Friday, May 31, 2019

Dark 12: For HELL's sake

I took small steps distancing myself from the other fellow in the front of my line. It was not I did not like him but he has on the aftershave that repulsed my sniffing.

“Hey, close up the line!” I heard the overseer that was watching us on the line. I may need to explain myself to you first. I am in the queue to be processed for the entrant to Hell. Yes, the one and only place where sinners are sent. Was I one would be discussed another day but let me tell you up death, you are given a token; mine was a blazing red one and that was to Hell, one way and ziltch you are in. It was not a long walk, but the sight was amusing. I was walking on this bridge across what was a lave flowing river and along the way, we have these demons; they were told to us by the others. The one who told me he had been here twice; once for killing his wife and the next life he killed his mother in law.

“What did you do this lifetime?”

“I was killed by my wife and her mother. They caught me with my lover and I was a sinner hence I am here.” The chap told me. “So, what are you here for?”

“I ...have no idea. I was hit by a bus and then I am here.”

“That’s a sin alright. You should look right and left before you cross. I betcha you did not do that?” How as I to argue then. I was pushed into the bus lane by my wife who wanted me dead for the insurance claims. I plodded on; they don’t give us shoewear here, and neither were we clothed. I was asked to remove mind at the start of the walk. I did sheepishly asked for a towel but that request was turned down.

“Look, mate. Here we ain’t conscious of your nudity? We are all the same and given the time we spent guarding the way forward, I will say your shape and size won’t attract any attention.”

I was peeved at the remark. I do not have the physique of the ‘man on the beach’ but I have my trims in the right places. Anyway back to the walk, I was soon at the end of the bridge and we were made to stop.

“The Lord of Hell will now decide what level of Hell to assign you.” I heard the demon but before I could raise the question, I saw the Lord himself seated on his throne which was a huge slab but they done the courtesy to lay a soft fur over it. He was a huge; well he was taller than me and I assumed ‘huge’ for he had on this thick jacket on covering from neck to knees, and his lower legs were covered by the fur lined boots. He had on the hat with the hyena head and the long flaps over the ears. You could tell he was the Lord, for his face was red, and there were those two horns on the forehead. He also held the trident in his right hand which was leveled towards us at the queue. I was frozen to my toes then.

It was blistering cold in Hell.

Our line was abruptly asked to move and we did; who wouldn’t with the demons poking at our butts. Then I saw him.

“Hello, St. Peter. What brought you here?” The Devil greeted the approaching elderly man with the thick jacket and Elves boots. The elderly had on the Santa’s hat, and he was using the cane to walk with.

“Ain’t you colourful today?” The Devil took a swipe at the elderly figure dressing. “Did the Elves took your clothes off?”
“No, it’s nothing to do with them. I had a request from HER to see you and your Hell.” St. Peter replied while he stood before the Lord of Hell. “I guess the request for a chair will be too much?”

“Hell, we ain’t have enough for ourselves let alone offered to another.” The Devil looked at the queue of Man. “Who among you will be offered to let the man seat on you? I ain’t giving you any alms for that.”

“Well, St. Peter. What brought you here? Aren't you supposed to be processing the angelic non-sinners to past the Pearly Gates?” The Devil asked then when he saw no one offered their back for the other.

“Delegation, Devil. Something you may not know. I do have my aides to assist me. They know that non-sinner will not lie to go past. Anyway, I am here...”

“HE is concerned? How is HIM?” The Devil feigned an interest there.

“HER, you idiot. From the milk in her bosom, SHE had nurtured you then.” St Peter roared out in anger. “Have you no decency?”

“Oh, yes. I know it’s HER but do we have to be formal. I was after all banished with some of us for being the FORSAKEN. And we....”

“Please, Devil. Heaven forbids you raised that quarrel of aeon ago.” St. Peter snapped back.

“Heck for Hell! Why can’t I?” The Devil replied. “It was my doing.”

“Okay, we shall call it even. You may and I will not, so we say nothing.” St. Peter then chanegd the subject. “SHE.... God asked me to check on you. God....Oh, God, I was to tell you that ....SHE has a cold. And she has not recovered yet? SHE was ...”

“So the cold GOD had passed onto me and my realm. Here where we have the heat unbearably hot was turned down to frigid cold now. Even my demons have moved to nearby places like the KALAHARI or the SAHARA for their vacations. God, what happened to HER?”

“ know. Influenza.” St. Peter replied. “I had my vacation postponed if you must know.”

“So you will not have the chance to put on your G-strings from the Sales this year?” The Devil mocked the other.

“I have.” St Peter flapped his coat opened to show his inner wear. “It's a ...”

“Size too small? I doubt so. You looked..... string tight.” The Devil laughed. “So do tell her, we are surviving. I have bones to burn the flames.”

I then saw the piles of bones by the brazier. And it was not only one but several brazier there attended by the minions who were selecting the pieces to be thrown in like nurses with the doctor in the surgeon room; ‘thigh bone’, ‘check’.

“St.Peter, can you stop them cremating the dead? I have enough ashers here for an eternity. I rather they come over here intact.” The Devil took a pinch of the ashes to place it into the smoking pipe where another demon will lit the ashes.

“I should have brought you the Cuban cigar I confiscated at the Gates.” St. Peter spoke out. "The guy was a fake with his accent and tried to smuggle in the Cuban cigar.”

“You mean that one.” I saw the Devil pointing to the guy laid on the ground with the chest opened up with the lungs displayed and there were the demons having a smoke there. “He was to be cleaned of his dirty lungs before he could come in. Thanks for sending over.”

“Hey, your all demons. I want those cigars back and who told me they were not, step up to be inflamed now.” I knew then I had enough. I rushed out of my lineup and approached St Peter.

“St Peter, it's me, Jimmy the Journalist from the Heavenly Times. I think I have seen enough. Can I follow you back?” I looked at the elderly figure with pleading eyes.

“Jimmy! You have not stepped into Hell yet. Heck. I will bring you in myself.” St Peter took my arm and dragged me in past the Lord of Hell. I was struggling then and swore I peed in between my legs.

But the sight that greeted me was different.

“Hi, pops! Fancy a drink.” I took the goblet offered while St Peter hung the thick jacket over the stand nearby.

“Jimmy, you ain’t seen Hell till you are in.” St. Peter laughed and then took into his arms the nymph who may had been his favourite. There was not only one but many to feast one’s eyes on. And there were the rows of table laden food and drinks.

“St Peter, why was it outside it was cold?”

“That was only temporary. GOD has a cold and it passed onto there where the Devil presides who gets in. Here in HELL, all is ever merry and fun. And we all lied about HELL.So you wanna go back now?”

I changed my mind then. After all I have an assignment to complete....maybe not so soon.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dark 11: Re-married vows

I was truly lost
For words or expression
How do you explain to a woman
Departed from your life a decade then
And returned to hound you
On why you re-married?
( Psst...the lilies smell nice that day.)

I harboured no bad thoughts on her
Who? My departed one I refer
We agreed not to be left lonely
I told her we won't and happiness shall reign
She went on and I was left alone
She returned and asked why I remarried.
( Psst... they developed Viagra then.)

I did and explained to her.
It was our calling to be happy
You were not by my side
And I found physical comfort in another
Though she was your friend or assumed she was
I was asked by her to get re-married.
( Psst....She was married before but finder keepers ).

I had with my departed over three decades
The children grew and left me alone
She left me for the next better version of life
Miserable I was but how was I know
My new wife was to wear her clothes
She did not tell me she could fit in before we remarried.
( Psst... I could have sworn it was loose at the seams )

Yes, we shared your bed that was once ours
No, you need not lay there spread eagle now
No, I did not mean I don't like you
Yes, I would have done it if I could
No, it has nothing to do with her
But it does not seem right, I am re-married.
( Psst... I had not taken my pill then.)

God! Is it our sex life we are now complaining on
I did my romps with you then
Yes, you did not scream like her aloud
But no, we did try some from the Kama Sutra
Yes, it did not all worked for you
Can't blame me when it does when I got remarried.
( Psst...I loved ballerinas..)

My love who had departed
I asked thee for forgiveness
I confessed I asked her for her hand
I can assure you it was hard for me
But I had longs years of misery without you
So I chance myself on getting remarried.
( Psst...taking the long putt to land for the hole in one. )

And thank you, my love
We did have thirty long years
And a small litter to comfort over
I do and still do love you
Yes, it was for the physical warmth I have her
I will promise not to tell her that was why I remarried.
( Psst...thank you, God.)

Monday, May 27, 2019

He says

Aye, I saw her strutting there
Dooney what his name on her shoulder
Caught the scent of the night before
Clouded her like the mist in the morning
Her arms flair on the sides
Her nails; take me down to the knees
Stretched me boxers down
I liked my flesh lined to her PVC
Bondage and restraints included
I am the hard statue to her feel
She could swung me in any way
I am collared to her taste either way
Spiked me she whispered to me
I could not resist when there were none
Above the hem of her skirt
Slitter in I burrowed through
I loved them heels high in heights
And makes it ideal for the entry
I looked at her expression
She was enjoying it the hilt
She then told me the hard facts
It’s my milk bottle you are plunging
Do you mind if I take it home
For I am in need for samples
For my DNA testing for the exam

She says

A Dooney Bourke bag in pink and black
Camel 99's in the red box pack
Red finger nail marks down her lover's back
Black lipstick kisses
Pouches of Swedish fishes
Apparel with Witches and Doves
Fishnet stockings and Gloves
Spiked leather wrist cuffs
And of course, PVC and Vinyl stuff
Leather bondage restraints
Statues of sinners and saints
An ounce of Kosher Kush
A sex swing, when she fancies a good push
For her neck, A spiked leather collar
A whole bunch of ways to make her lover hollar
Has her own set of tools to fix classic cars
Trades war stories with guys about her scars
Really tight clothes that hug every delicious curve
A magical tongue that can hit upon every nerve
High heels and swift feet that carry her to amusement
A small weapon even though she'll never need to use it
Panties of lace, silks, imported threads and all styles
Skirts & garters that make her legs go on for miles
Computer components she knows how to take apart
All the picture texts she sent before she broke his heart

Co-authored Tale: 'Bio Thought Technology' with Hebrew Hellion of Part 1

Sunny took a deep breath as soon as the lights dimmed in the auditorium. The short film played on the giant screen behind her spliced with scenes of happy families at backyard events. Scientists and laboratories and all sorts of warm happy scenes. The narrators voice flooded the auditorium

"What if you have a loved one Alzheimer's and they cannot remember who you are anymore? This can be difficult, especially if you are in a care giving situation. There are so many diseases that effect our memory. But not anymore. Now with Bio Thought Technology...You don't have to worry about your loved one, forgetting anymore. Our neural implant can help recognize brain activity when you correctly recall new information, and later replicate that activity with electrical signals to give your short-term memory quite a powerful boost. Patients who already have electrodes surgically implanted in various parts of their brains, including the hippocampus — the part of the brain involved in the formation of new memories, take a 2 minute intake and then experience a 75% increase in memory."

Sunny eyed the audience before the screen rolled upwards and the lights came back on. They already seemed more than interested.
Sunny walked out to the edge of the stage and took a moment.
"But that's not all Bio Thought Technology can do..." she said and looked down at the stage with a smile and a wink. The audience laughed a little. "Bio Thought Technology was recently tested with coma patients still experiencing brain activity and are pleased to tell you that we could capture...record if you will, the memories and thoughts of someone who can't communicate them and with an almost 99% percent accuracy too. We can see what they are thinking now," she said as the some of the audience members gasped.
"This also works with stunning results with those in catatonic states. We are also working with Doctors around the globe in grief counseling and therapy in the hopes to decrease the most painful part of the grieving process as well as treat PTSD... without the use addictive medications...and it's given us impressive results thus so far.." she said and paused seeing the audience's reaction of shock and excitement. "And our next bold frontier...addictive and behavioral diseases, using Bio Thought Technology..."

Sunny waved at the audience and smiled warmly before she left the stage and met Donovan back stage where she was met by a stage handler who removed her microphone as Donovan handed her a cold bottled water. 

"How did I do?" she asked nervously. 

"Great! I think they bought it!" he said with a wicked laugh. 

"Cute, she said and still looked unnerved. Donovan waited until they were within a safe enough distance from anybody. 

"For a minute there I almost thought you were gonna tell them how we found out that when you link implants people can read each others minds," he said with a grin. 

"Donovan!" she said in a hushed tone. "I thought we were never gonna bring that up again, it was a drinking game and a dare!" she hissed at him. 

"It was cool!" he said laughing. "I'm trying not to look like DARPA here Donovan, let's look a little professional about this, okay?" she said in a hushed tone. He nodded, "Alright, alright..." he sighed and watched as a few men in very sharp looking suits and even sharper expressions approach them. 

"Hello, I'm Mr.Haziq...I would love to talk with you when you have the time," he said and shook her hand. 

"Sunny Dey," she said. "Hippy parents, Hi I'm Donovan Dey," he said holding his out warmly to Mr.Haziq who looked him up and down like he was shit on his boot heel and nodded slightly in his direction. 

"My brother and I are staying at the hotel across the street, we were going to relax in the lounge tonight, care to meet us there for some cocktails at 9pm?" she asked. Mr.Haziq smiled warmly. 

"We'll see you then," he said and took her hand and kissed it. He left quickly with the other man racing behind him. 

"Okay..." said Donovan, "Not a very friendly guy, huh?"
"I dunno, I thought he was kinda nice, actually," she said. Donovan gave her a look.

( written by a beautiful lady with the name "Hebrew Hellion" in where I also partake in. )

And below was my co-author to the tale here. 

After a hot shower and a 'pick me up' drink, Sunny strolled into the lounge area where she bumped into Donovan who had refreshed himself with casual wear. They both then spotted the two gentlemen who had earlier invited them for the drink. They shook hands and then took their seat while drinks we were served. 

"Please allow me to introduce myself once more, I am Haziq from a place far away which I will elaborate later." Haziq then introduced his aide, Mr.Donnier; with the split hairstyle and poof for a moustache on the upper lip and the double-breasted jacket and darker pants. 

"I am very impressed with your research today. I wondered how much of it was taken from ours done several years ago." Haziq looked squarely at the researcher. "Don't be alarmed for we are not here to intimidate you." 

"I am shocked, Mister ....what's your name? I have not taken your research at all. I discovered the neuro-link that could trigger the synapses in the brain. We are only using less than ..."

"Ten percents of our brain power, I am quite aware of that. But we used the other ninety percents to replicate other people's works and thinking." Haziq reply. "It's amazing that you left out the path on the mind reading that was in the neuro-link that allowed me to read your inner thoughts."
"Mind reading? This is absurb. We have not developed it. It was only a theory discussed over drinks. Donovan, do back me up here."

"I can't, Sunny. I can't remember what we discussed let alone what I had for lunch." 

"Ms. Sunny. you are naive to think that I will not create a supplementary link in the neuro-link you stole from my lab. I am actually controlling your synapses while we speak. I have wiped Donovan's memory of the last day, and right now he is a total idiot seated next to you."
Sunny looked over and saw Donovan having the blank look on his face, and he was drooling at the mouth. 

"Ms. Sunny, you are now in my control. It's an enhancement that I have extended to the link I implanted in your brain when we were colleagues in the lab. Or more so you were the lab rat then when I tested it."

"I..." Sunny gasped in fright.

"You will not remember for I have erased that part of the memory this afternoon. Ms. Sunny, I appreciated you having showcased my product to the world, and it will spread like haywire here. You will be famous but beneath it all, I am the genius here. I will direct your thoughts and you will display it to them."

"I..." Sunny struggled to find the words to defend herself. 

"There is nothing to reply on. You are my ...apprentice. Now be a good lady and retire to bed. I have much to download to your mind." Haziq looked at Donovan. "Give him a nappy. He is drooling."
The two left the lounge and then Haziq looked at his aide. 

"Did I do well, Master?" 

"Ze was excellent. I am impressed at the progress made by my mind meld to yours. However, I detect some new routines. Are you programming yourself?" 

"No, Herr...."

"Nothing is hidden from me, you dolt. I am your Master. Address me as such. Such imbeciles are many in the world. Do not be taken in by her beauty or you will be terminated."

"Heil, Master. I am ever yours to command." 

Then both men took their leave of the table while another seated across them looked up from the tablet he was typing at with his mind interface to the program. He smiled for he knew then his program was working. He has the whole lounge in his control from the waiters to the management. Unknown to the patrons, the drink was spiked with nanites that created the neuro-link. He was doing it for over a decade and have then a solid dedicated following of over a hundred thousand with a multiplier effect of five times the number. 

"Jimmy, what is this place? I liked the decor." 

"Have a drink, my dear. It's favorite lounge. How are works at the Department of Astrophysics? Any new discovery in the outer space? I do hope you could see the Hellion Quadrant. It's my favorite domain. And here is your drink from the far reaches of Hellion concocted by my bartender. A mix of vodka, pineapple and lemon to add with a pinch of salt. Pina Colada from Hellion, stirred and not shaken." 

I drank to my new acquisition. A fine researcher and finer still, a body to snuggle in at the morning.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Dark 10: Piss in my pants

Lock eyes from across the room
Down my drink while the rhythms boom
Take your hand and skip the names
No need here for the silly games
Make our way through the smoke and crowd
The club is the sky and I'm on your cloud
Move in close as the lasers fly
Our bodies touch and the angels cry
Leave this place go back to yours
Our lips first touch outside your doors
The whole night what we've got in store
Whisper in my ear that you want some more 
And I
Jizz in my pants

This really never happens you can take my word
I wont apologize, that's just absurd
Mainly your fault from the way that you dance
And now I
Jizz in my pants

Don't tell your friends or I'll say your a slut
Plus its your fault, you were rubbing my butt
I'm very sensitive, some would say that's a plus


( The Lonely Island is an American comedy trio, formed by Akiva SchafferAndy Samberg, and Jorma Taccone in Berkeley, California in 2001. The three first met in junior high, and went on to write and feature in the American TV program Saturday Night Live. )

Later I stood outside the noise laden establishment with my loaned suit wrapped around me. It was cod that late night and heck, it was not past my sleeping hour that my mum set for me twenty years ago. She used to threaten me that if I sleep past that hour, the succubus will grab my balls and slung them over my shoulders. That would be painful. I could not stand the pain when I tried to squeeze more jism out from it.

So much for jism.

I lost It there.

I had it all go … jazzing. It would have been nicer if my pants were down and I was barreling down the straight but I was not even in the lineup let alone enrolled in one. I felt like a racing horse pulled to the gates and before they strapped me in, I had sunk to the grass gasping for breath.

It was a total shame.

Embarrassment was reserved for the walk I had to do; all coated inside and the doorway was only a mere twenty-five feet away. I swore I walked as if I got iron balls tied to the chain below me. Or having been in an orgy with the hyenas and I was the captive fawn.

I am going home soon after.

My only consolation was the place was blinking with lights then given that it was supposed to be to cover the study of your companion you picked up at the floor. The quick shift of the lights would baffle the visual sights if you tried to study the person you were to share the evening with. Mine was dejected by lack of control; I tried to say ‘it was your butt ….’ But that did not go well. I got the message when my companion reply to me by saying; ‘up your butt, arsehole’.

My ride arrived, and I climbed in.

“Could I join you?” I saw the person asking was not that great but worth looking. After all, she had the dimensions but I was not on the list to be choosy. I nodded and she climbed. She wore a dancing dress where the hem stopped just below the self-sealing part. You know like the self-repaired leakage seal. I can help it for I am a plumber during the daylight.

Oh, she was going my way and we shared the ride, with an hour to ride in, we have much to ride on from the weather to the politicians and to the morning milk that came late. I was just changing subjects without knowing it until the driver interrupted me.

“Why are you out so early?” That was a hit below the belt then.

“Oh, my drink ran out.” I replied with the creative line.

“Mine…. Well, I hated the scene…” The lady broke out in tears. And I reached for her like the pastor would do after the prayers. And I don’t even know her name yet.

“Oh…” The driver spoke out. “Give me twenty more and I will add the ride for another ten minutes.” The driver was an ass but I nodded. I had to for she was bawling on my shoulder. I held her closer and let her soak my loaned suit. She moved closer and was soon snuggled under my neck. I saw the driver showed me the middle finger.

I was shocked and then understood his sign.

I shook my head.

The driver hooked his finger like how Dr. Hook felt when he lost his hand.

“Okay…that’s a hard ball.” The driver then turned on the radio. It was playing some blues number. I shifted my seating and felt the warmth from the lady. I felt her body snuggled closer and her right hand landed on my left thigh.

Geez, was I still …. loaded? I moved my thigh and the hand moved too.

I trembled a little and then I felt the locomotive engine started. I can assure you they don’t make locomotive now like those days… it was like the old locomotives from the days of Petticoat Junction. It needed woods to burn before you could pull the gears. And mine was ready for the gears to move.
First gear was on then. And I had to admit the image of the three daughters of Mama Bradley taking their bath in the water trough hit my image banks. There was Betty-Jo, Bobbie-Jo and Bille-Jo.
The locomotive shuddered.

I tried to shift my image to Count Dracula or was it Vincent Price impression but I was getting sticky there.

Second gear shifted on. I can’t help it.  Her fingers had snapped shut there like the bear trap.
“Here we are now. Trip end here.” I was relieved that the journey was to end. I pushed her off and told her that I need to get off.

“You can ride on. I will pat …. No, I will pay the driver.” I stepped out of the drive and paid the driver. I stood there with a hard on watching the night faded into nothing. If I only known.
“Okay, Sue. Your share is here.” The driver pays the lady.

And I was not to know I was hustled.  

Maybe not so. I had Betty-Jo, Bobbie-Jo and Bille-Jo in the tub of warm water that night. I had them wrapped in my right hand.

Dark 9; Empire of Bitches

I watched her on the bed, partially wrapped by the sheet with one leg left exposed to the navel and up towards her left breast with the perky nipple that was moments ago coated by my saliva while I nibbled on it. I loved to lay my marks on her there, she will moan while pushing her upper body towards my nibbling and my arms went beneath her to arch the body to the maximum. It was nothing to compare when she wrapped her thighs on my head while my tongue made inroads inside her while secretions lined the walls tasted by me while inhaling the intoxicating scent of a satisfying woman.
I knew that all for I am one too.

Who needs the man when we knew our own to pleasure ourselves?

“Are you awake? What is the time?” I heard her voice. It came from the lady with the bob cut style who had then move her left hand over her breast before she tweaked the nipple to make it stand on the tip.

“uh-huh.” We hardly speak in words when we are in our designed paradise inside the bedroom. The décor was French with the four posters bed and the lacy satin ropes that were draped over it. We are into the fetish of bondage but we spiced our love with the décor. We have been strung on the poles and stretched to the edge with only our lips doing the touches to our intimate parts. Or the spread eagled position, we done it many times face down or up. It matters not to us, for either position would be challenged until we are satisfied.

“Are you dressed?” She saw me in the wrap-round in the satin white that was laced to the neck and on my head was the cone style that was my idea of being Morgause, the vixen from Merlin chronicles. I loved the lady written there; she was a powerful bitch that rivaled the wizard and even borne him a bastard that toppled the King that the wizard had groomed. I had the cone cover lowered to cover my sight and with my visual blinded, it added sensuality to my senses where my other senses have to act doubly harder.

‘’Uh-huh…” I then raised my arms to display the red thick thread in my hands. It was a thicker thread and was made by the satin materials as the lace with a lengthy measurement. I pulled the thread taut before raising it to my lips and let it run just tipping at the tongue.

“Are we on for something new?” The lady on the bed sat up on bed with the sheets lowered showing the beautiful orbs that I adored. I could not see her with my eyes blinded but every movement of ours was felt as if I was next to her on the bed. I smiled then at her. My lover and myself; we knew each other well both inside here and outside. There was not a spot in her that I have not reached yet, and nexitehr have she into me.

Outside of us, we are both bitches there; fear for our arrogance, envy for our looks, and above admired for our abilities. We also commanded others as heiress of the corporations that we headed.  We were not given the choice to govern our lives but fucked with one. Our parents left us their legacies, and from young we were trained to be bitches then. For one, my lingerie empire had clothed many ladies in the scanty wear. I knew that every lady who wore my design have aroused the men they were to showcase it. No man wants to see the lady nude but a partially covered one added sensuality to the act. I knew that for once I walked into the stakes holder meeting dressed only in my white blouse unbuttoned and with my heels. I could had sworn the assembled attendees; older and aged had a surge in them. I got my approval as the CEO and then in six months, I send them half of them to their graves. And I was the direct fucking cause.

“Am I to come over?” I looked towards my bitch with my own visual of her getting off the bed while the sheets sailed off her body like the breeze on the boat. I heard her steps and then she sat herself on my laps. She spread herself towards me and then snaked her body under my arms. Her body arched towards me offering me the perky nipple towards my lips; I knew not which for either was ever inviting. I pucker my lips to meet the taut nipple and then opened to nibble on it. I left my tongue to thrust the edge of it against the swelled flesh there. She moaned and pressed her body towards me. My hands had snaked towards her neck and then stretched the thread over her shoulders before crossing it down the chest between the breasts to twined into one thread down to her navel and below. I strung the thread from there between the cleft of the lips below to reach the back where I untwined it there to snaked the thread over the thighs. From there I pulled the thread upwards to the shoulders before draping it to the back. There each of my hand held one end below the shoulder by the spine. I pulled the thread down before releasing it several times.

“Yes…” My lover arched her body on every pull of the thread when the tautness of it cut into the flesh with its friction of the rubs. The same thread entwined over her neck constrict her breathing and the lack of oxygen tweaked her senses to work extra hard. She straddled my legs while her hands went to my cone and pressed down on it towards my head.

“Do you agree?” I asked her.

I won the deal then. My empire had made inroads into her hotel chain. I will supply the special suites with my night wear and so will the butlers be dressed in G-strings. It was a win for above.
Till the next move.

“Yes….” I screamed out. “I agree…”

There was nothing I could not agree to then. I was on my front and she held the strap on inside; un-lubricated in my rear. It was raw but heck it was making me agree to almost anything. You would if you had seen the size of it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dark 8: Nine Muses

“Tell me almighty Zeus. Are you pleased with your …. Daughters?” Apollo laid there on the long couch was nursing the drink made from the nectar of the flowers. The drink was sweet to the taste and flowed like honey in the mouth. It was one of Dionysus, his cousin who excel in the array of food and drinks. Apollo was not of that and preferred to do healing among the wounded. He added to the healing process the soothing music that he was well known for.

“Hush! You fool.” Zeus looked to the right and had his concern alleviated when he saw then the mate of his have stepped away.

“Do you not know the jealousy of Hera spikes the volcano and flowed the lava onto the plains? Must you incite her anger when I am at rest here now?” Zeus scorn came in the low tone whispers that could have been heard like the hissing sounds of the serpents.

“Pardon me, almighty Zeus. I was ….” Apollo sat up to look around then. He was anxious for he knew personally of Hera’s wrath; he had healed the few minor Gods that had suffered her wrath. Hercules was one but that bastard son of Zeus was either fool hardy or courage was not read to him before.

“I was referring to your daughters that are today appearing to you here in your court.” Apollo remarked back with his right hand waving to the nine young ladies playing their musical instruments to the audience there at the court.

‘’Yes…yes, I am ….looking.” Zeus eyes were all around on the court form the far pillars to the space beneath the seats for the sight of his recent wife. He can’t help it for he had three others before he found himself attached to Hera. Those were the ones he had introduced to the others in name and somewhat pride but with his last one, he had developed more than awe for her; he feared her wrath.

“Are those ….my daughters? What are …” Zeus took courage to stare at the nine ladies.

“Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and the last is Calliope. They are your daughters by Mnemosyne.” Apollo left his seat and then whispered to Zeus. “I have raised them well. No infighting and no bickering. Only love and music, an inspiration to the younger Gods in the finer art of it.”

“Hush! I have more children than …. them but it’s nice to know that they are …. Healthy and well raised. I am not a God for words. I am for ……” Zeus found himself lost to the lovely music played by the nine.

“Of justice, I fully agree. I …” Apollo found then his words were to be silenced when Hera appeared then at the assigned seat next to Zeus.

“Who are these girls?” Hera asked of Zeus.

“Oh…Apollo’s. He is their ….. tutor in music. Lovely, ain’t they?” Zeus replied with some stammering.

“Lovely indeed.” Hera replied. “Apollo, you done right to teach them the finer arts of the music. I am pleased with your works. “

Apollo bowed to the next most powerful God seated there in the Court. He was to excused himself when Hera raised the question once more.  

“Who are they, Apollo?”

“His…. His daughters.” Apollo was surprised by the remark made by Zeus on the girls. “He had them for some time and hid them from the others. Naughty of him.”

“With your Court filled with unrighteous guests, I will say that was a wise choice.” Hera remarked back when she saw Hercules, the bastard son of Zeus at the far corner inducing in the wine and food dressed only in his loin cloth. She tolerated that bastard because of Zeus or the other would had served as her minion in the Underworld. Zeus saw her attention was diverted and decided to soothe her wrath should there be any.

“Truly, my love. These are past my needs for I have you now. In dedication I shall sing for you a song.” Zeus words were met by total silence in the Court then except for Hercules who had then belched in ignorance.

“Sing, my … God!” Apollo tried to find words to speak then. “I…”

“I shall sing …. Accompanied by the girls here. They will play their instruments for me.” Zeus smiled while looking at the nine ladies. He then turned to Hera. “If it pleases you, my ….. muse.”

Hera nodded and the gigantic frame God being stepped off the throne and proceeded to join the nine ladies at the yard below. He looked at them and then meekly asked.

“Do you know of any good music I can ….. sing to?”

“Yes, almighty Zeus. I do.” The one named Erato then leaned forward to whisper to Zeus. The later was taken aback and then smiled. Zeus nodded and then then stood facing the nine ladies. The music began and the singing …. well, it mellowed out.

The song was Layla.

It turned out well and everyone clapped. The strums of the guitar added a sense of belonging to the song, while hymns from Polyhymnia laid the scene for the background and Erato words were meaningful to the listeners. At the end of the song, they all bowed to the applause by the audience including Hercules who was sober then. Hera even clapped her hands in response to the beautiful performance. She then looked at Zeus.

“You amazed me, Zeus. I am …. “ Hera found herself at loss of words. “You may attend to me at my chamber.”

“Yahoooooo….” Zeus shouted out in joy. He turned to the nine ladies. “The nine of you shall be named Muses. And do spread your gift to others. This world needs more of your music to be inspired.”

Zeus then lowered his voice.

“Say hello to your mother. She was my first muse.”

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dark 7: Don't look beneath your bed

Header Notes:

For many of us, while growing up, we have fantasies and among other times, we have nightmares of the demons climbing out of the closet like the boogie man, Or the siren that climbed from underneath your bed. 

Well, meet words here. Don't look beneath your's tonite. Not after you watched reruns of BAYWATCH. 


I looked at the ceiling. It was not a big deal but the poster of Pamela was there and it was staring at me. I had to admit I was staring at somewhere else besides her eyes. I have to admit it was life size and I doubt I got the dimensions wrong.

Then I heard the sound.

It’s coming. A manner of speech here; and I am not referring to that. It may be the end result of my outcome here but let us wait. No anxiety here, just anticipation to it.

The fingers appeared first.

God! Pardon me, God. I was trying not to drag you in but it was my reaction.

The fingers grasped the bed sheet on the side of the bed and tugged hard at it. I have to honest, I have never pay attention to fingers before; it was always clasped and then motioned like the runaway locomotive but then I was giving my sight the sight of ....real fingers.

All skin, pale and darn nails are long with the red shades. I am getting ....aroused.

The fingers then displayed the knuckles and then the back of the hand.

God! Sorry there. Another natural reaction of mine. It was like when I first saw real boobs. I was gasping for air, even though it was a single dimensional image.

Then I saw the bangle there.

Yucks! I disliked that. They sort of clang clink on the hands when you know....Never wore a watch when I extra luggage there.

It dawned on me then the hands were ....kinda shrivelled to the bones. She must be....Yeah, my anticipatory friend supposed to climb out from beneath my bed was to be a female, naturally, modelled in the image of Pam, and please no funny digs here. I am askiong for my money back if there is an antenna where they shouldn’t be.

God! I can’t wait.

I reached out and pulled the hand up. It was cold but we were all nervous ain’t we then at that moment.

“Arghh...” I recoiled back like a cobra on the bed except instead of a flat chest, I had my arms spread out in fright.

“You are old....” I found myself looking at the frail-looking lady; nude to the day and if there were any dimensions on her, they got it all wrong on the drawing board. She stood there legs apart and her arms were on her waist and whatever else she could display was ....well not enticing then.

“I ....” I shuddered at the sight. I had to retract my arms to cover myself. Yes, I was naked. What else would I lay down my bed looking at Pam if I was not. If it was Armold. I would have worn my PJ’s then.

“Hey, kid. I am your fantasy. You paid a quid and you expect a dollar?” The lady or whatever it was replied. I had to admit I did pay a quid for this talisman that was to summon up the lady from the beyond and my criteria was dash....dash.... dash and dash plus Pam.
“I am getting my quid back. I can’t ....” I cringed holding onto myself; cupping was the better term.

“Hey, you don’t get any refunds. It took me some getting to come here. You know the street tolls they asked us to pay. I am lucky to make it here even at all. So you are sure you wanna me go off? I am okay for old Albert in 5th Street is ever willing to see me. We have been meeting clandestinely for over twenty years. So how are you, kid?”

“Fifteen....going sixteen,” I replied.

“You got a computer.” She asked.

“Yes.” I replied. I had wanted my blanket but I recalled I left it in the cupboard. It was with Mickey’s friends on it. Then I was shivering cold and the darn bladder was acting up.

“Look like you could do with the images on the internet. I shall leave you to it now. Old Albert can’t operate the computer so its the old fashioned way for us.” The spirit floated to the ceiling and then left me.

I picked up my phone and called Albert.

“I want my quid back.”

“Sorry, kid. It was part of the deal. And you drew my cards instead.”

Monday, May 20, 2019

Dark 6: I was kept awake

"For the umpteenth times, I have....I mean to say I don't have any idea whose thongs those were and I thought..." I was then the kid caught with the hand in the cookie jar or worse, my wife found the red thongs I had kept in my study desk. It kept me awake for nights wondering whose and how it got there.
"And in your dreams you could.... what whiff at it or please don't let me say it..." I heard my wife of over thirty years. We been through the grinds and pinches with the love and kisses, but narry the argument then on a pair of red thongs. I had worse items in storage some unknown to her but never had she displayed such anger. Honestly, the thongs discovered some days back was in my desk drawer, among my other artifacts notably hidden. I had sleepness nights wondering whom it could had belonged to and why was it my drawer.
"Trust me, darling. I am past....I meant I am not into it...Maybe
Aunt Mathilda left it here by mistake"
"My Aunt is over fifty and she won;t...." The lady in house replied.
"She wore miniskirts..." I uttered back in self defense.
"She got great legs.... Did you peek at her?" The destroyer had appeared on the horizon then, and she aimed to sink me then.
"Heaven forbids..." I defended myself then.
"Hell relished....I know you well, Mister. You peek at mine at times." I was in disbelief at this lady. She accused me of peeking when I was her audience every morning to her parades. One lesson I learned in the marriage, never argue with the lady when she is the lady, judge and executioner.
"Okay, I admit. Every Monday, Jake and me have a bet of guessing what color our wives wore that day. The reward was the Latte from Starbucks. I won most times. Jake's wife wore mostly black. " I won't deny my grin was badly accepted.
"And what does Jake thinks I wore?" The lady asked.
"Nothing?"I wished I had not nodded then but the muscle in the neck reacted voluntarily. She went from 'pink' to 'red'. I was saved by my daughter then; married and still sharing our home. She stepped in with the oversized t-shirt that says;'I m fucked!'
"Dad, Mum. Can you please lower your voices. Martin and myself are trying to make a baby."
"Ok, we will.... and go back to yours.....whatever it was. And tell Martin do it right or I am giving him my instruction manual."
I guess I was out of line then but I have four then with my in laws in the next room.
"Oh, cool. Mum, can I have my thongs back? It must got lost from last Saturday when you send Aunt Mathilda home. We had the house to ourselves.." My daughter grabbed the thongs and left us staring in disbelief at each other.
"Darling, do you have the disinfectant here? I need to wipe my desk now." Since then, I have more restless nights wondering what else was in my desk.....

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dark 5: Awakening my love

"Its about time, Owl. Do you know how much I need to consume for my beauty sleep?" Its past midnight now and that is the usual time of arrival for the Owl nightly as he brings her daily meal. But tonight he was late as the mice were away for the winter vacation so he had to hunt for the bugs and leeches that comes up late.

The Princess of the once fable castle now rise up from the bedding she has lain for the last twenty five years and forty nine days; but who is looking at the calendar when you are supposed to sleep. But not this Princess as she need to count the days when some Prince will come and cure her of the curse by kissing her lips and declaring his love for her. But after twenty five years and forty nine days, she is losing no sleep on the possibility of that happening now.

The Princess looked at herself in the mirror by her bed and she was upset that despite her beauty not one of the Prince who came has managed to wake her up. She can see her mascara has smudged onto her cheeks; that was the work of the previous Prince trying to re-do her makeup when he came last. But he is Mortician King's heir, so he did her with the latest design. She smiled at her new mascara design and think its a nice touch to her new looks.

She looked further down her chin to her neck and noticed no smudges there. There was one Prince who came to kissed her decided that he would settle for her neck instead causing her uneasy moments as he salivates over her neck to the ears. He may think its erogenous but she find it revolting. So she have him a sniff of her putrid unwashed breath which he ran away shrieking for mouth wash. The Princess sigh as she now pass her prime beauty age and yet no charming Prince has come to claim her as his love.

She moved from the dresser and sat down at the dining table. She looked at her palate of bugs and leeches. She pushed it away as she had that for the last three nights. The Owl on seeing her pushed his offerings was clearly offended by her.

"Look at me, Princess. If its not for your darned Godmother, I would not be your Guardian here; bringing you your food and attending to your daily needs. So be grateful, or I shall be forced to terminate my contract with your Godmother." The Owl on being upset will perched himself before her plate and consumed the leeches and bugs. After all, waste not good food but its does add to the Owl's waist as his vest bulged with the buttons straining at the seams.

"Curl in your beak, Owl. I heard that more times than my own mother's grumbling of me being an old maid....." But the Princess was interrupted by the sound of someone coming up the stairs. "Owl, did you lock the front door?"

"Princess, I do not use the front door as you know I can fly and the window is always open here or this room will reek of stench and overflowing with dust mites." The Owl flew to the window ledge and looked beyond. "I see no carriages or trams as they called it now. You must be mistaken, my dear. Which Prince in his sane mind will come at this hour?"

But the creaking of the stairs was too apparent to be ignored by the two person in the tower room. The Princess hurried from her dining seat to her bedding, and she laid herself prone to await another suitor.

"Princess, you left your vanity pouch here"said the Owl. The Princess peeked at the Owl and motioned to him to bring it over. It contain her certification of her purity in chastity although she is not of the age to worry about it. The Owl comply to her request and just as the door opened to admit in a man.

A man who is dressed in a black cloak over his dark suit and white shirt. The lapel of his cloak over reached the back of his head like an upturned hood, and his hair slicked with whatever he had put there to glean like the silverware in most shop fronts. But if one would looked into his eyes, you would see the orbs inside is blue and yet its shimmer like those in the movies, and the long nose of his could be only the work of master in the plastic mold industry. But the uncanny fangs that protrude from the edge of his lips actually makes him too delicious to resist.

"I see before me a damsel of my choice; pure and reeking of past years of uncleaned dirts like me as I have lain in the coffin. Who needs a bath when you are in an enclosed coffin most times." The cloaked man walks towards the sleeping Princess.

"Mon Dieu! She is ravishing and yet she is a Princess. I must be courteous as she is no barmaid I have laid my fangs on before. Pardon me, Princess. My name is Count Dracula. I am not a Prince as per your required edict issued by your Godmother; God bless her soul as she lain next to my burial spot. But I am still a Count; an almost equivalent of any Prince in status. Its does have about the same alphabet counts and 'C' ranks before 'P'. So I read the edict as the worms gave it to me this morning; I know they are slow in delivery but its better to be late than never to arrive. So I am here now and I would like to claim you for my bride. Would you take as your equal in the namesake as a groom? Gee, I am so sorry. You are asleep and I need to wake you up before you can hear my declaration for your place with me. Fluster no more, my dear for I know the very thing I need to do to claim you love. Thank God, this is PG13 rated, or I would be forced to do pre-marital acts. The edict did said to lay my kiss on your lips. And so shall I do so as per instruction."

Meanwhile the Princess who is laying there has this thought in mind; 'git your act in place or your ass will be out of place'.

But prevail not as the Count goes down to his knees and slowly uncover the strands of hair that was laying carelessly by the lips of the sleeping Princess. He picked at every strand and lay them in their places by the ears so that they will not get in between his lips and her's. He looks at her beautiful lips covered in the red gloss oil pastel and he thought of one whom he used to desire.

"Pour no more on her, myself. Here lies one who is better than that one, and yet my manly desires swings to another. I am ashamed of my lustful thoughts. Please forgive me for that, my dear." The Count paused in his move to lay his lips on her's.

Meanwhile the Princess is getting edgy as she awaits the passionate kiss. She tells herself; 'look buster; I can wait another second as I have waited twenty five years and forty nine days.'

She did peek through her lashes to see the Prince now really hovering his lips before her's. For whatever reason, she had to asked herself, why do all the man all looked down when they kissed us women.

Eureka! She got the answer.

'I knew it would work. The undone strings of my bodice would surely draw any bees to the nectar. Aha! I knew that although mama did not tell me. But wait the Count lips ar moving away. But God, this man is going for the nectar instead. I would get you for this, you creep.'

But his lips actually laid on her neck as his lips draw back to uncovered his set of fangs that is now touching her jugular at the neck. The Count with ever careful movements bites down onto the delicate skin and pierced the surface to ventured into her where no man has done before. His fangs sink in with slow deliberate movements reaching for her veins; causing the Princess to reached out in a feeling that she has never experienced before in her life. She could feel her life soul being refreshed and yet being drained by the actions of this man. Its brings her pores to exploded off all the putrid clogging of the twenty five years and forty nine days. She could feel herself lifted from the bedding not by the muscles of her spine but the needs of herself.

"Ah! I done it. One pint of blood from me to you, and now you complete me. Arise Princess and my bride. I given you a pint of my elixir of life and now you are mine forever." The Count now stands before her with his fangs glistering with the drops of pure blood.

The Princess opens her eyes and looked at the man who has awaken her. What she sees is beyond the description of words. She rose up to a sitting position and her hand reached for her neck. She felt the spot where he has laid his fangs and she took a swipe at it with her fingers to later sweep onto her lips.

"Thank you, my Count. I am ever grateful for you to break my curse after twenty five years and forty nine days. My name is...." But the Count hushed her lips with his finger.

"Come, my love. We have a world to visit. But first, I need to get you to a oral expert as your breath is absolutely bad." And so the Princess; unnamed to date and the Count left for the town before they can consummate their vows.

Meanwhile the Owl sighed in relief as his contract has just ended. He was to fly off when he saw the pouch left on the bed. Its the Princess chastity certification. He shrug his wings as he knows she would not need it anymore. So ends another story that the readers never get to read as its was not suitable then to disclose the finer details till now.

Signing off. The Guardian Owl of the Sleeping Beauty.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...