Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Legion Resurrected Chapter 8

Michael slashed out with the Excalibur with the swing of his right arm. The extended blade on his gauntlet cut deep into the Nephilim at the left thigh. The giant form was created by the Seraph Warriors consummation with the local females. The mutation of their genes, created the race of giants that reached the heights of twice that of Man and held greater strength in their body. The giants themselves then mated and borne were the huge beings that exceeded their parents with bigger frame. They would had been accepted by the others except most of the Nephilim were deformed in looks and were forced to be outcasts or slaves.
“No other race except that of Mankind shall be spared.” It was the command of the Supreme and relayed by Michael to his army. “Slaughter them all.”
It was not a task that all relished for some of the defeated ones pleaded for their offspring then.
“Spare the form your wrath. They are not fearsome warriors but docile creatures. They held our blood line in them.” Such pleas were not heeded. It was difficult when the army led by Michael had to face the enraged Nephilim whose emotions were stirred by the culling of their kind. Some of them saw their parents killed or held against their will. It was the call to fight.
And they fought the Seraph Warriors hard.
“Michael, we got them on the retreat. We can rest and tend to our wounded.” Michael heard the call by Gabriel. The battle was tough and his army had their wounded to tend. He had brought a hundred of his own, and faced down initially half their number of Seraph and Nephilim. He turned to look at those who were wounded when he made his walk among them. He saw the looks of pain, and also of wonderment He guess the later was the amazement that they actually survived the battle.
“Their numbers grew in the battle.” Gabriel told him.
“No, we were wrong. Our scouts have failed us. We were led into a trap.” Michael replied. “Our fighting skills and weapons helped us.”
Michael looked at the retracted blade on his right gauntlet. In the battle it was coated with blood from the enemies. Once it retracted, the blood will be wiped off to his fingers, and palm. He wiped the blood off on his cloak that he wore to set himself off the others. His wings had retracted and like the blade, the excess blood was pushed to his back.
“Excalibur performed well today, brother.” Gabriel praised the esteemed blade that was wield by Michael. Excalibur was not any blade but considered to be a mystical being that was bounded by oath of servitude to the Supreme and formed with a rare metal into the feet long blade.
“No more than your horn, Gabriel.” Michael had seen the mighty horn blown by the later to rally the army when they were seen to be giving up. The Horn of Hope was the weapon that moved any size of army to double its strength in their mind and determination. Gabriel was given the privilege of holding that power.
“And it held a nasty blow.” Gabriel laughed. The horn was not only a rally weapon but a deadly one when directed on an adversary, it could blow away the figure to distance behind. Or create an opening in a wall of strength.
“We are truly blessed to be given such powerful weapons.” Michael smiled. It saved lives. And with it they will rebuild the dimension.
Mankind shall live once more.

The Diner
“What is the idiot doing out there?” Bob leaned close to the door looking outside. “Is he to parlay to get us out or save his own skin?”
“Hey, downstairs. We need some ammo. We are cleaned out.” Jeep who was guarding the other end, heard the call from the platform above. He reached into the bag and checked its content. He took out the extra rifle and then carried the rest in the bag to the ladder.
“It’s heavy and I need help.” Jeep called out. It was Kyle who climbed down. He saw Bob at the doorway, and the waitress was seated where he was before the battle. He then looked at Jeep.
“Anything to eat huh?”
“You could grab the apple pie. That is still in the warmer or the coffee. I think there are some left.” Jeep replied.
“Nobody gets any free stuff. Pay the money on the counter. And I can count what has been taken.”: Bob roared from the doorway. “I’m not any charitable joint. And what is the man taking so long?”
“Oh, no.” It was Charlie then. She was seen holding the tummy and calling out. “I think I broke the water bag.”
“Shit!” Jeep ran towards her and stood there looking concerned. “What can I do?”
“Jeep, step away. You are hopeless at that. And so am I.” Bob called out. “Get Percy. He was medic before.”
Kyle responded to the call and climbed up with the heavy bag. He reached the platform and called to Percy.
“Lady is busted her …. Bag. Are you able to …? You know handle a delivery.”
“Heck, I am a soldier and a cook. I have … Wait, I have done it.” Percy then dropped the rifle and walked over. Kyle stepped aside for him to climb down while he grabbed the extra clips to load onto his rifle. He stooped over and saw Michael still in talks with the other. He was tempted to line his rifle on the other and shoot the brains out of the head. His sight was diverted to the sounds of blasting at the distance. He reckoned it was Las Vegas and it was burning like Hell.
“Well, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
“Well, Michael. It looks like we are at the start of the new war. Mankind will kill themselves and then the world will be once more open to us to re-do good again.” Turion looked hard at Michael. “We can’t stop the events that was set into motion.”
“Why does that have involved the baby?” Michael asked. “Let it live and …. Manage the mankind.”
“Like its father once did.” Turion glared at Michael. “Was that what we did to stop him then? The war that cost us brothers and sisters, and aeons of hunting with more deaths on both sides.”
“Turion, you have been corrupted by the stay here. We held no vengeance among us. We are…”
“No more the once happy family. We are now split into ranks of good and evil. I am with the good, as you are, or have you turned?” Turion asked Michael.
“Lucifer was not an enemy but a misled brother.” Michael voiced out.
“Speak not his name to me. I have hunted for him for far too long.” Turion replied. It was then he heard the cry of pain from the Diner.
“Your lady is giving birth.” Michael was told. “Do as needed or it will be done for you.”
“Lady, I don’t know what I can do but you got to get ready. I think your baby is coming out.” Percy took hold of Charlie and led her to the flooring. He had laid the blanket there. He turned to look for Jeep.
“Get the pot boiling Clear water and bring me the towels. And the …” Percy called in a frantic tone. “Whatever…”
“I will get it.” Jeep placed his rifle down and ran to the kitchen before he placed the big pot on the stove. He then started the fire and filled up the pot. He then moved to the cupboards and grabbed the towels. He took a whiff of them and sighed. It was clean compared to his own which he hung out to dry every evening. It was his chore for years from the lingerie to the overalls he had.
“Jeep, bring me the First aid box.” Percy called out. The young man then rushed to the counter and grabbed it. It was then he saw the other young lady holding the handgun and aiming at Percy’s back.
“Lady, no….” Jeep tossed the First Aid Box at the lady. The box hit Audrey on the side of the head and the shot went off but it impacted on the wall. Jeep rushed over and then grabbed the handgun off the lady. He turned the handgun and aimed at her.
“Percy, you okay?” Jeep called out. He heard Charlie screaming and Bob had rushed towards the lady. The old man of his did hesitate and threw the punch at the lady. She went down onto the flooring with her lips bleeding.
“Heck! Have I not enough shooting for one day? And trust a bitch to add to that.” Bob was fuming with rage and then reached for the soothing smoke but he could not light the match. He stormed off and lit his cigarette over the stove fire. Jeep meanwhile had reached Percy who was administering the blanket to soothe the screaming lady.
“Lady, stop the screaming. I can’t do my job if you don’t shut up.” In Percy’s previous works, he would had punched the lady out or was it the soldier’s he was treating. “I am going to jab you with morphine.”
Percy was not sure if the morphine was a good choice but he had little choices to select from. Jeep reached him with the wads of towels. He recalled cleaning them in the washer but disinfectants were not one of the ingredients. He set the towels by the side, and asked for the First Aid Box. It was Bob who kicked over to him the box. He grabbed the morphine and jabbed it into her.
“Now, lady. I hope you won’t mind. We need to remove your panty. And I need to look at your part. So be calm and don’t scream rape please.” Percy explained his moves. He then shouted out.
“Jeep, step back. You are not ready to see the reason we try not to have sex too often.”
Outside, Michael turned to leave for the Diner but Turion stopped him.
“We aren’t finished yet.” Turion grabbed hold of Michael’s right arm.
“No, we are.” Michael grabbed hold of the hand that held his arm. It was then he felt the hot flash of heat and then Turion screamed out in pain. Michael found himself holding the stump of the arm from the elbow below.

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