Monday, December 30, 2019

Tweet tweet 30/12 /2019 .... another year going

Pardon me but the last week, I have been bashing the keyboard and done up two tales ( one crispy done and one almost ). I just did not want to stop and kept on typing. I was also busy with works despite the so called holiday mood then but the office needed someone to be manned. And the works just kept on coming in. So in between that and instead of looking downwards ( and wondering does that need any DIY ) I was busy creating tales.

I also got the latest gem of my collection; THE TRIGAN EMPIRE. I used to read that in the LOOK & LEARN mags in the 70's ( okay, I did LOOK & LEARN real stuff then. I could not afford the collection of ENCYCLOPEDIA but my barber has these past issues to read on while he slaps my head to move right and left. And finally, I got the pieces all in one download.

And a new tale came to my mind. Radical! I been trying to figure out the opening scenes of it for over four decades and now I got it done. I read recently they are making a new Movie or Series on it. It may rival STAR WARS ( considering the latest .... I hold my comments. )

And I watched STRIKE BACK Season 7 ( 10 episodes ) in two days straight, better than I did with three episodes of AFTER PORN Ends on Netflix ( I did watch it thrice. It's like 'was that her I saw before then?'. So frig me, I am just looking into the past. Those days, you don't look at faces, you are fixed on the action. I give you a piece of advice. DON'T looked at the mirror after that. You will be surprised how much you aged in you. Now you know why its called AFTER PORN Ends.

Okay, back to the tales.

DEEP HEAT II done ( the wrap to the whole saga ), and a new tale on Arthur with a twist done for the First Book. It won't be the Arthus you think you know. I will fine brush the contents and published it soon.

Meanwhile. it's to the YEAR END and we are into the NEW YEAR. So, its BYE for now and see you in 2020.


Legion Resurrected Chapter 11


Charlie rolled over on the bed to face the one she may have loved then. He was her beau and a gentleman complete with the mannerism. He had rescued her from the bar and then courted her on some dates but never pushing or demand anything from her. It took them a month before she could pull him to the bed, and he was a marvel at the action. She had prayed that it was really her relationship and then onto their third week, she decided to probe more into his life.
“I am the Devil in disguise,” Stan whispered to her. “Don’t tell anyone. I may be hunted by them.”
Charlie laughed at the joke made by her love. Beneath the clothes, he was a slimmer man with the chest hair that trailed to his groin and the muscles that were hard and strong yet tender on her. He had streaks of redness on his body but when asked, he dismissed it as old bruises that yet to be healed.
“I was mugged and left for dead.” Stan was good at getting into Charlie’s charitable contributions. “Well, I survived.”
They did survive on love and fresh air with the occasional dine out when Stan gets his weekly cheques as the executive for the insurance firm. He joked about it that he was the one processing the pay-outs for the deceased. She was then working at the book store as the assistant and only saw Stan on alternate days. Unknown to her, he was a busy person. Stan gave her a red stone on a necklace. He told her to safeguard it well.
“It’s a gift worthy of the Goddess I am with,” Stan told her. “You will find it handy one day.”
“To pawn off when I need money,” Charlie replied.
“Yes, it may work then. But till then, preserve it.” Stan told her. If only she knew its value to her. Stan soon left her and looked for his own hordes of followers.
“I hope you have more information for me, Baal.” Lucifer greeted the other who was like lurking in the dark and avoiding the main traffic of Man. Baal was wearing the great overcoat that reached below his knees and with his bent back, the figure looked like a skunk on the walk.
“It’s not much but I heard the brothers and sisters are mostly in hiding,” Baal replied. “The enemy is not the Seraph Warrior but a different race of beings. The words I heard are they precede us at the creation point. They have lain low for centuries and of late, resurfaced for the annihilation of the world. It’s the Second Coming.”
Lucifer grabbed Baal by the throat and pulled him upright. The bent spine of Baal forced to its new position created with the sound of pain. Baal cursed out in pain, but he will not retaliate against his senior brother then.
“I speak what the others had whispered.” Baal was an outspoken one and event to the Mighty Supreme, he cared not to hold his tongue.
“Speak not of the Second Coming ever. I warned you.” Lucifer lost his composure and stared at Baal. “If there was, I will be the one to tell you.”
The Second Coming was the new prophecy of the Dimension when the so-named Gods and Angels will have clashed. It will be a war when mankind will once again be the sacrificial lambs for, they held no defense against the two warring sides.  A new Messiah will be created.
“Interesting for we are to protect mankind in this dimension once more.” Lucifer sighed. “I wondered why they surface now. How are the others?”
“They have gone into hiding. Belith is slowly recovering from the wounds but the ability to see has not augured well.” Lucifer recalled Belith was one of the leaders appointed by him to lead the Fallen Ones. He was a fine warrior and wield a hammer that was half his height. He was the one who told the others after making his escape from the attack that nearly terminated his existence. He was rescued by Baal and then told of the attacker that he could not make out in the dark.
“It was huge and the attacks were fast. I could not defend myself in time. It was not a Seraph Warrior. It was something else.” Belith had mumbled out to Baal. That message was sent out and then reached Lucifer’s ears. The Fallen One's fight has been with Seraph Warriors since the War. The Second Coming will be different. 
Lucifer called for a meeting of the leaders and the name was whispered then in the mind.
“The Celestial.”

Lucifer leaned over and looked at Charlie. The later was not willing to hold the child birthed by her. He stooped on his knees.
“Hello, Charlie.” Lucifer greeted the lady. Charlie turned her face away. She was still upset at the man who had left her with the child and went missing. She had struggled with her job and later quit to find another to lean on. She found herself with the bulging tummy solace with a lunatic who thinks he was the father. She went with the parody until one day, he told him he had robbed the bank. He produced the wads of notes covered partially with blood. She had not believed him for she had seen on the tele set the news of a robbery and murder of the convenience store, and her lover's face was caught on the camera. He grabbed her and they drove off in the twilight to the desert. It was she ended up in the Diner.
“It’s our baby,” Lucifer told Charlie then. “She …”
“She is not mine. You are not mine. You are… a fraud.” Charlie was confused then. She had given birth on the floor of the Diner, having seen a firefight that will last forever in her mind, and above all, those that were killed do not look like humans. She wished she could wake up from that nightmare.
“Bob, those out there are fighting….” Jeep called out. Michael turned to look and saw the minions without their leader were fighting among themselves. He walked out there and fired a long burst from his rifle at the minions. He brought down half a dozen of them before they stopped to look at Michael.
“I am your new master now. Leave this place and wait for my command. Form a perimeter a few miles out. Protect the Diner.” The minions hesitated and stood there unsure of the next move but Michael sounded out his next command.
“Leave now or die.” The minions begin to leave and then the cars started blowing exhausts.
Kyle lowered the rifle but he kept his scrutiny there. He was in the Army, and one of the instructions he was told to remember; there will be a lull in a battle, so don’t let your guard down. He was not going to then. He lined up the rifles with spaces in-between spaces and left some spare ammo there. He then looked at the set of five grenades he held in his left hand. The grenades were stacked inside the netting bag. It was then he saw the minions withdrawing. They drove the cars and while leaving there were several dents created then but soon the road was cleared cars.
It was once the quiet stretch of the road with the lonesome diner. Lonesome was the regular word there.
“Charlie, it’s me. Stan. You ought to know me. We spend some time together.” Lucifer was talking to the silent lady still seated there with the blanket and still sullen in her expression. The baby was left on the table wrapped in the kitchen towels; clean ones from Percy’s cupboard. The baby began to cry for its feed.
“What now?” Lucifer heard the noise of shooting and the explosions. It was further down the road. Bob ran to the doorway and looked out. He saw the noise was further down towards Las Vegas. He saw more cars zooming by the Diner and towards the noise. Kyle then dropped the bags and climbed down. He had the netting of grenades around his neck.
“Heck! I saw the shooting out there. It’s heavy firepower there. I think the enforcements are there.” Kyle voiced and then saw the baby.
“Is that the baby?” Kyle stepped forth to look at the baby and was stopped by Lucifer.
“She is mine and you can’t touch her.” Lucifer motioned to the cross that was the pendant on the iron chain around Kyle’s neck. It was partially hidden by the grenades. “You are …”
“Christ! Are you the …?” Kyle backed off and then grabbed a rifle to aim at Lucifer. “I ought to kill you.”
Kyle then turned to Percy and Bob.
“Are you disbelievers too? This dude here is the Devil.” Kyle looked at the other two. And then at Charlie and Michael.
“Can’t you see the horns on his forehead?”
“No, Kyle. They can’t hear you. I have isolated us from them. Only you and I are here.” Lucifer told the other. Kyle looked around and saw he was in the Diner but there was no one else around. Not even Michael. He could, however, see the baby there cooing on the table.
“You are a true believer of the faith. You saw me through the disguise here. However, I am not your enemy. I am the Devil by name but I am here to protect all of you. For my baby’s sake.” Lucifer told Kyle. “Focus on the real enemy and lower the rifle.”
“I won’t be tempted by the Devil. I am sure of my faith. And believes.” Kyle hit back. “You will die.”
“Then shoot me but I can’t be hurt,” Lucifer replied. “Not by you anyway. Don’t force my hand on the matter. I need you to assist me. Do it not for me but for the baby. Its innocence is your belief now. I need your balance on the matter.”
“I ….” Kyle found himself lowering the rifle. It was then the voice of Bob resonated in the Diner.
“Kyle… What is happening? One second you were to shoot at the other and the next you lowered the rifle.” Bob shook his head and then reached for the cigarette in the pocket. “I need a smoke.”
Michael stepped in and called out the orders.
“We need to leave.” Michael looked to Jeep. “Can you secure the vehicles?”
“There is the truck I drive and the other two cars outside.” Jeep replied. It was then Charlie stood up and walked to the rear of the Diner.

“I am not leaving. I am going to take a shower. And take the baby with you.” Charlie moved to the rear doorway that was still blocked by the fridge. She tried to move it but it won’t budge.
“Bob, move the fridge,” Charlie called out in anger. “Or I will …”
It was the same mode as with the Major who was leading the detachment of a hundred soldiers armed with heavy firepower They were driven from the desert area where the Command Centre was located in a convoy of armored and troops truck. During the ride to the Diner, the Major witnessed the blazing horizon where Las Vegas was located. He was not displaying any emotional expression to the events there. He was another Seraph The warrior who had laid low while hunting the Fallen Ones. The recent task was more intriguing. He was to capture or die trying the new prophet to the people.
“Major, the scouts reported of …” The Major had received his own intel on the minions on the road. The Seraph Warriors have their communication setup and the warrior among the scouts had telepathically told him.
“Armed the cannons and cleared us apart towards the Diner.” The armored trucks were armed with the M1165A1 with the 12.7mm gun was a mini tank by design. There were six of these designs running fore for the convoy. The trucks lined up in a row on the desert range and soon hit the road covering both lanes. The guns opened up when they approached the new barricades by the minions. The bullets rip the cars in the frame and the minions. The minions were not that easy to defeat then and had leaped onto the passing armored trucks. The minions latched on the sides of the trucks with their talons and then climbed over the top. The exposed gun turret was attacked and the gunner pulled out of the truck before the minions jumped inside the armored truck.
The Major in the lead truck aimed his Browning at the minions. He was unable to control the minions’ minds and had to fight his way out. The truck driver was attacked and the truck swerved to the right before landing on its side. The Major moved to climb out but he was blind to the moving second truck that slammed into the undercarriage of the tilted truck. The truck that was impacted rolled for some distance before it landed on its left side. The Major was then wounded but the Seraph Warrior was still able to crawl out. The Major was bloodied on the uniform then called out to the convoy to battle the minions. Troops on the order of their officers rushed out and faced the minions in battle.
Then darkness prevailed over the skies; dark overcast that held thick layers with the sight at below three feet. The overcast was then speared by the narrow light and a figure was seen descending there. It descended among the armored trucks and minions, and within seconds, the armored trucks were tossed and hitting the other trucks or minions. It was mayhem then.
“What the…” The Major rushed towards the figure and saw the identity.
“I am Gabriel and this is Excalibur.” The blade sliced the Major’s head off from the body.

Legion Resurrected Chapter 10

Charlie sat by herself at the far corner, dressed in the slutty red dress and the stilettos that matched her mood then. She was upset having waited for over an hour at the sleazy bar. She knew the score than’ she was stood up not once but several times in her life. If was not that she was ugly or gruesome in her looks, it was just the company she had. She was one screw up lady who arrived in Las Vegas for a good career and possibly a husband. She had dreamt of a family with a carload of kids. She was to be a soccer mom but ended up in her first week sharing the bed with another lady and their lover. His name was Oscar something, and he was a pimp. She was soon to know it when he threw her the street. She survived that ordeal for three weeks before she found a protector and lover. Since then, she had been a shop assistant to the manageress of the cafĂ©, but nothing stayed permanent and nor were her lovers.
“You alone?” Charlie looked up and saw the man in the dark shirt that stretched across his chest with the blazing words; I will fuck your mother 2. It was a brazen message for a pick-up but she was pissed then. She nodded and the man sat down next to her. He was not a man of finesse or was its patience, his hands went up to her dress.
“Stop it!” Charlie slapped the man across the face. It angered the other and before he could react, she had her right knuckles into his groin. He keeled over and she slammed the beer glass into his nose. She then got up and was to leave when the grunted man called out. His mates came to his aid.
Five of them; all huge either in the chest or the belly fold. They approached Charlie.
“We hope you can handle all six of us, gal. We are insatiable.” One of the five men voiced out the threat. Charlie knew she was outnumbered and above in for a bad time. She turned to look for any brave men there but the braver ones were at the wall or out of the doorway.
“The lady is mine. So, back off.” The figure in the light blue suit had his fedora in his left hand spoke to the five men. He was slim in his frame but his height was tall, and he had on those fancy double shade shoes on. He was seated on the table next to Charlie’s.
“Hey, mister. You are either stupid or be prepared to die.” The one who spoke to Charlie snapped back. “We aren’t leaving here alive tonight.”
“Too bad. I was wondering if Hell was suitable for you and your friends. I guess I was right.” The man with the fedora placed the hat on the table and then stood up. He took off his jacket and revealed the white shirt.
“Anyone knows how to fight dirty?” The man who challenged the five asked.
“I know Krav Maga.” The spokesman spoke. “But for you, I will use only my left fist.”
The fight began with the left fist swung at the slim man but the other had his right arm up to blow the swing. The left fist of the slim man went out towards the right armpit of the spokesman and broke the joint there. The slim man did not stop there and moved his body towards the injured man, and with his left hand, he formed a fist to slam into the other’s guy's throat.
“That’s Krav Maga, guys.” The slim man told the others when the spokesman of the group went down clutching his throat. Two of the guys decided to retreat but the battle had just begun. Within seconds and with a display of skills of kicks and punches, the other four were left lying dying on the floor.
“Now that is a good workout and some additions to Hell.” The victorious man then stepped back to his table to retrieve the jacket and hat. He offered his right hand towards her.
“Stan Luke. Care to leave with me?” The slim man asked Charlie.

General Thomas Kinsey, the four stars’ commander of the army looked at the map that showed the central continent of the country he was defending. He was dressed in the uniform that displayed his influence. He has surrounded by a dozen other ranking officers and the squabbling was annoying him. He stepped away from the huge table that was laid with the map and then faced the dozen display screens that showed him nothing. There was no power and they had to do with small fires of waste in the metal baskets or battery-operated torch lights. The fire suppressant system was not in service anymore. All the electronics and electrical were fried except the mechanical system.
“When are we getting power back?” General Kinsey called out. He was shorter in height but he made up for it with the stout build that was fed by the military c-rations for over thirty-five years. He was the youngest four stars General and probably its last one then.
“Not yet, General. Our backups are all fried too. We are trying to fix things.” The General heard the Major. He was upset that the most advanced army was then redundant in facilities.
“Give me the last update before the power shut down.” General Kinsey leaned back on the wall and looked to his officers.
“General, we are as last advice four hours ago. Half the continent is under fire, while the other parts are in chaos. We have lost three-quarters of our army, all the branches. Two nuke blast and millions of our citizens dead or missing.” The Lieutenant Colonel replied. “That is only our confirmed reports. The unconfirmed ones are worse. General, we are…”
“Doom, Lieutenant Colonel. Maybe you ought to take a rest while we battle the war.” The four stars General told the other. The Lieutenant Colonel knew it better not to argue and leave the Command Centre. General Kinsey looked to the others.
“Once more please. Give me the updates.”
“We had reports from the other parts of the world before the shutdown. It’s all about the same. We have somehow landed into a state of chaos. Europe and Asia have almost two-third of their lands destroyed by war. A dozen nukes were set off and a third of its populations may have succumbed to the blasts.
The world was in chaos.
The world was ending soon its existence. There will be no hope except how to learn about survival.
And that was the good news then.
The Seraph Warrior could return to Eden.
“General, we have reports of some congregation of people about fifty miles from here at a Diner. They don’t seem to be evacuating but staying there. A firefight was heard by the advanced scouts.” The Lieutenant reported back. “They captured one of those who were there. Here is a sketch of the capture.”
The General was handed the report with the sketch. He could not make out the details but when he saw the sketch, he knew what was there. After all, he was a part of the Seraph Warriors.
“Send a detachment there. I want the Diner flattens and everyone there dead.” The General snapped the command out at the Major who was dressed in army fatigue. He then turned to the panel of senior officers.
“Anyone with good news?” The General smiled.
The good news then was Lucifer was the father of a young baby girl. He held the baby by its legs and shook the phlegm out from her throat. The mother of the child was seated leaning on the wall. She was covered with the table cloth waist below.
“It’s a girl.” Percy cradled the baby after he severed the umbilical cord. “She is fine.”
“My daughter will be. I am here now.” Lucifer looked at Charlie. “Hello, my dear. Sorry I was away too long.”
“You bastard, Oscar or Stan or whatever you call yourself.” Charlie cussed at Lucifer. “I waited for you.”
“And you did but the call of the others was too great to refuse. After all, I am their leader.” Lucifer replied. “It was not easy but the foes of mine are many, and strong too.”
Lucifer then turned to Michael.
“Why did you protect her? She was nothing to you. You even defied the Supreme for her. I am ever curious.” Lucifer asked.
“I did it for the child. It was prophesied that the dimension will come to an end and only the child could save it. Just as we did it the last time with the Chosen One.”
“But why defied the Supreme?” Lucifer asked.
“How did you know I defied the Supreme?”
“I have my sources even at Eden. I was banished and escape to lead the Fallen Ones. I did in stealth and hid them when it's needed from the Seraph Warriors. It was not an easy task but I prevailed. I roamed the dimension and even sacrificed some to save the others. The ones I saved were some pardoned and resumed their existence in Eden.”
“You did not really answer my query.” Michael asked him then again.
“You saw a new beginning. You questioned it with the Supreme. Your queries were not replied.” Lucifer told Michael. “You were HER trusted warrior and leader.”
Michael recalled the discussion he had then. He was dismissed by the Supreme but he refused to leave. He stood there in the Dimensional Hall where he could hold his audience with the Supreme. It was not a hall but a dimensional void which will engulf Michael wherever he was, and will himself floating or standing in the void of blackness and then the Supreme will speak to him.
“Why questioned the works there? The other dimension held no importance to you. Or am I wrong in my words?”
“No, Supreme. You are not wrong. My only contact with that dimension was when I battled the Fallen Ones. I …”
“Did your task and even brought back the leader. Lucifer was his name if I am not mistaken. I had him banished to Hell. It was the dimension where he was more adapted to perform. An outcast to rule the outcasts.”
“Why now the intervention …” Michael was cut off.
“I did not intervene.  It was an evitable ending and a new beginning.”
“A dimension culled by millions and the survivals then hunted and culled. Was the last Great Flood not sufficient or why not ….”
“Michael, do not ever question my authority. I am still the one who can call the decisions. I did the Great Flood to safe the dimension and even assisted in the creation of the Ark, to save the needed.”
“You meant the desired.” Michael raised his interpretation.
“Dismissed.” IT was a flick of a moment but Michael was to stop that.
“The child…” Michael remained where he was.
“How did you know of the child?”
“It was in the talks. Is it true?”
“Yes, and the child must die. You will do it.”
“Why me?” Michael asked.
“Because if you don’t, will.”
“Michael, do you think she looked like me?” Michael was taken out of his thoughts to the present. “She will be a leader like me.”
“Wait, stop. The talks spoke of your demise when she is born. Are you aware of that?” Michael asked.
“An inconvenience I believed but a necessity. I am ever willing to go to Hell for her.”

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Legion Resurrected Chapter 9



“We meet once again, Lucifer.” Michael greeted the lost brother of his and also the leader of the Fallen Ones. He found himself looking at the figure dressed in the casual wrap around to the waist and the loose pants with the laced sandals. The figure he had known as Lucifer was uniquely named when they met then before the Supreme.
“Lucifer, step forth to receive your place among the brother and sisters of yours now.” Lucifer had then taken the bold step forward in his toga that lined to his knees and the sandals. Lucifer was a younger frame with the loose hair that reached down his spine. He was different compared to the older look in Michael.
“You were once named Satan for your devilish behavior. Now you …”
“I am not the character you blamed me on. I was named Satan for that was my given name. I was born and raised in the dark world of Hell, among the miscreants and the renegades. It was not a perfect place or domain but it was mind-blowing to learn all the arts and skills there.”
“Devilish is my term.” It was the voice of the Supreme heard but never seen the image. “I have decided to give you a second term to your existence. You will be sent to another dimension and there you will be named Lucifer.”
“And hide those horns. They are hideous to your look.” Lucifer reached for the protruding horns. He had removed them moments before, but like what they said below; not worth the hide if it’s not to be displayed.
“Now meet your brethren here for the last time before you are to be banished.” Lucifer was introduced to the others and when he reached Michael, he stopped to look harder.
“Michael? I thought you looked like ….”
“Adam? Yes, I was. I am done with my past misgivings.” Michael replied. “The influences of the serpent were ….”
“Influencing? I met some of them. They are.” Lucifer smiled. “You should see them in their raw form. Oh! You did.”
Michael felt himself blushing. It was some time ago, and the events were simpler. Now like when he met Lucifer for the second time.
“Are you here to bring me back and then send me to the dark world?” Lucifer asked. “Just when I was getting comfortable here.”
“Yes, I am,” Michael replied. It took him some time to defeat the younger foe. Lucifer was armed with the weapon taken by him from the Supreme Armoury. The trident with the power of the hellraiser flame was a weapon that was ranked along Excalibur, the Horn among others. Michael finally defeat the other with his tactical skills. He had Lucifer held by the neck with his left hand and the blade poised at the throat.

The Diner
“It’s about time you surfaced.” Turion hollered out in pain while holding his wounded arm. He saw Michael tossed what was the remaining part of his arm. It was removed at below his right elbow.
“Hey, that’s my arm.” Turion cried out. “I could fix that back.”
“Not necessary.” The discarded arm went up in reddish flames. It came from the right of Turion. It was from a trident with the two spikes instead of three that was the normal design. It was held by the figure in a smart three pieces’ suit and the fedora covered part of his face with the long hair blowing to the rear.
“Fedora with the long hair? Surely, you could improve on your look since we last met.” Michael greeted the old foe. “How long have we missed each other?”
“Since when? Oh, you meant the last battle. I think some many more too great to remember in numbers but I felt as if we just met yesterday.” Lucifer laughed. “I was in that place they named Hell. Hell, they named it and rename Eden to Heaven. It was a blast.”
“You were banished.” Michael cut in. “You were…”
“Imprisoned was the term but they prefer to say I was to rule there. Heck! I was ruling here and then you came down with an army to usurp me. I was defeated and then send to rule another but that was the domain I was raised in. I had to dig every bit of my old self, and improved on it for those crafty residents were better then.” Lucifer approached Michael.
“I succeeded then. I became the Lord of Hell and was worshiped by many. Unfortunately, I have an affinity for this dimensional. I whizzed myself back at the first opportune moment.” Lucifer smiled. “If you are to ask, how did I do that? I was allowed to return to Hell on my own accord. I left some of my brethren here to cover for me, and eventually give me access back here when I want to.”
“So, you never left,” Turion spoke up “The rumors were right. You are Satan.”
“Hush, Brother Turion. There could be someone listening. Oh, they had” Lucifer looked at gathered there and then at the wounded warrior. “Sorry about the arm. You could grow one back. I know that.”
Turion stood up and then smiled while his arm grew back.
“Surprise, brother.” Turion stepped to approach Lucifer.
“Surprise, brother. Goodbye and God’s speed.” Lucifer aimed his trident at Turion. The reddish flame tore into Turion’s chest and a huge hole appeared. The flame ate at the flesh and soon all that remained was the limbs before it was engulfed by it. He then aimed at Michael.
“Where is my kid?”
In the Diner, Charlie was cursing at Percy who was performing his best as the midwife. He3 had done many life savings procedures but that was in the war, with shells dropping nearby or bullets whizzing above his head. He was sworn at with every profanity known to the wounded and in multiple languages. The ones he had saved hardly even say thank him to him. He did ask his commanding officer “what was a colored cook doing saving lives?”
“Private, you don't kill any of us with your cooking, so we reckon you could save more lives out there.” Percy never accepted the explanation but the medics were outnumbered and he knew how to bandage the wounds. He had good experience from his younger days running on the street before the Pastor told him to do good at the Army. He took the advice and ended up as a cook.
“If you can’t shoot well, learn to be a cook.” Percy heeded his Sergeant words. Badly though he lost his arm in a mishap at the kitchen when a bomb landed there. He was saved except for some burns and a missing right hand. He continued cooking and his hook was useful to drag the carcasses.
“Charlie, push harder.” Percy had encouraged the waitress. Jeep had meanwhile restraint the other lady to the iron leg table while Bob was getting impatient with the parlay outside. He saw the arrival of the third figure with the trident.
“Heck!” Bob read his books and the trident was not a good sign. He slung the rifle to the back and reached for the RPG. He leveled it on his shoulder and aimed at the trio.
“Forgive, God. It was either them or us.” Bob muttered the prayer but his finger stayed on the trigger. He then saw the latest figure torched the other and it was his last restraint then. He pulled the trigger but there was no whooshing missile.
“Darned!” Bob looked at the RPG. He had seen those units failed in training but never in the battle. “I will be damned.”
Bob took down the RPG and removed the faulty missile. He grabbed a fresh one and reloaded it. He then leveled it and looked at the outside target. He found himself facing the trident held by the figure that had fried the other.
“If I …” Bob was cut in by Lucifer.
“I would have melted the missile and you with it. It will be an ugly amalgam of flesh and metal with other abnormalities. You wouldn’t want to go to Hell that way.” Lucifer made his way past the veteran soldier and stepped towards Percy. He was followed by Michael.
“He wants to see the lady. He claimed to … be the father.” Michael told the others.
“Who is he?” Jeep asked.
“He is Lucifer. You may have known him as Satan.” Michael replied.
“The Devil himself,” Bob muttered out. “What are we? Sacrifices?”

Legion Resurrection Chapter 8

Michael slashed out with the Excalibur with the swing of his right arm. The extended blade on his gauntlet cut deep into the Nephilim at the left thigh. The giant form was created by the Seraph Warriors consummation with the local females. The mutation of their genes created the race of giants that reached the heights of twice that of Man and held greater strength in their body. The giants themselves then mated and borne were the huge beings that exceeded their parents with a bigger frame. They would have been accepted by the others except most of the Nephilim were deformed in looks and were forced to be outcasts or slaves.
“No other race except that of Mankind shall be spared.” It was the command of the Supreme and relayed by Michael to his army. “Slaughter them all.”
It was not a task that all relished for some of the defeated ones pleaded for their offspring then.
“Spare the form your wrath. They are not fearsome warriors but docile creatures. They held our bloodline in them.” Such pleas were not heeded. It was difficult when the army led by Michael had to face the enraged Nephilim whose emotions were stirred by the culling of their kind. Some of them saw their parents killed or held against their will. It was the call to fight.
And they fought the Seraph Warriors hard.
“Michael, we got them on the retreat. We can rest and tend to our wounded.” Michael heard the call from Gabriel. The battle was tough and his army had the wounded to tend. He had brought a hundred of his own and faced down initially half their number of Seraph and Nephilim. He turned to look at those who were wounded when he made his walk among them. He saw the looks of pain, and also of wonderment. He guesses the later was the amazement that they actually survived the battle.
“Their numbers grew in the battle,” Gabriel told him.
“No, we were wrong. Our scouts have failed us. We were led into a trap.” Michael replied. “Our fighting skills and weapons helped us.”
Michael looked at the retracted blade on his right gauntlet. In the battle, it was coated with blood from the enemies. Once it retracted, the blood will be wiped off to his fingers, and palm. He wiped the blood off on his cloak that he wore to set himself off the others. His wings had retracted and like the blade, the excess blood was pushed to his back.
“Excalibur performed well today, brother.” Gabriel praised the esteemed blade that was wielded by Michael. Excalibur was not any blade but considered to be a mystical being that was bounded by the oath of servitude to the Supreme and formed with a rare metal into the feet long blade.
“No more than your horn, Gabriel.” Michael had seen the mighty horn blown by the later to rally the army when they were seen to be giving up. The Horn of Hope was the weapon that moved any size of the army to double its strength in their mind and determination. Gabriel was given the privilege of holding that power.
“And it held a nasty blow.” Gabriel laughed. The horn was not only a rally weapon but a deadly one when directed on an adversary, it could blow away the figure to distance behind. Or create an opening in a wall of strength.
“We are truly blessed to be given such powerful weapons.” Michael smiled. It saved lives. And with it, they will rebuild the dimension.
Mankind shall live once more.

The Diner
“What is the idiot doing out there?” Bob leaned close to the door looking outside. “Is he to parlay to get us out or save his own skin?”
“Hey, downstairs. We need some ammo. We are cleaned out.” Jeep who was guarding the other end heard the call from the platform above. He reached into the bag and checked its content. He took out the extra rifle and then carried the rest in the bag to the ladder.
“It’s heavy and I need help.” Jeep called out. It was Kyle who climbed down. He saw Bob at the doorway, and the waitress was seated where he was before the battle. He then looked at Jeep.
“Anything to eat huh?”
“You could grab the apple pie. That is still in the warmer or the coffee. I think there are some left.” Jeep replied.
“Nobody gets any free stuff. Pay the money on the counter. And I can count what has been taken.”: Bob roared from the doorway. “I’m not any charitable joint. And what is the man taking so long?”
“Oh, no.” It was Charlie then. She was seen holding the tummy and calling out. “I think I broke the water bag.”
“Shit!” Jeep ran towards her and stood there looking concerned. “What can I do?”
“Jeep, step away. You are hopeless at that. And so am I.” Bob called out. “Get Percy. He was medic before.”
Kyle responded to the call and climbed up with the heavy bag. He reached the platform and called Percy.
“Lady has busted her …. Bag. Are you able to …? You know to handle delivery.”
“Heck, I am a soldier and a cook. I have … Wait, I have done it.” Percy then dropped the rifle and walked over. Kyle stepped aside for him to climb down while he grabbed the extra clips to load onto his rifle. He stooped over and saw Michael still in talks with the other. He was tempted to line his rifle on the other and shoot the brains out of the head. His sight was diverted to the sounds of blasting at the distance. He reckoned it was Las Vegas and it was burning like Hell.
“Well, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
“Well, Michael. It looks like we are at the start of the new war. Mankind will kill themselves and then the world will be once more open to us to re-do good again.” Turion looked hard at Michael. “We can’t stop the events that were set into motion.”
“Why does that have involved the baby?” Michael asked. “Let it live and …. Manage mankind.”
“Like its father once did.” Turion glared at Michael. “Was that what we did to stop him then? The war that cost us brothers and sisters, and eons of hunting with more deaths on both sides.”
“Turion, you have been corrupted by the stay here. We held no vengeance among us. We are…”
“No more the once happy family. We are now split into ranks of good and evil. I am with the good, as you are, or have you turned?” Turion asked Michael.
“Lucifer was not an enemy but a misled brother.” Michael voiced out.
“Speak not his name to me. I have hunted for him for far too long.” Turion replied. It was then he heard the cry of pain from the Diner.
“Your lady is giving birth.” Michael was told. “Do as needed or it will be done for you.”
“Lady, I don’t know what I can do but you got to get ready. I think your baby is coming out.” Percy took hold of Charlie and led her to the flooring. He had laid the blanket there. He turned to look for Jeep.
“Get the pot boiling Clearwater and bring me the towels. And the …” Percy called in a frantic tone. “Whatever…”
“I will get it.” Jeep placed his rifle down and ran to the kitchen before he placed the big pot on the stove. He then started the fire and filled up the pot. He then moved to the cupboards and grabbed the towels. He took a whiff of them and sighed. It was clean compared to his own which he hung out to dry every evening. It was his chore for years from the lingerie to the overalls he had.
“Jeep, bring me the First aid box.” Percy called out. The young man then rushed to the counter and grabbed it. It was then he saw the other young lady holding the handgun and aiming at Percy’s back.
“Lady, no….” Jeep tossed the First Aid Box at the lady. The box hit Audrey on the side of the head and the shot went off but it impacted the wall. Jeep rushed over and then grabbed the handgun off the lady. He turned the handgun and aimed at her.
“Percy, you okay?” Jeep called out. He heard Charlie screaming and Bob had rushed towards the lady. The old man of his did hesitate and threw the punch at the lady. She went down onto the flooring with her lips bleeding.
“Heck! Have I not enough shooting for one day? And trust a bitch to add to that.” Bob was fuming with rage and then reached for the soothing smoke but he could not light the match. He stormed off and lit his cigarette over the stove fire. Jeep meanwhile had reached Percy who was administering the blanket to soothe the screaming lady.
“Lady, stop the screaming. I can’t do my job if you don’t shut up.” In Percy’s previous works, he would have punched the lady out or was it the soldier he was treating. “I am going to jab you with morphine.”
Percy was not sure if the morphine was a good choice but he had little choices to select from. Jeep reached him with the wads of towels. He recalled cleaning them in the washer but disinfectants were not one of the ingredients. He set the towels by the side and asked for the First Aid Box. It was Bob who kicked over to him the box. He grabbed the morphine and jabbed it into her.
“Now, lady. I hope you won’t mind. We need to remove your panty. And I need to look at your part. So be calm and don’t scream rape please.” Percy explained his moves. He then shouted out.
“Jeep, step back. You are not ready to see the reason we try not to have sex too often.”
Outside, Michael turned to leave for the Diner but Turion stopped him.
“We aren’t finished yet.” Turion grabbed hold of Michael’s right arm.
“No, we are.” Michael grabbed hold of the hand that held his arm. It was then he felt the hot flash of heat and then Turion screamed out in pain. Michael found himself holding the stump of the arm from the elbow below.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Legion Resurrected Chapter 8

Michael slashed out with the Excalibur with the swing of his right arm. The extended blade on his gauntlet cut deep into the Nephilim at the left thigh. The giant form was created by the Seraph Warriors consummation with the local females. The mutation of their genes, created the race of giants that reached the heights of twice that of Man and held greater strength in their body. The giants themselves then mated and borne were the huge beings that exceeded their parents with bigger frame. They would had been accepted by the others except most of the Nephilim were deformed in looks and were forced to be outcasts or slaves.
“No other race except that of Mankind shall be spared.” It was the command of the Supreme and relayed by Michael to his army. “Slaughter them all.”
It was not a task that all relished for some of the defeated ones pleaded for their offspring then.
“Spare the form your wrath. They are not fearsome warriors but docile creatures. They held our blood line in them.” Such pleas were not heeded. It was difficult when the army led by Michael had to face the enraged Nephilim whose emotions were stirred by the culling of their kind. Some of them saw their parents killed or held against their will. It was the call to fight.
And they fought the Seraph Warriors hard.
“Michael, we got them on the retreat. We can rest and tend to our wounded.” Michael heard the call by Gabriel. The battle was tough and his army had their wounded to tend. He had brought a hundred of his own, and faced down initially half their number of Seraph and Nephilim. He turned to look at those who were wounded when he made his walk among them. He saw the looks of pain, and also of wonderment He guess the later was the amazement that they actually survived the battle.
“Their numbers grew in the battle.” Gabriel told him.
“No, we were wrong. Our scouts have failed us. We were led into a trap.” Michael replied. “Our fighting skills and weapons helped us.”
Michael looked at the retracted blade on his right gauntlet. In the battle it was coated with blood from the enemies. Once it retracted, the blood will be wiped off to his fingers, and palm. He wiped the blood off on his cloak that he wore to set himself off the others. His wings had retracted and like the blade, the excess blood was pushed to his back.
“Excalibur performed well today, brother.” Gabriel praised the esteemed blade that was wield by Michael. Excalibur was not any blade but considered to be a mystical being that was bounded by oath of servitude to the Supreme and formed with a rare metal into the feet long blade.
“No more than your horn, Gabriel.” Michael had seen the mighty horn blown by the later to rally the army when they were seen to be giving up. The Horn of Hope was the weapon that moved any size of army to double its strength in their mind and determination. Gabriel was given the privilege of holding that power.
“And it held a nasty blow.” Gabriel laughed. The horn was not only a rally weapon but a deadly one when directed on an adversary, it could blow away the figure to distance behind. Or create an opening in a wall of strength.
“We are truly blessed to be given such powerful weapons.” Michael smiled. It saved lives. And with it they will rebuild the dimension.
Mankind shall live once more.

The Diner
“What is the idiot doing out there?” Bob leaned close to the door looking outside. “Is he to parlay to get us out or save his own skin?”
“Hey, downstairs. We need some ammo. We are cleaned out.” Jeep who was guarding the other end, heard the call from the platform above. He reached into the bag and checked its content. He took out the extra rifle and then carried the rest in the bag to the ladder.
“It’s heavy and I need help.” Jeep called out. It was Kyle who climbed down. He saw Bob at the doorway, and the waitress was seated where he was before the battle. He then looked at Jeep.
“Anything to eat huh?”
“You could grab the apple pie. That is still in the warmer or the coffee. I think there are some left.” Jeep replied.
“Nobody gets any free stuff. Pay the money on the counter. And I can count what has been taken.”: Bob roared from the doorway. “I’m not any charitable joint. And what is the man taking so long?”
“Oh, no.” It was Charlie then. She was seen holding the tummy and calling out. “I think I broke the water bag.”
“Shit!” Jeep ran towards her and stood there looking concerned. “What can I do?”
“Jeep, step away. You are hopeless at that. And so am I.” Bob called out. “Get Percy. He was medic before.”
Kyle responded to the call and climbed up with the heavy bag. He reached the platform and called to Percy.
“Lady is busted her …. Bag. Are you able to …? You know handle a delivery.”
“Heck, I am a soldier and a cook. I have … Wait, I have done it.” Percy then dropped the rifle and walked over. Kyle stepped aside for him to climb down while he grabbed the extra clips to load onto his rifle. He stooped over and saw Michael still in talks with the other. He was tempted to line his rifle on the other and shoot the brains out of the head. His sight was diverted to the sounds of blasting at the distance. He reckoned it was Las Vegas and it was burning like Hell.
“Well, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
“Well, Michael. It looks like we are at the start of the new war. Mankind will kill themselves and then the world will be once more open to us to re-do good again.” Turion looked hard at Michael. “We can’t stop the events that was set into motion.”
“Why does that have involved the baby?” Michael asked. “Let it live and …. Manage the mankind.”
“Like its father once did.” Turion glared at Michael. “Was that what we did to stop him then? The war that cost us brothers and sisters, and aeons of hunting with more deaths on both sides.”
“Turion, you have been corrupted by the stay here. We held no vengeance among us. We are…”
“No more the once happy family. We are now split into ranks of good and evil. I am with the good, as you are, or have you turned?” Turion asked Michael.
“Lucifer was not an enemy but a misled brother.” Michael voiced out.
“Speak not his name to me. I have hunted for him for far too long.” Turion replied. It was then he heard the cry of pain from the Diner.
“Your lady is giving birth.” Michael was told. “Do as needed or it will be done for you.”
“Lady, I don’t know what I can do but you got to get ready. I think your baby is coming out.” Percy took hold of Charlie and led her to the flooring. He had laid the blanket there. He turned to look for Jeep.
“Get the pot boiling Clear water and bring me the towels. And the …” Percy called in a frantic tone. “Whatever…”
“I will get it.” Jeep placed his rifle down and ran to the kitchen before he placed the big pot on the stove. He then started the fire and filled up the pot. He then moved to the cupboards and grabbed the towels. He took a whiff of them and sighed. It was clean compared to his own which he hung out to dry every evening. It was his chore for years from the lingerie to the overalls he had.
“Jeep, bring me the First aid box.” Percy called out. The young man then rushed to the counter and grabbed it. It was then he saw the other young lady holding the handgun and aiming at Percy’s back.
“Lady, no….” Jeep tossed the First Aid Box at the lady. The box hit Audrey on the side of the head and the shot went off but it impacted on the wall. Jeep rushed over and then grabbed the handgun off the lady. He turned the handgun and aimed at her.
“Percy, you okay?” Jeep called out. He heard Charlie screaming and Bob had rushed towards the lady. The old man of his did hesitate and threw the punch at the lady. She went down onto the flooring with her lips bleeding.
“Heck! Have I not enough shooting for one day? And trust a bitch to add to that.” Bob was fuming with rage and then reached for the soothing smoke but he could not light the match. He stormed off and lit his cigarette over the stove fire. Jeep meanwhile had reached Percy who was administering the blanket to soothe the screaming lady.
“Lady, stop the screaming. I can’t do my job if you don’t shut up.” In Percy’s previous works, he would had punched the lady out or was it the soldier’s he was treating. “I am going to jab you with morphine.”
Percy was not sure if the morphine was a good choice but he had little choices to select from. Jeep reached him with the wads of towels. He recalled cleaning them in the washer but disinfectants were not one of the ingredients. He set the towels by the side, and asked for the First Aid Box. It was Bob who kicked over to him the box. He grabbed the morphine and jabbed it into her.
“Now, lady. I hope you won’t mind. We need to remove your panty. And I need to look at your part. So be calm and don’t scream rape please.” Percy explained his moves. He then shouted out.
“Jeep, step back. You are not ready to see the reason we try not to have sex too often.”
Outside, Michael turned to leave for the Diner but Turion stopped him.
“We aren’t finished yet.” Turion grabbed hold of Michael’s right arm.
“No, we are.” Michael grabbed hold of the hand that held his arm. It was then he felt the hot flash of heat and then Turion screamed out in pain. Michael found himself holding the stump of the arm from the elbow below.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...