"What if you have a loved one Alzheimer's and they cannot remember who you are anymore? This can be difficult, especially if you are in a care giving situation. There are so many diseases that effect our memory. But not anymore. Now with Bio Thought Technology...You don't have to worry about your loved one, forgetting anymore. Our neural implant can help recognize brain activity when you correctly recall new information, and later replicate that activity with electrical signals to give your short-term memory quite a powerful boost. Patients who already have electrodes surgically implanted in various parts of their brains, including the hippocampus — the part of the brain involved in the formation of new memories, take a 2 minute intake and then experience a 75% increase in memory."
Sunny eyed the audience before the screen rolled upwards and the lights came back on. They already seemed more than interested.
Sunny walked out to the edge of the stage and took a moment.
"But that's not all Bio Thought Technology can do..." she said and looked down at the stage with a smile and a wink. The audience laughed a little. "Bio Thought Technology was recently tested with coma patients still experiencing brain activity and are pleased to tell you that we could capture...record if you will, the memories and thoughts of someone who can't communicate them and with an almost 99% percent accuracy too. We can see what they are thinking now," she said as the some of the audience members gasped.
"This also works with stunning results with those in catatonic states. We are also working with Doctors around the globe in grief counseling and therapy in the hopes to decrease the most painful part of the grieving process as well as treat PTSD... without the use addictive medications...and it's given us impressive results thus so far.." she said and paused seeing the audience's reaction of shock and excitement. "And our next bold frontier...addictive and behavioral diseases, using Bio Thought Technology..."
Sunny waved at the audience and smiled warmly before she left the stage and met Donovan back stage where she was met by a stage handler who removed her microphone as Donovan handed her a cold bottled water.
Sunny waved at the audience and smiled warmly before she left the stage and met Donovan back stage where she was met by a stage handler who removed her microphone as Donovan handed her a cold bottled water.
"How did I do?" she asked nervously.
"Great! I think they bought it!" he said with a wicked laugh.
"Cute, she said and still looked unnerved. Donovan waited until they were within a safe enough distance from anybody.
"For a minute there I almost thought you were gonna tell them how we found out that when you link implants people can read each others minds," he said with a grin.
"Donovan!" she said in a hushed tone. "I thought we were never gonna bring that up again, it was a drinking game and a dare!" she hissed at him.
"It was cool!" he said laughing. "I'm trying not to look like DARPA here Donovan, let's look a little professional about this, okay?" she said in a hushed tone. He nodded, "Alright, alright..." he sighed and watched as a few men in very sharp looking suits and even sharper expressions approach them.
"Hello, I'm Mr.Haziq...I would love to talk with you when you have the time," he said and shook her hand.
"Sunny Dey," she said. "Hippy parents, Hi I'm Donovan Dey," he said holding his out warmly to Mr.Haziq who looked him up and down like he was shit on his boot heel and nodded slightly in his direction.
"My brother and I are staying at the hotel across the street, we were going to relax in the lounge tonight, care to meet us there for some cocktails at 9pm?" she asked. Mr.Haziq smiled warmly.
"We'll see you then," he said and took her hand and kissed it. He left quickly with the other man racing behind him.
"Okay..." said Donovan, "Not a very friendly guy, huh?"
"I dunno, I thought he was kinda nice, actually," she said. Donovan gave her a look.
( written by a beautiful lady with the name "Hebrew Hellion" in Storywrite.com where I also partake in. )
And below was my co-author to the tale here.
"Please allow me to introduce myself once more, I am Haziq from a place far away which I will elaborate later." Haziq then introduced his aide, Mr.Donnier; with the split hairstyle and poof for a moustache on the upper lip and the double-breasted jacket and darker pants.
"I am very impressed with your research today. I wondered how much of it was taken from ours done several years ago." Haziq looked squarely at the researcher. "Don't be alarmed for we are not here to intimidate you."
"I am shocked, Mister ....what's your name? I have not taken your research at all. I discovered the neuro-link that could trigger the synapses in the brain. We are only using less than ..."
"Ten percents of our brain power, I am quite aware of that. But we used the other ninety percents to replicate other people's works and thinking." Haziq reply. "It's amazing that you left out the path on the mind reading that was in the neuro-link that allowed me to read your inner thoughts."
"Mind reading? This is absurb. We have not developed it. It was only a theory discussed over drinks. Donovan, do back me up here."
"I can't, Sunny. I can't remember what we discussed let alone what I had for lunch."
"Ms. Sunny. you are naive to think that I will not create a supplementary link in the neuro-link you stole from my lab. I am actually controlling your synapses while we speak. I have wiped Donovan's memory of the last day, and right now he is a total idiot seated next to you."
Sunny looked over and saw Donovan having the blank look on his face, and he was drooling at the mouth.
"Ms. Sunny, you are now in my control. It's an enhancement that I have extended to the link I implanted in your brain when we were colleagues in the lab. Or more so you were the lab rat then when I tested it."
"I..." Sunny gasped in fright.
"You will not remember for I have erased that part of the memory this afternoon. Ms. Sunny, I appreciated you having showcased my product to the world, and it will spread like haywire here. You will be famous but beneath it all, I am the genius here. I will direct your thoughts and you will display it to them."
"I..." Sunny struggled to find the words to defend herself.
"There is nothing to reply on. You are my ...apprentice. Now be a good lady and retire to bed. I have much to download to your mind." Haziq looked at Donovan. "Give him a nappy. He is drooling."
The two left the lounge and then Haziq looked at his aide.
"Did I do well, Master?"
"Ze was excellent. I am impressed at the progress made by my mind meld to yours. However, I detect some new routines. Are you programming yourself?"
"No, Herr...."
"Nothing is hidden from me, you dolt. I am your Master. Address me as such. Such imbeciles are many in the world. Do not be taken in by her beauty or you will be terminated."
"Heil, Master. I am ever yours to command."
Then both men took their leave of the table while another seated across them looked up from the tablet he was typing at with his mind interface to the program. He smiled for he knew then his program was working. He has the whole lounge in his control from the waiters to the management. Unknown to the patrons, the drink was spiked with nanites that created the neuro-link. He was doing it for over a decade and have then a solid dedicated following of over a hundred thousand with a multiplier effect of five times the number.
"Jimmy, what is this place? I liked the decor."
"Have a drink, my dear. It's ...my favorite lounge. How are works at the Department of Astrophysics? Any new discovery in the outer space? I do hope you could see the Hellion Quadrant. It's my favorite domain. And here is your drink from the far reaches of Hellion concocted by my bartender. A mix of vodka, pineapple and lemon to add with a pinch of salt. Pina Colada from Hellion, stirred and not shaken."
I drank to my new acquisition. A fine researcher and finer still, a body to snuggle in at the morning.
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