Monday, February 4, 2019

Tweet/..tweet.... My last completed tales since October 2018

As the title said it, it was my last completed tale.... and since then I have not written a word. I have some uncompleted tales which I have yet to embark on....been pushing them off and using my time to do other stuff. Even my daydreams are short and without any reading ideas...

Well, you could say I am having a mental block but actually, it was the works at my new office after so-named retirement.... and some lapses of PMS or was it Masculine Declined Syndrome.... just tired and lack of focus on the writing. When you reached the mid way point of life time frame, other factors stepped in to interrupt the once held strengths. Yes, I am popping more supplements than before and it ain't 'blue' in the shade, but it fought the blues off the moods.

As it was coming to Chinese New Year ( I think its the boar figurine this round... ) I had strengthened myself up to complete a personal project.... tale of my grandfather who sailed the seas from China to South East Asia and did his part for the family from WWII to the Independence of the country. I have in me his memories and some handed down events of his life, which I promised myself to pen for the new generations to read.... my kids in particular... and remember the man then. It will be a blend of facts, fiction and fun....He was no good .two shoes man, and had his own ventures then..

And I will embark on my once self taught skills as a sketch artist to pencil his image for the readers. I had not sketch for over thirty years now though I have seen the skills in my daughter who is an illustrator/ designer now. I can still do it.... I did  a fair and sexy figurine of Snow White...had it in my favorite folder for my night purview.... The dwarfs? Narry a taught for them... as I was Prince Charming then.

Guess what White uttered when she saw me.

"Sure don't look like them seven ......"

And I made a promise to complete my unfinished tales....which I would soon. That is my aspiration in 2019 to return here as the blogger. And with more tales. But till then, I would like to thank all of you for coming by and spend some reading times here.


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