Saturday, August 4, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 1; Chapter 17 & 18

The Hunt turned Uglier.
Colonel Fleming was in his full uniform with his left on the holster of the Webley at the waist belt. He was getting annoyed at the situation which have gone south; the General dead, Duncan still on the loose and his men are all raring to kill. It was made worse with Scotland Yard making enquiries into the Mullah courtesy of a Doctor Watson who have triggered an investigation. He was standing on the castle palisades looking to the only path to there. The castle held only one entrance; the main gate with the draw bridge over the deep moat. The castle held three towers on its four sides; the only side unattended was facing a high cliff which climbing was arduous to even the experienced. The main walls of the castle were high for climbers and climbing was only possible with ropes and hooks. The inner castle held the main building with three levels that consists of the officer’s chambers and barracks with the dining hall and kitchen. The armoury was in the building next to the main one on the right and on the left of it was the stables. The yard was half a field with areas for the obstacles course where the men trained daily. The castle held ten recruits and three officers. And one unreported guests; the Mullah.
“I want the sentries doubled. Assign all the recruits. I want the guest in the room with no access to outside. He is our prisoner until I say otherwise.” Colonel Fleming gave the orders. “I want all recruits on full complement and orders are to shoot anyone that is not already registered here. Start with the foreigners in the dungeons. They are unwanted.”
Colonel Fleming then looked at the officer in charge there.
“Major Turnbull. You have your orders. I will leave it to you to carry it out. Fail me and you will fail your Regiment.” With that Colonel Fleming turned to leave the walls. He was soon on his way back to London. His records there will be erased. His link to the Hidden Ones will be removed. He will be on his way to do other services for the Empire.
M will need him.
“How are you feeling, Duncan?” Doctor Watson asked on his patient. They have travelled over two days and nights to the Highlands. They are within sight of the castle. They have gotten themselves into a small inn nearby. They got the room on the upper level facing the garden. Duncan was not fully fit to travel but he was able to move on his own. Sushila had not spoken a word on their trip and only responded when Duncan called. It was a cold trip and nothing to do with the weather.
Watson saw the lady stepped out of the room. He followed her and met her on the garden behind the Inn. She was looking at the sunflowers.
“Beautiful flowers.” Watson kicked off the conversation. Sushila nodded, and then looked to the castle that was seen at the distance.
“How soon before we get there? I want to finish this.”
“Soon but we need to plan. I won’t …” Watson was cut off.
“Why are you with us, Doctor? You are not a …”
“I don’t know. Since I met your …. Duncan, or the person who say he was Duncan. I guess I am into it now. And its for the Regiment.” Watson defended his choice.
“You were the White Healer?”
“That was the past. I am past it all. The killings.” Watson sighed. “Don’t…”
“I was trained from young to be a killer. I have no other skills. I have no family … never needed one until I met Duncan.” Sushila looked back to the inn. “I am not sure now.”
“It hurts sometimes to know the truth. You are not here by choice. You came here for the Mullah. It was your task. You did not climb into that ship for Duncan. He was just an excuse. You are still the killer on the task.” Doctor Watson conclude for her. “I was one like you. I killed some people and then I stopped. I became the healer but in my follow up tasks, I do kill. By my mistake or by choice to ease their pain. We are all killers. We tasted it and won’t let go.”
“Doctor, when did you become so ….. knowledgeable? I am here for Duncan.” Sushila retracted her earlier word.
“Sushila, I saw in you the killer look. You are not here for him. You tortured the lady to find the Mullah. You burnt the house after you found out the Mullah was not there.”
“I saw the torture. I saw the killing of the men. I sensed the fury in you. You set the fire on the house. That was not needed.” Watson looked at the lady. “If we go in there and find the Mullah not there, would you torture all of them? Burnt the castle? Or worse? Stop your task, Sushila. Then you may just win. And get them off your trail to kill you and Duncan.”
“Or you for I am not even sure of Duncan anymore.” Watson corrected himself.
Sushila looked away back to the flower. She then stooped to pick it up.
“We plucked them up and give us some comfort but what about them. They will wither and then we do the same thing again.” Sushila replied. “By themselves they will wither too. And die. What’s the difference if they die at my hands and not at their own? What about him? He may be the avenue to get at the Mullah.”
“Sushila, you …have not changed after all. We will do it by your way. Let us get the Mullah and then continue with your life and me on my own. I am already regretting joining in with you and Duncan.”
It was then they heard Duncan voice.
“They are here, They found us.” Duncan howled from the upper window. He was waving to them and then attempted to climb out. He was pulled back then. Sushila moved first; herself still in her wrap around clothes but she moved fast. Watson was following her and then he detoured to the front. He ran around the inn and saw the two men pushing Duncan out. He was right on his observation.
Duncan was with them.
“Doctor?” Duncan was stunned for a moment. He then lashed out at the two men. “They came for me.”
The man in front of Duncan drew a Webley and fired the weapon. He missed but Watson was ready then. He had his daggers out and with a twist of the left hand, he tossed the dagger at the shooter. The dagger plunged into the throat and the man went down screaming inside his lungs. The second man took out his Webley pistol from under his jacket holster, but Duncan went for him. Duncan punched the other in the face and grabbed the Webley dropped by the other. He shot the second man in the face. He then turned towards Doctor Watson with the pistol lowered.
“They grab me. I had no chance. I had to follow.”
Watson looked to the two dead men. It was then Sushila stepped out to meet them.
“I think their intel are good. They seem to know where we are most times. I wondered if we are telling them where we are.” Watson voiced out. “I am tired of the hunt. I say we meet them faced on.”
“Are you mad, Doctor? They will kill all of us.” Duncan voiced his objection.
“Stop it, Duncan. He knows.” Sushila voiced out. “He found out.”
“I don’t understand.” Duncan feigned ignorance.
“Don’t be anymore Duncan. You were into me from the start. You wanted the Mullah too but for a different reason. He was to be an asset to you but when he was here and me too, you were trying to stop me. You did not find me, but I found you. The baffling part was why were you injured. Who was hunting you?”
“I don’t know….” Duncan sounded confused.
“There is nothing to explain. We have to leave.” Doctor Watson looked to the duo.

Major Turnbull rode his favourite mount to Inn when he was informed on the attack. He brought four of the recruits there. He left Lieutenant Mason in charge; doing the dirty task of eliminating the foreigners. It was a less trickier of a task than the one he was to do.
“Toss the bodies off the walls down the cliff. The weather will take care of the bodies.” The Major had done it before. He was brave but the images of the dead climbing back up and heading for his chamber. It was eerie then and he resolved by killing more. He reckoned more of them will speed up the killing of him.
The Major looked to the two men of the Hidden Ones was loaded onto the wagon. He knew them from the previous batch of recruits. The question on his mind who send them here.
“Major, do we conduct the search?” The recruit was Corporal Sleight. He was a stocky figure and was on sentry duty the night before.
“Yes, do it. Start from here towards the castle.” Major Turnbull gave the order. He then turned to the Inn Keeper. The other was named Bakers, Ian Bakers; a former chef at the castle.
“Chef Bakers, tell me more.” Major Turnbull looked at the inn keeper.
“They were here waiting. They had a room next door. It was all arranged, and the trio turned up. It then for the them to act. They went for the guy when he was alone. But it all went down so fast.” The Inn Keeper sighed. “I was… could had help…”
“Easy, Chef. You are retired, Stay that way.” Major Turnbull looked to the castle.
The path to the castle was easier by the path that was carved out of the cliff and to the plateau. The other alternative was none unless you chose to climb there.
“Sushila, we can’t climb there. Duncan is not fit to climb, and I am no climber.” Doctor Watson looked at the castle. They had escaped the Inn and hijacked a wagon to ride part of the way. They were unfamiliar with the place and used the castle as a visual guide. They went over the available paths and finally they came to a deep ravine. Across ravine was a possible path to the castle.
“Both of you stay here.” Sushila looked across ravine. She had armed herself with a dagger retrieved from one of the dead men. It was more like a bayonet but smaller. Watson recognized the dagger; it was a stiletto, Sicilian design. She had changed to the loose pants and blouse with a thick jacket on. She had also equipped herself with some ropes and a make shift hook. She was ready to climb.
“Sushila, we …” Duncan was stopped there by the slap across the face. “What…”
“I am going ahead. I will stop that Mullah. And you will not stop me.” Sushila then glared at Watson. “I will do it myself. Don’t you try.”
“I have to.” It was Duncan holding the Webley aimed at Sushila. “I have to for I swore to obey the orders given. I am to protect the Mullah from you. Or anyone attempting to kill him.”
“Tell me, Duncan. Why?” Watson asked. “Why all the charade and why me? Who am I in this deceit of yours?”
“It was McLeod who saw you first. He wanted to get you in. He told me you were the killer that rivalled the Guild trained ones. I have lived with one, but things went twisted. I was no match for her when its comes to the killing, but I managed to be ahead of her in locating the Mullah.”
“McLeod? I do not know him. I met you before but never him.” Watson replied. “Stop your games, Duncan.”
“I am not, Doctor Watson. McLeod was not any private; he was a Captain but in the Hidden Ones, we have officers in the ranks with us without disclosing theirs. That why’s we are also named the Hidden Ranks.” Duncan glared at Sushila. “I can see you. And shoot you.”
“Tell me, Duncan.” Watson was agitated.
“McLeod saw you and recruited you.”
“Why? Because I was a killer.”
“Right. We are dealing with killers. He needed murderer to counter murderers.”
“Your unit members are cold blooded killers too.” Doctor Watson hit it back.
“No, we are soldiers. It our task to kill but not murder.” Duncan explained. He saw then Sushila twitched her hands at the waist where she had tucked the stiletto. “Don’t force me.”
“Idiot!” Sushila remarked in the native tongue. Watson pushed the subject that matter to him.
“You … McLeod called for me because I am a killer. God! Why …. No! What have I done?” Watson felt remorse then. “You could have told me.”
Duncan was distracted, and it was all Sushila needed then. She showed her right hand and tossed the dagger. It went into the heart, passed the chest flesh and ribs to pierce the heart. Duncan dropped the Webley and reached for the dagger.
“Don’t pull it. You will cause a major bleed.” Watson caution was ignored. Duncan held the dagger in his left hand while his right hand clenched his wound.
“Take back your dagger, Sushila. You will need it.” Duncan called out in the native tongue of the other and then collapsed. Watson reached for the man but from experience he knew that Duncan had died.
Sushila knew too.
Sushila grabbed the dagger and Webley before she climbed down the ravine.
“Damn!” Watson cursed out. He looked at the castle and knew his options.
It was not the best, but he had to do what he was expected. He just had to make do with what he has; faith and lots of courage.
And be the murderer he was.
The two recruits stumbled on the dead body of their fellow unit member. The first one that stumbled on the body told the other to report.
“Wallace, you follow the trail and take down the bitch.”
Wallace was a stock figure with the goatee. He nodded and then descended the ravine. He was armed with the Webley, bayonet and the Enfield rifle slung across his chest.
He was the best and ranked the top sniper.

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