Tuesday, May 10, 2016

LLM Chapter II Part 19


Just when he thought that death was upon him, Tonto saw the hawks had appeared form the skies. There were four flocks of the hawks and each flock held about ten of them. It was unheard of the hawks to fly in a flock unless it was on a migration trail for the warmer climate. It was then the flock was named the kettles.

The hawks circled in numbers above the islands as if it was looking for the prey. It was then head the squawk of the birds before they swooped for the vultures. The hawks with their talons out attacked the vultures form above. It went for the head or the wings to cripple the later. The headless birds will fall down like stones when they lost their heads or the wings. Some of it fell onto the island and caused a commotion the souls gathered there had stayed away for they feared the vultures who will swoop down to pick their flesh.

“It is dead.” An individual soul had stepped forth to touch the dead vultures. The shout of joy went among the others and then but then when they saw the one who shouted kicking at it, the others followed suit and did the same. Soon more joined in at the other islands and rushed at it to pluck the feathers before devouring the flesh.
It was uncanny and yet horrifying then.

“Tonto, run the path and leave here.” Red Horse who had fallen to his knees cried out. ”I am past my age to follow you.”

They had been running across the bridges and onto the islands. Tonto saw the dimension was not all flat but in diverse levels of view. One movement you may be running here and then find the next path was sloping downwards before it leveled out. For a person not used to the place, you may find yourself looking the previous island crossed as tangent to you or above you. There was no real holding level and it was myriad of levels with the dizziness of working which belongs to where.

“How can I leave you, Red Horse?” Tonto reached for the elderly man but he declined on the island. He looked back at the vultures but they are too many still. Tonto felt the elderly man tugging his sleeve. He glanced over and studied the old man.

“I am okay for the Lone Ranger will protect me.” Red Horse smiled and motioned to the nearby island. On it was a man on a white horse with the front legs raised. From his view then the Lone Ranger was tangent across the island was on. 

“The Lone Ranger roams the underworld here. I will join him once more as the trusted partner for I am Tonto.”

“You are…” Tonto asked but the later smiled back. “The books mentioned you as younger.”

“I was Tonto. I faked my death for my body was weak from the wounds. I have the Elders find another worthy to replace me. You are the new Tonto.”

“Ride and find the Lone Ranger. He cannot be without you and you without him. Both of you are the stars and dark skies, and the moon with the sun.” Red Horse called out and then he turned to the white figure on the horse. “I will join you, Kemo-Sabe.”

With that, Tonto found himself on the plains once again and the hawk he had reared flying overhead. He looked to his body and found his wound had healed. He was still in his loin cloth and it was cold then with the setting sun. He sat up holding the tomahawk and saw the horse nearby. It belonged to the Lone Ranger for it held the duffel bag at the saddle.

“Thank the Lord, there are clothes there.”

Tonto placed his hands over the open fire to warm it from the cold morning winds of the prairie. He had dressed in a white tunic and the dark pants but he kept the loin cloth on his waist. It gave him an identity of his heritage. He had no shoes so he decided to go barefooted. He had rested and a wild rabbit had served his hunger. It was getting to dawn and he was ready to ride. His own mount was missing and he had to settle for the horse ridden by the Lone Ranger. He looked to the gray skies that was lighted by the morning sun and saw the hawk.

“Be my eyes, brother. Find me the one named Kemo-Sabe.”

The hawk shrieked out and then flew northwest. He approached the white horse and rubbed its face.

“I am in need to find your master. Ride with me and we will be united.” With that Tonto mounted on the saddle but he was thrown off by the horse. Tonto stood up and glared at the horse.

“Okay we will walk together.” With that Tonto led the horse on the direction of northwest.

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