Monday, May 23, 2016

LLM Part II Chapter 25


Father Lamiere rushed to the doorway but he found it blocked by the two blood drinkers. They have not fought him yet but mocked his escape paths. He was clawed and kicked but never was he killed. He turned back to the others holding guards on the windows and the rear exit. Hawkins had seen left the place and he was a trapped prey. He had wished he brought his gun but with his faith, he had relied on the gunmen to protect him all the time. He approached the wooden cross and looked to it. If he was to die, he will do so here.

 He stood there when the doorway at the rear burst opened. It was Remus and had grabbed the blood sucker there by the back fog the neck. The dagger coated with silver sliced the throat apart. Just before the other could turn to fight, he was rewarded with a kick in the left ribs. He went down onto his knees and was silenced by the machete that removed his head from his neck. It was the works of Romulus who wields the double machete. The second machete tossed the bloodied machete at the one who was by the front doorway.

Remus had rushed in and stood by one he has sworn to protect. He held the double daggers in his hands while his brother Romulus had rushed for the two blood drinkers by the left wall. He swung his machetes like a mad man but his cut was swift with precision. He cut the first one in the side of the neck and the second had the cut from the left shoulder to the heart. Remus had seen the kill and did his own on the last with both daggers tossed at the last blood sucker. One dagger stabbed at the left eye into the back of the head and the second dagger had pierced the heart.

“My prayers answered.” Father Lamiere muttered to himself. “Late but not later from the echoes of death.”

“Was it difficult, my sons?” Father Lamiere asked of the two.

“We encountered none.” Remus spoke up for his brother had no voice to use. Romulus had then removed the dead from the hall.

“We have seen the place and it’s well guarded by the thousands. The demon had many supporters from the South and he held the gold coins to secure their loyalty.” Remus reported to the priest. “We saw your arrival and followed the others as per your instructions. They were followed and we removed the scouts. The plan is in place.”

“Then we shall sit down and wait for near dawn. Even the predators who hunt in the dark will rest before dawn.” Father Lameire told his sons.

Across the town, Lance and Tonto made their way to the Army Fort. It was surrounded by the high wooden walls with its double doors. It was not a large fort but could hold a hundred men with ease. Lance circled the walls and then chanced on the large pit of corpses. It was filled with the bodies of the union army uniforms.

“They do not only kill but they drink their blood.” Tonto motioned to the bodies. “The demon had held sacrifices to stir up their courage. We must end this or more of these pits will be found.”  

 “If the pit is filled with the army, then who will be in the fort?” Lance asked of his partner.

“Then let us go in, Kemo-Sabe.” Tonto replied. They then climbed the walls and dropped over. Inside the fort, there were two barracks for the soldiers, the officer quarters and the administration. The store was stored to the far side next to the barn and corral. There were no horses there and the yard was empty except for the flag pole without a flag. He was to begin his approach to the officer’s quarter when his body twitched. It was his inklings that had resurfaced. He stopped then and held back also Tonto. The area around his eyes turned dark and revealed the hidden sights. He saw the dead spirits of the soldiers who were still roaming there and then he saw the lone guard that was the blood sucker. The guard stood alone above on the rooftop of the office quarters. It had seen Lance and Tonto.

It jumped down and prepared for battle. It was a huge figure with the frontier clothes of the buckskins and the coonskin hat. It stood at over seven feet and his chest width was over three feet. That was not the scary part but the twin serrated blades he carried. It was two feet in length and half a foot in width with the hilt a foot long. And also the scalps on his belt which it displayed with impunity.

“This is my fight, Kemo-Sabe,” Tonto. “You will search the place. There are other demons here.”

Tonto drew out his tomahawk and then the bone knife of his from the sleeve of right moccasin boot. It was a short dagger that was no more than half a feet in length for it was used for cutting the meat off the hunted prey. He approached the blood sucker there.

“Another Indian to die tonight. I have killed all of them including their scouts and drank their blood.” The demon voiced out. “Soon I will do the same and then add you to the pit while your scalp will hang from here.”
Tonto did not reply nor did he falter in his approach. When he was near the demon, he threw the tomahawk at it. The tomahawk was deflected but it opened the torso to Tonto who went in with the dagger. The dagger sank in deep into the ribs and then he drew it out to slash upwards. The demon cried out and punched his way to clear from the pain. Tonto picked up his discarded tomahawk and glared at the wounded demon.

“Your feeble thrust will not hasten your death….” Tonto did not wait to hear the demon and lashed out with his tomahawk once more. The weapon wielded in the right hand had slashed at the shoulders but each blow was deflected by the blades. Tonto fought with savagery and the fight pushed the demon back. He pushed hard until the demon was before the porch of the Officer’s Quarter. The demon staggered on the misstep and it was then Tonto lashed out with his dagger once more. The dagger struck deep beneath the right shoulder and he twisted it to push up with great strength. The demon screamed but Tonto had his tomahawk then at the side of the demon’s left head. The tomahawk buried deep into the head and with a hard push, the head was cut in half.

“Hai..eeeee” Tonto screamed out his satisfaction on the kill but he was wrong to assumed then. The demon had lashed out with the serrated blade and cut into the chest. Tonto fell back in pain not from the cut but the shredded wound. He landed on his back while holding his wound. The demon with half its face removed stared at Tonto with the single eye. It hurt with the missing half of the head and staggered in its feet. Tonto felt the pain and then his animal instinct overcame his human form. The pain in his head overcame his wound and the claws appeared. His muscles contracted and then he felt the strength that coursed through him. He pushed himself up and then leaped high onto the demon. He went down with the tomahawk in deadly downwards kill. The tomahawk blow was stopped by the blades but the holder of the tomahawk had released his hold. His hands went out in a spread and then he stabbed with the claws on it into the exposed ribs. His claws had dug in deep and tore at the flesh beneath the skin. He dug in deeper and then pulled at the inner organs. The demon screamed like no other but it was unmatched by the explosives that was set off by Lance in the store. 

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