Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 32


Hawkins was tossed to the side and hit his head on the white slab. He pushed himself up and rubbed the sore area on his left shoulder when it hit the white slab. He looked up to one that addressed him as a brother.

“Frate, I am in control of the battle.” Hawkins addressed the one standing before him. The figure was dressed in a loose white tunic and pants tucked into the knee-high boots with the short vest that was decorated with motifs. On the head was the hat that resembled the cocoon hat without the tail end.

“Nu,” The figure replied in Romanian. “You have encountered resistances which are beyond control. You lost your enemies when you are in control. That is a sign of weakness.”

“Vlad, let me…” Hawkins pleaded with the one who spoke in Romanian.

“Would the Ottoman warriors allow such mistakes? I loathe mistakes and those who did it are impaled on the poles. It placed Ottoman fear in them.” The figure leaned over. “Vlad Tapas, we cannot make mistakes. I learned that the hard way.”

“Frate, we will pursue them now. I can get Samael to assist.” Hawkins pleaded to his half-brother. “That demon can help.”

“That demon had escaped my clutches during the retreat.” The figure laid a slap across Hawkins. “Your mercenaries ran like the curs with the tails between their legs.”

“They were withdrawing…” Hawkins made his defense. “The Legionnaires fought hard.”

“They lost and to me, it’s a defeat.” The figure stated the facts. “Let me introduce you to one that I recently discovered. You may have known him as Mr. Smith. His real identity enforced his role as the detective.”

Mr. Smith stepped into the tent. He approached the hooded figure and did a bow.

“Mr. Smith may be known to you as the Pinkerton Agent.” The hooded figure further introduced Mr. Smith. “Mr. Smith has other exceptional skills. He is also a tracker which was part of his skills.”

“However he came with that skill as he has a different identity. His real self is one of the Hell Hounds. You do know of the Hell Hounds. They are nasty creatures. Show him, Mr. Smith, your true self.”

Mr. Smith evolved in front of the brothers into a huge hound with three heads and their eyes were deep, bright with a glowing aura. The fangs on the jaws were sharp teeth and coupled with super strength. The hound then stood high at four feet tall to a length of six feet.

“How…..Where….” Hawkins asked his ‘frate’.

“Mr. Smith was the servant of Aamon before he was turned out. Aamon left the pet to his own tidings. Do you know what happened to dis-owned hounds? They are ostracized by the other hounds. He left Hades to do whatever he excelled in. He sought vengeance by hunting the demons.” Vlad the Impeller explained.

“This hound will assist us to defeat Aamon and Samael. Once we destroyed them, we will be victors in our war but we have a bigger task to do. We need to hurry for the Gates of Hell will open soon. The Master awaits our presence. 

Hopefully, he can help us raise the second army which is more reliable and braver than those mercenaries.”

“Gather the others. We will ride there.” Vlad the Impaler shaded his hands over his eyes and looked at the sun on the horizon. Soon it will be time for reckoning and vengeance.

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