Sunday, April 29, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes III Chapter 19 & 20

Sean Mercer looked into the black tea in his cup as if expecting to read the leaves. He had a series of misfortune ever since the attack on the enemies of the Princess he was paid to serve. He was also upset that the final payment did not come through leaving him stranded. He had paid his mercenaries but there were unhappy ones. He had them dealt in the normal mode; killing their leader but not all were discouraged.

Sean sensed the danger with his back to the far wall and seated at the corner. He was dressed in the casual tunic and pants with his boots which he refused to trade. He told himself that but he will die with it on his feet. His right hand snaked to his waist belt till it felt the assured comfort of his gun holstered there. He recalled he have five bullets left with the one more in his tunic pocket for the final coup. He was not looking forward to be slashed like some prey. He looked to his surrounding; not his first since he stepped in an hour ago. The tea house was alike the many that ringed the city seaside; attracting the local and the curious tourists to the shadier leafy roof and the wooden walls, with the windows to ventilate the air. The tea house held four tables with the counter where the owner prepares the tea and other assorted delicacies. He counted two other tables occupied with two patrons each. They were the local patrons; enjoying their drinks while their conversation was on the local gossip. He felt no threat from them but the owner was suspicious in nature. The man was slim tall with the tattooed arms seems to be adept with the business but he had been sneaking in glimpses at Sean.

Maybe it’s my looks; the snarly thought went by Sean’s mind. He was an odd one in the teahouse.

It was then Sean saw his previous employer. She was dressed in the khaki two piece that left her knees exposed but her face was half covered by the wide brimmed hat. She had on the walking shoes that matched her dressing with the sizeable bag on the left arm.

“Hello, Mr Mercer.” Sean looked at the lady standing before him. “I believed we have unresolved issues.”

The lady placed the bag of guinea coins on the table. Sean looked at it and then back to the lady. He did not speak but reached for the bag. He held it in his right hand and weighed the coins. It was heavier than expected and that drove up his curiosity then. He pushed the bag towards the lady

“I will take only what I am entitled to. And no more than that. I am after all, an Irish lad.” Sean voiced out. “Mrs Hudson, I am doing anymore works for you. And for your King no more. No too to his cousin from Germany. I am staying on here to live my life quietly.”

“Brave words, Mr Mercer. I can assure you that we won’t be needing your service anymore. Your recruitment by the Germans were part of our effort then to intercept on the dispute then on findings. We if you chose to believe are unbiased in our approach.” Mrs Hudson explained. “For Lord Greystoke, he was a beast; untamed most times, and you were to do it but you failed. We lengthen the leash on you to take down the others given…”

“The findings that you felt justified to terminate their existence. I do wonder if you do have any others now to take upon me.” Sean snapped back. “I am after all, just another pawn in the game to you.”

“You are remaining pawn in the last set that needed to be sacrifice although we are late in moving for your demise.” Mrs Hudson smiled. “The bag of coins was not only for you. It was also to pay for your immediate silence.”

The four other patrons then stood up and displayed the guns hidden beneath their tunic. Three fired at Mercer, while the fourth took down the owner. Mrs Hudson then took to her heels while the assassins took the bag but he stepped out and saw Mycroft standing there by the coconut tree.

“I thought I was good but you are better. How much you may had heard will remain with you. Your oath as the servant of the King cannot be breached.” Mrs Hudson reminded Mycroft. The other was getting upset but the lady assured him.

“We are all the King’s trusted servant. We cannot be drawn to the petty issues while the world needs us to govern it.” Mrs Hudson told him. “Like our once kindred feeling, we made the sacrifice to part.”

“You are a bitch….” Mycroft snapped out.

“I was then and now but tell me was I not a racy one then when we fucked.” Mrs Hudson replied. “We are living in trying times, Mycroft. Be done with it and move on. For now, I have two ladies to take care.”

Watson realised then that he was duped by the sleuth when he discovered by the hotel staff that Sherlock had his belongings forwarded to the train station last night. He cursed himself for not anticipating it but knew that he was never the equal of Sherlock. For the last few weeks, he had been a recluse living his rage at the one man he should had consulted on. He was withdrawn to his shell, letting the raging parasite inside him taking over his senses. He knew that the incidents in India was no different to the many that he had encountered with Sherlock but he let down his professional approach.

Watson knew that he had to find Sherlock. They were a pair.

Unlike the above, Van Helsing was happier to be back with the population. Well, it was not many to crow about but he felt elated to be there. He stood on the lonely section of the wall that was part of the Jiayu Pass; the first pass at the west end of the Great Wall of China. It was built between two hills, one which was the Jiayuguan Pass and the other side was an oasis. The pass held a perimeter of over two thousand feet with the height of just over thirty feet There are two gates; one on the eastern side and the western side. On the eastern side was a building with the inscription ‘Jiayuguan’. The wall was strengthened during the fear of the invasion by Timor of the Mongol Empire.

“You are a brave warrior.” Van Helsing thought he was alone but found himself with a company. It was the master of the Wolves; Daeng No Pra, the Head Priest.

“You are standing by the inner boundary of the one that was to be hunted. Are you ready?” The priest asked and did not wait for the reply. “The new Emperor have been advised of your presence. He has sent his best to kill you.”
“Prepare to defend, warrior.” Van Helsing turned to look and saw the four warriors that he had met at the mountain but they looked different.

The four Wolves warriors have been turned to Vampires.

They were named Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. They did not disappoint their Masters.

Van Helsing jumped the wall when the warrior named Earth had delivered a furious kick which broke off a section of the wall. The warrior held a devastating kick which had left their marks there. Van Helsing landed on the ground and was whisked off his feet by the other named Wind. The later was swift in the movements and with it came the multiple blows landing on Van Helsing chest. The multiple blow was the cause of Van Helsing falling backwards and he was hit by the third warrior; Fire which lived up to his name. The warrior was armed with the pyro substances that was emitting the flames from the hands. The flames singed Van Helsing on the legs and he rolled to snuff the fire there. He rolled on and then crouched up. He looked at the one who had not attack him yet.

“You going to gloat or be part of the audience.” Van Helsing glared at the warrior. The next blow came from the warrior named Earth with a hard kick at the back of Van Helsing. The later fell on his face and was seated himself upon by the warrior named Water. The warrior clamped hard on Van Helsing while another warrior named Wind grabbed hold of Van Helsing’s metal arm. He yanked the arm off the other shoulder causing Van Helsing to scream in pain. The arm came off and was tossed to the last warrior named Water while Van Helsing struggled in pain. The other warrior had stepped off Van Helsing watching the one-armed warrior in pain. It was equally painful to watch but the pain was soon not being felt.
Van Helsing slipped into unconsciousness then.

It was the way the mind responding to pain.

Sir Fleming read the message given to him by the staff. It was his third reading and was interrupted by the arrival of his other staff. The two gentlemen walked in and stood before their boss.

“Nayland Smith, Mr. Hyde I presume? Welcome back to the section.” Sir Fleming looked at the two gentlemen who had answered his call. He had known Nayland Smith; courageous and reliable but the staff had too much of tasks involving the one named Fu Manchu. He was not there to set the previous tasks but if there was any consolation, those ranked M were competent to assign the correct staff to the tasks. He trusted their calls and he was to induce Nayland to that recurring task.

“Nayland, I need you to assist Mycroft on the Fu Manchu’s trail. He reported in on the lack of resources.” What was not mentioned to Nayland then was Mycroft mentioned to Sir Fleming on the murder of Sean Mercer. He had trailed Hrs Hudson and saw the murder that took place. If Mycroft made that call, he will respect that. He knew that Mycroft needed reinforcement.

“Mycroft have Sherlock and Watson, with Mrs Hudson holding those two lunatics ladies, I am sure that your call may be premature or you have something else in your mind.” Nayland looked towards the doctor. “Mr. Hyde or whatever he may be, seems to responding to our treatments. He has not reverted to the other ego.”

“I was given the report. Mr Hyde has his regular dosage but he could revert on his …will.” Sir Fleming smiled. He knew the other may do his alter ego when in rage. He read the medical reports, before Mr Edward Hyde then on a task for the section. Hyde was a good staff; he was the best in the art of deception took the role of the Doctor Henry Jekyll but his cover was blown. He was fed with a new serum that was supposed to enhance the body strength; one of those super soldier’ serum. The serum reacted to his enzymes and caused him to mutate to the monstrous frame with increased strength but he lost control of his behaviour. He developed anger issues with murderous desire. He was recovered and given the antidote; it worked but he needed the regular antidote.

Other than that Mr Hyde was cleared for active duty.

“Sir Fleming, I am not ready for active task. I am…” Mr Hyde muttered but he was cut off.

“Agent Zero Fifteen, we don’t run a charity home and when you took the oath, your obligation was to the King and the country. Your task awaits you and there is another reason for it. Your infliction; the pain that you have undergone, the shame of being labelled a killer, it’s linked to your current task. The serum you were injected was another act of Fu Manchu and his fascination with the Elixir of Life. He did not find it but he discovered the Super Soldier’s serum; unstable but it worked. Fu Manchu was never concerned on whom he sacrificed for advancement.”

Mr Hyde looked at the man who had spoken of his predicament as if he was reading a report.

“I read your file. It was part of my task to know you.” Sir Fleming looked at staff of his who then anguished at the revelation. He had thought that he was implemented of the serum by some bigot villain but unknown in identity. That new revelation hit at him badly; the section knew and no one told him.

“I quit, Sir. I am asking to be relived to get some rest.” Mr Hyde replied. “I am …”

“You will remain here. And there is a task here. You will get your vengeance on the one who did the misdeed on you.” Sir Fleming cut him off. “You will join Nayland on the task. A task which you have sworn to undertake when you joined the Section.”

Sir Fleming then turned towards Nayland.

“You will track down Mycroft. Now let give you a new insight into your nemesis, Fu Manchu. We have reports that he is going back to China, but his double on the throne have mass an army to stop him coming back. We believed the battle will take place at Jiayu Pass. There is something there which the Emperor needed there. Maybe what he seeks is there; the elixir of life.”

“And more to it, you won’t be the only reinforcement. I have others re-route to the same place besides the pair of you. We are the Empire and with our resources, we are capable of mounting our own army.” Sir Fleming adjusted his inner vest to smoothen the edges.

“And for what? To defend or to fight the Emperor?” Nayland asked.

“Unfortunately, whatever it may take to get the thing that Emperor seeks there. The elixir may be an interesting artefact to hold. Or bargain with.”

“Then I am offered the deep blue sea or the Devil.” Nayland glared at his superior. “I wondered sometimes if I should also quit too. You chaps are …. heartless.”

“I am glad you came to term with your employment.” Sir Fleming smiled. “I learned that a long time ago. Now make your way to the airstrip. We have a line-up of dirigibles to get you to China on schedule. Don’t throw a rage if the food served are more like those you will find on Soho. I figured you might missed it if your stay in China become permanent.”

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes III Chapter 17 & 18


Van Helsing stood there on the sandy dune looking into the sunset on the horizon. He was still in the dried land but his journey will soon come to an end. He could feel the call of living civilisation and from there he may soon be complete his task. He shuffled his legs on the dry sands and then looked to his make shift camp. It was not much but it served its purpose. Dracula had visited him in his dreams but their words were becoming scarce and there was just quiet sharing in a dimension he had thought resting could be reached but he was wrong. The silence made him wary of the other.

“We made it.” Van Helsing turned to look at the source of the voice. It was his nemesis “My last home.”

Dracula stepped forth to stand beside Van Helsing. He was dressed in the dark cloak with the darker suit beneath but the pale facial expression stood out like the sunset on the horizon.

“This was my last home. I was pursued by the enemies, and among them your ancestors.” Dracula looked at Van Helsing. 
“I guess you needed a new bedtime tale. Do you have any schnapps? I like one now. Red please.”
Van Helsing was to take into a tale that spanned years ago.

“I am not Vlad Tepes nor was he ever me but we did share a time together. My name is for reasons won’t be disclosed but Dracula will suffice. I was here before most of us even knew that blood was a nutrient meal. I was here with the first descents with the likes of Lucifer, and his other fallen brothers. Vlad was one of the few friends I have helped. The young Prince then was deprived of his inheritance but like most courageous royalty, he fought back to regain it. He was relentless and with a swarm of enemies around him, he had to create an image that they will fear him. I was there and soon told him of the elixir of life. It’s in us and without it we are dead. He was unsure of it but I told him that warriors have been known to feed on their enemy blood. The Babylonians and the Sumerians mark themselves with their enemy blood. The Spartan fed on a dark viscous concoction as their diet and blood was one of the ingredients. In the Old World, the dragon blood was favoured to mark the killing swords and spears. Vlad tried it and be honest he disliked it but he induced me. Soon the words went out that he drank blood which was partially true but the real devourer was myself. I was his General and bodyguard.”

“I fought with him, raised an army, quashed another to be defeated by another. Soon the end was to come when he knew defeat was his. He cared for his people; the ones that followed him through the reign. He told me to find them a place of rest and peace. I agreed to it on the condition he was there with us but he declined. Vlad was a true warrior and decided to fight on. I had no choice but to give his legacy a new beginning. I took the handful to the East, for there were vast lands unexplored. The journey was long and the trail soon the death took to our heels. I was immortal; devoid of any needs but those were the descendants of Man. They needed food and drinks, with rest. I saw most of them fall, and in the end, I did the needed.”

“I revived them with the elixir of life. They recovered and their feel satiated by the ever flow in them. It was fine until some decided to turn back to help their leader, Vlad. I wanted to tear their hearts out but, in the end, I gave them the choice. Thereon, I took the others to the hidden land where we built our new home.”

“Out here, we were at peace. We rested during the day and explore in the dark. We were the dwellers of the Death City.”

“And your returning warriors spawned a reign of terror that took generations to hunt and kill. Why did you return to our land?” Van Helsing found himself asking. “Was not your city big enough?”

“It was until the strangers arrived. We hid in the dark corners and even pretend to be dead. They desecrated our homes and when they saw our affinity, they killed us with impunity. They took the wooden stakes to our heart like when they did to those who were in their cities. We were called the Vampires. The Blood suckers. The …”

“The killers. I know. So why tell me that tale now?” Van Helsing asked of the other.

“You sought the elusive in the mountains. You thought the evil of the world was kept there. You thought I was there, ranked with the others. I was for a time but the Guardians later discovered that I may not be the one they need to keep there. Maybe it’s you who kill in my namesake.”

Van Helsing reached for the gyaling and aimed it at Dracula.

“A killer with the merciful tool to end my existence. Yes, it may but does that make you complete? Maybe it may, for you are a killer. I am not but a warrior. Was one then in the battle with the other brethren for the role as the guardian of Man but my role had been regarded now as the destroyer. I wondered sometimes if we are right to be here.”

“So, pray tell me can I now kill you.” Van Helsing asked with the sarcastic tone. “It’s getting cold.”
Cold was something Watson disliked after having spent some time at the New Frontier. He actually enjoyed the heat there, and the assuring black tea was soothing. He looked over at the sleuth who was coated head to toe but left his fingers free to feel the etchings on the stones. He was comparing them to what he had understood from the scrolls. Watson knew that Sherlock was not studying the scrolls for antiquity values, he was looking for clues to find the elusive Emperor. The sleuth was like the blood hound on the trail; relentless and needed the leash to pull him back or the distraction.
Watson knew the right distraction.

“Holmes, do you need your medication?” Sherlock looked up and over to the doctor. For a while he was tempted but he had told himself to control his addiction. He shook his head at the doctor.

“The petroglyphs did not tell much.” Sherlock approached the Doctor. “It did however draw the elixir of life was some flow, liquid flow to be exact. The Chinese have linked the elixir; the reference was always fluid. The reference to mercury and gold however it had proven to ruin some notable rulers. Even Alexander the Great was tempted. It was in the Alexander Romance under the Eastern versions. It was not stop there; the Spanish searched for Bimini in the Southern America. The Healing Pool it was called; its water laden with minerals including magnesium known to enhance longevity.”

“Thank you for the history subjects. Now tell me if are we on the task? Or do I pack home?”

“Yes, we are. The Emperor was here. He had seen the signs and probably went back. There is nothing new for him to discover here. He is back to be the Emperor.” Sherlock smiled. “Old Fox that one.”
Watson was to reply but he kept his peace. It was Sherlock who renew the war.

“Watson, tell me why did we work together? You are a genius yourself, and your practice would had sustained your living, why work with me? Rushing off at ….”

“I guess I liked it then but now I am having doubts.” Watson replied.

“Then leave me. I don’t need a partner who hold doubts.” Sherlock replied. “Or better still, join the Emperor or Moriarty. They are in need of geniuses like you.”

“Maybe I will. Goodbye.” Watson left the sleuth standing there. He took himself back to the hotel they were putting up. She did not look back to see if the sleuth was following. He was upset at Holmes, and the rage then went out uncontrollable. He reached his room before stopping to think his decision.

“Why did Holmes dismiss me?” Watson thought hard. It was him then who was doing the dismissal but never Holmes. 

Then it hit him.

Holmes does not want him there. He wanted Watson be safe.



Sean Mercer looked into the black tea in his cup as if expecting to read the leaves. He had a series of misfortune ever since the attack on the enemies of the Princess he was paid to serve. He was also upset that the final payment did not come through leaving him stranded. He had paid his mercenaries but there were unhappy ones. He had them dealt in the normal mode; killing their leader but not all were discouraged.

Sean sensed the danger with his back to the far wall and seated at the corner. He was dressed in the casual tunic and pants with his boots which he refused to trade. He told himself that but he will die with it on his feet. His right hand snaked to his waist belt till it felt the assured comfort of his gun holstered there. He recalled he have five bullets left with the one more in his tunic pocket for the final coup. He was not looking forward to be slashed like some prey. He looked to his surrounding; not his first since he stepped in an hour ago. The tea house was alike the many that ringed the city seaside; attracting the local and the curious tourists to the shadier leafy roof and the wooden walls, with the windows to ventilate the air. The tea house held four tables with the counter where the owner prepares the tea and other assorted delicacies. He counted two other tables occupied with two patrons each. They were the local patrons; enjoying their drinks while their conversation was on the local gossip. He felt no threat from them but the owner was suspicious in nature. The man was slim tall with the tattooed arms seems to be adept with the business but he had been sneaking in glimpses at Sean.
Maybe it’s my looks; the snarly thought went by Sean’s mind. He was an odd one in the teahouse.

It was then Sean saw his previous employer. She was dressed in the khaki two piece that left her knees exposed but her face was half covered by the wide brimmed hat. She had on the walking shoes that matched her dressing with the sizeable bag on the left arm.

“Hello, Mr Mercer.” Sean looked at the lady standing before him. “I believed we have unresolved issues.”

The lady placed the bag of guinea coins on the table. Sean looked at it and then back to the lady. He did not speak but reached for the bag. He held it in his right hand and weighed the coins. It was heavier than expected and that drove up his curiosity then. He pushed the bag towards the lady

“I will take only what I am entitled to. And no more than that. I am after all, an Irish lad.” Sean voiced out. “Mrs Hudson, I am doing anymore works for you. And for your King no more. No too to his cousin from Germany. I am staying on here to live my life quietly.”

“Brave words, Mr Mercer. I can assure you that we won’t be needing your service anymore. Your recruitment by the Germans were part of our effort then to intercept on the dispute then on findings. We if you chose to believe are unbiased in our approach.” Mrs Hudson explained. “For Lord Greystoke, he was a beast; untamed most times, and you were to do it but you failed. We lengthen the leash on you to take down the others given…”

“The findings that you felt justified to terminate their existence. I do wonder if you do have any others now to take upon me.” Sean snapped back. “I am after all, just another pawn in the game to you.”

“You are remaining pawn in the last set that needed to be sacrifice although we are late in moving for your demise.” Mrs Hudson smiled. “The bag of coins was not only for you. It was also to pay for your immediate silence.”

The four other patrons then stood up and displayed the guns hidden beneath their tunic. Three fired at Mercer, while the fourth took down the owner. Mrs Hudson then took to her heels while the assassins took the bag but he stepped out and saw Mycroft standing there by the coconut tree.

“I thought I was good but you are better. How much you may had heard will remain with you. Your oath as the servant of the King cannot be breached.” Mrs Hudson reminded Mycroft. The other was getting upset but the lady assured him.

“We are all the King’s trusted servant. We cannot be drawn to the petty issues while the world needs us to govern it.” Mrs Hudson told him. “Like our once kindred feeling, we made the sacrifice to part.”

“You are a bitch….” Mycroft snapped out.

“I was then and now but tell me was I not a racy one then when we fucked.” Mrs Hudson replied. “We are living in trying times, Mycroft. Be done with it and move on. For now, I have two ladies to take care.”
Watson realised then that he was duped by the sleuth when he discovered by the hotel staff that Sherlock had his belongings forwarded to the train station last night. He cursed himself for not anticipating it but knew that he was never the equal of Sherlock. For the last few weeks, he had been a recluse living his rage at the one man he should had consulted on. He was withdrawn to his shell, letting the raging parasite inside him taking over his senses. He knew that the incidents in India was no different to the many that he had encountered with Sherlock but he let down his professional approach.

Watson knew that he had to find Sherlock. They were a pair.

Unlike the above, Van Helsing was happier to be back with the population. Well, it was not many to crow about but he felt elated to be there. He stood on the lonely section of the wall that was part of the Jiayu Pass; the first pass at the west end of the Great Wall of China. It was built between two hills, one which was the Jiayuguan Pass and the other side was an oasis. The pass held a perimeter of over two thousand feet with the height of just over thirty feet There are two gates; one on the eastern side and the western side. On the eastern side was a building with the inscription ‘Jiayuguan’. The wall was strengthened during the fear of the invasion by Timor of the Mongol Empire.

“You are a brave warrior.” Van Helsing thought he was alone but found himself with a company. It was the master of the Wolves; Daeng No Pra, the Head Priest.

“You are standing by the inner boundary of the one that was to be hunted. Are you ready?” The priest asked and did not wait for the reply. “The new Emperor have been advised of your presence. He has sent his best to kill you.”

“Prepare to defend, warrior.” Van Helsing turned to look and saw the four warriors that he had met at the mountain but they looked different.

The four Wolves warriors have been turned to Vampires.

They were named Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. They did not disappoint their Masters.
Van Helsing jumped the wall when the warrior named Earth had delivered a furious kick which broke off a section of the wall. The warrior held a devastating kick which had left their marks there. Van Helsing landed on the ground and was whisked off his feet by the other named Wind. The later was swift in the movements and with it came the multiple blows landing on Van Helsing chest. The multiple blow was the cause of Van Helsing falling backwards and he was hit by the third warrior; Fire which lived up to his name. The warrior was armed with the pyro substances that was emitting the flames from the hands. The flames singed Van Helsing on the legs and he rolled to snuff the fire there. He rolled on and then crouched up. He looked at the one who had not attack him yet.

“You going to gloat or be part of the audience.” Van Helsing glared at the warrior. The next blow came from the warrior named Earth with a hard kick at the back of Van Helsing. The later fell on his face and was seated himself upon by the warrior named Water. The warrior clamped hard on Van Helsing while another warrior named Wind grabbed hold of Van Helsing’s metal arm. He yanked the arm off the other shoulder causing Van Helsing to scream in pain. The arm came off and was tossed to the last warrior named Water while Van Helsing struggled in pain. The other warrior had stepped off Van Helsing watching the one-armed warrior in pain. It was equally painful to watch but the pain was soon not being felt.
Van Helsing slipped into unconsciousness then.

It was the way the mind responding to pain.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes III Chapter 15 & 16


Van Helsing woke up with a dry mouth with the head pounding as if it was to burst. He took view of his surrounding which resembled the interior of a train cabin but its décor was worn out. He sat up and checked his belongings, and they were all there, including the gyaling give to him by the Master but no weapons. He recalled last that he had boarded a train to South but he was not sure then where he was headed. He leaned out to look through the cabin opening and saw he was in barren land. One that he had not seen before for he spent most of his time at the European continent and the furthest from the familiar forest was the high mountains. He had seen the ones at the Alps ranges but with his journey to the South he was expecting more forest or denser ones but he was faced with barren lands. He was also not in a train but a carriage pulled by two horses. He was to signal the driver but he saw that the carriage was pursued by a group of riders. The shot missed him by inches and made him ducked his head inside.

“I will advise you to stay in.” Van Helsing looked to the other occupant inside the carriage. He was tall thin with the rounded shoulders and the complexion was tanned from the exposure to the sun. The man was dressed in a white shirt with dark pants tucked into the knee length boots. He wore a shoulder harness with the twin Webley pistols and the pockets for the bullets. He had on a waist belt with the footlong knife that was made popular by the Texan named Bowie. On the flooring of the carriage were three rifles with two opened boxes of bullets. Those were Remington rifles with scopes.

“The name is Roxton, Lord John Roxton late of … some lands in England but out here, I am known as Roxton the Big Hunter.” The other man introduced himself while he was loading the hunting rifle on his laps. “We …. well, I met you two days ago when they helped you on board. You were asleep and had been. I thought you had died at some stage.”

“I am…Van Helsing.” The other introduced himself. “I was…”

“That is unimportant. What we need now for you to help me.” Roxton passed over the rifle. “It’s loaded and I hope you can shoot.”

Roxton saw the gyaling held by Van Helsing, and then smiled.

“Those riders are assassins from the land. They may have a bounty on you or they won’t be so keen.” Roxton looked at Van Helsing. “Did you steal their treasure or something?”

“No, I am not sure. All I do know was to go to …. India and, where am I? “

“You are on the Silk Road to Xinjiang. So am I to pursue some …. hidden treasures.” Roxton smiled. “I won’t deny I am an explorer of sort and treasure hunting was one.”

“And you knew those who are pursuing ….me?” Van Helsing asked.

“Yes, I do. I was with them before I boarded the carriage.” Roxton smiled. “My friend is riding the horses for over two days now. His name is Challenger, Professor Challenger to those who wants to know him.”

“Why are you really here?” Van Helsing levelled the rifle at Roxton.

“I am here to take your to Jinjiang. It was the order of the Master of the Wolves who paid me with gold. We were going there and reckon your passage could be with us but we did not expect the extra company. What are you so important besides being bearing the Van Helsing name.”

“I knew of your reputation but to have assassins after you may be rare. Your enemies are mostly …. supernatural.” Roxton smiled. “Could it be you hold something precious inside your right arm?”

Van Helsing looked at his right arm. It was a part of him that he forgotten that it was implanted and metallic in design. The demon slayer shook his head at Roxton.

“Can’t hurt to ask?” Roxton return to his loading. “I have not seen one like you before.”

“Jump, Roxton. They shot the horses.” It was a fair warning if you do not want to be part of the carriage when it crashed. Roxton grab the rifles and then tossed it out of the carriage opening before he kicked open the doorway. He turned to Van Helsing but the other had taken his jump on the opposite side.

Van Helsing rolled on the ground and then crouched to look at the ones hunting him. He heard the warning and did the escape. He was unarmed and held only the gyaling. He turned to look at the carriage which had then overturned and the horses were caught in the pileup. He saw the riders; nine of them on horses and were armed. He then saw the one named Roxton half crouched at a distance with the hunting rifle levelled shoulder height. He saw another figure approaching Roxton at a run carrying a huge rifle which he had heard of before; the rifle was termed an elephant gun for its huge calibre and impact blast.

“Challenger, you could have had ….” Roxton was cut short of his words to the other when a bullet whizzed past his head. The hunter cum adventurer returned the response with his rifle. His aimed was true and dropped the rider at two hundred paces. He pulled the bolt back to level the rifle on the other riders. By then Van Helsing had joined the duo and grabbed a spare rifle on the ground. He levelled it against his shoulder and aimed at the riders. The three of them brought down four more riders before the rest retreated.

“Who are they?” Van Helsing asked.

“Mercenaries or bandits paid to capture you. I reckon from their garbs and horse, these are the Hordes from the Dry Lands. They were descendants of the nomadic Mongols and Persians who used to roam the land here.” The one who spoke was named Challenger.

“Professor Challenger, George Challenger.” The man was tall and huge in the build with half his face covered by the thick beard, and his hair resembled a wig with tangled ends. He was wearing a white shirt and dark pants with the strapped knee-high boots. The shirt sleeves were rolled up to reveal the thick body hair that reached the back of his hands. In some terms you may described him as apelike but no one will dare to say that to his face.

“I think the next time we pick a passenger for the coins do tell remind me to make sure it could pay for our carriage and horses.” The huge man turned to Van Helsing. “I be darned if I were to carry you on any more trips.”

“Thank you, gentlemen for …. assisting me but, where am I? I was to be on the train to India.”

“Well India is over yonder.” Challenger motioned with his left hand to the south. “You are somewhere at the edge of greater China now. Well, to be exact, we are on the fringe of Xinjiang. Your fare was to bring you here while we continued on our way to Mongol and there to Siberia. I am hunting the great Siberian Tiger.”

“Xinjiang? Why am I here?” Van Helsing asked while he looked at the land there. He was in some dry lands with the sand dunes that he once seen at the coastal areas but here the sea was vast sand.

“I won’t know but we were told that you are to come here.” Challenger then walked to the broken carriage. “We best be getting our stuff to move.”

Roxton followed suit leaving Van Helsing stunned by the action of the two. He reached out to Roxton and grabbed the shirt sleeve.

“You can’t leave me here. I have no …”

“Oh, that we have prepared for you. Water bags and some dried food. You won’t be alone for long. There is a settlement two clicks away to the east. Go there and the Wolves will tell you of the next destination.”
With that Van Helsing was left on in an unknown land but the locals called it Takla Makan in the ‘Uighur’ local tongue. It held no direct translation but the name meant one can get in but not out. It held another name by travellers; the Sea of Death.


“Why would the Emperor come here? And then travel to the lake?” Watson was asking then of Sherlock. He found his desire to speak soon after they escape the storm to discover their port of call was just one of the destinations on their journey. After some gruelling inquiries and some harder ones with skulls cracked, the trail took them to Lake Onega; another gruelling journey by carriage.

“Lake Onega is young; formed during the Ice Age with a surface area of under ten thousand kilometres. It’s the second largest lake in Europe, and the eighteenth….” Sherlock was interrupted by the doctor.

“Tell me why you prompted us to travel there.” Watson was impatient to know.

“The Emperor seeks the petroglyphs.” The petroglyphs are rock engravings dated back to 4th and 2nd millennia BC. The engravings are one to two millimetres deep and depict animals, people, and other meaningful shapes.

“I was told the Emperor was mistaken by the signs and thus travel there. He thinks the rocks could provide him the answer to his elixir.” Sherlock looked out of the carriage towards the horizon. He was then contemplating his action to date. He was not one that cared for serving the King but himself. He was after all obstinate and selfish. He had spent years of studying the human behaviour and the ability of taking another life. Killing was the last bastion of humanity and that threshold broken was sacred. He had accumulated skills and knowledge to counter those evil doings. He had battled the lesser evils from the petty ones to the geniuses like Moriarty and even Fu Manchu. To what end? He had found himself serving Kings and leaders. He solved their issues and cleared their doubts but every time he ended up burdened. He soon found that Mycroft was involved like him but the later was sanctioned by the ones that he helped. He sought Mycroft and some balance to his own. He was then introduced to one named James Hamish Watson; a man of medicine and sort to cure the world his own way, his own healing ways little to know that he was born to be another, a killer that Sherlock had sworn to bring to justice.

Justice was sometimes doubtful at times.

Not all are the best for the outcome but the final result was better than the best; it’s a workable solution.

“So, we are still on the track of the Emperor or Fu Manchu to you.” The doctor remarked back to the silent then sleuth. Sherlock looked over and nodded.

“Fu Manchu seek the Elixir and it could be described on the rocks. We need to retrace his steps.”

“Fine, And what of the deranged priest?” Watson asked. “He is raging to get us killed.”

“He wants the scrolls. It’s with me.” Sherlock pulled out the scrolls. “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22.1”

“The scrolls also spoke of the four elements; the basic items like air, water, earth and metal but the four melted into became the fifth element that we have believed to be the Philosopher Rock.” Sherlock continued on. “Maybe the Emperor sought another treasure. Fu Manchu have many motivations and wealth dwells on him.”

“Okay, enough of your ramblings. You can do that to your clients but with me now, be sensible.” Watson replied.

“No, Doctor. You are still miserable and have not recovered from your loss at India. Grow up, Watson. You need to forget that loss and move on.” Sherlock lost control of his emotion then. “We need to re-shape our alliance. We work well together. We are a team.”

The doctor did not reply then but he did glare at the other. He knew that his miserable taunting and silence was not dampening their relationship. He felt bad at times but the pain of his loss was to him greater. He thought then of it and realized he had to end it or there will be no good ending. His mind moved to the times that he has shared with the sleuth.

The days and nights they have spent together.

The hours of him treating the patient of the addiction.

The aching sessions of the violin strumming by the so named maestro.

The number of times they made Mrs Hudson bring their tea and scones.

How he wished he had ended his life at the Final Frontier where it was all quiet and serene.

Well most times.

So was the Sea of Death to Van Helsing. He heard of it from his earlier adventures that the place was bad omen to many. The Chinese called it Taklamakan and in the local Uygur language spoke of the place as the “you go in and you will never come out’. Some of his enemies have mentioned the place as treacherous like them but they have been tamed by him. He wondered if he could really tame that vast land. He found the settlement told by Roxon. Yatongusi was more like an oasis stop with the few clay huts and scattered herds feeding on the sparse grassland. He met the locals there and was introduced to the so named headman.

“Your journey may be just beginning.” The elderly man replied. “We could offer from here is the direction and the camel that will take you. But beware the land of its temperament for it could be your foe or friend. Out here we have seen demons but we are not plagued by them for we are the few that held the prayers for them.”

Van Helsing asked of the demons and was told the nature of demons he was to face.

“Out here, the demons are not of the spiritual world but among the ones that tread onto our trails. They are of blood and flesh and yet they remove that of the enemies. We called them Hans, the people of the Eastern side. They treat us like animals while they are the animals themselves.”

Van Helsing thanked the elderly man and took to his journey. He had with him the gyaling and one of the rifles loaned to him with a box of bullets. He took with him a sewn skin containing water and some dried food. His travel was uneventful but his sleeps were disturbed.

“I know you do not like me. I did wonder why.” Van Helsing looked from the fire he had built with the droppings of the camel and the dried twigs of the dead trees that lined the area like sentries of the perimeter. The night in the desert was cold and his stare was at the dark figure standing at the fire place fringe. “Pardon me if I stay here. The fire won’t do me any better. I am immune to the elements. After all I am the undead.”

“The King of the undead.” Van Helsing corrected him. “I have been …No, we have been doing it for generations. All I knew was we were to hunt you.”

“Yes, to hunt me like the demon I was assumed to be. Do you think I am who you assume to be? The blood drinker.” The dark figure took a step closer to the fire place. “I will be lying if I tell you I am immune. I may be….”

“Clam it, Dracula. You appearing in my dreams while I am …. travelling alone in this vast land.” Van Helsing snapped back. “How will I know why…I mean what made us hunt you? Maybe you killed my ancestors…. Yes, you did to some but….”

“Stop your whimpering.” Dracula replied. “There is nothing to ashamed of for your action. I am your …. nemesis from what you have perceive. Catch me if you can when you could. You are on the correct trail. U may find out more of me that your ancestors have not discovered. We have to end this one day and it may just be sooner.”

Off the shore of Mumbai, Mycroft hitched up his pants at the sight of the continent that he had left some weeks back. He recalled his last trip there was full of excitement but there were moments spent in the bidet. Besides that, he liked the place and the food; spicy to the taste and most times making him belched, he did asked Watson how did the other survived the period on the Frontier. Watson was plain with his reply; you learn to eat what is offered. And your body digest it and then you continue on.

Mycroft wondered if his old enemy was keen to continue on. The Raj which he had offended was still influential there.

“I believe you have some memories here.” Mrs Hudson looked to Mycroft. “I have some too. I was here once before on a task. I killed a Rajah’s wife acting as her friend.”

“Wow, we are confession row now.” Mycroft snapped out. “I have done more sins in most of the continents except the two polar points. Every time I take a step, I do wonder if I will fall down by the next. I have taken down many and stayed alive. I will shelf my confession for now.”

“I am not your conscience nor your nanny. I am here to tell you that the Princess is adamant on gong ashore. She need to see her mercenary.”

“Sean Mercer? I wondered why she want to see the scoundrel.”

“He held the key to her legacy here. She was his lover once before and lost their child while in London.” Mrs Hudson revealed. “You wouldn’t understand. You were never attached to anyone to have one inside.”
Mrs Hudson did not wait for the reply and walked away. Mycroft was puzzled by the lady’s words for he was unlike what she said. He was attached once to someone but she disassociated herself from him. They did not have a child but they had love feelings.

Mycroft was in love with Mrs Hudson before. He sighed when the ghosts of the past haunts again.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...