As the title said it, it was my last completed tale.... and since then I have not written a word. I have some uncompleted tales which I have yet to embark on....been pushing them off and using my time to do other stuff. Even my daydreams are short and without any reading ideas...
Well, you could say I am having a mental block but actually, it was the works at my new office after so-named retirement.... and some lapses of PMS or was it Masculine Declined Syndrome.... just tired and lack of focus on the writing. When you reached the mid way point of life time frame, other factors stepped in to interrupt the once held strengths. Yes, I am popping more supplements than before and it ain't 'blue' in the shade, but it fought the blues off the moods.
As it was coming to Chinese New Year ( I think its the boar figurine this round... ) I had strengthened myself up to complete a personal project.... tale of my grandfather who sailed the seas from China to South East Asia and did his part for the family from WWII to the Independence of the country. I have in me his memories and some handed down events of his life, which I promised myself to pen for the new generations to read.... my kids in particular... and remember the man then. It will be a blend of facts, fiction and fun....He was no good .two shoes man, and had his own ventures then..
And I will embark on my once self taught skills as a sketch artist to pencil his image for the readers. I had not sketch for over thirty years now though I have seen the skills in my daughter who is an illustrator/ designer now. I can still do it.... I did a fair and sexy figurine of Snow White...had it in my favorite folder for my night purview.... The dwarfs? Narry a taught for them... as I was Prince Charming then.
Guess what White uttered when she saw me.
"Sure don't look like them seven ......"
And I made a promise to complete my unfinished tales....which I would soon. That is my aspiration in 2019 to return here as the blogger. And with more tales. But till then, I would like to thank all of you for coming by and spend some reading times here.
Creative writing is more of a compulsion to engage with yourself in a world of words, ideas, imagery. There are moments of hot exultation or prickly exasperated yet victorious expostulation when at last comes the right word, the rhyme that works or can yield surprise and pleasure. Thank you for sharing my engagement into those words. .
Monday, February 4, 2019
Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 5 Chapter 9 Finale
Holmes woke up to the surrounding faces loomed over him. He looked down his body and saw the hospital gown and the grim looking Doctor Watson at the end of the bedding. He saw to his right was Inspector Lestrade with one other officer that he had not met. On the left of his bedding was his brother Mycroft Holmes with the ‘what did you get yourself in’ expression on the face.
“We found you at the cliff asleep like this. You been asleep for over three days now.” Watson spoke up from the end of the bedding in his stern voice. “We have examined you and you are healthy.”
“What did happen there?” Lestrade asked. “I woke up and everybody was gone. Missing to be exact. I woke up Watson and we explored. There was nobody in the village, only remains of their dressing on the roads and the shops. We went down to the Station and saw the same. Even the boats were in the docks. And you were missing.”
“I had the Inspector called for assistance and explored the village once more. You were missing so I searched for you. At the Inn, at the tavern, and even to every single shop. You were not there. It was noon when the other constables arrived and we widen the search. You were discovered late afternoon on the grass fast asleep. We brought you back and could not revive you. I had you sent to the nearest county hospital and contacted Mycroft. Your next of kin.”
“Old boy. You scared me out of my wits. I reached here the next morning and since then, seated here looking at you sleep. Are you well, Sherly?”
“I couldn’t be better. Darn good rest I had. So, tell me what happened at the village? Did we find Leroy?” Sherlock asked.
“Yes, we did. He just needed some rest and food. We also found some missing persons from the last months to the year.
Those were also resting but they needed more care. We found them ….. malnourished as expected in this cold weather and being exposed out there. No signs of hypothermia though which surprised me.” Watson replied.
“However, the locals are all missing. Brady, Murray and even Clayton. All had disappeared in turn.” Watson looked at Holmes. “Do you know why?”
Holmes leaned back on his bedding and thought hard. He has a tale but it will be unbelievable one. He has to be careful then with his words or he will be considered as a lunatic or worse, a rambling fool. He looked at the faces looking at him.
“Who may I ask are you?” Sherlock looked at the one he did not seen before.
“Matthew Benner. I am from London and just arrived this morning. Sir Fleming sent me.” The one who spoke was a average height figure with the round rimmed glasses perched on the nose bridge, and he looked to be in his thirties with the broad shoulders. He may be trying to hide his real personality which showed him to be a soldier. Those visible signs were the way he stood and the regiment ring on his left ring finger.
“I am from the Department of Science. We are to understand the situation here.”
“There is none to understand, Mr. Benner. They may have all left. As for me, I did take the night walk alone and fell asleep there.” Sherlock replied and then remained elusive on any line of questions. It was the next morning, he took the carriage to the village. He visited the Red Mane, and looked at the frames.
“I hope you have fully recovered, Mr. Holmes.” Sherlock turned to look at the man who spoke to him. It was Mr. Benner.
“I did and thank you. Tell me Mr, Benner, did Blip leave the place?”
“Yes, Blip left. The cavern had been …. destroyed and the entrances covered. The village is all that is left.” Mr. Benner asked. “Why did you ask?”
“If Blip left, why are you still here?” Sherlock asked. “Your picture is still there.”
“Some stayed back. We are used to life here, and more to it, we need to preserve our existence here. For anyway.” Mr. Benner replied. “It was us who told Clayton to surface the jacket. We wanted you to examine more of the evidence but you chose to ignore it. We saw you going to the hut. We had the old fool there gave his visions to draw you away but again, you ignore it.”
“I saw you that morning on the far side of the grassland. You were following us. I recalled your face in the frames here but you were not in the cavern.” Sherlock looked at Mr. Benner.
“Blip is an integrated community that made up the blob you saw. When we arrived here, we assimilated into your kind and found something unique. It was named individuality. We …. Some of us learned it, and Blip as a whole discarded us. We were banished to the interior but we are still Blip. We did not go far but maintained our presence near. Blip have wanted to leave earlier but the craft was without the means to leave then. It needed time to rejuvenate. The means to do so was….”
“The blood in our body. You needed our blood to rejuvenate.” Sherlock glared at Mr. Benner. “You took our blood and then left us to make more. Over the years, it sapped their strength to make new ones. Blip then took on the new bodies. But what happened to the women here?”
“They were the initial batches and we held them as captives. They all dwindled and we had to move to the men.” Mr. Benner looked to the frames. “There are no women here. We were all that was left.”
“What about the tattoos? Why were there none on some?”
“The tattoos were always there but not on the arms for some. Those with the tattoos on the arms were warriors. They defend the others.”
“Who is the old cloaked man in the hut? Is he Merlin?”
“No, he is Blip. He is the leader and he was with Merlin before. He was the first to explore your world and he inhibits only the body that matters then. He is what you termed as our King. Merlin made him King too.”
“The others that you spoke to; Brady, Clayton, and Murray; they are all leaders of different sections. Leroy was the prime
one on the craft. We all have our functions and if one gets terminated, we lose a part of our skills and existence.”
“Did you lose any?” Sherlock asked.
“Yes, we had. With you and the last few we inhibited in, we recovered something new. Yours was particularly interesting. We managed to tap into your memories and learned new intelligence. So was Watson and Lestrade. We have applied it to a section of Blip. Just like…”
“Wait, you were in my body. How was I did not know?” Sherlock asked.
“You were asleep. We made you sleep.” Mr. Benner replied. “Now I will leave you. Blip have left but for those of us who are here, we will live on as another Blip. With your knowledge and the others, you have given us a good opportunity to explore.”
“Would you invade our world later?” Sherlock asked.
“I can’t tell for now for it’s the newly formed Blip decision but I reckoned not. Your kind have the ability to destroy yourselves without anyone’s help. Goodbye.” With that Mr. Benner left Sherlock to his musing with the frames. He
looked at the figure there by the huge Marlin.
Matthew Benner. Fisherman of the Year, 1815. He did not wear glasses then.
Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 5 Chapter 8
Sherlock opened his eyes and saw his new surrounding was a huge cavern. He could hear the waves and reckoned he was inside the cliff. He looked to his sides and saw the others. There was Lestrade and Watson there with Mr. Brady and the other Inspector named Murray. He saw then the others including Max, and John Clayton.
And an unidentified man. He was wearing the zippered suit from neck down in the shade of red. He had the facial expression of Man.
“Mr. Holmes. You have been a hard man to deter off.” The identified man stepped up towards Sherlock. “My name is Leroy. Eugen Leroy Smith. Everyone calls me Leroy.”
“Here in the village we are also known as the Blip.” Leroy told Sherlock. “Let me tell you of Blip. We are not from this world. We came here in a flying craft that landed here when we had machine malfunction. That’s the flying craft that we came in with.”
Blip or Leroy motioned to the far end of the corner. It was a not a huge craft; more like the size of carriage but it rounded in shape. It was secured by some red cables to the number of caskets that were placed around it. The caskets were covered and it looked like coffins. Sherlock estimated over a few hundred there.
“Who are we then? Blip is us and we are Blip. We are hosted by your kind with us using their frame to move and function in this world. We are incorporeal in our real form. The only physical form we hold is the red dot that you see in their upper limbs.” Leroy motioned to Brady to step forth. The others then displayed the arm where the tattoos were drawn. The red marks there that was the fish eye moved there as it was alive.
“We can reside in several numbers on the frame but one takes control on the frame. We are not a few in the numbers. There are many of us in the landing craft and on the frames which we inhibit in.” Leroy smiled. “We control and maintained on the frame, utilising its self-built skills like walking and sleeping as if they are normal to another. We do however control their thoughts and action if need be.”
“We were once not in Man but in the sea fishes but the threat of being capture and removed forced us to secure the new host. We fought then with the fishermen as you called our host. We won and then took over the form. We could not hide inside the frame for we needed the sun to regenerate our forms. There was why we had the tattoos done on the arms.”
“Hold on there, Leroy or whatever you may name yourself.” Sherlock cut in. “Are you here then to take over the world we live in?”
“It would had been a natural choice but our numbers are limited and we share no such intentions. Your world is not perfect compared to ours but we have no intention of staying here. We have wanted to leave your world, but the craft needed time to rejuvenate. The craft is non-corporeal like us. Its in that form for its recovering and once its fully done, we will leave.”
“The village as you termed it is ours. Not all of them have their tattoos done on the arms. Some of them are on other parts of the body. And some frames we returned to be preserved.” Leroy motioned to the rows of caskets. “We could not reproduce new frames but we recycled them in stages. Like the one you knew as John Clayton. He is the latest to be setup for the Clayton. We have his parents and his son in preservation.”
“Why are the cables attached to the … preservation units?” Sherlock asked.
“Each time the frames get hosted and in the works the frame with our assistance collate the energy from the Sun here and from there, we channel it to the craft or ourselves. We do need some form of nutrients to survive. Unfortunately, we could not populate anymore. If a host is damaged or destroyed, we have to move on. Hence, we work on new hosts. Of late, we had to find some new hosts which accounted for the missing persons. Leroy here is a new host and with the vibrancy to give us more nutrients.”
“Then we are new hosts to your Blips.” Sherlock remarked back.
“Not exactly. We are leaving soon.”
“Leaving? I don’t understand.” Sherlock queried back.
“We are almost complete. The craft is ready. Leroy was the last host to boost our craft. We will disassociate with the host and then be off.” Leroy explained.
“And what happens to the hosts?” Sherlock asked.
“Most of them will die like ashes to ashes. Their frame had been used far too many times. It was why we have new hosts but the new ones may suffer some ailments and with care they will recover. Like Leroy here.”
“You could be killing the entire village here.” Sherlock snapped out at the foreign entity.
“It's unfortunate then. We had no choice and with them we have survived.” Leroy replied. “Its all about survival. We knew that in your world, it’s the way of living too.”
“What about the Wizard?” Sherlock asked.
“The Wizard will die too. He was the first host to have us. We will leave him.”
“What about the mermaids and the Sirens? Are they real?”
“They are real in the eyes of the villagers then. We made them real but you won’t see them anymore. They are all ….”
“Dead hosts.” Sherlock looked at Leroy. “Why tell me all of this?”
“Someone had to tell our tale. And if it comes from you, the people might listen but its may not be so. Even the great Sherlock Holmes cannot solve and explain all the mystery in this world.” Leroy smiled. “It will be a challenge for you though.”
“Good bye, Holmes.”
Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 5 Chapter 7
“A fair tale for a fair night like this.” Sherlock replied. “It does not answer my query on the other stranger. And that was good tea. I have taken better ones.”
“Oh, yeah. The stranger was here on the tattoos and I invited him like you had been to.” The cloaked man explained. “He left soon after.”
“Wizard as you may be called that name. I don’t believe you. You do not entertain any stranger at all. You invited him in like myself because you saw us looking at the sea. He like me believed there is more to the sea there.”
“Mr. Holmes, you are a hard man to deter off.” The wizard chuckled.
“You intruded me into my mind and read my memories. I am impressed, Wizard. Did you do the same to the stranger?”
“Yes, I did.”
“And you knew why he was here. He was not a weekend stayover guest.” Sherlock snapped back. “And I am not leaving till I get some answers.”
“The tattoos were answered by my dream trip but not my other questions. And they are….”
“Your answers are here but not can be told in such a short time.” The Wizard cut in. “However, I will tell you on the stranger. He was here to look at the mystery of the cliffs and the sea. He was from the Section of the Government that were interested in the unnatural events. The tale of the Siren intrigued them but there was more to it. The Government think there was something behind the tale. He was a Professor of Myths and Beliefs.”
“And I am told now.”
“On his death, I am unsure. He could had fallen. Or done by someone from the village.”
“Tell me more, Wizard.”
“I would if I could. I am limited to his memory and not his thoughts.” The Wizard replied.
“If I may see your face.” Sherlock asked the Wizard.
“That was not an agreed term.” The Wizard replied. “Rightfully on, we had no agreed terms. So, what is your next question?”
“Why are you here? Your great grandfather had done his task but why did he want you be here? Who is the grocer?”
“Ben is a good and loyal family friend of over five generations. The family was paid well and from there they were to deliver me food and no questions asked.”
“Was Ben part of the surviving fishermen?” Sherlock asked. The Wizard nodded.
“Was it you who was watching me then this morning?” Sherlock asked.
“No, it was not me. I could not leave this hut. Its my prison if you were to ask.”
“So that leaves me one extra question.” Sherlock smiled. “Puzzles intrigued me.”
“There you have your …. Most of your questions answered.” The Wizard replied.
“Not actually. You have not really answered my questions. You have created more. Good day, Wizard.” Sherlock told the other and then turned to leave. The Wizard stopped him.
“Mr. Holmes, one more last thing. Your memories are rather interesting. Tell, Mr. Holmes. Why are you doing this?”
“Save the world I guess. I am …. Want to be different.”
“Yet you lived…. Pardon me, ally yourself with an army officer who is a doctor. He has been a great assistance to you in your works, and adding as your guard.” The Wizard voiced out. “And he acts as your doctor. He assisted you in your addiction. And even question your sex life.”
“Arghh…. Please don’t go into that. I have my own privacy.”
“Just like Guinevere then with Lancelot. An affair that was hidden from Arthur. You are all fools. What is the physical intimacy that intrigued mankind?” The Wizard asked. “I have mine with the lady Morgause and regretted it a lifetime. Or several lifetimes.”
“The Wizard is you. I thought for a while it was the Wizard of Oz.” Sherlock replied. “You lived long and well, Merlin.”
“So, may you do so.” The Wizard replied. “Mortality has its benefits. You get to live shorter and less of the lifetime worries.”
With that Sherlock took his leave of the Wizard once he was outside the hut, he met the others.
“Hello, Max.” It was a short greeting. Sherlock was knocked from the back and blacked out.
Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 5 Chapter 6
“I am Albert Fenner IV, the current heir to the family heirloom.” The man who greeted Sherlock was a frail looking man shrouded with the cloak over the face and seated by the fireplace. The hut was furnished with bare fittings but the grocer box was adequate to be seated on.
“I saw you with the others down there.” Albert spoke from behind the cover of the cloak. “Why are you here? Was it to look for the other stranger? He was here some days back and then left.”
“Did he find you? The stranger?”
“He has a name. He was called Leroy and he met me. We spoke like what you are doing now. He was keen to know on the fishermen and the Siren tales. I am sure you are too.”
“Yes, I am. I have a number of questions.” Sherlock leaned over to study the man with the cloak. “Tell me of Albert Fenner.”
“I would but have a cup of tea with me.” Sherlock was offered the tea in the pot by the fireplace. There was a cup there. “That is the only cup I have. Please have it. It's clean.”
Sherlock picked it up and saw the cup was old with the stains of tea on the inside but it looked clean. He was not to refuse the offer of tea.
“It’s the normal tea served here. Strong and bitter but enjoyable.” Sherlock saw the man was not going to pour the tea so he did it himself. He held the cup and smelled the tea. It was not the same like the one that Mrs Hudson made. He took a sip and then sat down.
“Its good.” Sherlock looked at the man with the cloak covering from head to toes. “Are you not going to join me?”
“I am okay. I will now tell you of Albert Fenner. You will not only hear but see of the man. Soon after that you will remembered only glimpses of it.”
“Glimpses? Why….” Sherlock was cut off then and saw he was no longer in the hut but on the boat with the cloaked man. He was standing at the helm and held a wooden staff. Sherlock looked at the others on the boat. There were three others and were dressed casually like fishermen. He saw the other boats around the one he was on. He counted about a dozen with various designs and sizes.
“Wizard, tell us how far are they?” The man was next to Sherlock and held a pike in his hands.
“Not far. I can hear them.” The cloaked man called the wizard replied. “You won’t be affected for I blocked their songs to your hearings.”
Sherlock looked beyond the boat and saw they were approaching the same rocks that he had seen earlier that day but at that moment on the beach were the swarms of mermaids that were seated there.
“I see them. I am ready.” The fisherman with the pike stood up.
“Sit down, fool. They are not the Sirens. We will see them soon.” The wizard replied and then he pointed to the sea. “They are coming.”
The sight seen there were the breaking waves and the sight of the huge fishes that was headed to the boats. The fishes were huge and with dark shade on the top with the fin with the white belly but their opened jaws displayed serrated rows of fangs. There were some figures on the back of the fish holding onto the fin and it was feminine. As the fishes approached the boats, the sound of singing could be heard but it was only melodic then.
“Sirens!” The fishermen on the boats called out.
“Hold your hands, Seaman. We will have them among us before we kill them.”
The fishes reached the boats and swam below the boats but the melodic singing went on. The men were not affected then for they held fast to their pikes and hooks. Then without a warning, a fish surfaced from beneath one of the smaller boats with three fishermen. The fish slammed the boat at the keel and took it off the surface. The fishermen were tossed high and then one of them fell into the path of the opened jaws of the fish. The fisherman was snapped into two parts by the fish’s jaw.
It then started the battle of the fishermen and the fishes. The pikes and the hooks were tossed and retrieved bloody or not, to be tossed again. The surface turned bloody with more boats rocked or overturned but the fishes were also affected by the trained killers of their kind.
Sherlock saw then the cloaked figure raised his hands and called on some spells with words that he did not understand. The storm came and the waves went high with the fishes caught by the currents thus exposing their white bellies to the fishermen. The boats that were afloat rocked with the waves and handled by the experienced fishermen they took on the task as of they were out for a fishing expedition.
Then all stopped, and surface calmed once more. The sea was bloodied but the carcasses were seen to be drowning including the dead fishes. Only a handful of boats were floating and a dozen fishermen with the wizard stood there. From the surface of the sea, a huge fish appeared with its eyes red in shade. On the back of the fish was the lady seated there, nude to the top and held fins on the bottom.
“Wizard, you have travelled far to battle us.” The lady spoke yet the mouth was closed. She was a beauty with the silvery long tresses of hair that spread out behind her like the opened hand fan.
“I have, Lady Siren. I have come to assist the fishermen on their waters. They have fished here for centuries and yet you have renegaded on their arrangement with the sea. They are allowed to fish while you may swim among them but harm comes to no one.”
“A trust we had for we went only for the errant boat or the passing ones with bad tidings. They were faithful to the cause but they renegaded when they took on my companions.” The lady patted the fish there on the back. “We did what needed to balance the unjust.”
“The fisherman who did that was punished and his body fed to your fishes.” The wizard replied. “Yet you came for their catches.”
“It won’t be denied for we were upset that an arrangement of generations was disrupted. Now that has been balanced with your intervention, we will abide by the old cause.”
“And I will be your guardian to see all is done in balance.” The wizard replied. “I wish to state that the fishermen needed more than your assurance. The waters here are now with many outsiders.”
“Then the marks of the Siren will be on them. They will be spared from harm.” With that the tattoos appeared on the arms of the fishermen. “Leave it on for your generations.”
With that Sherlock found himself back at the hut.
“Now you know, stranger.”
Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 5 Chapter 5
The new clue was the workings of Doctor Watson then. He was explaining the clothes and noticed the clothes were not all affected by the long immersion in the cold water of the sea.
“I was examining the clothes. The clothes were expected to be immersed in the water for over four days on the assumption that the missing person fell in then. The clothes would have been soaked to the fabric and the fishes would have feasted on the strings of fabric that could have come loose from the sea waves banging it on the corals and rocks. The area where the sea currents were to take it may had dragged it over such surfaces but I found few signs of it which were not consistent with the findings.”
“Are you telling me that the clothes may not be there that long?” Inspector Lestrade looked at the doctor. “Are you sure?”
“You can check with another doctor in London if you want to test my findings.” Watson snapped back in an irate mood. It was Sherlock who saved the day.
“Watson, are there any traces of blood on the clothing?”
“None I could see. If there were, given the time the clothes were immersed, I doubt we will get any. The sea water could wash it all off. I did find a torn sleeve on the jacket. It could be from a fight or by sea waves.”
“That is a new clue. We can look at that. Let us start with that. Let us talk with the fisherman that found the clothes.”
“My name is John Clayton. Yes, I found the jacket in the net.” John Clayton was a younger man, the fourth generation of the fishing trade. He was dressed like the others and have the same hair cut with the tattoos on the arms. He agreed to meet the Inspector at the Station.
“I was fishing like usual and then the pulled in my net. I saw the fishes and then the jacket was in it. I pulled it off and decided to report it. I have done no wrong.” The fisherman turned defensive. He went on the tirade of doing good as taught to him by his parents and then went silent when the Inspector Lestrade questioned him.
“Tell me whether you met the missing man before? We were told that you were with him once at the Red Mane having a drink.” It took everyone there besides Lestrade by surprise. “I have my informers.”
“I refused to speak. It’s a lie.” John defended himself. With his then silence, the Inspector could not make any headway with his questions and decided to let him go.
“Why did you accuse him of knowing Leroy, and having that drink?” Sherlock asked Lestrade.
“I wanted to rattle him but he was innocent. He did not meet Leroy.” Lestrade sighed. “This case is so distant for me to see how I can find the man or even his body. I am going back to London tomorrow. Are you joining me?”
Watson jumped to idea but Sherlock had excused himself to take a walk.
“It’s late, Sherlock. Are you sure …” Watson looked quizzed at the other.
“Yes. I am. I want to see the sunset.” Sherlock replied. He recalled that Leroy was last seen taking the evening walk.
“Sir, if I may intrude. Please avoid the cliff if you are going there.” Inspector Murray cautioned Sherlock. “It’s a dangerous area at dusk.”
“I won’t be there. I am walking to the Red Mane.”
The walk to the Red Mane was short, and he saw John Clayton there by the counter. He was alone and Sherlock joined him. He was confronted by the bartender who was shooed off with the drink placed. Sherlock looked towards the fisherman.
“Leave me alone, Sir.” John Clayton told Sherlock off. “I have regretted doing the good deed.”
“I am not here to speak on the missing man or the jacket. I am here to have a drink and besides the bartender, you are the next familiar face here.” Sherlock looked at those who were there. The two local fishermen who were there when he arrived in the morning was there. They were glaring at him.
“When are you due out for fishing?”
“Just before dawn. I am having my drink alone.” John Clayton made his point.
“I heard that but I am leaving tomorrow morning so please accommodate me.” Sherlock cut in fast. And then he moved the subject. “How long have you stayed here?”
“I had told you, I lived here. I was here when I was born. My father was here before.” John Clayton told Sherlock. “My father was a fisherman too. He was born here and so was his grandfather.”
“Is your dad here on those frames?” Sherlock cut in but then the bartender also intervened.
“John, you need not tell anything to him.” Sherlock looked to the bartender. “He is not from here.”
“It’s okay, Matt. I know how to handle him. I did nothing wrong.” John walked to the wall where the frames were hung. He pointed out his father in the frames to Sherlock.
“Was his father or grandfather who went out to hunt the Sirens?”
“Yes, he was. We all grew from them. We have them remembered here in the tattoos.” John displayed his tattoos. “I am proud to be a part of them. They were heroes. My great grandfather returned but they honoured the others who did not.”
“John, enough. The tales end now.” Matt the bartender cut in. “Mister, you are not wanted here anymore. Please leave.”
Matt the bartender had the menacing look and so were the two others who were seated at the tables who confronted Sherlock at the counter. Sherlock excused himself and returned to find the others. They were accommodated at the Inn with a constable present there as a guard.
Not everyone slept that night.
A figure sneaked out from the rear of the Inn. He made his way to the cliff holding the new design then; the torch light. It was developed by David Misell with the three batteries powering the light from the bulb. They were not to be turned on too long and had to turned off to rest. Hence the name ‘flash’ light. It was also not reliable for the lights flicked due to the batteries conditions, and the carbon filament bulbs were inefficient. The figure used it when he was unsure of the trail but soon he made it to the cliff looking at the sea below. He made his way further on towards the lighted hut on the cliff.
“Hello, can I come in?”
“Since you are here, I think you have to.” The reply was accommodating.
Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 5 Chapter 4
The remains reported by the constable were actually the jacket and hat from the sea half a mile from the cliff site where his pipe was discovered. They identified it to the design worn by the missing person and the name ‘Eugen Leroy Smith’ was on the jacket and hat lapel.
“Jack Dunay found it in his netting this morning off the cliff area after the cove.” The cove was after the hut seen by Sherlock. They were looking at the coastline map on the table at the Station. They were also introduced to the local Inspector Murray who was near retirement and did not fancied a murder case to be notched to his records with weeks to his retirement.
“I was attached to London for five years before I asked for the transfer here. Life here is more sedentary.” Inspector Murray with his retirement due had maintained a trim frame with his tailored three pieces suit. He had on the walrus moustache favoured then with the thick sideburns but his hairline was receding far back. “I was there during the hype of the Ripper murders.
“You were then?” Sherlock looked at the Inspector. “You should be familiar with such cases in London. Murders on the Thames perhaps?”
“Yes, I done my rounds looking at bloated bodies from the Thames. I can’t say they looked any prettier than the ones we find here.”
“Were there any here before, say three months back?” Sherlock had his eye brows curled up then.
“Drowning was a rare occurrence with mostly the out of town visitors who thinks the sea was more accommodating than the Thames. Of late, yes, we had a few. To be exact, there were three in the last three months. All from out of town. I did wonder if they were attributed to the full moon.” Inspector Murray chuckled on that one.
“True, one cannot elude the possibility.” Sherlock affirmed the remark by the Inspector but it was Lestrade who intrude.
“Inspector Murray, I will take it from here.” Inspector Murray was dismissed and Lestrade went on his findings that Leroy could had fallen down the cliff. Sherlock was not keen on the discussion and took his pipe to go outside. He met the other Inspector outside enjoying a puff.
“I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgement on the human affairs.” * (Quote from Albert Einstein 1950.) Sherlock took a puff on his pipe while joining the Inspector. “I am sure it will be quoted one day soon.”
“Truer words, dear Sir. I found myself more relaxed with my pipe and with my puffs, my mind does wonderful deductive works.” Inspector Murray replied. “Are you the Sherlock Holmes?”
“I stand accused.” Sherlock took a bow on the mention of his fame. “Tell me of yourself, dear Sir. It’s not every day I meet a gentleman like yourself. Far from the madding crowd of London to the quiet life here.”
“Aye, Sir. I was born near here but soon we moved when my father became a miner in Newcastle. I was sent to London to stay with an aunt and from there I took my career into the constabulary and worked my rank up.”
“A humble route to success. I congratulate you on your life achievement. Tell me on the drowning. Were they the missing persons reported?”
“Aye, they were. It happened of late and more than frequent which agitated me. We had hardly a drowning here, and maybe some near ones but the boats are always out there and we rescued them fast.”
“Anything of the ordinary here?” Sherlock took on a deep puff.
“Normally, in the drowning we will find the body but never here. Only some remains but not of the flesh. That was when the rumours of the Mermaids and Sirens came around. An old fable tale from the yesteryears resurfacing once more.”
“Old fable tale?” Sherlock offered some of his tobacco to the Inspector.
“Yes, there was an old tale that a hundred or more years ago, the seas off Dumnonia was with those mermaids and sirens. The former were good companions to the fishermen while the later, you heard of them before were the devourers of the men. The grand daddies then knew when to sail out and there was an understanding then. It was some years back, maybe a hundred or so, the arrangement was off when the fishermen found their catch less and boats returned empty. There was then the leader named Albert Benner who called for retribution. They waged a war on the Sirens.”
“Now, Albert Benner was not a fisherman but a wizard. He was the rare one then. We thought that with Merlin influence from Arthur would had died by then, but Albert was one mean one. He got the fishermen then riled and fifty or so joined him. They sailed out and fought the Sirens. Only a handful returned and so was Albert. They spoke of victory and then the catch improved and the boats were safe once more.”
“What happened to Albert Benner?”
“Aye, he stayed on here. He had no children and died alone but someone came over to live at the old hut some years back.” Inspector Murray replied. “Never seen the face but the grocer delivers the food there weekly.”
“Which one, Sir?” Sherlock asked.
“Ask Ben. He does it weekly. I think tomorrow will be his next delivery.”
“Pardon me, Inspector. I have one more question.” Sherlock looked at the Inspector. “What of the ….”
“The tattoos on the arms? Every one from out of town asked of it. Even Inspector Lestrade.” Inspector Murray bellowed a laugh. “It’s a hand down tradition from those fishermen who returned from the hunt with Albert. They all had the tattoos done with the tale it brought them fishes.”
“So, everyone had it?” Sherlock probed on.
“Only the dedicated ones and they fished near the stretch along the coast with the rocks and corals. The tattoos guided them on the rough areas.” Inspector had another good laugh. “All in the mind only. Like the Ripper, there was never one I told them then in London but they send me out here for insubordination.”
“Most intriguing.” Sherlock mumbled.
“Have you been around the fishing port? You ought to visit the boats. Some of them are marked with red shades for safe sailing.”
“One more question. What of the ladies here? I hardly seen any.” Sherlock remarked.
“True, that is because we don’t have many staying here in the place. Most of the older folks have boys and some childless. It was all attributed to the old tale of the Sirens. When we killed them all or chased them off, they took the girls with them. The handful we have are in the fishing port and when they complete their tasks, they are escorted back by the men to their homes.”
“Inspector Murray, if I may call on you to join us?” It was Lestrade then. “We have some new clues to the missing Leroy.”
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