Sunday, July 29, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 1; Chapter 15 & 16

The Fox Hunt
Sushila held Duncan on her shoulder while her sight was on the rear. They were alone then. The doctor had left the room to check with a Sergeant Lestrade.
“Why the authorities? You have burnt down their House? Do you still trust them?” Duncan made his point.
“That was the renegade part of the Regiment. I don’t condone their actions at the Frontier, but we are in London and here we have the proper law. The Sergeant may be able to help us.” Doctor Watson looked away and then made the passing comment. “We need their help. I will be back shortly.”
Duncan was still recovering and retired to his rest on the bedding. The lady paced the room and was looking outside the window the return of the doctor. It was then she saw the duo below. They looked like the usual ones there. She knew from her instinct, they are waiting for someone.
Sushila moved fast.
“Duncan, we will go from here.”
Sushila knocked on the door. It was only two doors away from the one where they exited from. The door was opened by an older lady. Without an invitation, Sushila barged into the room.
“You can’t barge in here. This is my room.” Sushila ignored the lady and placed Duncan on the nearby chair.
“Listen here, you bitch. I won’t have your kind storming my place.”
The elder lady was about to throw some tantrums when Sushila lashed out with her fist at the face. The elderly lady went down on her knees and then face down. Sushila was not stopping there. She closed the door and then looked for some weapon.
Sushila found it.
A three feet hard wood walking stick.
“You shouldn’t….” Duncan told Sushila off while trying to reach for the elderly lady faced down on the flooring. Sushila yanked him back and then glared at him.
“Duncan, I am trying to save us. Even if she dies, I don’t care.” Sushila told him. “There are killers after us now. The doctor may have sold us off.”
Duncan was to reply when Sushila cut him off. She leaned on the doorway to listen. She heard two sets of steps and then the noise stopped at the doorway to the room they were in. She held the walking stick in her hands and listened harder. She heard the knock and then the noise of the door knob being forced. They forced themselves in and it was then, Sushila stepped out. She closed the door where Duncan was still standing in. She approached the other doorway and saw the two men there searching the room. They were dressed in the tweeds jacket over their work clothes, but their shoes were the giveaway. They were military issued.
“Looking for me? Did the Mullah send you?” Sushila rushed in with the heavy stick aimed at the rear of the one standing near to her. She aimed at the inner thigh where the flesh is more tender. The stick went in hard and then she went jabbed in once more at the lower groin. The figure went down and the other had turned to look at her. Sushila was ready and lashed out with the stick at the face. The other blocked it with the left arm, and then reached out with the right hand to grab the walking stick. She felt the pull on the stick but the other was already into action with the side kick. The right leg impacted at Sushila’ left midriff and knocked her back.
The lady half crouched and saw the other injured figure had recovered. They were tougher than she thought. She was in trouble then. They were the better trained from the military. Like Duncan.
The Hidden Ones have found them.
Sushila backed out and turned to run for the doorway. She made it but the one in pursuit caught her by the back of her clothes. He yanked her back into the room and then jumped over her fallen body to run punches at her. Sushila felt several punches before the man fell on top of her. She pushed him off and then saw then the dagger in the back of the neck. She rolled over to sit up. She saw then the second man was holding a dagger in his chest where the heart was.
“Are you ok?” Sushila saw Doctor Watson looking in at the doorway. “We need to move. I took down the one downstairs. I think that all of them.”
Later in the carriage down the street, Sushila cradled her lover looked at the doctor. She wanted to ask a number of question’ but the doctor was looking outside. He was on the lookout for any one tailing them.
“How did they know?” Duncan asked. “We were discreet. Did you see the Sergeant? Did he tell them?”
“Those were our mates. They are the best in intel.” Watson replied. “You ought to know.”
“We are but that was at the Frontier and even with that, we got casualties.” Duncan replied. “So, the Hidden Ones may be the best. There are others who are better.”
“Sushila, proven that. Now you need to tell us where are the Hidden Ones? Whoever they are, they are in London now. So, tell me, how many of your mates are here?” Doctor Watson asked. “Who is your C.O? The real one not the Major I killed.”
“I am not sure. There was a name. General Steven McLaren.” Doctor Watson knew the General; a maverick in the wargames and hero in the Frontier before he was returned here after he lost his left leg. He was retired according to the Regiment. “Where is he based?”
“Our base is at the Highlands. He is there. They are all there.” Duncan replied.
Doctor Watson noticed the runner that was following them for two blocks. He was unsure but was suspicious when he noticed the runners seems to be replaced by another. No one chases a carriage until he was asked to follow it. It was well coordinated.
“We have the runners posted in a quadrant. These boys are good. They do this daily.” The one named the Colonel looked from the carriage window towards the Doctor.
“And I am going to be late for my lecture.” The other occupant replied. “This task is adding pressure to my schedule. When can we solve the equation?”
“Soon, Doctor Moriarty. The organization is growing on and we will be more efficient soon. We will win it all.”
“Colonel Sebastian, I am not a kid anymore. Tell me of the Mullah. Is he still …. solvent? As my banker will asked.”
“The Mullah is safe. He is with the General. They shipped him there till things settled here.” Colonel Sebastian replied. “Its standard procedure.”
It was all standard procedure then.
“Where are we headed?” Duncan asked.
“To the one place they won’t think of looking for us.” Doctor Watson replied. “The hospital. Regiment.”

“Watson, I am surprised to see you here. So, what is with your patient?” The resident surgeon at the Regiment Hospital stretched himself on the garden stool below the cherry tree. Doctor Watson sat across the surgeon then, but his sight was on the second level window on the right of the hospital. He was concerned on Duncan, but he knew then the other was being treated. He also knew that the Hidden Ones will do anything brash there for they are on neutral grounds.
“Huh? Yes, I am here. I heard you. Duncan was my mate. He had those from some thugs and approached me for help. I did all I could but lack the equipment. So, I brought him here. You …. “
“A few days late but its better than none. Your patient is on recovery. Who is the foreigner?”
“Huh? Oh, she is … his friend. A former servant and followed him here.” Doctor Watson smiled. “You know how this could happened?”
The Surgeon laughed. He then stood up and went back to the wards. Doctor Watson remained seated there with his eyes on the grounds. He saw the guards at the main gates and there are guards inside the hospital. He took Duncan there for he was part of the Regiment. He may not be threatened there.
With Duncan safe, Watson was to resume his hunt. He went there for the General was incapacitated and his records will be in the Hospital. He found it and discovered the General was in London.
Across the county in a nursing home, General McLaren crumbled up the paper that contained the message for his eyes. He had dismissed the aide that delivered message. He was seated on the wheelchair made of wood to complement his missing leg. He was still dressed in his uniform and have another aide to assist him. He kept the Webley in the special harness on the wheel chair right side.
“Corporal Murphy, it seems that your old mate, Duncan is onto us.” General McLaren looked to the aide that was standing by him. “You lost an eye for him.”
“Not for him, Sir. But by him.” Murphy replied. “I lost my right eye due to his traitor methods. I have still the other eye to shoot with.”
“And you will. He is in London and according to this message, he is gunning for me. So, you could be there to stop him. And do it well.” General McLaren patted the Webley. “Don’t worry, I will be your back up.”
It was then General McLaren saw a fellow officer and greeted him.
“Colonel Sebastian Moran? Are you to far from your roost?” General McLaren called out to the other officer who had walked in with the walking stick. “How’s your leg?”
“Still there but painful if I push my weight onto it.” Colonel Sebastian replied and approached the General. “I came to see some old friends and …adversaries.”
“Me, I am in the later. Good one, Colonel.” General McLaren then dismissed the Corporal and the Colonel asked to take him to the far corner by the garden doorway where they may have some privacy. “I am sure you are here because of one named Duncan.”
“Yes, I am. I have …. I mean we have far too much interest in the works there. I have posted two snipers out there. They will take down whoever resembled Duncan. Inside here, I will be your guard.” Colonel Sebastian told the General. “You are …”
“I am retired. I am no more the CO there. The other is doing it.” General McLaren clarified the matter. “But I appreciate the concern.”
“General, you…”
“I started the Hidden Ones, but the other demonize it to be the Dark Ones as I called them now. I have no part of it. I am searching my conscience to tell all, but I will hurt my Regiment.” General McLaren sighed. “You …”
“I know of it. And it’s my advice to tell you that if need be, I will stop you.”
“Appreciated, Colonel. Which is why we are having the talk here. If need be, stop me. I cannot be that traitor even under duress.” General McLaren looked to the others in the hall. “I am going mad here. Staying with them when I should be with my men.”
“I will assist there, General.” Colonel Sebastian raised his walking stick to the shoulder. The shot came through the glass door and impacted on the General’s head by the right ear an into the brain. It was a dead shot. The commotion went out with the attending nurses rushing to assist the slumped General on the chair, while a certain Colonel walked away. He saw the Corporal standing at the far corner. He approached the Corporal.
“Its done, Corporal. There will no fall out with the Regiment.” Colonel Sebastian took his leave.
At that moment, Doctor Watson was registering himself at the main gate. He heard the alarm at the main building. Before that, he thought he heard the sound of gunfire.
“Was that….” Doctor Watson was cut off.
“It’s the routine. The alarm goes off when some one kicks the bucket. We have old folks there and half of them are dying. It’s the nurses which kept them alive.” The impartial guard at the gate have seen it all. “Pesky foxes I guess. The grounds have been filled with them.”
Doctor Watson took his pass and took the long walk to the building. He had to see the General. It was the only clue they have then.
It was unfruitful.
“Damned!” Duncan tossed the bowl that he was feeding on. He was with Sushila and the doctor at the lonely cottage some miles away from the nursing house. It was the only option then; abandoned cottage and wide span of grounds to see anyone coming at them.
“Somehow they knew. And they covered it well. We are just not catching up. No, we are not to catch them. We have to overcome them.” Doctor Watson snapped back. “I am tired of catching up. With the General gone, we are back to who are they?”
“Forget it. Forget the Hidden Ones. Find the Mullah. We will stop the operations.” Sushila cut in. “Where could the Mullah be?”
“Where the fox will hide. In 

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