Sunday, June 3, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes III Chapter 35 to 36


Lucifer trident was a three-prong fork of over a foot long with the shaft length of over six feet. The trident was ablaze in the shades of red as in the lava red. It flew out of the cave which had housed Lucifer. It stuck next to Lucifer at the ground, while the other reached for it.

“My warrior is here.” Lucifer looked at the Wolves. “The trident and myself will defend these mortals.”

“Not necessary.” The voice came from behind. It was Mr Hyde carrying Sherlock in his arms. “I will help you.”

“Sherlock…” Mycroft rushed to assist his brother. Sherlock then with only his shirt and pants collapsed on his brother’s arm. He looked to have aged more than ten years. So was Mr Hyde who had only his pants. Their bodies were covered with bruises and scars. Watson rushed forth to assist on Sherlock.

“Holmes, what happened?” Watson asked.

“What happened, Doctor? I caught him when he fell. I was on a balcony. He was hurt but alive. I took the nearest doorway and arrived in a time before our time. We were there for some years until we met a friendly face. He helped us and in turn interpret the scrolls. It was during then Sherlock needed time to recover and I had my head sickness cured. We in turn waited for our time to return as the one who assisted us open the doorway for us to return to the Hexagram House.”

“The imbecile mage could not resist the challenge…” Lucifer smiled. “When Merlin comes here, I will hold a banquet for him.”

“More talks, Lucifer. You are the all-powerful being here anymore. I had you imprisoned here, and then you escaped to the mortal dimension. I did not pursue you there but you had to come back. For the Elixir? You dismayed me. Truly, the Elixir is of no concern to you at all.” Lilith looked at the other.

“Assumptions are badly construed. I did not get imprisoned. I merely took a rest from the chore. Am I not right, Gabriel?” Lucifer called out. “Do show yourself, my brother. Your presence reeks in my nose.”

From the dark corner of the cavern, the one named Gabriel stepped forth. Unlike Lucifer, he was more human like in from and with his pale skin and lush of red hair on the head, he looked like a hero from the folktales. He was clothed in the dark suit with the dark jacket on with a wide stripe down the left side.

“Hello, Gabriel. You looked …adventurous.” Lucifer smiled. “Those previous wraps of cloths were not you. Did Lilith design that for you? The red stripe over your heart, you surprise me. I am sure you are not as heartless like Adam. He was a flirt.”

“Quit your mockery of me and Lilith. I am here to see your banishment. You took my horn and I want it back.”

“That musical piece? Yes, it’s with us. I had it given to the one who left the doorway open for me. Master Pungleng of the Dark Wolves on my instruction gave it to Van Helsing. It was to trap Dracula. You do recall my previous servant?”

“Dracula, yes the one who used to fetch your food. I can see he is doing fine. His tampering with the Elixir of Life resulted in his affliction for blood.” Gabriel looked at Dracula. “Something he should not had indulge in. Like yourself, Lucifer. Bringing them mortals to here. You are a…”

“Nuisance or perhaps deserving as the Fallen.” Lucifer looked to the group of mortals. “They are the reason I took the lead to be a Fallen. I find in them the unique characteristics that made them different. This particular group held the desire to see the Elixir and they shall.”

“Over my …” Gabriel shouted out.

“You’re sorry butt. If it’s the way.” Lucifer laughed. “Move on, Gabriel. We cannot always be the masters. Sometimes, we have to be with them. As I did for some time, moving among them and living with them….”

“Fraternizing included.” Lilith remarked on.

“Yes, that included. It was fun.” Lucifer looked at Mycroft but the later was more concerned on Sherlock. “Emotions drive their moods.”

“And your banishment.” Lilith gestured to the Wolves once more.

Lucifer grabbed the trident and charged at the advancing Wolves. He swung out the trident and a streak of fire was seen. The streak of fire hit the Wolves and they screamed out in pain. They immediately retreated watching the few who was struck by the streak of fire fell down on the ground writhing in pain.

“You cannot die here but your soul will burn on my flame.” Lucifer warned them.

“Gorgon, take his trident.” Lilith ordered the gargoyle. It flew towards Lucifer but the later swung his trident at it causing the gargoyle to turn away,

“Imbeciles all!” Lilith screamed out and then she gestured to the ceiling on the cavern. “Step forth my children. Your mother command you. Redeem your rank here.”

Form the ceiling, more figures were seen dropping down and joining in the battle. They were of all shapes and builds with some having multiple limbs. Some were huge while others were small in size. They were also named as the Morlocks; the dwellers of the underworld. They were souls that were left to their own and then formed alliance with others to roam the lower levels of Hades. Lucifer counted more than a thousand of them and they do not fear the trident flame.

“You will be defeated, Lucifer.”


Mycroft leaned his back towards Watson while he fired his rifle from the waist level. They were able to form a stronghold with the others. The Wolves have targeted them but they were keeping the distance. He fired his last bullet and then reached for the spares. He was down to the last rounds. He tapped Watson and the other nodded.

“I know. I am down to my last clip.” Mycroft heard the doctor but his sight then was on Lucifer. The demon was carried by the gargoyle named Gorgon. The demon was held on the left leg and arm but the trident was still on the demon’s right hand. He allowed himself to be lifted and then at the high height, he then swung the trident at the gargoyle. He aimed the flame at the soft belly of the gargoyle. Lucifer was dropped but he had swung towards the caves. He landed on the narrow ledge there and smiled. He looked at the occupant inside.

“Brother, are you ready?” Lucifer looked into the cave before he torched the metal bars. The bars built to resist strength was not protected from alchemy fire. The bars melted down and the occupant was leaving then. The figure who stepped out was a human form, naked and dirty. The figure stepped out and then from the back of the frame; a set of wings appeared.

“It’s time to free my brothers.” The winged form soared to the sky and then it swooped towards the other caves. It hovered near and then flapped the wings. It built the wind velocity and then the winged figure then released a shrill shriek at the metal bars. The bars melted down and the next occupant stepped out. The second one was without wings but the frame was covered in scales. The scaled figure ran out and leap into the air. Once it was in flight, it evolved. It grew and then its form changed from human like to that of a snakelike form with the deformed head complete with the two horns and the whiskers that trailed down its cheeks which had formed into a protruding snort. The scaled figure had grown to thrice its size and then it roared. The roar of the scaled form released a streak of flames which scorched the demons released by Lilith.

Lucifer did not stop there and moved back to the group. He stood there and faced the Wolves while gargoyles were challenged by the two new arrivals. They were removing the gargoyles threat by breaking the limbs and discarding the torn parts aside. Most of Lilith’s children were fleeing then leaving only the Wolves. Lucifer stood there and then he grew taller and huge until he was double of his height.

“Faced me once more and you will feel my wrath for eternity.” Lucifer warned the Wolves. The later fled then leaving only Lilith and Gabriel facing Lucifer.

“Guess it’s down to only the three of us.” Lucifer looked at the other two. “Do we have a truce?”

“I said we talk.” Gabriel looked at Lilith.

“Coward!” Lilith replied and then she approached Lucifer but with each step she took, she had evolved to the scaled frame and then her body elongated into a huge serpent with the hood over the head.

“I will not stand to be defeated.” Lilith in her new form had reached the height of the grown Lucifer but her body was four times the earlier height. “In my serpent form, not many can resist my charm, nor my strength.”

Lilith struck with her fangs at Lucifer who blocked it with the trident but her elongated body struck from the side and coiled around the demon’s legs. Lucifer was forced down to his knees while the elongated body coiled further up. He struck with the trident but the flames would not penetrate the scales.

“Die, Lucifer. You will join the others in the forgotten void dimension.” That was the dimension between Hades and the so named Heaven. Lucifer struggled but he was powerless against her. Suddenly she screamed out in pain and her body released the demon. She slithered off in pain and then raised her head with the hood drawn back. She glared at Gabriel who was holding the gyaling.

“Why?” Lilith asked.

“The war is over. We shall move on.” Gabriel replied while he lowered the gyaling. He had taken it from Van Helsing when he saw Lucifer was being strangled. “I have to move on.”

“Gabriel, you …”

“I do like you but seeing in that …wild form, reminded me of Adam. You were the one who deceived them on the apple. You brought shame to us. I cannot forgive you for that.” Gabriel replied and then looked at the horn. “This is not my real horn but it resembles it. And it worked.”

“Alas, I have forge it to be. Them dwarves and elves are good at it. They are also my custodian of some powerful artefacts.” Lucifer replied after he caught his breath. “Besides that, I have the Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar, formerly belonged to King Solomon, Excalibur from the Ladies of the Lake, Caladbolg that was said to level the hills, and even Mjolnir that was once with the famed Thor.”

“What was so unique of yours was that it could open the doorway that held the Elixir of Live?” Lucifer looked to the Emperors and then Sir Fleming. “The desire of these gentlemen.”

“Do they know the curse and above all, the case which it was stored?” Gabriel looked at the group of mortals. “Why do you desire immortality? Isn’t a lifetime in your journey enough?”

None of them replied and Gabriel then told them another thing that they should know.

“Bear with me. Let me show you the future of your world. It’s not your life but the overall journey. Each of you will see your own general future.” Gabriel spoke up but Lucifer stopped him.

“You can’t do that. It’s against the commandments which we are to adhere.”

“And giving them the Elixir of Life does not contravene the commandments. Lucifer, you are devious. You just wanted them to hold it and watched their reactions. To you, this is all a game of …life.”

Gabriel ignored the other and then raised his arms. He called upon the old words but he was stopped by Sherlock then who had recovered. The sleuth pushed himself up and looked at Gabriel.

“Stop!” Sherlock called out. “I have been awake but too weak to talk then. When I was away with Mr Hyde, we have travelled far and wide and deep in my conversation with the mage named Merlin. In those years while in the void dimension, he had revealed to me the unique events that led Man to be what they are today.”

“Sir Fleming, Emperors, of all of us here, you are the ones with the greed to know the Elixir. I and my associates are mere soldiers to undertake a mission.” Sherlock spoke out. “Van Helsing came along with a calling and he will soon know what that was.”

“I have read the scrolls and held the items that will opened the case but the years with mage allowed me to study the scrolls.” Sherlock looked at Watson. “It’s elementary, my dear Watson. Life itself have its reason which was why it was made into a journey with the start and end period. During the journey, we are given the choices to make and from it the trail of the subsequent part of the journey. Our destination was not defined but the parts of the trails when we took the last turn. Sometimes we may clash or rejoice but it was due to the last turn we took. We can’t turn back but the consolation we can decide the next turn. That made us unique in our journey of life.”

“Bravo, philosophy was always your entrĂ©e to solving the case.” It was Moriarty turn to be recovered and then added to Sherlock anecdotes. “I am a man of possible and equations. I am of the opinion that we can change the paths if we are …given more time. I sought the Elixir for that. I am getting old but my empire needs to be refined.”

“A plausible reply to the pertinent question of life’s limited tenure. If that was so, Moriarty, then why are given that limited time? Why not have all us lived for eternity like them.” Sherlock pointed to Lucifer and Gabriel. “Are we not made close to their image as God had done for us? Why both of the same maker and yet we are restraint by time?”

“Maybe God was not fair in its choices?” Sherlock looked at Lucifer. “And you rebel against it. Hence you defy the choice made and took matters into your own and changed it. You gave us the concept of fire, and perhaps love, and from there the co-existence between Gods and Man. You were punished for it and banished here. Or was it, Lucifer?”

“Merlin have reveal too much to you. I salute you Sherlock. Your observations are impeccable.” Lucifer laughed. “I enjoyed my time serving you tea. Such a pity you have never taken an interest in my butt. Mycroft did though.”

Two short blast of shots jolted everyone then.

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