Sunday, June 3, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes III Chapter 34


“Behold, gentlemen. The Vault.” Lucifer told the three gentlemen that had embarked with him to the place through the doorway. What was seen before them was a huge cavern with many caves on it. All the caves have metal bars over it to prevent the occupants from leaving. In the middle of the cavern a pillar of lava black stone was seen with the carved staircase in the side. The flooring was made of rocks but they were all shaded red in different tones.

“This is the original Vault and not the one extended later which you have contributed resources.” Lucifer looked to the Western Emperor. “This is the lowest level and housed the most dangerous souls that may never get to see freedom ever again, in death or alive.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
“Some of them here are the Fallen ones.” Lucifer sighed. “We were once brothers but the war torn us apart, and among the torn were the betrayals. It’s only fair I keep them here as part of my bargain for Hades. No one wanted them then.”
“Forget the talks of brothers. I want the Elixir.” Sir Fleming displayed his desire once more.

“The Elixir? Yes, the Elixir. It’s here.” Lucifer smiled. “However, I don’t own it anymore. You have to get it from her.”
It was then a dark figure descended from above with the assistance of a huge creature with a hideous head and wide wings with the talons on the three toes lower limbs.

“Lilith, you tamed it.” Lucifer smiled at the new arrival. Lilith was a feminine figure dressed in a dark leather suit from neck to toes. The suit held a webbed design behind like a set of thin wings that reached from her wrist to the knees. The head piece was a huge fan like cover that extend over her head from shoulder to shoulder. Her feet were covered in the leather wrap with the sharp talons on the toe. Her companion was known as the gargoyle but that flying creature was twice the height of Man.

“Like most males, you need to tweak their ego and soon they are at my call.” Lilith stepped onto the ground and approached Lucifer. “You are an exception.”

“I am insulted. How could you be so mean to me on my …. ego?” Lucifer laughed. “I brought you … friends of mine to seek the Elixir. Meet…”

“I know who they are. As many I have entertained before, they have only one desire; longevity in life. Did you tell them the price to pay?”

Lucifer shook his head. Lilith then explained to the trio standing there.

“Well, the price is the winner gets it. And to have that you must compete for it.” Lilith told them. “With your lives. The loser gets to stay here forever. Lovely place; three meals and a view to die for.”

Sir Fleming looked to the other two Emperor. He still had his gun and levelled it at them. The two Emperors drew their weapons then. Sir Fleming was to shoot when a voice came from behind him.

“Put down the gun, M.” It was Mycroft who had his rifle levelled at the other. “I won’t hesitate to shoot you.”

“Ungrateful cur. I will have you charged with …” Sir Fleming retorted in anger but Mycroft had ignored him and then assisted Watson with Moriarty. The ladies and Nayland arrived then and Lucifer asked of the missing Hyde and Sherlock.
“Most unfortunate.” Lucifer sighed when he was told.

“Sherlock was my brother, you monster.” Mycroft shouted at Lucifer. “Tell us what was that you made us wandered in confusion?”

“The Hexagram House was a gateway to many places including back to London. Each doorway opened to a different location. It’s as simple as that.” Lucifer smiled. “Mr Hyde closed some doorways for good. Such a pity.”

“And what lies below?” Watson asked.

“A bottomless fall unless they get to a doorway, I am afraid. Poor Sherlock. He may end in limbo.”

“Enough of the talks. You came here for the Elixir. It’s here but are you prepared to fight my warriors?” Lilith gestured to the middle tall pillar. It was seen then, the line-up of figures that descended from there. They were all dressed in black garbs; tattered in some places but their weapons were menacing with the swords and spears.

“Wolves!” Van Helsing recognised the emblem on the clothing. He counted three hundred forty-nine figures of them there including the four he had met before; Earth, Wind, Fire and Water.

“Dead and residing in this domain. They are now my personal warriors to protect the Elixir besides my pet here. My pet name is Gorgon, and he is not alone. He had spawned nine more of his kind.” The shrieks of the nine other gargoyles resonated in the chamber. It was then more noise came from the caves where limbs were seen shaking the metal bars there while the occupants roared their cries.

“And another two hundred and ninety-nine inmates of the cells. It used to be three hundred but Lucifer escaped.” Lilith looked at the other. “These inmates are the most dangerous souls ever to roam your dimension called the world. Most of them have perished by age or killed and their souls kept here. They cannot be allowed to wander even in Hades for they are harder to tame.”

“Sadly, but true.” Lucifer laughed while looking at Lilith. “Are your warriors any match to mine?”

“Why do you think your small group of mortals could do against mine? Their weapons are useless against them for they are already dead. What use of the Elixir when you are dead?” Lilith turned her back to Lucifer. She looked at her warriors and gave the command. The Wolves charged at the group of mortals with their battle cry sounding out. They moved no more than ten feet before they stopped. It was the sight of Lucifer who made them stop.

Lucifer had turned crimson red on his frame and with his arms held out he called out for his ally.

“Trident to me now.”


Lucifer trident was a three-prong fork of over a foot long with the shaft length of over six feet. The trident was ablaze in the shades of red as in the lava red. It flew out of the cave which had housed Lucifer. It stuck next to Lucifer at the ground, while the other reached for it.

“My warrior is here.” Lucifer looked at the Wolves. “The trident and myself will defend these mortals.”

“Not necessary.” The voice came from behind. It was Mr Hyde carrying Sherlock in his arms. “I will help you.”

“Sherlock…” Mycroft rushed to assist his brother. Sherlock then with only his shirt and pants collapsed on his brother’s arm. He looked to have aged more than ten years. So was Mr Hyde who had only his pants. Their bodies were covered with bruises and scars. Watson rushed forth to assist on Sherlock.

“Holmes, what happened?” Watson asked.

“What happened, Doctor? I caught him when he fell. I was on a balcony. He was hurt but alive. I took the nearest doorway and arrived in a time before our time. We were there for some years until we met a friendly face. He helped us and in turn interpret the scrolls. It was during then Sherlock needed time to recover and I had my head sickness cured. We in turn waited for our time to return as the one who assisted us open the doorway for us to return to the Hexagram House.”

“The imbecile mage could not resist the challenge…” Lucifer smiled. “When Merlin comes here, I will hold a banquet for him.”

“More talks, Lucifer. You are the all-powerful being here anymore. I had you imprisoned here, and then you escaped to the mortal dimension. I did not pursue you there but you had to come back. For the Elixir? You dismayed me. Truly, the Elixir is of no concern to you at all.” Lilith looked at the other.

“Assumptions are badly construed. I did not get imprisoned. I merely took a rest from the chore. Am I not right, Gabriel?” Lucifer called out. “Do show yourself, my brother. Your presence reeks in my nose.”

From the dark corner of the cavern, the one named Gabriel stepped forth. Unlike Lucifer, he was more human like in from and with his pale skin and lush of red hair on the head, he looked like a hero from the folktales. He was clothed in the dark suit with the dark jacket on with a wide stripe down the left side.

“Hello, Gabriel. You looked …adventurous.” Lucifer smiled. “Those previous wraps of cloths were not you. Did Lilith design that for you? The red stripe over your heart, you surprise me. I am sure you are not as heartless like Adam. He was a flirt.”
“Quit your mockery of me and Lilith. I am here to see your banishment. You took my horn and I want it back.”

“That musical piece? Yes, it’s with us. I had it given to the one who left the doorway open for me. Master Pungleng of the Dark Wolves on my instruction gave it to Van Helsing. It was to trap Dracula. You do recall my previous servant?”

“Dracula, yes the one who used to fetch your food. I can see he is doing fine. His tampering with the Elixir of Life resulted in his affliction for blood.” Gabriel looked at Dracula. “Something he should not had indulge in. Like yourself, Lucifer. Bringing them mortals to here. You are a…”

“Nuisance or perhaps deserving as the Fallen.” Lucifer looked to the group of mortals. “They are the reason I took the lead to be a Fallen. I find in them the unique characteristics that made them different. This particular group held the desire to see the Elixir and they shall.”

“Over my …” Gabriel shouted out.

“You’re sorry butt. If it’s the way.” Lucifer laughed. “Move on, Gabriel. We cannot always be the masters. Sometimes, we have to be with them. As I did for some time, moving among them and living with them….”

“Fraternizing included.” Lilith remarked on.

“Yes, that included. It was fun.” Lucifer looked at Mycroft but the later was more concerned on Sherlock. “Emotions drive their moods.”

“And your banishment.” Lilith gestured to the Wolves once more.

Lucifer grabbed the trident and charged at the advancing Wolves. He swung out the trident and a streak of fire was seen. The streak of fire hit the Wolves and they screamed out in pain. They immediately retreated watching the few who was struck by the streak of fire fell down on the ground writhing in pain.

“You cannot die here but your soul will burn on my flame.” Lucifer warned them.

“Gorgon, take his trident.” Lilith ordered the gargoyle. It flew towards Lucifer but the later swung his trident at it causing the gargoyle to turn away,

“Imbeciles all!” Lilith screamed out and then she gestured to the ceiling on the cavern. “Step forth my children. Your mother command you. Redeem your rank here.”

Form the ceiling, more figures were seen dropping down and joining in the battle. They were of all shapes and builds with some having multiple limbs. Some were huge while others were small in size. They were also named as the Morlocks; the dwellers of the underworld. They were souls that were left to their own and then formed alliance with others to roam the lower levels of Hades. Lucifer counted more than a thousand of them and they do not fear the trident flame.

“You will be defeated, Lucifer.”

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