Monday, December 2, 2019

Legion resurrected: Chapter 3


Michael had arrived crouched on his knees and face buried to his knees. It was not a smooth move between the dimension, unlike the way he did it then at the war with the Fallen. It was the Supreme to open the huge doorway for the five thousand Seraph Warriors than with him in command. The current one he took was one taken by the Seraph for their assignment. It normally takes the technicians some time to prepare the machine for its use with the exact weight and height with other factors but Michael had no such luxury for his trip.
It was not sanctioned.
The machine was an inter-dimensional travel unit, and if properly programmed could place the person within feet of his original area. It could only transport one person at a time.
His arrival time was wrong. He was expecting darkness but ended up with bright daylight although he was shielded by the shadow of the tall walls. The smell of brimstones greeted his nostril and he huffed it out. He had smelled that many times but was surprised to have that scent there where he landed. He recalled then that he was no more in Eden but the other dimension.
The dimension where once the Fallen ruled supreme before Michael was to vanquish them in a war that turned brothers into enemies. He regretted the action but the will of the Supreme was the ultimate and non-dare challenge it except for the one named Lucifer.
“I am the second to do that,” Michael mumbled to himself on that thought. He felt his body was weak He shook his head thinking it was the travel through the dimension. He decided to clear the muddled thoughts and took hold of his situation then. He had arrived nude to the dimension but he was secured in the shadowed alley off the prying eyes of passing traffic. He noticed it was still daylight in the dimension he arrived. He adjusted his sight to accommodate the lower light there before he took onto his next task.
With his internal mechanism in tune, Michael then recalled the data that he had retrieved. He was at the alley behind the place. He stood up and flexed his muscles. He then surveyed the alley and found the place. All it needed then was the reach. He flexed his shoulder blades and the wings of feathers appeared. It grew on both sides until the wings reached above his head. It took him some effort to move the wings out. It was as if the wings did not belong to him.
Soon he got it out and then spread the wings and it reached out to double his height on both sides. He looked up and his body soared to the sky. He targeted the roof and then flew. His flight was cumbersome and almost knocked himself to the walls. He struggled with the wings and then landed on the roof. His wings retracted inside his shoulder blades on his will command, and then he made his way towards the sky window. It was not locked and he leaped in. He landed in the dark warehouse. His sight was then adjusted to the twilight and saw what he needed.
The clothes fit him well. He had on a dark shirt and pants with a pair of leathers with a dark leather overcoat that reached his knees. He found a homburg to complete the top. He seals back the boxes and then walked to the other sections. He found the section that he was looking for and held the latch there.
“Who are you?” Michael heard the question. He turned to look at the figure who asked him that question. The move taken by Michael was unprecedented and fast. He leaped on the strength of his feet and landed with the right elbow on the other’s head closing the distance of ten feet in split seconds. Michael picked himself up and then turned to the earlier doorway. Inside there were his weapons to fight the war.

The Diner.
“Who are you?” Bob raised the question at the figure with the overcoat and held a menacing automatic which had terminated an equally menacing lady that was not one.
“My name is immaterial. You are all in danger.” Michael who was the one who shot the elderly lady. “They are coming.”
“Who?” Bob was baffled.
“Hey, I need help.” It was Sandra who called the attention of all. “Howard needs help.”
That jolted the others in the Diner to react. Bob went for the First Aid Box where he removed the wads of bandages. He was joined by Percy but the later was hindered by the false arm that he had fashioned with metal hook. Bob placed the bandage on the wound to stop the bleeding and then tried to fashion it around the neck. It was working then but Howard required medical attention.
“It will hold but he will go into a shock unless I jab him with this.” Percy produced the morphine filled syringe. It was his old habit to store some nearby. He jabbed the morphine in and the told the wife to hold him. They had laid the wounded man on the floor for that was the flat surface then.
“The phone is out,” Charlie called out. She saw then the clouds outside the Diner was dark cast and the sun was not seen even though it was only three in the afternoon. She looked to the clock to confirm her time but the clock was not working. Both hands on the clock had dropped to the numeral six.
“Six? It can’t be.” Charlie muttered out. She then found herself looking to the menu display behind the counter.
“Six meals to suit your taste.” It was there every day but that was the first time she actually read it.
“Six?” Charlie looked away to the outside. Everywhere she saw was the dark shadows out there. The wind was blowing the sands into small twirls then and the numeral six was made out there. The tele display then popped back and the images were blurred with the sound gabbled with something that looked like sixes on the screen.
It was like the scene out of the horror movie except the Diner was not on any movie set. Everyone stayed still in their positions and the silence was gravely disturbing then. The humming noise from the cooler units resonated across the hall, but the air was warm.
It was to be a hot day like Hell.
“They are coming.” Michael voiced out again. It was then Jeep rushed in with the sawn-off shotgun. He heard the shots and reacted grabbing the gun. It was his personal unit that he kept as a needed friend after the incident with the motorcycle gang a year ago. They rode in with heavy throttle bikes and took to the gas. There were six of them and decided to leave without paying. Jeep intervened and was given the rough over until Bob stopped them with the shotgun. They stopped and left without paying.  Jeep suffered some bruises and swollen lips. It was Percy who treated the lad and Bob gave him a gun.
“Don’t move, Mister. I will shoot.” Jeep cautioned Michael.
“You would have if you could.” Michael looked at Bob. “I am here to save all of you and that unborn child. They are coming.”
Bob having recovered from the shot up of the lady then looked to Percy.
“Get the guns.” Bob has some weapons that he kept for the end of the world situation. And Percy was his accomplice for that. It was a small arsenal; some handguns, two hunting rifles and an automatic rifle that predate the Korean War.
“I got more in my car. Get them from the boot.” Michael told them. “Hurry up, we don’t have much time.”
Percy was the first to move and followed by Bob, but not the others. Michael looked up at them.
“My name is Michael and I am here to save all of you. The child carried by the lady is the cause of your predicament. That child and its mother will be harmed by those who are on the way here.” Michael waited for the words to sink in. He was looking at three ladies and three men who were unsure of what was happening. They have no military experiences or maybe that Kyle did but he is the father of a young babe. That made him a wary warrior with his mind on staying alive than to fight to the death.
“Why …. Are they after me?” Charlie spoke up. “What are they?”
“Angels to you but Seraph Warriors to me. They are here to kill your baby.”
“My baby? Why?” Charlie reached out to her child. Her hands cradled the extended belly as if she was carrying the child.
“I will explain it later.” Michael saw the others have returned with two large duffle bags.
“Jeep, they are more. Can you help? My back hurts.” Bob has a bad back from his service days. He was in the Vet Hospital but all they did was give pain killers. He was discharged and given a recurring prescription. If the pain was bad, he will rely on Percy for the morphine shots.
“Tell me, mister….” Bob was interrupted by Michael.
“My name is Michael. Please call me that.”
“He is a lunatic. He just told me that my baby was hunted by the Angels.” Charlie cut in. “I say he is to leave now.”
“Charlie, they are Seraph Warriors. You saw one of them today. They possessed the bodies of the …. Earthlings and then made them …. demonic slaves.”
“Now he is talking …. lunacy words.” Charlie getting agitated. “I say we kicked him out.”
“Hold on one second. Howard was attacked by the …. Demon who said earlier that it was going to destroy the baby. Maybe he is right.” Sandra looked up from her seated position on the floor cradling her husband. “Howard was a good man. And a loving father.”
“He was, Sandra. That does not change the situation here. We need to arm ourselves. They are almost here.” Michael looked to the others who were to share their destiny with the unborn child.
“How did you get the weapons? Those are military grade. And the car? That is a police car from Las Vegas. I think you wrecked the engine

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