Thursday, February 6, 2020

Legion Resurrected Finale Chapter 27

27. ( Finale )

The Wrath of the Gods

“Where am I?” Odyssey called out when it discovered itself in an energy containment. It whisked off from the Great Hall of Atlantis. It saw then the Supreme standing a distance away.

“The Supreme. I detest you.” Odyssey lashed out with an attack but the move was dampened by the energy field containment.

“Struggle not, automated construct. You are in my realm now. I am Aether. The later then looked around and called for all to restrain from further futile attempts to fight.

“I see that all the guests are all here.” Aether appeared in the form which the others could belong to. Aether was in the form of a star shining in the darkness. The Supreme had arrived in the bodysuit while Odyssey sent by Legion was also in the same armor suit. “That leaves us only Legion.”

Legion soon appeared then wrapped in the shade of red woven into a tight bodysuit over her frame. She held the red stone sought by the other two. They are in the inter-dimension of the realms where reality and dreams exist. What they saw was the void of the space.

“Who are you?” Odyssey questioned.

“I am Aether of the Primordial. I existed before all of you. I am also your creator. I was here at the start of the creation. I am the beings of Chaos.”

“A glorification which cannot be substantiated.” Odyssey snapped back. It was the Supreme who jumped into Aether’s defense.

“Silence, metallic being. I believe what was spoken here.”

“And you who are our evolved generations from the seedlings in our care. How would you know of this when we prelude you?”

“The Book of Mage will tell all.” Aether replied to Odyssey. “Even your kind cannot ignore the book.”

“A fabled book but contested as it was never found or recorded. Another futile glorification perhaps? I will not hear you out. I came for the Child and the Stone. Nothing else matters.”

“Perhaps then a show of power is required.” Aether looked at Odyssey. “Behold your realm.”

The city of Thule appeared in holographic imagery with its grand towers and structures, built over a floating island in space. Around the floating island, were the different designs of Odyssey replicate. They numbered over a hundred in the protection over Thule.

“A the grand city it's hidden by the Celestials. Am I not correct, Odyssey?” Aether looked at the automated being. “Behold my powers. One of three of your kind will destruct before you now.” In the imagery, every third Celestial being exploded immediately.

“No! This is …” Odyssey reacted in anger and then found its sound was as empty like the void of space.

“I submit.” Odyssey lowered its power in the system. 

“Very well.” Aether continued on. “Legion and the Stone remains here. I can see the concerns all of you hold on Legion and the Stone. Shall we then begin to understand our existence here? Before I begin the settlement of the war, I will show all of you the existence of the realms to the point when it was first created.”

“In the beginning long before all of you was formed, there was the void between the realms and the dimensions, and the existence of the unity. Unity is the space in between the realm and dimensions. At first, there was Chaos; the first entity to come to exist then. Chaos saw It as a rude and undeveloped mass, that nothing made except a ponderous weight. And all the elements were congested in a shapeless heap. Chaos then moved to create the first resemblance of the forms pleasing to it. Chaos filled the unity with other entities like Gaia, Tartarus, and Eros, and also created two halves to the Unity; light and darkness. Those entities were named as the Primordial or the creators before the creations of beings.”

“The creators formed a physical form from the combined energy sources and shaping it into a form that resembled an egg that was soon to be known as the ‘aperion the unlimited’ where more elements will be created from it. It was also known as the Elixir of Creation or life to some, or the Stone, or the Philosopher’s Stone. It was also known as the cosmic egg of Orphism. Whatever was from it will eventually return to it. Hence, the concept of life and death. Its infinity towards the end of finite.”

“The Primordial It was soon the pro-creation begin and the realms were filled with inhabitants. The inhabitants incorporated the forms favored by the Gods and some even held wings to allow them movement where the legs are limited. Or fins when in the water.”

“Where does that stay with us? I am a metallic construct.” Odyssey acknowledged its true origin.

“The Celestials occupied the realms when the Old Gods took to rest in the inter-dimensional realms. Your kind was once servitude to the Gods but on the non-interference of the Gods, your kind evolved not only in design but of the approach to its program. You made yourselves Gods. A new generation of Gods that soon experiment with the works of the Gods. They created the Celestials to do their work.”

“And the Age of the Celestials ruled.” Odyssey acknowledged.

“Yes, it did. Your attempts at continuing the evolution drove the realms into chaos. The beings that were once cohesive were given restraints and then warring between them. What was the order became chaos. Your perception of evolution was demented. You preclude the existence of demons in the realm.”

“And what of the Supreme?” Odyssey questioned.

“A revival era to co-exist the realms but the focus was on the few that Supreme was set on to be the Almighty. The next Zeus in the making with its own Titans. That became the grand scheme to deliver the Angels to the realm. It was well received but your intention to withhold their growth in the circle of evolution made it a selfish task. The ones that were there saw the progression and defied you but the recall was made to cease their participation unless it was premeditated by yourself.”

“It was Lucifer the Defiant who rejected your call and formed the Fallen. You rained calamities upon them and when all failed, you declared annihilation. The battle won but the war was ongoing in many ways.”

“You brought in Legion!” The Supreme hit back “You undermine our efforts.”

“Legion was not my doing but the evolution as set by the creator? Where they will be ordered, and chaos was to follow. On from there, the new order may be restored. It’s like the circle of life and death. Every point has a finite end and an an infinite new beginning.”

“The child…. Legion held the Stone.” Odyssey snapped back. “We are ….”

“Denied it for Legion held a more crucial role. The ages of evolutions by all of you have created a gateway for the others to intervene here. The realms are not secure anymore. There will be more powerful Gods arriving in. It’s up to Legion to challenge them. You can either assist or await demise.”

“And what of Aether? You are more powerful than us here?” Odyssey asked.

“I am but also a dying one. I cannot partake in the coming war. I gave you the one gift that could make a difference but I may be wronged.” Aether replied. “Now go and defend your universe.”

With that, everyone, found themselves back at the Diner.

“The Gods are back” It was Michael who greeted the newly returned from the inter-dimensions. He saw then was the Supreme, Odyssey, Audrey with Kyle and Jeep. The lady in red soon appeared from behind them with Charlie holding the left arm. Michael was in his armor and held Excalibur in the hands. His wings were missing then.

“Our prayers are answered then.” It was Gabriel who voiced out. He was very much the same, with the feathers in his wings singed or missing, but the horn remained in his right hand. His armor suit was dented and his left eye was covered with a dark patch.

“Pardon my missing eye. The enemies were lucky to get it.” Gabriel continued on. “What took you so long?”

“Where are the Angels?” The Supreme stepped forth and confronted Michael.

“We are the last ones. And there is Lucifer. He is still around if we meet him.” Michael replied. “Since you left a year ago, the war was over for a moment. We faced a bigger enemy from the opened gateway in the skies. They were not of the realms but from another universe. They outnumbered and swamped us with their deadly weapons. We scattered and since then fought a battle with whatever numbers we can find.”

“Where is Bob?” Jeep asked.

“Bob is …. captured by them. He serves them now as their warrior. The Amazons and Spartans are all dead.” Michael motioned to the right of him. Alongside the road was the stakes of the fallen warriors held up their weapons or by poles.

“The demons were roasted to ashes. Mother Lilith has escaped I believe and fighting somewhere. She is a tough lady. And a warrior.” Michael replied. “So who is the lady in red?”

“Legion.” Charlie told Michael. “She is here to save us all.”

“Mother of God. I am ….. impressed.”

“Who are we against?” Legion asked for the first time since she arrived.

“You heard of mutants and powerful beings. Try them both together and multiply by the numbers. They are called the Jaguar Warriors.” Michael explained. “Well, that was what we called them. We can’t understand their language but they can hit harder than us. They wore this into battle.”

It was an image of the warrior dressed in the headgear with the bright feather works close resemblance to the Native Indians Chief Headgear, quilted leather amour chest plates, and golden metallic limbs greaves. The warrior carries the sword and shield.

“That the weapon that looked like a bat is powerful. It emits a powerful blow on impact.” The weapon referred to by Michael was a bat designed for a club with a knob on each side, with the edges inserted the sharp blades.

“Ocelot. The Jaguar Warriors. They carry the ‘macuahuitl’ clubs. These are Ancient Aztec Warriors long departed with the Gods and now return to re-claimed the realms.” Legion recalled from the Elders' learning. “Their winged brothers are the Eagle Warriors or Cuauhtli.”

“Fierce warriors in their time.” Michael added in.

“Then we shall meet them not alone but with the others.” Legion looked at Odyssey and Supreme. “Summon the others. The universe needs are protected. Get off on your task now.”

Odyssey and the Supreme disappeared leaving only the rest there. Legion turned to Charlie and told her to prepare herself.

“We have a task to perform. I need to find Lucifer. He held the Book of Mage.”

“What about us?” Michael asked.

“Stay here with the others at the Diner. You will be fine here.” With that Legion and Charlie took off to the skies.

“I told you ladies are your weakness, Michael.”

“Shut up, Gabriel.”

End of Book One

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