Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Deep Heat II Chapter 12


I woke up to the noise of a truck near the house I was putting up. It was a small place in the countryside hidden by the surrounding trees and a small pond in the front. It would have been an idyllic retreat but then I was on a desperate run. I did not know why I ran when I could turn myself in for protective custody. I did not change from my riding attire for the sleep and grabbed the shotgun to approach the front door. I peeked out to the truck parked outside. It was not a truck but the Range Discovery there. Madge stepped into the house with the basket of food and drinks. She was dressed in a white double pocket blouse and dark pants.

And more bad news.

“It was on the news. You are wanted for the murder of Jones Howard and suspect for the shooting of Detective Ian. You are in deep shit.”

I muttered to myself where did I go wrong. A few days ago, my life was normal, and my bitch was at home. All of it started off with the death of the Assistant Chief Constable.

“Madge, tell me of Robert Kellie.” I looked hard into Madge’s expression. “You knew more or else you wouldn’t have given me guns and a place to hole in.”

Madge did not reply.

“Or was it for my standoff with them?” I uttered that and got the expression on Madge’s face. “How long did you know I was targeted?”

“Since the day you asked me on Maud Adams. I knew then you were treading on bad things.”

“That case was over. Sidney died and so was Shawn.”

“And Alice Cohen. The Cohen does not forget. They own the city.”

“Madge, I was promoted. How did that happen? Should I not be taken down? Why, Madge?”

“You were promoted to stay desk-bound until the issue was forgotten. Then the hatchet will come for you. Alice Cohen’s death placed them on alert. And Robert Kellie was to turn star witness until he was killed.”

“What star material, Madge? How did you know?” I snapped back. “I never told you.”

“I knew because I was to be one. I have a folder with news on Robert Kellie. I gave it to Shawn as part of the deal. He was to add in more of his side into the folder. It was kept by Sidney for safekeeping.”

“Backtrack there, Madge. Tell me from the beginning.” I looked at Madge.

“It was me who got Robert to be an informant. Since then, we compiled the cases against Cohen. I had it given to Shawn for the new information.” Madge replied.

“And Sidney knew too.” I asked.

“Yes, he was engaged in by myself. We all wanted to retire without any more hassle by the Cohen’s. We were all once working for them. Once in, it was difficult to get out.”

“You were with the Cohen?” I was horrified then.

“Yes, they were paying us well. When I retired I took the information with me. Then Shawn got in touch with me and the rest you could figure out.” So much for Madge whom I can trust. I knew her to be a good officer but on the bent side was something new. I should have questioned her on the guns she gave me; removed serial number and swan off the barrel. Those were the doings of criminals.

“How was the folder looked like? I mean where is it?” I asked.

“It should be with Sidney.” Madge described the folder I shook my head. It was the same one I got from Sidney. I told Madge of the theft. She broke down in tears.

“It was our only evidence against them.” Madge reply in anger.

“What if Sidney held another copy? I know Sidney. He was careful. I had seen having copies of his notes. I know where he could have kept them. That was why he send me the folder. It was a back-up then.

“Where would he keep the originals?” I muttered to myself. Then we heard the sounds of cars outside the house.

“They found us.” Madge voiced out. I looked out and saw two cars with eight alighting from it. They were armed with automatic rifles. I recognized two of them from the Station other sections.

“Bernice, help me with this.” Madge was pulling up the floorboards. I assisted her and then she pulled from under the floorboards were two automatic rifles and spared ammo. The rifles were Sterling machine guns
“You buying antiques too?” I asked.

“They may be to you but to me, they are the better guns than the MP5.” Madge loaded the guns while I retrieved mine. I tucked in the Glock 17 and ammo into the riding suit and then held the MP5 in my hands. The barrage of shots came soon after with the eight men firing away with their weapons. We ducked for cover behind an overturned heavy cupboard.

“No chance to reply fire!” I called out to Madge. We stayed down until we heard the footsteps on the front porch. There have stopped shooting and it time for us to return fire. I crouched up and leveled the MP5 on the bullet riddle wall. I let off a long stream of fire from right to left. I heard some screams outside and then more returning fire from the others. We ducked back down and then Madge motioned me to follow her. We half ran in the half crouched position to the rear of the house in the kitchen. Three men walked in through the front door and we greeted them with our weapons. I emptied the MP5 ammo clip before I switched to the Glock 17. Meanwhile, Madge was focussing on the rear door in the kitchen. The intruder stepped in there and was snapped to death by the Sterling bullets. I reckoned it was time to take the fight towards the men. I rushed out with the Glock ready to fire but the enemies were all down.

I stepped out towards the Land Defender and leaned on the left side of the vehicle. Madge walked among the intruders and shot those in the face who was wounded.

“Must you do that?” I asked.

“Only to stop their agony” Madge replied and then she leveled the Sterling at me. “Are we still friends?”

“Only if you get me the folder.” I was being a bitch then while I pulled my Glock towards her.

“I am sorry, Bernice. I do not know where to find them.” Madge aimed the Sterling at her jaw and pulled the trigger before I could stop her. She was dead when I reached her. I saw then in her front pocket of her blouse the picture of her grandchildren.

I have to end this or more friends of mine will die.

I can’t hide.

I am an officer of the law.

My training was to hunt and that will be what I do then.

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