Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 49


Lance had to hold onto the ropes there to avoid slipping on the wet deck. Falstaff had decided that his girth will not suffice as a floating ring so he stood at the doorway like a sentry there. He had directed Tonto who stepped out there like a seasoned crew of the boat. The Native American had sloshed on with his wet moccasins to the railings. The view on the deck was different from the one which they had climbed on. There was no rower named Charon there, nor was it a boat. They were not on any river but the high seas with the high waves and the dark skies.

“Where is our boat and where is …” Lance called out.

“Lance, you need to know something on Hades here or the realm next to Hades.” Falstaff voiced out. “In this realm, there are multiple realms within the multiple realms. We are constantly traversing them and it may be mind-boggling unless you are guided by one who knows.”

“Like yourself?” Tonto asked in a loud voice.

“Yes like me. Without me, you will not survive here.” Falstaff replied. “But right now, we have another issue on the deck.”

Lance looked at where Falstaff was motioning. It was not hard to miss the Sirens for they were provocative with their appearance. More to it, the so-named rowing boat was a huge ship with the waves higher than the keel and the waves were intimidating. The sea waves slapped the sides of the ship without mercy but the genius Captain steered the ship well to avoid they capsized by it.

“They are beautiful, are they not?” Tonto bellowed on the Sirens standing there. If there were lewd words to describe the Sirens, they were Venus with all her limbs inviting. They were dressed if it could be described in the scanty seaweed material that may not keep the coldness off but the multiple layers helped. And it kept the voyeur’s from the scant details to that of a fantasize visionary. Their beauty was flawless and it can’t be said for their manners of speech.

“Oh cease thy course and listen to our lay! Blest is the man ordain’d our voice to hear, the song instructs the soul, charms the ear.” The voices were inviting and even the great Odyssey had to be hogtied to the mast to avoid being enticed. “Approach! Thy soul shall into raptures rise! Approach! And learn new wisdom from the wise!”

Lance was transfixed by the singing and seems to be moving on his approach towards the nearest siren when the sound of the rifle broke his trance. The Winchester 73 roar rose above the slamming waves and it nicked the siren at the left ear. Lance turned around and saw Tonto still have the rifle leveled at the siren.

“Kemo-Sabe, you might want to close your ears more often,” Tonto called out. “The Sirens are bad for your hearing although they sang well.”

Lance shook his head and then saw the Siren shot by Tonto lunged at him. The Siren was no more beautiful but a grotesque monster that resembled a harpy in the looks with the fanged teeth. Lance was pushed to the rear and fell on his back but he had his knees bent and with that, he kicked the siren over his head. He rolled over and to his dismay saw the Siren had landed on its feet and snarled at him. It was then Tonto clobbered the Siren over the back of the head.

“She was best kept silent.” Tonto smiled while holding his rifle. “I would have shot but the silver bullets are short in supply.”

It did not deter the other two Sirens who had taken flight towards Tonto. They have changed their appearance to that of their sister in kind. Their flight was augmented by the appearance of the bat-like wings but it did not improve their vocal for it resonated more like screeching. It was akin to the desperate noise of a wounded coyote or the passion yowls of the owls if one ever heard of one before. Their flight was swift and more furious was their talons when it struck mat, Lance. He had sidestepped to avoid the slashing move of the Siren and rolled to the right. On his body roll, Lance had drawn his guns to fire at the flying Sirens. His aim was good but the waves raised the odds. He managed to nick one of the Sirens in the left-wing before they both flew away.

“Darned!” Lance cursed at his firing. He then stood up and it was then he saw a new threat.

“Vlad Tepes!” Lance shouted out. “I am not surprised to see you here.”

“I was just passing by and heard of the Lone Ranger had arrived here.” Vlad Tepes stood there on the deck shrouded in the dark overcoat that reached his knees. His feet were covered by the knee-length boots but his weapon was intimidating. It was a three-pronged trident that looked it belonged to Neptune.

“Lucifer was enraged that you have come. He expected none the less for your arrival meant that Michael was using you here.” Vlad spoke out. “I am here because I died in the last battle. It also marked the end of the war I was waging there. I was given the better of advice my war was here.”

“To win the realm of Hades for Lucifer. He does not want the one I was trying to create before. He told me that the real realm he treasured is here. Hades was his until his banishment. And we resurrected him.” Vlad burst out into laughter. “And he dragged me here. He had me volunteered as his warrior.”

“So you are here with Lucifer? I need to find him and from him my brother.” Lance voiced out.

“So the Lone Ranger seeks the brother whim he assumed was dead. Did you know that somewhere in there could be more than you knew? You had Father Dennis that turned out to be a demon, and he told you things that changed the course of your role. Then you were told that your brother is alive? Have you ever wondered who’s the Lone Ranger? The real Lone Ranger? Have you have ever considered that you may be led by your mask here or when you donned it.” Vlad laughed again. “I did not know much then but soon I was told by the one who had planned it for a long time.”

“Let me recount to you the real tale behind the tale of the Lone Ranger.” Vlad Tepes sighed. “I would not ask you to shed any tears but please feel free to do so.”

“You were told that your brother the original Lone Ranger was serving the House of the Lord.” It was then the deck was started vibrating as if it was coming apart. The horn on the bridge sounded off. Vlad looked upwards and then out to the open sea.

“We are to be boarded.” Lance saw the threat seen by Vlad. It was a pair of dirigibles and headed towards the ship. Just as he was warned Tonto, he saw the flashes on the dirigibles.

“Jump for cover!”

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