Thursday, May 28, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 34


Hawkins stared at the men who had affixed the hoist over the slab and then were attaching the ropes to the cover to lift it. He looked to the slab and saw the preparation was underway with the six priests placing the items which will suppress the demon when the slab cover was raised. It was a rare ritual but one that his people had retained. He prayed hard that the spell will work.

“Ironic at this very hour you sought the divine assistance.” The hooded figure stood at his side voiced out. “Do not despair, my brother for when I was hunted like a hare, I too have raised a prayer for God but I was ignored then. So pardon my reservation on your appeal for assistance.”

The master of works there overseeing the hoisting works signaled that his men were ready for the task. Hawkins then motioned to the six priests there to start their works. The priests began their rituals with the lamps and scrolls held in their hands while they performed moves that resembled more like dances. The priests were led by one that was taking the lead on every move and then the signal was given. The hoist was secured and the ropes pulled tautly. There was a stillness in the air that moment and then the pressure was applied on the slab cover. It began to move ever slightly and soon a gap was seen between the cover and the main slab. The pungent smell overpowered everyone who was there and drawn to seek some scented cloth for relief. 

There were excitements when the fingers were seen on the slab cover. It was the middle finger that appeared and then the other fingers gripped the side. It stopped there while everyone was expecting more except the priests; they were chanting incessantly on whatever they felt was working. Hawkins was past his patience and grabbed hold of the slab cover. He was to pry it off when the slab slipped from his grip. He looked and saw the slab cover slide over. He then saw the hooded figure standing at the far end with the extended arms. Hawkins was to peek in when he saw the figure sat up there. It was his sight of a demon. He had been called one before but his stay at the monastery had given images of the demons as in the books. His first real sight was more distinctive and glaring in detail.

“Hello” The demon spoke out in the ancient language that baffled those who were there. Not all the hooded one sprang into action.

“Master Samael, please forgive our delay in freeing you from this vault. We…” The demon had then stood up with ease despite the long period of inactivity. The demon had raised the right hand to stop the pleasing remarks.

“I am fine.” The demon switched the language to a more familiar one. “It’s a consolation to be breathing here than those brimstones gas.”

The demon laughed and then looked at the two persons who had rescued him.

“What age are we in now? The air smelled bad. Too much coal and fossil smell.” The demon asked. “I recalled it was a more refined age then when I walked the surface. I guess humans had to do the needed to create the crude now.”

The demon spied the contraption on Hawkins.

“A measurement of time. I may be lying in there but I listened well. We did not have any ideas of the movement of the days and nights. For us, it did not matter, but the …innocents like yourself were always on the lookout for the sun and moon for measurement.”

“We are your servants, Master Samael.”

“And who are you?” The demon asked the hooded figure.

“Vlad Tepes of Transylvania. I am in need of your help. We can help each other.”

“Oh! Another one. Can I have a drink first?” The demon requested. “My throat is dry.”

“Fresh blood? I can run a goblet for you.” Vlad impressed the demon.

“Then it’s death do us part.” The demon replied with a smile. “But before that, does anyone know where I can piss without wetting myself.”


Lance let go of the rope that he had rappel down in the shaft. He looked up at the shaft that he had descended twice then. He disliked having to rush out again. He then looked into the tunnel and saw Tonto was already reaching the chamber. He took after them and soon came to the familiar surroundings. He was cautious for fear he will meet those winged men once more. He recalled his previous encounter and was not keen to see them. There were no spirits then and made worse, his so-named inklings were not responding. His mask saw none of the spirits there. The cavern had not changed since he last visited it except the slab was not there. The place was still lighted up the place with the lighted torches that were partially covered with the webbing to reduce the lighting level. He looked at the flooring that was sighted with the three hexagon designs. Without the slab on it, the designs were apparent on the surface. There was a change then with the designs, it looked throbbing alive like the blood surging in the veins.

“It’s a beauty, is it not?” Samael read the expression on Lance. He had stepped outside the designs as if he feared it. Tonto had stood on the far side with his eyes fixated on the designs. He appeared mesmerized by it.

“Tonto? Are you okay?” Lance asked his partner. Tonto shaken from his thoughts looked over.

“Yes, Kemo-Sabe.” Tonto shook his head as if to clear it. “Felt like a binge at the pubs.”

Tonto recalled his evenings at the wharf back in England. Those were good times despite his younger age. Well, that gave him more loving than the older sailors would get in the evening.

“You were a teen then. And you were not to drink.” Lance reprimanded his partner while he moved closer to the designs.”
“So, tell my father then.” Tonto retorted. Lance ignored the remark and crouched down to look closer at the designs. He saw beneath the designs were ripples of hands reaching for the surface but they stopped before the design as if there was a barrier there. He traced the scriptures on the design and could not make out the wordings. Samael assisted there.

“It’s Sumerian. They were the first civilizations that indulge in early alchemy. In the brief, soon after our rebellion was quelled by the Archangels, there were no records of us until the Bronze Age as claimed by your historians. It was the age when Man discovered mining. Man then believed the stones were from heaven like the ones they saw coming from space. You called them meteorites but to them then it was heaven sent. Meteorites shards were worshipped in some rituals. Weapons that were made from it was said to be magical. The earth source became a path to discover more of these stones. It was then mining took place. It was said then that the Gods taught Man how to mine the earth for these metals. Tales were created of Angels in disguise had led Man to new metals. Coal was a good reference when before its discovery we all used wood which was in the Ancient days an element of the Gods. Each mine was considered sacred and each shaft opened had its rituals to appease the Gods.”

“Thank you for the…” Lance getting agitated on the lessons of alchemy but was stopped.

“Hear me out. Do you know what ‘Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem Veram Medicinam’ means? It translates as ‘Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying you will find the hidden stone which is the true medicine’. The earth is the symbol of physical man. Man needs to become conscious of the inner world. Once the attention is directed inwards, the underworld of Hades came to mind. It’s also called ‘regressus ad uterum’ or ‘the return into the uterus’. It’s also a term used in initiation rites of a symbolic return to the primal state; the raw state of Man carried in the collective state of unconscious.”

“Inside of Man, darkness is alike ‘regressus ad uterum’ or in plain words a condition of death, and subsequently experience rebirth. In alchemy, the caves when working with metals, the preferred metal is lead. Lead, the most impure metal needs to be transformed into the pure metal, gold…..”

“I have heard enough of your said knowledge. Tell me why are we here?” Lance getting more agitated had reacted in anger.

“I was coming to it. Gold is sought by them. Gold will feed their armies. Gold came from the earth. The rocks are fed to the furnace to create the metal.” Samael pointed to the ripples of hand. “The furnace burns deep within. It’s not any furnace here but the fires of Hades that best create the metal. In addition to that, here lies the path to Hades. One of its many but this one had been discovered.” Samael grin at Lance. “Hawkins wanted a war between Man and Demons. His current force weakened and his gold depleted, he called on the new force to wage war to ensure his victory.”

“And what of you and the blood drinker?” Lance hit back. “You are no different. All of you wanted a war with Man.”

“Well said. I am no different from Aamon or Hawkins if you are to compare our desire to be the victor. On the other side of the coin, both Aamon and I are Angels while Hawkins is a demon. So was that hooded figure which held me captive. Pardon me, I lied. I was pretending to be captive to amuse the other. He did assume he had me subdue with the spells and those blood-drinking. He served me that vile ingredient. I prefer nectar than blood.”

“Angel….tell then why are you here?”

“I told you earlier. We are here to prevent them from freeing more demons.” Samael sounded that with a sigh. “Man hardly listened. Never did before and won’t now. Anyway please allow me to speak more on my stay with Hawkins.”
Samael looked at the hexagon designs before he took up the tale again.

“I told Hawkins of the gateway too. My take may be exaggerated but I was fooling him. I wanted him to believe me so he could lead me to places. And him to places where gold could be found…”

“Places?” Tonto then spoke up.

“Yes, I knew that Hawkins was preparing a revolution. I was not in one since the French did theirs. I went along and watched how he shaped his army and given a few pointers. And he placed me under guards by this hooded person. I tried to speak to the other but all I got was silence. I sensed something on that person but he was so elusive except the person smell of fresh blood. I am not keen on that; I prefer mine immersed in wine.”

“Like enhancing the Legionnaires with your blood. You treat everything with disdain.” Tonto stepped forth but was stopped by Lance. “To me, you are a bastard. You are just to watch us kill each other. I will not fight these wars.”

“You have not heard me correctly.” Samael retorted. “I brought you here to stop the war from spreading further.”

“You were not there during the Crusade. I saw the battles and the killings.” Samael then laughed out loud. “I loved it but I grew tired of it.”

“Bastard!” Lance snapped at the crazy demon and rushed forth. “Who gave you the position to play God? Y0ou do not decide on humanity.”

“Myself. Since you asked. God has abandoned all of you.” Samael glared at the two there. “Here on this land, I am the new God. As God, I intend to stop it here. You will help me regardless.”

“Now listen up. We got a battle coming. And we are the ones that needed to win this battle or it will be Hades for all.” Samael looked at Lance. “Be with me or depart.”

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