Friday, August 17, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 2; Chapter 7 & 8


Tarzan was also crouched on the high branch looking down at another set of predators. Those were not of with the killing instincts with the deadly jaws and claws but they were armed and more dangerous than the earlier predators. These armed predators were of human designs. He counted twelve in the group, and their flag were of his birth land.

The British Empire.

Tarzan have no control on the Empire design for his adopted jungle but he had voiced his concerns at the Lower House. He was invited by a friend who was a Lord in the House. H recalled talking but the listeners were few. In the end, no one bothered.

That was why he disliked the Empire but there were some persuasive words. More so by one named Fleming. He was also the one who introduced the then new Lord Greystokes to the London society. He was a family friend of the Porter’s.

“John, serve the Empire to clear its weakness. I am sure you could do that. We have a need of your skill.” It was Fleming who advised the other. John wanted out but Jane told him to be stay. He disliked being another lackey to anyone. He was always alone. Or he was until he met Jane. She was different. He trusted her.

“John, we are the British subjects. My dad had done work for the Empire. He explores the land and gives his assessment on the potential. The minerals, the strategic importance to the Empire.” Jane had explained. “You may not understand but we meant well.”

Tarzan back in his own ego here. Here in Africa, he served no one but himself. It took time for him to convince Jane to come back with him. They stayed but on occasions, they will travel to the places where they are needed to do the tasks. They lost friends and on some occasions their lives were at risk but they survived. They did for some time until the last one. They lost what could had been their child.

And their love was questioned.

Then he was questioning himself what he was doing there. He had reacted on love which he was in question then. He felt silly then. It was unlike him before he met Jane. He used to be free to move and love. The later was his adopted mother and later his other love; Situ the Ape. She was a young one. They used to play as young ones and then she was following him. There were affections and some fun. She died when a poacher caught her in the snare. They shot her for she was crippled.

Jane cannot be allowed to suffer that. It was in Tarzan’s mind.

Jane had to be saved.

It was then Tarzan saw the local courier approaching the leader of the group. These couriers are good at their work; they can run for miles with little need of rest. Tarzan craned his ears to listen in.

“Major, we have a message that the letter we waylaid to Lady Greystokes. She is seen leaving the estate. She is headed for Sheena.”

“So, it worked.” Major Ian Smith smiled. He had retired from the Army to be with the Consortium. He was a stout figure with the walrus line on his upper lip. That made up for his receding hairline. The retired officer was dressed in the Frontier attire of khaki shirt and knee length pants with the socks and dark army issued pair.

“Good. The lady had become a liability. The Empire warrants it.”

It was the animal instinct in him that was working on him to jump and kill the officer. It was another who had the same instincts and reacted faster. The wild boar was chased by the three young warriors of a nearby village. They were young ones who have yet to take their warrior’s oath. The boar rushed into the stunned members of the group, and then gored onto one among them.

“Wah!” The leading young warrior screamed out. He was clad in the loin cloth and held a spear. He saw the boar gored the white uniformed man. The later screamed out and was flung back by the raging boar. The others reaction was to draw their rifles and levelled it.

“Shoot the pig.” No one recalled who called it out but the rifles roared. The boar was the first to go. It was just then another two boars charged out. The other boars were chased by two other warriors.

“Stop!” One of the two warriors called out to the other. “We are…”

The rifles roared once more. The two young warriors were flung back by the shots. A third warrior rushed out and saw his two friends killed. He was young and was unsure of his next move then but he soon recovered and threw his spear. It impacted into one of the riflemen before they shot him.

It was then like a descending predator, Tarzan jumped onto them. He had dropped the bow and quiver before he jumped. He landed on the mercenary that was in the middle. The dagger in the right hand went in deep into the left shoulder. He crouched up and then stabbed the other mercenary in the group with the spear. The spear went in deep and then Tarzan was charging at the others. He had the dagger free from the first kill and had it plunged into the nearest mercenary in the chest. He then slammed his body into the leader who was among the others standing. He fell onto the leader and landed a hard fist into the nose of the leader before he rolled off. He came in into contact with his quiver of arrows. He grabbed one of arrows and thrust it like a spear into the leader.

“He killed the Major.” The call but the savage had retrieved his bow. With a half pull, he fired the next arrow into the mercenary calling out. Half the mercenaries were down by then. Tarzan rolled to the left and evaded the shots fired there. He released his third and fourth arrow in succession draws and two more mercenaries went down. The last four mercenaries had then retreated pulling the Major along and fled the scene. The fifth arrow in the back of the last departing mercenary ensure there were turning back.

Tarzan lowered his bow and it was then he felt the pain on his left side. He was shot at the left waist. The bleeding was there. He tried to move but he felt the pain and sat back on the ground. It was not the wound there. He reached to his head and felt the wound there. A bullet had grazed the left side of his head. He felt dizzy and then he lay back. He felt his head spinning and then it was all dark.


Jane struggled on her legs dragging herself towards the village. She had used her Winchester as a crutch while she hid other weapons. She was there for assistance. She needed to find the Queen and the faster way was to lay the bait.

“Please I need …. Help…. Please.” Jane dropped to the ground after she cried out at the group of children. It was all she needed then.

“Find the Queen. She will contact the Lord of the Apes. It’s Mamie Jane of Waziri.” Jane heard the call and the bait was taken.

At that moment, Doctor Schmidt was greeting the arrival delegation that was there waiting for him when he landed. He counted twelve mercenaries comprising mostly eight Germans, two Spaniards, and one British, and the last was an African. He then saw the man he was looking for.

“Ahmad Bedouin, it’s a pleasure to see you. How did you arrive so fast?” Ahmad Bedouin was a tall dark figure with the built of a fighter which he was then; he was a prized fighter at the Frontier. He was dressed in the loose tunic and balloon pants tucked into the high boots. He carried a scimitar and held a holster on his waist with the German Mauser there.

“I was at the coastal area. We Bedouins are fast riders.” Ahmad replied. “We got the message you asked for me.”

“I did for you and yet you brought your untrustworthy friends. You have not surprised me after so long.”

“And you trust me with your life. I am honoured, Doctor Schmidt.”

Later the Bedouin joined the doctor at the rest area sipping black tea.

“I heard that you sought the hidden treasures ….”

“Hush, my friend. A badly utter word here may mean death to us all.”  Doctor Schmidt cautioned the other. “You know my intention better than them. Since you are here, that means we are on the same trail.”

“Doctor, I am here to protect you as I have done at the Frontier. I am however in doubt that you shall do this journey. Two of your previous expeditions have failed to return. And that area….”

“The domain of one named Sheena the Queen. I am fully aware of it. I have made other arrangements. I also have the Queen as a bait for another predator.”

“So, the news of another Queen leaving her lair was true. Are you sure of your plans, Doctor? One may toy with one enemy but to have two may spell …. disaster?”

“A warning that I will take note carefully, but the motions of the plan have started.” Doctor Schmidt admitted the action. “An Empire cannot stay as one without new expansion. And every move to expand needed funds.”

“I pledge my life to you and if death will to come, I am pleased to be it from protecting you.”

The protection for the Queen was never a choice. Mutale charged at the White Man expedition with his spear and shield. They have laid in wait for the expedition by the dry stream bed, laying low on the drying weeds, holding their breaths to the slow inhale and exhale. The expedition was one man short, and they came with the preparedness for a battle. Mutale had eight warriors with him then besides the Queen, who had explained the task ahead.

“Jones, you take on point with Arthur.” The command went out from the British retired officer.

“Yes, Captain.” Jones was a red head with the build of a dockyard where he was raised; knuckles and jaw shaped by the series of fights he had since the age of nine. He was dressed in the khaki uniform and high socks with the leather shoes, armed with the Enfield rifle and bayonet, and the bulging chest with the spare ammo. On his head was the bush bucket design hat.

“Let’s take them blacks down.” Jones motioned to Arthur. The other dressed and armed like Jones was a squat looking figure with the hardened muscles from the Army training.

“Aye, let us get the sod back. We aren’t leaving him there even if he is their bloody King on the throne.” Arthur was an action-oriented person. The duo ran on ahead and went past the dry stream bed towards the village. He was upset that Tom would had rushed off back there without asking for permission from the Captain. It was unbecoming of the King’s best.

The duo ran past the last dark warrior while the others were marching with their rifles slung on their left shoulder.

“Now!” The Queen called out and then she leapt from her hiding spot. She went for the mercenary near to her. The later was to unslung the rifle when the spear plunged into his chest. It went in deep and the tip appeared on the back. Sheena had then abandoned the spear and used the shield sideways to hit another mercenary. She sat astride the fallen mercenary and held the shield with both hands to plunged it like a guillotine on the mercenary’s throat. She looked up and saw Mutale had killed his adversary with the spear in the chest. The others were also doing the killing. Finally, Sheena had the Captain in her sight. He had killed two warriors with his Enfield rifle and was the only left standing.

“Stay back. I have enough bullets to kill all of you.” It was a bluff then but the warriors did not want to rush the kill. “I am Captain James Clarke and demands you back off.”

“Captain of the Empire. You were at my village and performed heinous acts and yet you called for justice?” Mutale replied to the Captain. “I am Mutale of the Azhare.”

“Mutale or who ever you. I will fight you by your laws. The winner leaves.” The Captain motioned his rifle at Sheena. “You are the Queen. I heard of you. You will be our judge.”

Sheena knew of the jungle tribes rule; the fight for honour was without weapons but its deadly for only one may survive. Mutale was the one who accepted the challenge. He dropped his shield and spear before he stepped out to face the Captain. The other did the same to his rife. He then dropped the waist belt with the Webley in the holster.

“I am Captain James Clarke. Your good name, Sir?” The Captain offered his right hand. Mutale reached out to shake it as it was the custom of the White man. It was then the Captain lashed out with his left fist at the elbow of the warrior. The left fist was not of flesh alone but held between its fingers was the metal knuckle duster. The metal piece powered by the left fist shattered the elbow joints and Mutale reeled back in pain. The Captain followed on with another blow with the left fist on the lower right armpit of Mutale. He tried to hold the warrior’s hand with his right hand but, then Sheena had stepped in. She tossed the spear and then lashed out with her right fist into the left elbow of the Captain. The blow came in hard and caused the Captain to retreat.

“Bitch! You …”

“I will not stand to see one cheats in a fair fight.” Sheena replied. She lowered the battle shield loaned to her. It was of respect for the shield was loaned to her. The shield of the warrior was seldom loaned to a stranger or friend, it deserved respect for it protects the holder.

“Fight me then bitch.” The Captain called out.

“No, there will be no more fight. You have forfeited your right to fight. Now the jungle takes over.” Sheena stepped back and three warriors overtook her with the spears levelled at the Captain. The later tried to reach for his rifle but was stopped by the other warriors having taken it to the side.

“I demand…” The Captain voice called out but the three warriors had rushed at the ex-officer. The spears plunged in and then the shields were to form a cordon around the dying ex-officer. The warriors withdrew the spears and then plunged in several times. The Captain fell to the ground with his chest covered in blood. The warriors then formed a circle around the dead Captain and they began chanting the words of a fallen villain.

“Queen, the task is done. You may leave now.” Mutale told her while holding the injured elbow. “We will bury our dead too.”

Sheena nodded and then walked back to the jungle which was hers’ to roam. She stopped and then turned back. She approached the dead Captain. He was familiar to her then. It was some time back when he was introduced to her by her friend.

“This is Captain Clarke. He is of the East Africa Company. He is a friend of the Porter’s.” It was the rare occasion she met Tarzan at the boundary. “He is here to talk to the tribes on the trades and exchange of gifts.”

Captain Clarke was an acquaintance of Tarzan.

Tarzan will know why they come to her land. And killed her friends.

Sheena will seek Tarzan.

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