Sunday, July 8, 2018

Arthur II; Artorius; The Legend and Myth Chapter 19 & 20

Lord Pendragon stood on the castle ground watching his warriors trained in their morning session. He was in a foul mood and then approached the training ground. He picked up the training sword; made of wood and weighed with metal piece on the hilt to mimic the real sword in weight. He looked to the four warriors of his calling. They are battle trained with the numerous scars seen on their body.
Lord Pendragon without any warning calls, stormed at the group of warriors with the wooden sword swinging. The other four warriors with their instinct horned in battles, reacted to the Lord’s attack with deflection then retreated. There was some apprehension on the group but soon they were charging at the Lord with their wooden sword. The slashing and cuts were intense with no quarters shown but the Lord Pendragon with his years of fighting held his own against the four. He was hit several times and reciprocated with his own towards the others. The bout of fight soon came to an end when the Lord himself surrendered.
“I treasured such days but my body aches from places I knew never of.” Lord Pendragon dropped the wooden sword then having shown signs of breaks on the edges. He then reached for the wooden cup to quench his thirst. “It’s not wine but in the battlefield, the water is the wine.”
“How may we be of service to you, my Lord?” Lord Pendragon heard the offer by his warrior. He looked to the one who spoke.
“Julian, I hid nothing from you. I need a task to be done; discreet and …”
“Say no more, my Lord. Give us the name.”
“Auric Augustus.” It was said and the task was set. It was the same with the warrior Belvedere who had concerned on Lord Meleagant. He had heard the call to prepare for battle with the barbarians but he could not find his master. He searched the half complete castle and the surrounding lands. It was by chance he met the household servant.
“Have you seen our Lord Meleagant?” Belvedere looked to the elderly lady who was the washing lady.
“Yea, he went to the valley there by the wall.” Belvedere rushed over on his legs towards the area indicated where the stream flowed. He climbed the low hill and then trailed the stream in the valley. He was to reach the cluster of trees when he heard voices. He stopped to listen before he peeped at the trees.
“Claudius, I am tired of the wait.” The voice was that of a lady. Belvedere moved silently towards the trees taking his steps carefully. He stopped by the tree trunk and then looked past it. He saw a lady standing there telling Lord Meleagant of her plight.
“He is getting ever unbearing of late.” The lady told the other. “I will …I must be cleared of him.”
“Julia, you will be soon. That is my promise to you but we have to bide our time.” Lord Meleagant gave his assurance. “I am working on it. He may be disposed of during the battle or at worse by the dagger in the chest.”
“Do you know that Igraine is back here?” Julia asked. “She is back with her lover.”
“I know she was in your camp, but I did not know that Pendragon is here. I thought he was away which was why I came back here. I have influenced on the others in his land. When did she leave with him?”
“A forth night and now resides in his castle. She must be punished for her role in Gorlois death.” Julia remarked back. “You must alert the others. Utter Pendragon day’s are over.”
“I am meeting them soon.  Lord Amish have called for a meet.” Lord Meleagant assured the lady once more. “Julia, please refrain from doing something silly. I will have King Gorlois name resurrected. And then you can have peace on your cousin’s death.”
 “What of my peace with you? Are we condemn to be individuals with no real companionship?” Julia looked at Lord Meleagant.
“We will bide our time. And when its all done, we shall be united.” Lord Meleagant replied. “Now go in peace.”
Belvedere watched the couple before he took to his own departure. He turned and saw the mercenary standing there. He recognised the figure was from the Auxiliaries.
“I believed you are intruding, mercenary?” The Auxiliary told him. “I don’t like that. And so does Lord Meleagant.”
“Lord Meleagant is my master. I have come to protect him.” Belvedere replied. “Who are you? I have seen you with the Auxiliaries.”
“I am Chief Asterix. I am  of the Auxiliaries and alike to them, I also worked for Lord Meleagant. I hold his interest above all else.”
Belvedere was surprised tat the Lord have entrusted his safety to another without letting him know. Belvedere have worked his way to hold the trust of the Lord but he was wrong. It seems that the benefactor of his works was not to be to be trusted. He told the Auxiliaries that he was to leave but was stopped.
“I have not given you permission. And more to that my Lordship does not condone others to know of his …” Chief Asterix struggled to find the word and then decided to place action to his next move. He moved to drew his sword but Belvedere had anticipated the move. He stepped up and held his right hand on the other’s sword hilt.
“We are on the same side. We don’t need to fight.” Belvedere tried to reason with the order. “Your Lordship is also mine.”
“I … will not share my place with you.” The Auxiliary challenged back. “I will have you removed.”
Belvedere moved ahead of the other. He pulled the sword by the hilt of the other’s sword and swung the sword pressing in to the other’s chest. The blade of the sword slashed into flesh there at the chest and into the left shoulder. The other screamed and retreated backwards but Belvedere kicked with his left leg before he charged into the Auxiliary. They went down together and rolled on the ground. Belvedere crouched up before landing a punch on the other. He then took the dagger on the other’s waist and thrust it into the throat.
The fight was over.
The trust between the warrior and the leader was in question then.

Lancelot looked at the gathered there on the clearing north of the wall. They have all been summoned from afar to ride there. He estimated they were about three hundred then; a huge army by their standards. The Chiefs have ridden out to gather the new warriors with the warning that it was their final battle for when the wall was done, they will be doomed.
“We are not only doomed by it the Saxon will come by next summer and it will be a heavy price to pay they will isolate us there and kill us all.”
The threat of the Anglo Saxon was huge and it drove the locals to join in then. Lancelot was pleased but he was shocked by the decision then.
“You want to join the invaders? Why? They are here to kill and pillage our homes.” Lancelot raised the protest. “I can’t be …”
“You are not needed, Ghost.” The one on the left dressed in the overcoat and was armed with a huge battle axe. “I, Alex will take over. I will lead you all.”
“The leadership under Alexander Semak will be your end.” Lancelot stood up to defend his position. “He …”
Lancelot was shocked by the appearance of one other. He was dressed similarly like Alex and held a battle axe. He was from the North and was not supposed to be there.
“Hengist Algar…Why I am not surprise? Where is your brother, Horsa?” Lancelot roared out. His resentment for the other was deep rooted. Hengist and his brother have once betrayed him to the Pictsa, and he barely escaped with his life. He was up North to sough a parley with them and to avoid the yearly raids. He was allowed into their land and then imprisoned. He did kill three of their warrior and they bargained him to the Picts. He escaped when the guard was lax in the duty.
“Lancelot the Ghost. You were to be one but your desire to kill me strengthen and resolved you to live.” Hengist looked at Lancelot. “You have created quite a reputation in that two seasons.”
“Two season, you were wrong. It was one and the only reason you are standing here was because I was preoccupied by the Romans.” Lancelot replied. He then looked at the others. “The Romans are our real threat.”
“I agree but we are here to offer you our friendship.” Hengist cut in. “Our threat is the Roman’s. They were massing on the Antoinne Wall. They had started on the other wall, and then they took the land south of it. Now they are here. They are creepi. ng onto us. Soon we will be at the beaches.”
“You missed the highlands and lochs. If you ever knew them, they are nice people. You would not want to be unfriendly with them.” Lancelot gave out a smirk on his face. “I say we cannot trust them.”
“I say we unite or die by the swords of the Roman.” Hengist reinforced the other threat.
“Are you offering to join us? In an alliance? Against who? The Picts or the Romans? I doubt it so. You have been invading us for the last ten years, or more. Now you are to be our ally.” Lancelot laughed out. “I won’t have you guarding my own backyard.”
“I won’t. They will be happy to have me.” Hengist looked to the others. “We have already an arrangement.”
An arrangement was then by Primus Artorius then with his legionnaires. He had the attendance of Lamorak, his Optio, the Decurio Galahad, and the leader of the mercenaries was missing. Chief Asterix was not to be found. The Primus had arranged for another to replace Chief Asterix. They were in the Primus tent and sat by the   round table. It was a small one that could accommodate six persons. The Primus had said that when he made it to Legatus he will hold a bigger table. One that could accommodate up to twelve with space for more. On that meeting, they were served wine before the real talk became intense.
“Where is Asterix? He is unreliable. I never liked him. If he was in the Legions, I will have him whipped and removed without any….” Lamorak was distracted then. He saw the new arrival. He was  a familiar face.
“This is Belvedere. He is from Lord Meleagant but now he served me. I have secured his services but he will also ensure Meleagant camp will be protected. Its my promise to the Lord. Now that we got that clear we will proceed to the threat on the horizon.”
“The Anglo Saxon have marched south. We heard that they are working with the local clans to fight us. We cannot fight them alone. The Cohort is small in numbers but we are the Legionnaires. We will handle the coming battle.”
“What about the Cohorts? The Sixth and the Eight are a ride away.” Lamorak voiced out. “Or the other Legions. They are the others …”
“The others have their own tasks. As we speak, the XX Legion had been given their recall orders. Rome may be withdrawing from Brittanica.” Primus Artorius told the others. “The wall is not ready. If we stay here, we will lose. I will take the fight to the Anglo Saxons. There are places I can fight them. I will get local to help me if need be.”
“How?” Optio Lamorak was sceptical on the move. “We are secured here. The wall here is almost done.”
“No, we are not. The Wall is not secured. Its only an obstacle. We need a real wall. One with the high walls, and the towers. And archers on there to kill them. The Equities will then ride out and take them down. For the finale the Legionaries will do the final honour.”
“You are mad, Primus Artorius.” Optio Lamorak glared at his commander.
“Are on ranks now? At this level when we are supposed to discuss like warriors? Or was it men?” The Primus smiled. He then looked at Belvedere. “We are all equals when we sit on the table. No Primus, no Optio, and no …Decurio.”
“Yes, the Decurio is an equal here.’ Primus Artorius meekly acknowledged that. “The ones I treasured are my equal despite their ranks. Even a lady maid may sit here if she could offer me good advice.”
“So, do sit, Belvedere. Tell me again what you told me.”
“I was …I mean that I know of someone who could help. It was one of the servants. She was from this land. She said they disliked the invaders. They come and kill anyone they could. Steal their valuables. They return every season the same time. The servant felt that we could do something. She told me she can get me help.”
“And for that you are here?” Lamorak hit back. “Artorius, are you really mad? When have we been so quaint on whom we can invite here?”
“No, it’s not that. I met the local help. He will join us….just about now.” The Primus stood up and looked to the new arrival. It was Merlin.
“How did …” Lamorak was surprised.
“I am a druid. And we have a way to come and go as we like.” Merlin stepped up. “You can’t survive unless I help you.”
“Arthur. That is your name.” Merlin ended his words.

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