Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dark 8: Nine Muses

“Tell me almighty Zeus. Are you pleased with your …. Daughters?” Apollo laid there on the long couch was nursing the drink made from the nectar of the flowers. The drink was sweet to the taste and flowed like honey in the mouth. It was one of Dionysus, his cousin who excel in the array of food and drinks. Apollo was not of that and preferred to do healing among the wounded. He added to the healing process the soothing music that he was well known for.

“Hush! You fool.” Zeus looked to the right and had his concern alleviated when he saw then the mate of his have stepped away.

“Do you not know the jealousy of Hera spikes the volcano and flowed the lava onto the plains? Must you incite her anger when I am at rest here now?” Zeus scorn came in the low tone whispers that could have been heard like the hissing sounds of the serpents.

“Pardon me, almighty Zeus. I was ….” Apollo sat up to look around then. He was anxious for he knew personally of Hera’s wrath; he had healed the few minor Gods that had suffered her wrath. Hercules was one but that bastard son of Zeus was either fool hardy or courage was not read to him before.

“I was referring to your daughters that are today appearing to you here in your court.” Apollo remarked back with his right hand waving to the nine young ladies playing their musical instruments to the audience there at the court.

‘’Yes…yes, I am ….looking.” Zeus eyes were all around on the court form the far pillars to the space beneath the seats for the sight of his recent wife. He can’t help it for he had three others before he found himself attached to Hera. Those were the ones he had introduced to the others in name and somewhat pride but with his last one, he had developed more than awe for her; he feared her wrath.

“Are those ….my daughters? What are …” Zeus took courage to stare at the nine ladies.

“Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and the last is Calliope. They are your daughters by Mnemosyne.” Apollo left his seat and then whispered to Zeus. “I have raised them well. No infighting and no bickering. Only love and music, an inspiration to the younger Gods in the finer art of it.”

“Hush! I have more children than …. them but it’s nice to know that they are …. Healthy and well raised. I am not a God for words. I am for ……” Zeus found himself lost to the lovely music played by the nine.

“Of justice, I fully agree. I …” Apollo found then his words were to be silenced when Hera appeared then at the assigned seat next to Zeus.

“Who are these girls?” Hera asked of Zeus.

“Oh…Apollo’s. He is their ….. tutor in music. Lovely, ain’t they?” Zeus replied with some stammering.

“Lovely indeed.” Hera replied. “Apollo, you done right to teach them the finer arts of the music. I am pleased with your works. “

Apollo bowed to the next most powerful God seated there in the Court. He was to excused himself when Hera raised the question once more.  

“Who are they, Apollo?”

“His…. His daughters.” Apollo was surprised by the remark made by Zeus on the girls. “He had them for some time and hid them from the others. Naughty of him.”

“With your Court filled with unrighteous guests, I will say that was a wise choice.” Hera remarked back when she saw Hercules, the bastard son of Zeus at the far corner inducing in the wine and food dressed only in his loin cloth. She tolerated that bastard because of Zeus or the other would had served as her minion in the Underworld. Zeus saw her attention was diverted and decided to soothe her wrath should there be any.

“Truly, my love. These are past my needs for I have you now. In dedication I shall sing for you a song.” Zeus words were met by total silence in the Court then except for Hercules who had then belched in ignorance.

“Sing, my … God!” Apollo tried to find words to speak then. “I…”

“I shall sing …. Accompanied by the girls here. They will play their instruments for me.” Zeus smiled while looking at the nine ladies. He then turned to Hera. “If it pleases you, my ….. muse.”

Hera nodded and the gigantic frame God being stepped off the throne and proceeded to join the nine ladies at the yard below. He looked at them and then meekly asked.

“Do you know of any good music I can ….. sing to?”

“Yes, almighty Zeus. I do.” The one named Erato then leaned forward to whisper to Zeus. The later was taken aback and then smiled. Zeus nodded and then then stood facing the nine ladies. The music began and the singing …. well, it mellowed out.

The song was Layla.

It turned out well and everyone clapped. The strums of the guitar added a sense of belonging to the song, while hymns from Polyhymnia laid the scene for the background and Erato words were meaningful to the listeners. At the end of the song, they all bowed to the applause by the audience including Hercules who was sober then. Hera even clapped her hands in response to the beautiful performance. She then looked at Zeus.

“You amazed me, Zeus. I am …. “ Hera found herself at loss of words. “You may attend to me at my chamber.”

“Yahoooooo….” Zeus shouted out in joy. He turned to the nine ladies. “The nine of you shall be named Muses. And do spread your gift to others. This world needs more of your music to be inspired.”

Zeus then lowered his voice.

“Say hello to your mother. She was my first muse.”

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