The remains reported by the constable were actually the jacket and hat from the sea half a mile from the cliff site where his pipe was discovered. They identified it to the design worn by the missing person and the name ‘Eugen Leroy Smith’ was on the jacket and hat lapel.
“Jack Dunay found it in his netting this morning off the cliff area after the cove.” The cove was after the hut seen by Sherlock. They were looking at the coastline map on the table at the Station. They were also introduced to the local Inspector Murray who was near retirement and did not fancied a murder case to be notched to his records with weeks to his retirement.
“I was attached to London for five years before I asked for the transfer here. Life here is more sedentary.” Inspector Murray with his retirement due had maintained a trim frame with his tailored three pieces suit. He had on the walrus moustache favoured then with the thick sideburns but his hairline was receding far back. “I was there during the hype of the Ripper murders.
“You were then?” Sherlock looked at the Inspector. “You should be familiar with such cases in London. Murders on the Thames perhaps?”
“Yes, I done my rounds looking at bloated bodies from the Thames. I can’t say they looked any prettier than the ones we find here.”
“Were there any here before, say three months back?” Sherlock had his eye brows curled up then.
“Drowning was a rare occurrence with mostly the out of town visitors who thinks the sea was more accommodating than the Thames. Of late, yes, we had a few. To be exact, there were three in the last three months. All from out of town. I did wonder if they were attributed to the full moon.” Inspector Murray chuckled on that one.
“True, one cannot elude the possibility.” Sherlock affirmed the remark by the Inspector but it was Lestrade who intrude.
“Inspector Murray, I will take it from here.” Inspector Murray was dismissed and Lestrade went on his findings that Leroy could had fallen down the cliff. Sherlock was not keen on the discussion and took his pipe to go outside. He met the other Inspector outside enjoying a puff.
“I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgement on the human affairs.” * (Quote from Albert Einstein 1950.) Sherlock took a puff on his pipe while joining the Inspector. “I am sure it will be quoted one day soon.”
“Truer words, dear Sir. I found myself more relaxed with my pipe and with my puffs, my mind does wonderful deductive works.” Inspector Murray replied. “Are you the Sherlock Holmes?”
“I stand accused.” Sherlock took a bow on the mention of his fame. “Tell me of yourself, dear Sir. It’s not every day I meet a gentleman like yourself. Far from the madding crowd of London to the quiet life here.”
“Aye, Sir. I was born near here but soon we moved when my father became a miner in Newcastle. I was sent to London to stay with an aunt and from there I took my career into the constabulary and worked my rank up.”
“A humble route to success. I congratulate you on your life achievement. Tell me on the drowning. Were they the missing persons reported?”
“Aye, they were. It happened of late and more than frequent which agitated me. We had hardly a drowning here, and maybe some near ones but the boats are always out there and we rescued them fast.”
“Anything of the ordinary here?” Sherlock took on a deep puff.
“Normally, in the drowning we will find the body but never here. Only some remains but not of the flesh. That was when the rumours of the Mermaids and Sirens came around. An old fable tale from the yesteryears resurfacing once more.”
“Old fable tale?” Sherlock offered some of his tobacco to the Inspector.
“Yes, there was an old tale that a hundred or more years ago, the seas off Dumnonia was with those mermaids and sirens. The former were good companions to the fishermen while the later, you heard of them before were the devourers of the men. The grand daddies then knew when to sail out and there was an understanding then. It was some years back, maybe a hundred or so, the arrangement was off when the fishermen found their catch less and boats returned empty. There was then the leader named Albert Benner who called for retribution. They waged a war on the Sirens.”
“Now, Albert Benner was not a fisherman but a wizard. He was the rare one then. We thought that with Merlin influence from Arthur would had died by then, but Albert was one mean one. He got the fishermen then riled and fifty or so joined him. They sailed out and fought the Sirens. Only a handful returned and so was Albert. They spoke of victory and then the catch improved and the boats were safe once more.”
“What happened to Albert Benner?”
“Aye, he stayed on here. He had no children and died alone but someone came over to live at the old hut some years back.” Inspector Murray replied. “Never seen the face but the grocer delivers the food there weekly.”
“Which one, Sir?” Sherlock asked.
“Ask Ben. He does it weekly. I think tomorrow will be his next delivery.”
“Pardon me, Inspector. I have one more question.” Sherlock looked at the Inspector. “What of the ….”
“The tattoos on the arms? Every one from out of town asked of it. Even Inspector Lestrade.” Inspector Murray bellowed a laugh. “It’s a hand down tradition from those fishermen who returned from the hunt with Albert. They all had the tattoos done with the tale it brought them fishes.”
“So, everyone had it?” Sherlock probed on.
“Only the dedicated ones and they fished near the stretch along the coast with the rocks and corals. The tattoos guided them on the rough areas.” Inspector had another good laugh. “All in the mind only. Like the Ripper, there was never one I told them then in London but they send me out here for insubordination.”
“Most intriguing.” Sherlock mumbled.
“Have you been around the fishing port? You ought to visit the boats. Some of them are marked with red shades for safe sailing.”
“One more question. What of the ladies here? I hardly seen any.” Sherlock remarked.
“True, that is because we don’t have many staying here in the place. Most of the older folks have boys and some childless. It was all attributed to the old tale of the Sirens. When we killed them all or chased them off, they took the girls with them. The handful we have are in the fishing port and when they complete their tasks, they are escorted back by the men to their homes.”
“Inspector Murray, if I may call on you to join us?” It was Lestrade then. “We have some new clues to the missing Leroy.”
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