more treacherous than expected.”

“So, the poet can speak once more. I thought your soul left here and remained was a mechanical frame.” Virgil replied with a tone of sarcasm.

“I did for a while but Hell made me realized that I cannot journey without a soul. My soul may be the only difference we hold here.” Dante looked at the hill. When it was seen from below, it was a small climb but once they took to tit, the path they had to traverse was steep and at some turnings, dangerous with its slippery steps. Add to the woe, the rain came and the flakes of snow.

“Thank you for the gruesome reminder of the living soul. I am without one for a long time. My ex-wives told me so many times; they berate me that I am soulless. I had married both of them not for the companion of the soul but their intellectual mind. I do regret my vow then but now that I am in the bowels of Hell, I do cherish if they could still forgive me.” Virgil sighed. “Love can be unkind, and I am the proof of it.”

“I did not mean to ---” Dante wanted to console the companion of his. “Virgil, without you I would have been stuck here or perished in the pits. I had ---”

“I forgive you. Your mood swings and ----” Dante was surprised by what Virgil said.

“Mood swings? I have none.” Dante sounded agitated. “It may be---”

“Your living soul that held it. You are forgiven. Can we move on now? We have a hill to climb.” Virgil wanted to change the subject but Dante won’t.

“I am not upset at you --- Maybe I was.” Virgil continued. “You are alike to questioning me at times.”

“I do. There are things you do not tell me. When you here last, how far did you go in Hell?” Dante could not keep it to himself.

“As far as possible but not that what I had seen was to prepare us. Hell is a huge place; a world of its own and what I had seen then and now differs in some places. The more important aspect of it was what I could perceive, I used it to save us both. I am not a ---”

“Of which I am ever grateful.” Dante cut in. “I am truly grateful and I do apologize for my doubts in you. I ---”

“Save it, Poet. Let us go home and all will be squared.” Virgil stood up and then looked at the slopes. “I am weightless for I am a dead soul, but you are not. Your bodyweight is holding you up. I will move on ahead and recon the route you can take.”

With that, Virgil took his climb and Dante waited. The wait was not wrong for Virgil soon appeared to guide Dante. Nevertheless, the climb was still tedious for Dante and soon he reached the top. To the front of him was a rope bridge that crossed the deep gully below. He looked down and saw the sinners there running or hiding behind any cover they could find, but in a gully filled with boulders that were not a chore but form the cracks of the boulders were seen the evil of the Garden of Eden.

“Serpents aplenty,” Dante muttered in fear. He had feared serpents or any creature that lurks in the lower undergrowth and strikes when unnoticed. He had that fear when he was in the forest with the squad.

“It’s Hell. Where else would you find these creatures?” Virgil frowned at the sight of the serpents. He had during his childhood seen the serpent coiled around the twig. He had run back to his mother in fear. It was to remain inside his memory till then.

Dante saw the sinners bitten by the serpents and the sight that behold him soon after gave him the fear down his spine. The serpents will wind their frame upon the sinner and laid bare their fangs onto the jugular necks at the neck. The sinner will scream out and soon will be covered in flames which will take to crisp their soul, but soon after the soul will appear once more and the sinner will run once more from the serpents.

“They burned and then they come back,” Dante said to Virgil. “Is there no end to their misery?”

“That is not all. I saw some when bitten became serpents to hunt the others. I even saw the serpents attacked their own and the bitten serpent becomes a soul once more. It’s like a never-ending circle of misery.” Virgil said to Dante. “I saw some souls bitten in turn came back as serpents. It was unforeseen for those. It reminded me of what one soul told me when I was here last. We are in the Circle where the thieves are punished for their sins.”

“Thieves? Thievery is stealing someone else’s property. Another example of thievery is identity theft. Someone can steal your identity and used it to acquire wealth. There is also plagiarism involves the theft of someone else’s ideas and sometimes even their words. All of these should be here; punished here.” Virgil’s view on thieving. “They are all the same. They took what was yours when you are not aware of it. I had once my works stolen by another; all the efforts drained by one act, and I was upset but the thief paid the price when the invention could not work for there was work to do there. I was consulted and rectified it after I took back what was mine.”

“Plagiarism of words, when credited to the source, is not a sin. Most of us borrowed ideas and on many occasions the words there, but if we credit the source, it will widen the read of the words.” Dante defended the works of some works. “I can attest the Book was quoted many times without a mention of its source.”

“Dante, see below. It’s me. Vanni Fucci.” Dante heard his name called and looked below. He saw there was one he knew when he was with the Army. He had befriended the other when they were recruited together to the Volunteers. They were at the Quartermaster to collet their gears when Vanni who was behind Dante was called out.

“Vanni Fucci, you miserable bastard. I have finally caught you here. You were the thief and till now, will be the same.” The one who accused Vanni was in the other line. The accuser raised his voice to the others. “The bastard stole from the till at the cathedral. He was asked and directed the sin to me. He accused me of the act and I was punished. He stole more and later absconded not to be seen till now.”

“Vanni Fucci, you can volunteer to die for the Empress but your sin of thieving will not be cleansed here.”

“I am not who you accused. I am Benny Fucci. The one you claimed could be my relative. I am not a thief.” Vanni denied the act. The matter was resolved then without proof but soon, Benny died in the battle. Just before he died, he told Dante his name was Vanni Fucci.

“Pray for me, the man of words. I am a sinner in life.” It was the last seen by him till Dante heard his name called.

“Why are you here, Benny?”

“I am ---here for my sins.” Vanni had then run for some steps to avoid a serpent lurking near him. “I was Vanni Fucci; the thief and a fake. I guess upon my death, judgment fell to me to be here.”

“I can’t help you there, Vanni. You have to be careful yourself.” Dante said to Vanni.

“I am not concerned for myself. I am only for you for the news of your journey have reached even us here. Some have thought you may be the savior to them. Bits I may know but beware your journey may be tainted with obstacles. Go back now. Your city awaits you for it will be burned to ashes. The others told me so.”

“How could the others had told you unless ---- You are a traitor working for the other side. For that, you deserve to be here.” Dante was angry with Vanni. “You are with mine and yet you betray us all.”

Vanni was not to reply for he was bitten by a serpent and burst into flames. Dante saw Vanni burned and re-appeared as a serpent. In turn, Vanni the Serpent bit the other serpent which evolved into a sinner. Such was the absurdity of the act there.

Just when Vanni the Serpent was thought to be the more vicious one, another serpent bit it. Vanni soon re-appeared.

“Darn it. I am screwed by God.” Vanni with his arms raised and the middle finger extended higher, called out with his loud voice. It was blasphemy to curse on the God there in Hell. Those words of Vanni caused the ceiling of Hell to roar and a descending figure was seen descending to the gully. It was a huge centaur galloping there.

“Who condemned God? I am Cacus the Centaur seek thee.”


Dante Book II Canto XXIII Scene II

 Scene II


“Who are they?” Dante asked himself when he saw the file of souls took leave of the building before him. Dante looked at the building; solitary yet huge and imposing to one who may first see it. He saw to the right of the building was a hill with ruins on it. He then saw the file walked with two in a row to the left side of the building, and the file was a long line. They were not dressed but around their shoulders was the cloak that glittered in the shade. and hood held the same shade, but the souls having it on were hunched as if the cloak and hood weighed heavy on them.

Virgil looked at the file of souls. They all looked the same to him, heavily cloaked and hunched with the hoods covering their head.

“I do not know any,” Virgil replied. “Although I been here.”

“You told me you were before the bolgia when you came here to seek another. How much more lies you have not told me?” Dante asked and without waiting for the reply, he stepped up to the file of souls.

“I am Dante from ----.”

“Who speaks with the ascent of our city?” A soul in the file stopped and then stepped out. He was soon accompanied by another and they approached Dante.

“It's rare we heard of one from Tuscan. Are yo9u of the city of Florence?” The one who spoke earlier spoke but the face was hidden by the hood.

“I am Dante Alighieri of Florence.” Dante replied.

“His throat moves. He is not of us.” The other who stepped out of the file motioned to Dante’s throat. “He may be a living one.”

“Impossible. We are all dead souls here ----more like condemned souls.” The one who spoke to Dante then looked at him. “Who are you, and what sins have you done? All of us are the sinners of hypocrisy.”

“Hypocrisy? I am not of one. I believed in what I speak. I am Dante Alighieri, once a poet and then now, a volunteer on a task to seek my Empress.”  Dante introduced himself. “I am ---very much the living soul but sent here on that task.”

“I don’t believe him.” The second soul spoke up. “Like us here, we are all hypocrites. What we mouth out, may come different at our butt end.”

“Or into your butt end, Marco Luiz. I know you well.” It was Virgil who stepped up to confront the two there. “Marco Luiz, a man of the law-abiding citizen, you once professed that the same gender relationship deserved to be burnt at the stakes and yet you fornicate with the exchange of money for it.”

“Who accuses me?” The soul named Marco took a step forward. “I ---”

“A fake you were. Get back on the file for you are a sinner of the sort.” Virgil snapped out. “It pukes me to be seen with you.”

“Hold the words, companion.” Dante held back Virgil’s name. “We are not here to accuse. They are already accused as it was with Ser Latini.”

“I am here to know of your sin, fellow Florentina.” Dante looked to the one who spoke first.

“I am no better. I was assigned to lead the Army to battle. I was a leader of men but inside me, I was a follower of my own. I side with the ones that were divided for generations. I took the liberty with my own.”

Guelph? I heard of one named who was a General in the Army. He conflicted with another who was a Ghibelline. The conflicts of the kind divided the Army and the nation suffered.” Dante gave out his thoughts. “Were you---”

“I admit I was. While I spoke of a common enemy, but I held my own in the ranks and sacrifice the other. I was challenged and battle tactics were ignored. We argued and plot against each other, and soon we were on the losing end.”

“And the Volunteers were called on, recruited some by devious means. I have my anger at you and you deserved the punishment.” Dante hit back. “You are blessed that no boiling pit or flames at your heels await you.”

“This one you see is not treasuring house but a sanatorium for us the hypocrites. We are sick in the mind and here is where we belong. This is not the madness of Man but the sinners. What you may judge on the outside, the inner walls reflect a stay worse than what we did a lifetime. In there, there are rooms and in each one, tormentors await and the punishment varies from physical to the pain inside our souls.”

“Have you seen your souls torn apart and then stitched back so that when we take the walk outside, we are seen as complete?” The second one spoke to Dante. “I have smiled at the servitude of my paid dues, but I was not one to know what it was to endure until I am here.”

“Speak no more of the foul acts here. You are sinners and deserving all of you.” Virgil cut in. he saw another group approached them.

“Who are they? Your goons to do us in to silence us.” Virgil asked out loud while he alerted Dante.

“They are of the robes. Once the appointed faithful of the Empress then became her adversary. They are called the ---” The ex-General soul spoke and it angered Virgil then.

“I know them. They called themselves the Jovial Team. Jovial was their trade, mockery was their real act. They plotted against the Empress to further their influence. Their leader, the one named Caiaphas was once the Empress confidante. She shared her thoughts and he used them against her. They reported her to the Council of Unity for her low belief in the nation will perish before the war can be won. They spoke of her sacrifice to overcome the war outcome. She was summoned and quizzed there like a traitor.”

“How did you know so much?” Dante asked.

“I was brought into her confidence after it. She told me to let me believe in men of science and logic than that of the words of the mouth. She had them banished and sent to the front lines to sample the real truth of war. I heard they died there but I met none of them when I was here last.”

Dante was surprised by Virgil’s reply. It is seen that Virgil was not what he said he was. He came with many surprises and like the onion layers, he revealed more when each layer was removed.

“Caiaphas? He lies inside before the doors, spread-eagled and shackled to the floor to be trampled by all when they filed out.” The ex-General spoke. “His sins much foul than mine. Caiaphas with the influence of the Empress or the Council had condemned many good souls.”

“Does the sins of Man could never be stopped?” Dante was upset. “Lies awaits us when we least expected it.”

That last line was directed at Virgil but Dante was not stopping there.

“The ones whom we placed our faith to be strengthened, they thus false our beliefs and when its due, banished us to the pits alike here.” Dante furious then wanted to lash out at the ex-General but the latter spoke of his repentance.

“We are who in the file here is willing to repent but the trail to repentance lies far for now. We are given the cloak of burden; glittered seen by others but in it are heavy burdens that hunched our spine to tell us that being humble we should be in our living journey. Remember as we walk here in the file, we are not alone in our sins, as well we are not alone  to overcome our sins.”

“Repent, son while you could. Repentance may still you see ahead to Heaven. Beyond there are the ruins and from there the gateway to leave here.” The ex-General with the other then took leave of Dante.

“Repent? I think we all would for at some stage of our journey, we had sinned.” Virgil spoke then.

“I hope you will, for there is more in you than some sinners I had seen.” Dante took his walk towards the ruins.

“I am a sinner? I -----” Virgil paused in his words. “He is into one of his moods again If only I have a mirror, then he may see his own. Dante may be obsessed with his view.”

True words, but many of us could not make out how we looked to others but we see only others in our view. There is a tale to it.

(A man sees a lady when he was younger, he may lust after her. And she may of him for he was young too. When that man is older, he will see another lady of young age and still lusts after her but she may not for him for he looked old. He does not see that for his sight is before him and not on himself as seen by the others. If sarcasm could be applied here, judge not a book for its cover, then the response here may be inversed to my thoughts. What we termed as lust may be seen differently by others. So, be it. Take the view for the worse it can do was we had a glimpse of what it could have been.)


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Story 36

 An Unrequited Love.


Authors Note: This is a short tale on the title above. Please note this is involving the Angels when they first came to Earth to mate with the local ladies.


Contests rules:




The storm is on the horizon but I shall not be stopped. I would hit the clouds like water and go beneath them. Time was essential here as it also means the clash of two planes of existence. But nothing was as planned; not even a love liaison between two lovers. I clashed through the clouds like streaking lightning and I hit the mountain top like a pile driver. I dropped to a depth of three thousand feet before I leveled off to the ground level. I exited at the creek and stepped out the stream with the droplets of water flowing effortlessly down my body. I spread out my hands and my wings of feathers closed themselves to hide behind my shoulder blades.


"Clothe me." The elements in the creek and nearby plants weave a set of fabrics that clothe my body and wooden sandals hold my feet. I soon find myself walking to the path I am so used to in these past weeks. It's not far my walk before I come to see the unhitched wagon by the forest clearing. I can see the dark horse that draws it feeding by the cedar tree. I walked to the wagon and mount its steps. But the door was opened by a dark lady dressed in an off sleeve blouse and colorful flare skirt.


"Simon, my love." She ran smack into me and laid a kiss on my lips with the passion which we had missed for over a month. I replied her passion with mine and my hands held her close to my chest so she can be felt by me with no part of me untouched. I rubbed my hands down her spine to her beautiful skirt and I had to resist then as I bunched my fist there.


"Why, Simon? Do I not incite the fire in your loins?" She raised her right leg between mine and nudged me to the brink of making me lose my composure. "Or has the angels come in between us on the pleasure of the flesh?"


"No, Marie. I have not come ...." But she intervened on my lips with her tongue stabbing at me. "No, Marie. We must stop. I need to talk to you."


I pushed her to allowed me time and space to think. It's difficult as I would deny my arousal by her passion can be too intimidating, but I have words to speak to her.


"Marie, we must talk. Inside now." Instead of pulling her, she pushed me in with the enthusiasm of a love-crazed lady. She pushed me in and kicked slam the door shut. She pulled her blouse down to her waist and clasped me again.


"Ravage me like our first time. My bosom needs your attention. Suckle, bite, do your heart and mine the pleasure of it." But I dragged her sleeves up and covered the orbs of her beauty.


"Sorry, Marie. I need to talk with you. None must delay me from that. Please." She stopped her acts of passion and finally sat by the window sill with her right knee on the sill. The sunlight does play magic with your imagination and in this case it was overpowering.


"Oh, forget it." I went towards her as I ripped the green plant fabric from my chest.


"I know you would see it my way." Marie nudged her right raised knee to let the skirt slip further down her inner thigh.


After an hour of releasing up our pent-up passion, we both lie down side by side; or partly her upper body on top of me.


"Simon, now that we have settled the preliminary, can we do the main treats now." I did not argue this time with her. If someone said passion needs time to recuperate in between rounds, I would ask them to take lessons from us.


Finally, we laid our heads on the threshold on a need to satiate our hunger for food now. Marie got up and moved to the kitchen area, with her body shimmering in the sunlight that shine through the small window. It was then I saw a rivulet of sweat trailed down her spine as she retrieved the utensils for our meals. I walked up to her and held her from the back.


"I am sorry, Marie, but I cannot meet you like this anymore." She stopped her work on hearing my words.


"Does that mean we are not going together anymore?" I can feel her body tense in anticipation of my reply.


"No, I meant to say I am no more a messenger of God. I have decided to be a Man and love you as one. I won't be flying in but I would walk in like the others. Does that please you, Marie.? " She turned around to look at me.


"Then I am happier that you have chosen to tell me. You see your new status would not be beneficial to me anymore And my name is not Marie. Its Lilith. See you in Hades then."


"No, it can't be........."


Passion kills but true love does not. It ignites the passion for more love.




Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Story 35

 My rights and yours.


Authors Note: This is a short tale on the title above. Please note this is Droit du seigneur ( first time right ).


Contests rules:




I rushed into the house and I searched the place but there was no one to be seen. Everything is in its place but not the occupants of the house. I ran out to the yard and also searched the adjoining structures but not a sign of a living being was to be seen. Even the servants are gone and so are the animals they reared.


"Is it a plague, my Lord? I pray they showed me the signs. How can a house of twenty or more go missing in one night? I can think of only two things, my Lord; thy retribution as I have mentioned earlier with the plague, or am I the cause of it all." I fell to my knees to asked for his forgiveness.


It was only yesterday, that we were rejoicing on this very ground with the feast of a lavish spread and the music that only a muse could play. I was sitting there on this long table that fills up with twenty merry wishers of my marriage to Elena. It's truly a joyous ceremony as we shared wine and meat while the servants ran without a stop to filled our goblets and laid on more plates of food. I looked at my bride and I see her more beautiful than ever before. She give me a sweet smile when she saw me looking.


"Thank you, Elena. I know not of any man who would be happier than thee today to have thy as the bride. Thank you, my love." I leaned over to kiss her on her lips which she cringed away in embarrassment. "Why do thy run when its only lips who is kissing? It would be more if they choose to resist."


Her father sitting next to her burst out in laughter as he hears of his new son making a jest of his daughter who is the new bride. I turned to my newly recognized brother who is already half-drunk with the wine which I was to add on more to his goblet.


"You have a lovely sister, Micheal. I am proud to be thy' brother and make thy proud of me." I raised my goblet to a toast on my words and he followed with it by finishing his wine. It's nice to be here among the friendly people of this village and since my arrival not a week ago, I am now one of them.


"Tell me, Peter; how long did thy roam the open plains of Spain and France, and what made thy come back to England to stake your claim on a local lass?' I looked at the man who raised the most interesting question of the day. He is none other than Elena's uncle, Brian of something; my drunken mind could not be recalled then. But his question was raised to me, I could answer without a thought.


"For over a decade I have traveled my journey through France and Spain and then back again. I fought in many battles and for the fact I am standing here, I must be lucky." That bought the merry wishers to bang on the table and roared their approval of my words. I must not be boastful or they would see me as one too arrogant. So I take the middle path and remain as plain as possible. "But I found myself always lonely... And in need of love."


"Surely, there must be some lass who could comfort you well with their bosoms." I knew that was coming but I answered with my look to my wife.


"They cometh alright for a man so vile as thee but I resist them like the Sirens of the Reefs as I know if I am to be married, it would be to a love of mine from my native England. I saved it well for this day as she has for her man." That drew more laughter and banging from the merry revelers. The feast drew on to the night while the drunken gets dragged off. I find myself being offered more in my goblet and yet I tried to refuse, I had to oblige as these are to be my kin's man. It was late morning when I awakened to find myself in the barn. Funny I would be lying here as am I not the groom to the bride. Maybe those men are playing their tricks on me as their customs, I pulled myself to the legs and dragged my legs out.


The rest you know.


But what I was to know later makes me asked myself, do I deserved this.


It was past noon when I saw the entourage of my new kins coming back, with my bride's father leading the mount that carried my bride. They looked so solemn as if they have come from a funeral. I rushed out to meet them and I was surprised that my new father held me back.


"She would be cleaned before you can see her." I turned to see behind him as the ladies lead my bride to the house. The men surround me as if to stop me from going forth.


"What happened? Did someone die? Please tell me, father." I looked to the older man whom I am not calling father.


"Peter, thy are new to our land. There are some things which thy do not know. And we did not say." He sounded so sad and I had to know.


"Father, is Elena sick? I still would love her. I have taken to the vow to love and cherish her. So tell me what is wrong." I reached out my hands to hold the older man to speak.


"She is well and strong as her mother. She is not of any sickness but she had undergone a ritual which thy may not know as its the custom of the land. " I was relieved and laughed at him.


"Ritual? I have seen many in my travels. Nothing scares me anymore. If that is what she has gone through, then I am not offended. But why the long sad looks. Surely this ritual does not call for blood sacrifice like some I have seen." I looked around me and none of them are smiling. I looked back at the older man and I asked of him.


"Tell me, father. " The older man shook his head and looked at me.


"Son, she had been given to the Lord as part of the Droit du seigneur. It's his right on our land. Do you understand?"


"Yes, I do."


-----------------------------------      -----------------------------------     


I took the man's head who is the Lord of the Land here after I have removed it from his body while he was sleeping. I took it to the fireplace where the night fire still burns with some low warmth. I threw his head into the fire and watched it burned like the Devil at the stake.


"Eye for an eye. This is thee' way of doing it. Thy took her most valued item from thee, I take what is most valued to thy. May you wake up in Hell. In your next life, don't take anything from an assassin. "





Vlad the Impaller Chapter 5

 The Lord returned alone.


Lord Vlad mounted the mount and then turned to look at his sons. They were kept in the house for nearly a year, and then the words came that the Lord was to return to Wallachia but not the children.

“I have not met the Sultan.” Lord Vlad raised his objection. “And I want to take my sons.”

“They are still the Sultan’s guest.” The Grand Vizier announced to the Lord.

“It had been a year--- no, nearly one year. We came in winter and now it’s the beginning of winter.” Lord Vlad looked to the Grand Vizier. “We are tired. I can come back next season.”

“You may do so but Wallachia awaits you now. Go back and manage your land. I was told that another sat at your chair.”

“It may be my ---” Lord Vlad stopped there. He was to mention Mircea’s name and it may cause issues.

“Yes, another but not your son. His name is Lord Basarab II. He was set there by John Hunyadi.”

“That is a ---miscarriage of power.” Lord Vlad II was upset. “My sons will ---”

“They need to be here.” The Grand Vizier was displeased.

“As hostages will be the term, I believed.” Lord Vlad did not mince his words. “I know the terms well. I was one before.”

“Yes, I was informed. Was it in the court of Sigismund? Was it not as a guest? I never knew you were a hostage? I must correct my advisers.”

“I was a hostage and later became a vassal.” Lord Vlad told the other. “It was ---”

“That was why your reluctance to do the Sultan’s bidding then. You admired the Hungarian.”

“I ---do for I was one like them. I have lived with them, been like them, and even cohabit with them.” Lord Vlad made his cynical tone to the Grand Vizier.

“Yes, your lover, and mother to the children. She bore you three sons.” The Grand Vizier smiled.

“Do you have sons, Grand Vizier?” Count Vlad looked at the other.

“I have --- many ----” The Grand Vizier moved on from the trivial subject to the reason he was there. “The Sultan considered you as your --- his own. He needs you to return and served as his --- suzerain.”

“Servitude or in better terms --- slave.” Lord Vlad was displaying his annoyance.

“I will ignore that you made such an accusation at the Sultan. You are his vassal and be prepared to serve him.” The Grand Vizier looked to the Lord. “You will also not assist the enemies of the Ottoman empire.”

“I did not assist John Hunyadi to takeover the land then.” Lord Vlad II pressed on his distance from John Hunyadi.

“Yes, you did not or I won’t be talking to you now. However, upon your return, as the suzerain, you contribute an annual tribute and --- a retinue of --- five hundred Wallachian boys to serve in the Ottoman’s army. Your women are fertile with bearing sons. They won’t be missed.”

“I ---” Lord Vlad was to object but he knew that the Ottoman Empire had decreed that the conquered lands give up twenty percent of their male children to the state. The children were to be the subject of the Ottoman Empire; to serve and be converted and some become warriors under the Janissary colors.

Janissaries began as elite corps made up through the devÅŸirme system of child slavery, by which Albanians, Armenians, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Croats, Greeks, Serbs included. They were enslaved, circumcised, and converted to the faith with the Turks, and incorporated into the Ottoman army. They became famed for internal cohesion cemented by strict discipline and order. Unlike typical slaves, they were paid regular salaries. Forbidden to marry before the age of forty or engage in trade, their complete loyalty to the Sultan was expected

“The matter is acknowledged and you will leave tomorrow at dawn. Say goodbye to the children.” The Grand Vizier excused the Lord then.

It was a tearful event for the two boys when they were told. Vlad was in his usual temperamental mood.

“I will kill the ---” Vlad was told to remain calm by his father.

“You will not utter those words ever again until you are back at Wallachia. You will learn from them. Consider it as training sessions as we did together. If one is to defeat the enemy, then the better way to do it is to study the other. Find their weakness and build your strength.” Lord Vlad looked to his sons. “I need the two of you to be brave, and braver when I am away. I will await you back at Wallachia.”

“Shed not your tears here. Shed them when you are home when you see your mother.” Those words were said, and the boys spend the night celebrating their father’s safe return. Lord Vlad did not reveal his fear to them for he was in the view that he may not make it back to Wallachia. He may be killed and his body disposed of in the wilds. He vowed that if he makes it back, he will defy the Ottoman.

“No more than I was to be born.” Lord Vlad recalled the words of Spartacus. He heard it from King Sigismund then when he was in the court of the King.

“Vlad, you are my ---guest. Not a hostage. I considered you as a friend too.” It was the extended hand of the Hungarian King. He accepted it and refused to partake in the killing of his own. It was his life then at the Hungarian Court.

“Come, Lord Vlad.” Lord Vlad's thoughts were disturbed by the escorting guards. “We need to ride now. The journey is far.”

The two boys watched their father turn the mount and rode without a second glance. Vlad held his brother’s left hand for comfort. He was frightened inside him, although his external expression was defiance.

“Boys, you are to follow me.” Vlad turned to look and saw the tall figure facing him.

“I am Mirliva Sajak, and will be your guardian from now.” The figure told the boys. “We will move to the camp where I am stationed with my columns.”

“Are you a Janissary?” Radu asked.

“I am. And you will join me there. We ride soon so be ready.” The Mirliva told the boys. “You will learn to live as I do. You will learn the life of a ---- Turk.”

“I will not be a Turk.” Vlad snapped back.

“That remains to be seen.” The Mirliva looked at the defiant one. “You are Vlad. I have been told about you. You are warrior-born. I will show you there is more to the qualities of a warrior than anger. There is the faith in the heart.”

“I will not be turned to become a priest.” Vlad was adamant about his ways. “And I won’t be tempted by your faith.”

“A stone when properly nurtured will produce water when squeezed.” The Mirliva then gave out the command to the boys. “We ride at noon.”

The journey of Lord Vlad was without any eventful issues except the reception of the people after the borders into the occupied lands. Lord Vlad saw the commoners there stood in fear of the Ottoman’s guards, and some recognized him. They rushed to him and offered food. He took it with relish and spoke to them.

“How do you all fare?”

“Lord Vlad, your land is now under a new Volvode. It’s Basarab II. He was placed there by John Hunyadi.” The elder who spoke to him. “Are you invading us with the Turks now?”

That shook the Lord of his position. He looked to the guards and asked that they let him go alone.

“I am no more the Volvode. I am a nobody now. Ride back to your Sultan and report this.” Lord Vlad told the guards. “Ride on with me and you will be killed.”

The guards with a column of a thousand were reluctant and then agreed to release him but they will wait for him at the border.

“We cannot return to Edime without delivering you.”

“Thank you, my protector. I will ride to my land and regain my honor.” Lord Vlad rode on but not towards Wallachia. He rode instead to see the King of Hungary who replaced Sigismund.

The King resided in Buda Castle, the official castle for the King. It was known as the ‘kiralyi-palota’ or the Royal Castle. It sat on the southern end of Castle Hill overlooking the churches, and public buildings. The castle held an astonishing series of royal chambers unrivaled by the others except for one in Versailles; the city where the King of France has his castle. A Gothic church was built over the old chapel by King Sigismund.

The meeting was held in the main Hall of the Palace, with the lengthy table laden with food and drinks, enough to feed a few families. There were thirty-two seats at the table with twelve candles sticks and served by fifteen servants. The walls of the Hall were adorned with the portraits of the previous Kings, and worthy Generals alongside the heavy draperies.

The King was seated at the end of the table with several other senior members of the palace.

“My King, I am Lord Vlad II ---” Lord Vlad II bowed to the King of Hungary then, King Ferdinand.

“The Volvode who was taken to the Ottoman and your land taken by another, as you did before him.” King Ferdinand looked at the Lord. “Is that the Wallachian’s way of becoming Volvode?”

“No, King. It was during my absence, that Basarab II with the help of John Hunyadi took the rank.”

“Were you not once his hostage? I meant not of the Ottoman’s but King Sigismund.” The King asked.

“Yes, I was. He was to trust me and made me his vassal. I was an officer in the army of the emperor, John VIII Palaiologos, and had access to the imperial palace in Constantinople. I was conferred the Order of the Dragon by the King.” Lord Vlad spoke of his time with the previous King to impress the current one. “I was loyal to the King. And now to you, King Ferdinand.”

“Yes, I remembered from the times I was there. Or rather here now.”  The King smiled. “You were at the left side then with the other Generals. I – I had to admit the group of them was ---- intimidating, with the swords and beards ----some of you had that then. Nasty habit for it does invite untidiness to the looks.”

“I was ---” Lord Vlad was to explain when the King went on.

“I guess, the ladies loved it. So, tell me --- the stay at ---With the Ottoman as a hostage.”

“My King, I was not a hostage. I was invited t

“There as a --- guest, and treated well. My King, I was ---” Vlad was cut off by the strong voice from the left side of the Hall.

“And yet you took off with the Ottoman when I asked of your assistance.” It was the voice of John Hunyadi who appeared then at the court of King Ferdinand.

“John Hunyadi---” Lord Vlad recognized the other. John turned to look at the King.

“That man assisted in the takeover of my land.” Lord Vlad II told the King.

“John Hunyadi, Volvode of Transylvania at your presence, my King.”

“Yes, John. I did ask for your attendance.” King Ferdinand smiled. “Since you are here now, we will proceed. Speak Lord Vlad II. You are to explain your ---situation with the Ottoman.”

“John, I did not take off. I was captured. My sons are still there as hostages.” Lord Vlad defended his stay with the Ottoman. “You took my land and placed the pretender there as Volvode of Wallachia, when I am the rightful one. You did that when I did not send my army to assist you.”

“I did not. I made sure Wallachia remained a Hungarian vassal and not of Ottoman.” John stated his defense. “Am I not right, my King?”

“I demand my rights as a member of the Order of the Dragon.” The Order of the Dragon was a monarchial order for selected nobility, created in Hungary in the late Middle Ages. The Order required its initiates to defend the Cross and fight the enemies of Christianity.

Lord Vlad II was a member of that Order.

“You are a member of the Order of the Dragon, and you may challenge for the rank and land in Wallachia.” The King looked at John then. “You may not intervene. It’s a Wallachian issue.”

“My King, Basarab II held the right to the rank. He is a descendant ---”

“And he shall defend it as all others with the same rank and proved himself to be the rightful heir. No one wants a weak leader.”

“I--- I understand, my King. I will not intervene.” John bowed to the King.

“And your army will stand down. It’s a Wallachian issue. Not yours.”

Lord Vlad knew his arguments will be fruitless if he pursued but he got what he needed then, and excused himself to return to Wallachia. 

Vlad the Impaller Chapter 4

 The Princely hostages


“I am here, your humble protectorate.” Lord Vlad II greeted the Grand Lord Vizier Candarli better known as the Younger. He was the highly influential official with the rank of Grand Vizier from Sultan Mehmed II to the current Sultan then, Sultan Murad II. His grandfather was in the same role; as the previous Sultan Mehmed II.

“My grandson, the role of the Grand Vizier comes with heavy responsibilities. The Grand Vizier is to advise the Sultan in all matters and at times, ruled on his behalf.” Candarli had listened to his grandfather then. “There are viziers answerable to me and only me. You will ride with me so that one day, you will take over this rank and serve the Sultan.”

“Grandfather, if you are so ----” Candarli was silenced by the elderly relation.

“The Candarli family does not usurp the Sultan. We are his shadow and servant. Do not ever think of yourself to be above the Sultan. We do not interfere in the Sultan’s matters. Not even in the one who will hold the rank. We served only the rank.”

That was the motto of the family. They have their home in a castle in the city of Manisa.

During these times of Murad II's retirement, Halil Pasha held effective control of the empire in the capital Edirne with Mehmed II, then still a child, as the nominal sultan. On both occasions, with the dangers presented by allied European armies attacking Ottoman territories, Çandarlı called back Murad II and deposed the teenaged Mehmed II to replace him with his more capable father. These two incidents led to lasting resentment by Mehmed II towards Çandarlı. 

“I was to meet the Sultan” Lord Vlad looked to the Grand Vizier who sat at the high-back seat in the Candarli castle at Edemi. They have arrived a few days ago but the Lord was made to wait at the guest house served by two servants with a household of guards. Vlad had complained then.

“I can’t go out. I am stopped at the gates. The guards told me to stay in. They said I will be hunted if I am outside.” Vlad had on the glum expression seated at the table with his father and Radu. He looked to the surrounding with the décor of the Ottoman’s and nothing of his own culture.

“I can’t stand it. What is this food? Where is the real meat?” Vlad was being his arrogant behavior. Ottoman cuisine represents the synthesis of these Central AsianIranianArab, and Anatolian.

“What did they call this? Sharbat? And this rice pudding?” Vlad was putting on then the pained expression.

“I liked the sweet delicacy.” Radu was more adaptable. “It’s nougat.”

“I know that but I need ---” Vlad was interrupted by the father.

“We are no more in Wallachia, sons. There is no polenta or ---- meat from the hunt. And our winery wine. Bear with it. We will be home soon.”

The home was too far to reach.

“Sultan Murad II is away on some other errands. I am to entertain you.” The Grand Vizier looked at Lord Vlad after listening to the grievances raised. “Would that be adequate to your rank? Or am I lowly?”

“I was told to meet the Sultan. It was the words of the ---” Lord Vlad felt himself demanding like his son.

“You will but that will take time. Meantime, you are my guest.” The Grand Vizier then called off the meeting and the Lord was sent back to the guest house. Lord Vlad knew the works there.

“Sons, we will be here maybe a season or more. You will ---you need not be idle. I will train you while I am with you.” Lord Vlad looked to his sons. “As I was when I was in the court of Sigmund. Are you keen, boys?”

Vlad was keen but Radu found another interest. He found a library of books and spend his time there. The books were ancient volumes from epic poetry to military strategies. He asked to be excused but his father insisted his sons learned together.

The day started with physical training and then the weapon skills. There was no shortage of weapons, and with the different types, the children trained. It was till lunch and then rest but the children had different ideas. Vlad was into the extra effort while Radu took to the readings.

It was a daily ritual.

And sometimes they mixed.

“Vlad, do you know that fear is a weapon?” Radu read from the book he was holding while Vlad was resting between the physical bouts of his imaginary foes. He was holding the sword of his that was from their father.

“The Spartans were so skilled at arms because the Helots — state-owned slaves who were the native inhabitants of much of Sparta’s territory — worked the land and did the other jobs necessary for society to function. The full Spartan citizens made use of the resultant free time by training constantly for battle, rendering the Spartan army by far the deadliest in Greece.” Radu looked to Vlad.

“Yet they feared them; the slaves of their own. Ironically, the subjugation of the Helots that allowed for such an effective war machine also made the Spartans deathly afraid of Helot revolts (which happened from time to time). Even though the Spartans could defeat any of their Greek rivals in battle, they very rarely left their home territory in the Peloponnese, a measure designed to keep the Helots in line. Thus, the Helots who made the Spartan army possible were also its prime target.”

“They should kill some of them and hang them on the walls. That will put the slaves to remain subservient.” Vlad looked to Radu. “I will do that. Kill them and hang them high. Let the vulture have their fill. Like what the Romans did to the slaves when they revolted.”

“You were referring to the Servile wars. There were three of it; the first by Eunus, who claimed to be a prophet, and the other Cleon from Cilicia. The second war was led by Athenion and Tryphon, and the last was the infamous Spartacus.”

“They all failed, Radu. Do you know why?” Vlad looked towards his brother. “The Romans were more vicious. Brawns and fighting skills were never enough. They should use ----fear as the Romans did.”

Vlad stood up.

“Kill them and hang them. Show them to the others and all will fear to attack.” Vlad roared out.

“You are ---” Radu looked at his brother in the eyes. “That is the way to get your enemy to fear you.”

Both of them laughed out loud before they continue on their ways.





Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...