Monday, June 1, 2020

Deep Sea Chapter 23


The Surface

Lady Jan jumped with joy at the news. She had been hunting Lord Henry’s fleet for over two months before they gave up. His trawlers and whatever they have built for beneath the surface were not to be found. They have landed on the island and found nothing there. The five hundred warriors with the support of a destroyer had camped there but there was no sign of the enemies. The port and the defensive wall were emptied of any living person. They could not find the cannons and assumed it was thrown overboard.

“Lady Jan I would have never thought of they will be of use.” Kosovan smiled. “Trust the islanders to build in resilience into their design.”

“Kosovan, their designs are beyond ours. I will be honest I envy them. I copied their parts of their design for the Sea Dragons.” Lady Jan smiled in turn. “The destruction of that ship tells me that Lord Henry is back from where he was hiding. I fancied a duel with his ships.”

Lady Jan laughed out loud. She needed that vengeance for the destruction of Sea Dragon One. That ship was her first improvement thus emotional ties to it. She sailed on it after the first improvement and was frightened of it. It was different from seeing the ship build on dry grounds than to sail in it.

“Lady Jan, I have news about our third fleet. It will be here tomorrow.” Kosovan reported to her. “The tow of the Mother Dragon was the delay.”

Lady Jan smiled and then stepped over to the map on the wall in the hall she was in. They have taken over the fishing town of Bale where her castle was nearby. The Town Hall was made her headquarter.

The fleet was in the port or out at sea to harass the defenseless fishing trawler. Her deployment of the warriors numbered over three thousand warriors who were holding the trenches that formed her boundary over the town named Bale. She had it re-named to The Rising East. Her warriors were reinforced with the thirty twelve pounders and the machine guns. They also brought with them the explosive rockets that were designed by her inventors.  She had three lines of defense on the front line. The last line was her one hundred of exo-skeleton warriors. They were her last line of defense in her fight. In the town were the one hundred warriors under Bian Feng who had recovered fully with his new spine. The inhabitants of the town were spared their lives and allowed to continue their works which also include the mining of the ores. Lady Jan has two hundred of her own miners to supervise the excavation of the ores. It was all working to plan. With the arrival of the third fleet, she will be ready to expand the boundary.

To the north, Lord Stuart stormed out of the Hall of his family castle where he was fed up with the infighting of the other leaders. He walked back to his private chamber where General James Wheatley was waiting. He strode over to the glass cabinet to retrieve his favorite highland whiskey. He looked to the General standing by the tall window.

“Colonel Kingsley of the 1st Regiment had marshaled over more support under his command. The Second Regiment had defected to his side I thought he was on our side.” General Wheatley did not mince his words. “We are down to two regiments and some companies who are abiding my orders. There are rumors that the men are not so sure of the war.”
“General…” Lord Stuart was cut off when the other decided to go on.

“Your other commander Colonel Braddock has ignored my orders and held himself on the northeast side. His armored tanks are kept in reserve there.” General Wheatley continued on. He was holding a tall glass that he had helped himself to the highland blends. The General was a true high born highlander with his large frame and the thick red hair on his head. “I am not sure we can go on like this.”

“General Wheatley, you must take that armored tanks. It’s the only weapon that could change the tide of the war. General Gale had her divisions split into three fronts. The allies of theirs will not commit more than those flying soapboxes.” Lord Stuart gave his view. “If Braddock is the interference I will have him removed.”

 “You do that Lord Stuart and you will have my loyalty to your cause. I will give you forty-eight hours to act or be prepared for to …. abdicate.” General Wheatley left his drink untouched before he took leave of his Lordship.

“Impudent bastard!” Lord Stuart was upset at the insubordination shown by the General. His whole plan was being chipped away by these men who knew not of the meaning of loyalty. He reached for the tasseled rope to signal his personal aide.

“Cornelius I have a task for you.” Cornelius was his personal aide on matters of discretion. The short and emancipated man in the grey three-piece suit with the burnsides on both his cheeks looked more like a game warden than his Lordship aide.

“You will arrange for the 3rd Guards to hit Colonel Braddock of the Second Armoured Battalion. Any means will be sanctioned. Lure his command into the town. Urban fighting will diminish his advantage with armored vehicles. You may have the exo-skeleton squad to assist you.” Lord Stuart gave the command. “Also get the aide of yours to kill Colonel Kingsley for me. He is no longer mine. He had betrayed me.”

The aide nodded and left the chamber. His Lordship smiled at the departing man.

“That’s loyalty to the fullest.”

On the west side in the Great Hall Lord Chamberlain Gibbons withy the war going on was made Acting Lord Chamberlain. The post was in dispute by a few influential parties and then consensus was he stayed on but as Acting Lord Chamberlain. He confronted General Clarke then on the situation of the war.

“Clarke, you told me we were to get the supply of foods but it has been three months now, and she had not shipped in a single ship of it to our ports. I got my trader members up in arms on the shortage and more to that, they are calling me for me to be replaced.  Tell me….” The Acting Lord Chamberlain was cut off by the General.

“Gibbons. I have a war to fight here. If you will assist and not desist with your tantrum I may well do a better job.” General Clark hit back. He then in turn asked the acting Lord Chamberlain of the whereabouts of Lord Henry.

“How would I bloody well know? The man is not under my purview.” Lord Chamberlain Gibbons was upset at being questioned. “He has gone missing to wage a war against you. Have you no knowledge of yourself?” 

“Well his fleet has been missing for three months now. The island of his deserted and there is no trace of his infernal submerged ship.” General Clarke knew that inconclusive knowledge may lead to defeat but his intelligence section had yielded no results.

“Are you in cahoots with him?” General Clarke laid it put plainly towards acting Lord Chamberlain Gibbons.

“Absolutely ridiculous! Lord Henry hates me to…. betray of his plans to you and above all, we are not drinking mates like Lord Stuart.” Acting Lord Chamberlain Gibbons reminded the other of his other alliance.

“Lord Stuart is planning his own battles. He battles to secure the northern lands.” General Clarke replied. He was not amused at the mention of Stuart. The other had abandoned him and pursue to fight his own war there.

General Clarke then dismissed the other and went back to his own planning. Acting Lord Chamberlain Gibbons took to his vehicle outside. He was sweating inside his suit but maintain his composure till the vehicle reached his office building. He climbed up the long staircase towards his office. There he opened the door and locked it after his entry.

“He suspects on us.” Acting Lord Chamberlain Gibbons voiced out at the figure standing at the long table overlooking at the sea charts. Lord Henry looked up from the charts and nodded.

“I am sure you did not mention it, Lord Chamberlain Gibbons.” Lord Henry smiled. “After all you are a loyal servant of the land.”

Acting Lord Chamberlain Gibbons nodded on that statement but his loyalty was not genuine but out of fear for his mistress who was with his child who was under the care of Lord Henry. His Lordship feared the exposure will tarnish his name and reputation. Even during war with victor's unknown, his reputation was of value to him in any negotiation for personal protection. More to it, only Lord Henry addressed him as the rightful Lord Chamberlain.

“When would your ships be ready?” Acting Lord Chamberlain Gibbons went straight to the bargaining point of their negotiated terms. The fleet of Lord Henry was scattered in several enclosed dry docks across the land for modifications.
Lord Henry with the resources provided by General Gale had moved the needed supplies to the covered dry docks for the ship. It was a secretly planned action for the island was compromised.

“They are ready as we speak. We will regain back our seas soon.” Lord Henry replied. “My ground troops under Colonel Kingsley are ready for the final push. So is Wing Commander Gaston de Pierre across the channel.”

“Then can I have my lady and our child back?” Lord Chamberlain Gibbons blurted out the request. “They are the innocents in this war.”

“In due time Lord Chamberlain Gibbons.” Lord Henry smiled. “After all, we are gentlemen beneath all the hostile intentions. I think the more immediate concern is how to feed people of the land.”

The Depth

Captain Arthur walked across the working platform where the men were at works on assembling the new Shark’s ships. Lord Henry had acquired the plans from the Naval Treasury some years back for his fishing program. With the war, he had decided to assemble them into new Shark Ships. He had spare parts from the Naval warehouses for three Sharks but he had some modifications in place. Those called for discrete engineering and the only place to do was in Small Jaws. It was not in the port but in its underground cavern. They hastily constructed the working area while the Sea King was kept at the entrance for any intruders. The men in the cavern were sealed from the island surface with the tunnels and access ways blocked or blasted with dynamites. Everything the men needed was moved into the cavern. They had surveillance points in the shape of the ship viewers with the aid of the mirrors to check for any patrols. It was tougher in the first month when the enemies were stationed on the island but they moved out or concentrated in the last two months only at Big Jaws.

It was why Captain Arthur sent Shark Two out for the scouting task under Lieutenant Ketch. It was successful at the Big Jaws when it reported that the ships were gone. Lieutenant Ketch had requested to scout on the other ports. With the task date of taking back the land getting nearer than, Captain Arthur approved the request.

 “Captain, we have Shark Two, Three, Four and Five ready. So is the Sea King with the modifications.” First Officer Stacy reported in. The lady officer had on a thin vest on her chest and her balloon pants were cut short at the knees. It was the same for all the ladies but the men were working in their shorts due to the humid and hot environment.

“Good. Give them a break for a day and then we will prepare to sail tomorrow at dusk.” Captain Arthur replied. “It’s time we fight back. Send words to Lieutenant Galen that the task is on for tomorrow dusk.”

Across the island on a well-concealed dugout on the hillside, Corporal Jones was rutting away at the hinds of Maggie Duntley previously the barmaid of the Heavenly Tavern. The lady was paired with the Corporal for scouting tasks for over three nights then. It was the order of the Lieutenant to hold a tight view of the port.

“Maggie your burrow ….” Corporal Jones heaved on with his lunges to reach further in while the lady was keeping her frameset for her sight was focussed through the looking glass contraption. She was doing her duty then to watch the enemies while the Corporal was having his scouting expedition inside of her. 

“Clam it, Jones. Or I will use the looking glass on myself.” With that insulting remark, Corporal Jones took on the heavy marching routine to avoid him being called a slacker. She soon got her moans to his moves and by then his geyser erupted with it timely release. He fell forward on her back but was forced to jump off when she pushed him off. 

“What the fuck do you want some more? My shoulder blades ain’t another porthole for you.” Maggie snapped at him. She sat up before straightening her pants. “It’s bloody cold. I don’t know how you could have them hanging out there without covers.”

Corporal Jones still on his back pulled at his pants before buttoning it. He then sighed at the relief.

“Thanks, Maggie. It was a relief considering that you being displaying your bum at me for the last three nights.” Corporal Jones smiled. “I never knew ….”

“Bloody the shaft of yours needed to be greased instead of between your thumb and fingers.” Maggie cooed back.

“How could you still do it while looking at the port?” Jones asked.

“I have the skill to multi-task. And I did have a glimpse and you are the right dimension for the task below. My butt needed some rimming then.”

Corporal Jones looked away blushing. He then looked at the port and enquired on the update there.

“Nothing new. There are fifty warriors there and the three sentry posts are occupied on a rotation of eight hours.” Maggie replied. “Like my ex-lover. All routine and it took was a total of four-minute of strokes and one final push to end before the stroke of midnight. Then he will snore to dawn or when the cockerel called for the morning shower.”

“I done well then.” Jones added in with a grin.

“You done well. Now will get your bark into the task here.” The lady replied. “I got to peed.”

Corporal Jones was to reply when he saw Lieutenant Galen crawled into the dugout. He told them of the task in hand to be ready by dusk tomorrow. He then looked around and sniffed at the air.

“Corporal Jones. I will suggest you take a bath when we are done. This place stinks of ….” The Lieutenant grounded his teeth on the correct term. “Like you pooped here or was it a bitch had taken shelter in here.” 

“Close Sir. Never being more …” Corporal Jones clam it when he saw Maggie glared at him from the afar.  She spread her legs and squirted towards him.

Closer to the dugout far from hearing distance, Leader Tian Fu sat by himself on the long table in the tavern at the port. The place was devoid of the usual fare of fishermen and traders. It was all quiet as if a plague had taken them all except the captives from the previous battle. They were without their leaders.

“We were fed with the wine and then we slept. When we woke up it was all dark until you came to rescue us.” The warriors told him. They have no idea what happened to the fleet and also of their ship. All it had vanished in one day. They have searched the port and the fortress to even the home of the enemies but there was no trace of the enemies.

“Leader Fu what are we to do here? Drink and sleep till the Gods have pity on us.” Senior Warrior Tu asked of him some days back. He had nothing to reply on so he ignored the warrior. His task was to hold the place and that was he was doing. Senior Warrior Yu had pressed on for the reply and caused him to react in anger. The warrior kept on his line of questions until the Leader was past listening. He lashed out with his right fingers to grip the warrior in the neck. He pressed down hard and broke the air passages there. Senior Warrior Tu died then without getting a reply to his question.

The killing of Senior Warrior Tu had taken on a toll on the Leader’s command. Since the incident, the warriors have avoided him and only reply when questioned. He felt that he had overreacted then in killing Tu but the act was done. He blamed not himself but the Lady for leaving him with a task of boredom and frustration.

At that moment across the sea Lady Jan was delighted to see the arrival of the Third Fleet at the port. It will mark the start of her many achievements here. She walked up to the edge of the pier and saw the monstrous Mother Dragon floating on the surface. She was designed close to the original designs of Lord Henry with some changes in some areas.

The Mother Dragon was also a three hundred feet squid design oblong-shaped contraption with a dimension of over twenty feet in radius. The main differences were the top right and left sections held only two main ten-footer harpoons with the explosive heads. In the center section of the Mother Dragon were the six ‘sponson’ units each that could swivel at fifty degrees with the twin three-footer length harpoon guns that were facing the stern and portside. Its range was for the close proximity battles and the twin harpoons have a deadly range of fifty yards. There was one ‘sponson’ at the bottom hull with the same design. The forward section was not flared like the hammer shark head. It was shaped to slope down like a hooded serpent seen from above with its aft bridge deck and wide glass viewer. On the aft sides were the three harpoons guns each side like the ears on the head. The bridge housed the communications and also the wheelhouse. The hull of the ship was triply layered to withstand the lower depths pressure.

“Senior Captain Cheng Ha welcome to the Rising East Port.” Lady Jan greeted the young dashing Captain who had just arrived on the pier from the lifeboat. “I trust your voyage was eventful.”

Senior Captain Cheng Ha was the descendant of seafaring warriors which have served the land of his birth. The man was in this thirties but his weather cracked facial showed him beyond his age. His body tanned from the hot sunlight was muscled toned to hardness from his days on the seas. He was not one rose with the influence of gold coins but out of dedication to the works from the lowly rower to his present rank. His father and the father before he never allowed their descendants to evade the chores of a shipmate. Besides his skills in handling the ship, he was also an adept martial artist and renowned pistol shooter. The last was his desire to compete with the other boys when he was boarding with them in their school fifteen years ago.

“Thank you. I am glad to be back again.” The dashing Senior Captain replied with the accent of his speech long learned when he was a student of naval studies. The third fleet of his consists of ten more troopships and five destroyers with another five supplies ship.

“I brought you a gift.” Senior Captain Cheng Ha presented the lady a jar that held a newborn serpent. “It came from the same mother that you took from her young years ago.”

Lady Jan smiled. It was memories to her when she released the pair sea serpents there in the same sea she was trying to control. They have bred the creatures to terrorize the other nearby seafarers and when it was their turn, they have hunted it for food, or for the fun of it. She never would have thought that the serpents in these waters will turn out larger and deadlier than the ones back at her land. It had worked to her advantage for it gave her the means to stake her colony here.

“I appreciate the gift, Senior Captain Cheng Ha.” Lady Jan received her gift with both hands. “I trust you will enjoy your stay here. The serpents here are …”

“I was told. It will be a challenge for me to hunt them as I did back home.” Senior Captain Cheng Ha showed the row of ribbons on his scabbard of the sword he carried. Each of them held a piece of the fang from the serpents he had captured.

“The sailors told me of the Old One here. Its bone will make a good hilt for my sword.” Senior Captain Cheng Ha laughed.

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