Monday, May 30, 2016

LLM PArt II Chapter 28


“Behold my real army. What you see now is only a fraction of the army. Behold my personal division, the Legionnaires.” A hundred of these Legionnaires stood there dressed in the dark shades without the gun belt but their lips glistens with dripping blood. They are the blood drinkers and needed no guns to battle their adversaries for they are weapons with their strength and fangs that protruded from their mouth.

“They are the prime breeds of mine.” Hawkins continued on. “They hold great strength and swift in their fight. Before they slay all of you barbarians, let me share you a little secret.”

“The Legionnaires standing before you are all descents of the nobles that once rode with me and Vlad,” Hawkins glared at the priest. “We were once nobles driven from our heritage and hunted like wild beasts. We prevailed with the show of strength inside us. We drank the blood to curl your fear upon us. Have at them, my nobles allies. Go, my Legionnaires.”

The hundred Legionnaires there ran towards Father Lamiere and his sons. They covered the distance in seconds and before the eyes of the elderly man, he saw two approached Remus. One grabbed Remus by the right arm and was stabbed with the dagger but he pushed on. The other with the right hand gripped Remus’ neck despite the dagger stabbed in the chest. The two Legionnaires pushed Remus back by their run and then Remus was raised up high above their heads. That move suffocated Remus with the blocked windpipe. Remus was then split apart by the two wounded Legionnaire.

“Remus!” Romulus snapped out in anger and charged at the two who had murdered his brother. He rushed in with the 
machetes and cut into the two wounded Legionnaires but he was soon brought down by the others. Two other Legionnaires grabbed the other surviving brother and punched their fingers into his heart. It was an instant death for Romulus but a scene of agony for Father Lamiere to see both his named sons died before his eyes.

“You bastards!” Father Lamiere screamed out in anger. He saw then the three Legionnaires that have stood before him. He stepped back in fear not for his life but for fear of his screams from the pains will be heard in the heavens. He closed his eyes to prepare for death but death evaded him then. He heard the sounds of the impact of bodies and opened his eyes once more. He saw then a sight that only the Heavens could provide.

The Lycans have arrived.

The Lycans came in force. They were outnumbered by the Legionnaires but their ferocities made their presences feared. The Lycans once of Man evolved into ferocious creatures with claws on their fingers and the fangs in their mouths. Their strength matched the blood drinkers but they fought with the animal instinct. The Lycan charged into the three Legionnaires and brought them down to the ground. All of them fell to the ground but the Lycan was the first to recover. It punched its right hand with the deadly claws into the Legionnaire throat and pulled away with the blood and veins. It felt then the hands that grabbed its shoulder from the rear and rolled to the side. In the roll, the Lycan brought up its legs to kick at the Legionnaire. The Legionnaire thrown off the fight and the Lycan half crouched to select its next Legionnaire. Its pause was momentarily and then it leaped at the Legionnaire it kicked at. Its leap was high and with the hands on the Legionnaire’s neck, it leverage on it to somersault backwards. The move snapped the Legionnaire’s neck and the pulled had it removed with part of the spine.  The Lycan did not stop there and charged at the nearby 
Legionnaire with the spine attached head as its weapon. The spine lashed out like a short sword and partly severed the Legionnaire head. The Lycan howled in glee on the kill but it did not see the numbers meant a lot in a battle. The Lycan was charged from the rear and have its spine damaged.

The Lycan fell on the ground flat on the face and then felt its head drawn back to expose the neck. It was an inviting target for any blood drinker and it was bitten then. The bite deep and drew on the Lycan’s blood. The later howled in pain and reached with its clawed fingers to pry the Legionnaire off. The move removed the Legionnaire but the Lycan was hurt. The wounds on its body may heal but a torn jugular at the neck was not easy to curb the flow of blood. It reached to hold the blood flow but the fingers were soon coated with it. The Lycan felt the weakening muscles with the blood flowing out. Its predicament was not over then when another Legionnaire charged into it. The second impact was in the left side and both of them crashed to the ground. The Lycan tried to rise but the Legionnaire had the upper move planned. The punch of the fist into the wounded throat was fatal with the spine forced out in the rear.
Father Lamiere turned to run for a safer distance when he was met by Lance and Tonto. Lance had drawn his guns but Tonto was different. He was not the same with the blood shot eyes and the fingers held tight.

“Stay by me, Father Lamiere.” Lance leveled his guns and fired at the approaching Legionnaire. The two silver bullets tore into the Legionnaire’s face and ripped off the back of the skull. It fell forward and laid still in the lowering water depths.

“Here hold my guns and belt. I prayed that it’s working but not in the desired speed I would like it.” Lance handed the guns that once belonged to his brother. “I have to call on other helps.”

“Kemo-Sabe, my true calling is here.” Tonto leaped forward and then ran. In his run, his body responded to his acquired evolution with the lengthening of his limbs and the appearance of the claws on his fingers. His facial expression changed with the lower half of his face protruding and the fangs appeared on the mouth. His run was swift and it became faster with each strides. The evolved Tonto smashed into the Legionnaire at the front. It did not stop Tonto for the Legionnaire was dragged by the neck to the rear before Tonto tossed it like a ragtag doll.

Tonto halted in his run and crouched down to swing his right leg out at the sneaking Legionnaire from the side. His kick hit the Legionnaire in the left shin and caused the later to fall. Tonto was there with both claws swung upwards from his lower position. His fingers struck into the chest of the falling Legionnaire and deep into the cavities. He dug in deep and then pushed to the spine before he clawed out.

“Lord, are we savages?” Father Lamiere witnessed the kill had asked for salvation.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Tweet...tweet... 29/05.... I am in between

The hush words are in between projects and not bed sheets mind you. I am actually out of town taking a leisure break but soon I will be back in the concrete jungle again where the Internet really works well. Meantime, I have... or was at the conclusion of Lone Ranger at Part V but now with new visions, I may continued on to Part VI. I guess the plains was wider than I thought.

While riding the plains, I also indulged myself into the Welsh landscape with a new version of a famous Welsh King with lots of knights and a round table. It will be a new look into Arthur and then his knights. I do confessed it won't be rated PG13 but hovering at 50 shades above Grey. I have not done any of those for some time now and may indulge into it with full treatment.

Guvnor, keep your hands on the board for the time,

I can tell you writing those lines at SX rating can be draining to the soul compared to a walk with Dante's in Hades. You have to draw the sensuality from it and then dripped the passionate wax between the clefts to draw on the nectar of essence thus exploding into a scene of the Northern Aurora before descending like a meteor onto the plains of Siberia; freezing and then muttering about whose idea was it to leave the air-condition on at full blast. Or was it; damn, I forgot to get the tissues to clean up.

Or it will be the soft tissue of my rear subject to fifty lashes.

Well to some, the later will be akin to shooting the Gatling Gun.

Cheers then for now. I am going to partake in hot dip of the natural heated springs to rejuvenate myself.

Ouch! Who left the stalagmite on the bottom? I did say rejuvenate and not indulged.

Spi-drip drip

LLM Part II Chapter 27


Father Lamiere pushed himself up from the subsided flood water. He was wet all over but his concern was the two who pledged their lives for his. He saw the two were safe with their arms on the railings of the overturned carriage. He approached them and then stopped in his stride. He turned to look at the structure that had saved his life. The church still stand firm despite the flood water rushed at it. He saw then the washed away timber planks had revealed the stone foundation of the structure with its main pillars. It was those stones which had lent strength on earlier derelict structure. 

It’s new look gave strength to the priest. He smiled and said a word of prayer for the sanctuary there.

“Father Lamiere, look to the east.” Remus motioned to the priest. Father Lamiere looked over and saw the adversary of his. His face turned pale when he saw the other standing on the wagon.

“Lord has mercy on my soul.” Father Lamiere spoke under his breath. The figure there was not Man or Beast but of both in his eyes. The distinct double horns and the hoofed bend limbs betrayed the identity of the figure. The figure was naked standing there.

“It’s the Devil.” Father Lamiere shouted. Remus rushed forth with the daggers before the priest could stop him. His ran was halted by the arrival of five armed guards who stood at the side of the wagon.

“Halt, you fool!” The demon shouted from the wagon top. “Father Lamiere, hold your cur with the lease. I am very glad to meet you once more. You have pursued me for years or shall I say from youth to aged.”

“Vlad, your days are limited. So swear on my name and on my father.” Father Lamiere raised his reply. “He had started the pursuit which his father had done and it will be me who will end it.”

“It’s the folly of the generations from yours but I give respect to you. Where were from then? Moldavia was it.” The demon who was called Vlad replied. “My step brother escapades have eluded mine and yet we share the same name but I am the bastard of the family. Vlad the Impeller was his name yet mine was banished to the monastery. Little was known that his escapades were a part of mine too. I gave him a name that he may not have done by himself.”

“Yes, Vlad who was your step brother shared the blood binge with you as a ritual of strength. It was the doing of yours to place fear on the enemies. It was the doing of yours that heads were impaled.” Father Lamiere added to the claims of the one named Vlad. “My ancestors pursued you since then. They knew of the hidden hands of the other Vlad. The demon that was Vlad placed the burden on Vlad Tepes. His curse was to be named the same by your father and you shared a different mother.”

“Yes, your forefathers created the myth that stood time. We were the so named blood drinkers but we were not the vampires you tell the world. We were nobles then driven from our heritage and hunted like wild beasts. We prevailed with the show of strength inside us but outnumbered we were driven to the few. It was a ritual to drink blood for us to show our solidarity. The ritual of blood binge was to place fear upon us. Soon it became our drink of the meets. More joined us and more bloods were spew for our ritual.”

“We soon discover that with the ritual, we were getting stronger in the body and our fighting skills improved.” Hawkins smiled. “We had a little help. My stay at the monastery when young was not of minor chores but to learn the ancient books. I found the spell I had casted then into the ritual made us what we are today.”
We were the warriors of strength, and we recognized Vlad the leader in his own right but he faced an adversary far greater in numbers. I assisted him in the fear mongering and then the events that strengthen it. Your forefathers expanded the myth that stood time.” Hawkins smiled and laughed harder. “Without me, Vlad Tepes rebellion would have ended earlier.”

“As I have stated, we were few and to face many we needed alliance. Our alliance was strong but the time of the war was wrong. We lost to a bigger alliance. We retreated and then went our ways. I continued in the ritual and with patience, I grew my army. I grew an army that is within yours. Like the blood that coursed through the veins, it will eventually come back to the heart. I am that heart.”

Hawkins held up a heart from a victim unknown. He raised it high and squeezed the blood from it.

“I am in need to quench my thirst with blood. The bloods strengthen us and added ferocity to our skills. We drank from the cups as per the ritual but once I tasted the pure blood from the veins, it was unlike any I ever drank. I felt my strength and above all, it gave me invincibility.”

“It also stirred my desire.” Hawkins laughed. “Many have moaned in my desire. More so when I bite into them.”

“The bite that you took on my family also stirred the vengeance to remove you.” Father Lamiere replied. “So swear once more the House of Ibrahim Zumin.”

“Yes, Fatime Zumin was the first. She was the Goddess to me. Just as I have done then, I will end the line of the Zumin. The veins at the neck were so refreshing and yet it pumped hard to leave the body.” The demon laughed out loud. “But before you take leave of this life, behold the sight before you. Before your coming, here was an army paid for with gold and promises. They were here with the efforts of another army of devoted followers who desires nothing than the pure blood from the veins. Yet with their efforts, I could pay for the ones who will work for gold. You destroyed the wrong army. I can have many more with the payment of gold.”

The one who stood next to the demon laughed out. Hawkins turned to it and smiled.

“Let me tell you of the one who stood next to me. He reached out from the heavens to assist me.” Hawkins motioned to the other.

“Heavens? Blasphemy….” Father Lamiere snapped back but his words were cut short. The one he named the Devil stood out and then laughed out louder. The laugh reverted on the subsiding flood levels and echoed in the valley.

“Father Lamiere, I hailed you and your family in the generations to pursue this mad creature.” The one who was named the Devil voiced out. “I am called many named but I prefer the one favored by myself when I stepped here on this world. Please ….Pardon me it demeaned my status if I would to say please.”

“My preferred name is Samael. I was the ruler of the Fifth Heaven and ruled over two millions Angels in comparison to your feeble thousands here.”

Father Lamiere hushed his fear for Samael was well known in the books. The words to describe Samael was that his 
‘height was so great, it would have taken five hundred years to cover a distance equal to it, and from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet he was studded with glaring eyes, at the sight of which the beholder feel postrate in awe’. Even Moses had prayed to God in these words, ‘O may it be Thy will, my God and the God of my fathers, not to let me fall into the hands of this angel’.

“Samael, I ….” Hawkins turned to the one he had rescued from the deep pits.

“Silence,slave! Do not address me unless I summoned you. Your service had been recognized and my standing with you here had repaid your service. Now that I am freed once more, I will take leave of you. I have my own wars to fight.”

“Farewell, demon.” With that wings appeared from his back and then he took flight. Hawkins stared at the departing ally of his and then faced the ones standing to kill him.

“I guess you cannot trust the Devil after all.” Hawkins smiled. “And the demons.”

From the flooded waters figures rose up baring their fangs. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

LLM Part II Chapter 26


Lance left the partner of his and made his way to the store. He had pushed open the door and stepped in. He was met by the hanging corpse that was by its feet. The corpse was not one but it moved on the approach of Lance. It dropped down head down and landed on its feet.

“I am Corpus, the faithful servant of the White Doctor.” The figure introduced his name. “Your presence had interrupted the rest of mine.”

The figure was dressed only in the loin cloth and his body was covered in inklings of the darker continent. He was short and dark satin shade on the skin. His head was covered with the short stringy cropped close to the scalp. He held a spear and its blade was half the full length with a full height narrow shield made of the buffalo skin. The spear was named the Assegai famed by the Congo warriors.

“Brother of the plains, why do you hunt for the demon?” Lance spoke in the sound of the darker continent. “I am from the plains and yet I do not serve the demon.”

“He is a demon to you but to me he is the demi-god.” Corpus replied. “I was once a slave to be sent here and then the White Doctor had me treated well. I have in return served him.”

“Does the buffalo feed with the lions?” Lance asked the other. “When hunger strikes, it will feed on you like any lions.”

“True but if I keep it fed the feast on me may not be there.” Corpus stood with his legs spread and the spear. “You may be the feast the lion desired.”

With that, Corpus charged at Lance. The later side stepped and cracked his palm across the satin shaded face. It was not a punch but a slap. It was an insult on the other to be slapped. Corpus fell back on the flooring and then rolled over with the shield raised. Lance moved in with his guns leveled at the fallen foe.

“Yield and we end the fight now.” Lance spoke to the other.  Corpus pushed himself up before standing upright. He looked to the man who had insulted him.

“I cannot change my vow. I am marked.” Corpus showed him the mark on the chest. It was the sign of the devil; the three hexagon design. “He has my soul. We are the undead.”

From the rear of Corpus, three more appeared in the same form. They spread out and leveled their spears at Lance.

“You can’t see us for we have the spell to merge and hide. We are of the same continent and our spells are shared there.” Corpus replied. We will fight you not with the spells but with the way of the warrior. I will challenge you alone and in the old ways.”

The Assegai and shield was tossed over to Lance’s feet. The three other warriors then disappeared back into Corpus. Lance unbuckled his gun belt and then picked up the spear with the shield. He had used it in the hunts before but his the skill levels were way below that of the experienced warrior. He weighed the spear in his right hand to test the weight. It lighter than the pike he once held at London Tower. He shifted his weight back and balanced on his soles. Just when he was getting ready, Corpus attacked him with a feigned thrust and then withdrew. Lance was startled and had retreated. He looked at the warrior and then planned his moves. His mentor then of the hunts was the Chieftain’s son.

“The way to kill the lion is not to maim but to kill with the single thrust.”

Lance used his shield to block the attacks while he moved freely along the sides. He skirted the stack of crates and supplies while evading the sharp attacks. He saw his move and used the assegai to push the other’s spear to the side while he leveled the shield to punch through at Corpus. The edge of the shield cut into the warrior’s chest and with a flap of the hand the shield slapped the warrior in the face. Corpus retreated back on the second insult to his warrior way.

“You insult me once more, white one.” Corpus rubbed at the blood on his lower lips.

“I do not wish to kill you.” Lance replied. “There must be another way.”

“If there was, do you think I would have not saved myself and friends? We are cursed and until the final death shall we endure this curse.” Corpus stood upright and faced Lance. “End our curse.”

“I can do so with the silver bullets.” Lance motioned to his guns but Corpus shook his head.

“We are the warriors of the plains. We will die with honor by the blade of the plains. The one you hold have the silver dust coated on it. We cannot use it on ourselves for it will be a dishonor to the Spirits but you can wield it.”

“Please do it, brother. Give us the warrior death.” Corpus glared at Lance and yet his eyes pleaded for the swift death. Without hesitation, Lance thrust the Assegai into the other’s heart and then from there out of the spine. The thrust had pierced the dimension of the spirits and killed the other three warriors. Lance then knelt by the dead warrior and recited the prayers of safe passage to the spirits. It was then he saw the storage of the store. He saw the white slab there but it was empty. Whoever was inside had been removed. He saw then the explosives that were lined up there. They were placed there as a trap to be sprung or to cover the true purpose of the slab.

“If that was what he desired, then I will deliver the desires.” Lance muttered to himself. He turned to look at the dead warrior. “Your body will not be picked by the scavengers but delivered to the Gods with a clean spirit freed of the physical body.”

Lance sought the detonators and then set the timing. He then press the detonators before he escape the store. The explosions came hard and loud when Lance had cleared the store. He was thrown to the ground by the yard and then rolled over. He laid his eyes on the fire that was blazing at the store and soon spread to the other structures. The fort was soon in flame and it was time to leave.

“Kemo-Sabe, you are a noisy devil in the making.” Tonto remarked to this partner.

It was then the explosives were heard from the river dam. It was followed by the noise of the wooden timbers that was used to hold the river water shaken by the loosen explosions slowly moved by the water pressure. The wooden timbers gave way and the river current held back then once more found its own flow. It spurted out and then poured in force. The river water out in force crashed into the wooden structure there and swept it off the foundation. The river released with its vengeance continued with its fury. The flood water then was over the head swept the structure debris in its flow. With the original path of the river that once ran past the town, the flood water soon reclaimed its right once more.

The flood water slammed into the wooden structures there and reinforced by the earlier debris, it was akin to a train in slamming into it. The wooden structures gave way and its inhabitants of many which were not warned in time drowned in the water. Survivors were seen struggling to float on the flooded water and some had succumbed to the current. The lucky ones were seen holding onto some floating debris or stubborn structures. Many were caught in between the iron clads and served as grim reminder of the repercussion of the mother nature.

The flood water surged on and tore down the standing structures before it reached the train wagons. The iron clad foundation of the train withstood the flood water but its wooden wagons and carriages structures gave way when impacted. It would have held on with the combined network of trains lined in parallel lines but the debris of the flood soon moved the iron juggernauts. It was the first line that falters in holding onto the tracks and with the ground beneath the tracks eroded by the water it was soon weakened in its hold. The tracks gave way and it was then the juggernauts of iron clashed. There were no overturned iron wagons but they formed a platform with the impact. Despite all the carnage there, the steam rollers still stood tall with their stoves above the water levels.

The flat terrain assisted the flood on its damages. Even the army fort was swept by it but the duo who had prevailed in the fight had sought safety on an overturned wagon. They stood high there and watched the flood water surged on. They had found salvation on a holding chimney stack made from the fire bricks. It previous owner had constructed a solid wall to hold the chimney. The duo had held onto the structure with half their body in the water.

It was then Lance caught the sight of the demon.

“Tonto, I see the demon but who stands by his side.”

Monday, May 23, 2016

LLM Part II Chapter 25


Father Lamiere rushed to the doorway but he found it blocked by the two blood drinkers. They have not fought him yet but mocked his escape paths. He was clawed and kicked but never was he killed. He turned back to the others holding guards on the windows and the rear exit. Hawkins had seen left the place and he was a trapped prey. He had wished he brought his gun but with his faith, he had relied on the gunmen to protect him all the time. He approached the wooden cross and looked to it. If he was to die, he will do so here.

 He stood there when the doorway at the rear burst opened. It was Remus and had grabbed the blood sucker there by the back fog the neck. The dagger coated with silver sliced the throat apart. Just before the other could turn to fight, he was rewarded with a kick in the left ribs. He went down onto his knees and was silenced by the machete that removed his head from his neck. It was the works of Romulus who wields the double machete. The second machete tossed the bloodied machete at the one who was by the front doorway.

Remus had rushed in and stood by one he has sworn to protect. He held the double daggers in his hands while his brother Romulus had rushed for the two blood drinkers by the left wall. He swung his machetes like a mad man but his cut was swift with precision. He cut the first one in the side of the neck and the second had the cut from the left shoulder to the heart. Remus had seen the kill and did his own on the last with both daggers tossed at the last blood sucker. One dagger stabbed at the left eye into the back of the head and the second dagger had pierced the heart.

“My prayers answered.” Father Lamiere muttered to himself. “Late but not later from the echoes of death.”

“Was it difficult, my sons?” Father Lamiere asked of the two.

“We encountered none.” Remus spoke up for his brother had no voice to use. Romulus had then removed the dead from the hall.

“We have seen the place and it’s well guarded by the thousands. The demon had many supporters from the South and he held the gold coins to secure their loyalty.” Remus reported to the priest. “We saw your arrival and followed the others as per your instructions. They were followed and we removed the scouts. The plan is in place.”

“Then we shall sit down and wait for near dawn. Even the predators who hunt in the dark will rest before dawn.” Father Lameire told his sons.

Across the town, Lance and Tonto made their way to the Army Fort. It was surrounded by the high wooden walls with its double doors. It was not a large fort but could hold a hundred men with ease. Lance circled the walls and then chanced on the large pit of corpses. It was filled with the bodies of the union army uniforms.

“They do not only kill but they drink their blood.” Tonto motioned to the bodies. “The demon had held sacrifices to stir up their courage. We must end this or more of these pits will be found.”  

 “If the pit is filled with the army, then who will be in the fort?” Lance asked of his partner.

“Then let us go in, Kemo-Sabe.” Tonto replied. They then climbed the walls and dropped over. Inside the fort, there were two barracks for the soldiers, the officer quarters and the administration. The store was stored to the far side next to the barn and corral. There were no horses there and the yard was empty except for the flag pole without a flag. He was to begin his approach to the officer’s quarter when his body twitched. It was his inklings that had resurfaced. He stopped then and held back also Tonto. The area around his eyes turned dark and revealed the hidden sights. He saw the dead spirits of the soldiers who were still roaming there and then he saw the lone guard that was the blood sucker. The guard stood alone above on the rooftop of the office quarters. It had seen Lance and Tonto.

It jumped down and prepared for battle. It was a huge figure with the frontier clothes of the buckskins and the coonskin hat. It stood at over seven feet and his chest width was over three feet. That was not the scary part but the twin serrated blades he carried. It was two feet in length and half a foot in width with the hilt a foot long. And also the scalps on his belt which it displayed with impunity.

“This is my fight, Kemo-Sabe,” Tonto. “You will search the place. There are other demons here.”

Tonto drew out his tomahawk and then the bone knife of his from the sleeve of right moccasin boot. It was a short dagger that was no more than half a feet in length for it was used for cutting the meat off the hunted prey. He approached the blood sucker there.

“Another Indian to die tonight. I have killed all of them including their scouts and drank their blood.” The demon voiced out. “Soon I will do the same and then add you to the pit while your scalp will hang from here.”
Tonto did not reply nor did he falter in his approach. When he was near the demon, he threw the tomahawk at it. The tomahawk was deflected but it opened the torso to Tonto who went in with the dagger. The dagger sank in deep into the ribs and then he drew it out to slash upwards. The demon cried out and punched his way to clear from the pain. Tonto picked up his discarded tomahawk and glared at the wounded demon.

“Your feeble thrust will not hasten your death….” Tonto did not wait to hear the demon and lashed out with his tomahawk once more. The weapon wielded in the right hand had slashed at the shoulders but each blow was deflected by the blades. Tonto fought with savagery and the fight pushed the demon back. He pushed hard until the demon was before the porch of the Officer’s Quarter. The demon staggered on the misstep and it was then Tonto lashed out with his dagger once more. The dagger struck deep beneath the right shoulder and he twisted it to push up with great strength. The demon screamed but Tonto had his tomahawk then at the side of the demon’s left head. The tomahawk buried deep into the head and with a hard push, the head was cut in half.

“Hai..eeeee” Tonto screamed out his satisfaction on the kill but he was wrong to assumed then. The demon had lashed out with the serrated blade and cut into the chest. Tonto fell back in pain not from the cut but the shredded wound. He landed on his back while holding his wound. The demon with half its face removed stared at Tonto with the single eye. It hurt with the missing half of the head and staggered in its feet. Tonto felt the pain and then his animal instinct overcame his human form. The pain in his head overcame his wound and the claws appeared. His muscles contracted and then he felt the strength that coursed through him. He pushed himself up and then leaped high onto the demon. He went down with the tomahawk in deadly downwards kill. The tomahawk blow was stopped by the blades but the holder of the tomahawk had released his hold. His hands went out in a spread and then he stabbed with the claws on it into the exposed ribs. His claws had dug in deep and tore at the flesh beneath the skin. He dug in deeper and then pulled at the inner organs. The demon screamed like no other but it was unmatched by the explosives that was set off by Lance in the store. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

LLM Part II Chapter 24


The scout party of the Occult Section set off earlier to their first target. It consisted of Father Lamiere, Mr. Smith, Lance and Tonto with an escort of ten more gunmen escorts. They were not without the personal guards of Father Lamiere. They rode off to the destination where they will hamper the reinforcements from the south. Lady Quita had taken off to the north with her pack. She had to ride alone without Tonto, but she knew that he was not to replace her son. He was with his Avenging Devil.

“How far are we to ride?” Lance asked the priest on the ride into the dusk. The reply was over the hill and the place was there. The group rode on and then dismounted to walk to the edge. When they were near it, Tonto halted the group. He then sneaked off on his own. The Indian Native half crouched in his run with his acquired skill of the wolf. His eyes turned bloodshot and his nose smelt the scent of the foe. He caught the scent of two and they were high on the hill. He saw one leaning at the tall tree. It was not a blood sucker but a mercenary. He smelt the chewed cheroot from the mouth and his spats on the ground. The sentry held a good position with a wide view of the slope then darkened by the dusk lights. Tonto will not move just yet and sought the second sentry that he knew was near. He chanced on the second one that was hidden behind the bushes. That one was well concealed with the animals droppings to musk his scent. He must be a hunter in profession.

With the instinct of his spirits, he jumped aside when the arrow struck the ground he had crouched on. He had his tomahawk and with that, he tossed it. His aim was not his but guided by the spirit of Tonto the First. The tomahawk struck in the mouth and stifled the cries of warning but the leaning sentry had sensed danger. He stood up to look for his accomplices. He saw the one at the bush who was also alert. Their years of fighting have sharpened their instinct and both of them seek the unknown Native Indian. He was claimed to be a good scout and yet he was not seen. The sentry stepped forth with his rifle held firm. He signaled the one in the bush that he was making his walk. He took the walk with careful strides while his eyes scanned the slopes. He was told to be wary of any attacking parties but he had heard 
of the captured of the Lone Ranger.

Unknown to the sentry, Tonto had moved on to the rear with the movement of the wolf and had reached the hidden hunter sentry in the bush. He was within feet of the hunter sentry and felt for his weapons. The guns will alert the others and his tomahawk lain in the face of one other. He flexed his fingers and taut at it to feel the strength. He then ran and leaped into the bush into the hunter sentry. His move was silent and his left knee pushed against the spine of the hunter sentry while his fingers on both hands clawed into the throat and reached in deep. It pulled at the flesh there and removed it from the throat. The blood from the severed veins and flesh spurted out like the water in the spring and yet no voice was heard. 

It did not escape the attention of the last sentry who had suspicion of the moving bushes. He proceeded to move there but he forgot there was more than one enemy. He did not see the hands that grabbed his shoulders and cracked it with the pull behind assisted by the right knee. He cried out with a whimper for the attacker had crushed his shoulder blades into the throat to quell the shout. The hunter fell to the ground catching his last breaths.

“Was he that savage?” Father Lamiere asked of the other known as Mr. Smith.

“No, he was more gentle and merciful. Maybe his imprisonment had changed him. He once woke up screaming of his inklings.” Mr. Smith replied. “I do not know the brother but this one was known to me. Tonto told me of the exploits but savagery was not part of it.”

“Say no more for we are to move.” Father Lamiere saw the signal to move on from the Native Indian. The group moved onto the hill top and rejoined the other two. The sight that greeted them was a fortress of trains inlaid by the dozen over tracks. It was indeed a train interchange for the train to continue their journey to the other corners of the land. They counted ten steam rollers laying idle on the tracks but their drawn wagons and carriages were swarmed with activities. Porters were seen unloading or loading the supplies and guns. There were columns of the mercenaries taking their marches there or towards the nearby campsites. That train interchange was not only of the trains but an army fort was built next to it as well as the town that thrive on the traffic from the train.

“How do we fare against such numbers?” Tonto asked. “It’s like attacking the Dover’s Cliff with a sail boat.”

“Dover’s Cliff? Where is that?” Mr. Smith asked back.

“Don’t strain your mind on that. I am also thinking of the odds we are up against.” Lance cut in and then motioned them to the far side of the valley. There was the river dam to hold the water for the train boilers. The steam rollers needed much water for its trip and the source had to be stored. It was not a high wall but it was high at twenty feet. The river dam was made of mud walled reinforced by the timbers. There was the three water gates across the dam that lengthen over a hundred feet.

“That dam will be our ally. Bring it down and we can flood the tracks and the town. See those water gates are open to ease the pressure.” Lance added in. “I have seen such incidents in my travels and it will take days to restore it.”

“Set part of the explosives there.” Father Lamiere gave the instruction. Six of the escorts rode off on the hill towards the river. The other eight made their way down the hill towards the interchange. Lance and Tonto took to the town while the others went for the trains. It was easy to mingle in for there were activities everywhere. Mr. Smith saw then the wagons with the guns destined for the war zone. There were the carriages unloading the weary mercenaries from the south. They were a rag tag of army but they were hardened soldiers. He was even surprised to see among them the Native Indians who had joined the war.

For gold coins or for promises of their land returned to them.

Father Lamiere split his group and then he convened to the makeshift church there by the edge of the town. He stepped into the derelict house of the faith and found its inside was well kept although it lacked the full complement of benches. The wooden cross still stood over the hall with its splendor that graced the worshippers there. He found three elderly couple there seated on the benches. They held the book of faith.

“Sit with me, my faithful.” Father Lamiere sat on the bench next to the nearest couple.

“That they will, Father Lamiere.” The voice came from behind the cross. It was Hawkins who stood there. “Your faith betrayed you. You cannot resist to your preaching here and yet we have no priest for some time now since they have all perished by my hands. Your dressing of the habit betrayed your presence and was followed. Your men are being followed right now.”

Father Lamiere stood up and stared at the approaching demon. The others who were seated there turned out not to be elderly couples but the blood drinkers in disguise. They surrounded the priest and drew upon their fangs.

“Demon, how dare you come into this house?” Lamiere cried out in anger.

“Demon? Am I the demon when I was once one of them? Was my banishment here rank me differently?” Hawkins voiced out in question. “How could you judged me when you are not there?”

“Speak no more, demon. Your desire to conquer the land had been known since the dawn of time.” Father Lamiere replied. “I will see that you are stopped now. And forever.”

“A pledge on me when you should have done on those who knelt before you. Mankind had been conquering others since the dawn of time. Their desire to be the supreme beings even over the massive creatures was well known. Where were you then? And where were your mercies when war was declared in the name of the faith? Where was your faith when the brothers killed each other on the fields?”

“I have returned to fulfill my master’s wishes. The union of all under his leadership and warring will choose to exist.” Hawkins did a bow towards the priest. “Your selfish intervention will not be tolerated.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

LLM Part II Chapter 23


It was dusk when Lance stepped out of the comfort of the cantina to clear his head. The wine there was potent yet sweet. He looked at the surrounding. They had ridden in that late afternoon to the run down structure that resembled a hacienda. The walls that once fortified the place were rubbles in many places but its main arch still stand true as its entrance. There were three mud walled huts besides the cantina. The well stood solitary in the yard and the white washed structure with the cross that bears its shadow over the structure. The double wooden doors were partially open and its step sat the young parishioner with the stick to draw on the ground. He turned back to the warm cantina and took his walk passed the empty tables. He approached the bar counter and placed his cup. The one tending behind the counter was a man with a wider girth covered by the loose tunic that fall to his knees. He had on the loose pants with the straw sandals. It was a simple garb for the bar tender but his real task was more appealing.

“Lone Ranger, the wine when over consumed will drive you to the Devil’s side.” The bartender advised him.

“Yes, it will get me close to the Devil and with that I will kill him then.” Lance replied with contempt. “If only the wine you poured me wished me so but it only gave me a full bladder.”

“It’s a necessity of the body to clean the impurities from the body. We are alike the wine. We traversed the land to clean the impurities.” The bartender replied. “The burial patch behind the church is our pool of impurities.”

“Well said, Manuela.” Mr. Smith beamed his approval from the far corner of the counter with the raising of his cup with the wine. “God bless you.”

“I wondered why Pinkerton considered that he will be the one that could stop this demon.” Manuela glared at Lance. 

“The first one had died when he was more powerful.”

Lance was to reply when he heard the warning. It was the sentry the far wall. Manuela motioned to Lance to be seated at the table by the window. Mr. Smith joined him there. The place was Mr. Smith destination and he told Lance that this place may help him in the quest and till then he was only kept in the dark. Since he arrived, he was fed and given many passages of the Book to keep his boredom away. The rider was alone and approached the cantina. The rider stepped in and then removed the coat before looking at Lance.

“Your wait is over. I am Father Darius or to those at DC, here I am Father Marcus Lamiere. I am the leader of the Occult Section here.” The man who spoke was dressed in the habit of the faith and carried a heavy pouch. He was followed in by two others who were more like his guards. They were dressed in the dark clothes and their holsters hung low on the gun belt. Lance knew those well; paid gunfighters.

“We have little time. The demon had called on his armies to assemble at the land. Thousands will join there and then they will begin their march to DC.” Father Lamiere explained on his hurried manner. He led them to the rear of the cantina and approached the fire place. It was moved by the servant there and revealed the entrance to the lower level.

“Wait here, my sons.” Father Lamiere told his guards. “The two of you followed me.”
Father Lamiere then turned to look at Lance.

“They are brothers in blood and in faith. We lived in dangerous times and when I cannot kill, they may.” Father Lamiere introduced the brothers. “They are named Remus and Romulus.”

Lance and Mr. Smith took to the flight of stairs and then arrived at the lower level. The walls on the way down were dark and damp but it was lighted well by the torches that were on the walls. It was on the way down when Lance saw there were writings on the walls. He leaned over to read it and saw it was words from the scriptures. They were words of protection. The walk was short and then they chanced on the sentry there. He was a humpback but the double barrel gun he held was hard to ignore.

“Glad to have you back, Father Lamiere.”

“And I am glad to see you, my son.” Father Lamiere patted the other on the forehead. He then proceeded past the sentry and then the scene before them changed. The place was huge and wide as if it covered the whole hacienda and beyond. The place was lighted by the torches placed high above the walls and the supporting timbers. It lighted up the place which showed the group of people performing different tasks. There were crates and in them were guns and more gunpowder. There were those who were loading the bullets with the silver dust that was smelted in the nearby pots.

“The men are preparing for the war. Only silver will kill those demons.” Father Lamiere explained while they took on the path passed those working assemblies. “You need to see this for the lambs will soon be the lions.”
It was then Lance saw the deadly cannons. They were lined there as if for inspection. That was not all he saw. He stared in disbelief at the battle wagon. It was a wagon to be pulled by two horses but the unique part of the wagon was its sides were covered with the iron sheet with gaps in between. Lance counted two gaps opened like a cross design and the gun barrels protrude from it.

“We have the Gatling there, two per side and the gunners are protected.” Father Lamiere continued on.  “At the rear are the riflemen. We have ten of these wagons to bring to battle.”

Lance laid his left hand on the iron sheet and tried to imagine the damage it will do. He had seen the ferocity of the gun on the wave of attacking warriors. The Red Coats have used a similar formation with their line of rifles but that was a dozen when his was only one to stop a dozen.

Father Lamiere interrupted his thoughts when they approached the large desk there. On it was a small box.

“I cannot have you go to battle without a gun. Your guns are missing but I held the ones once held by the Lone Ranger. He was your brother.” Father Lamiere handed over the box. “The Lone Ranger guns were not the same like the others. It was made with care by me. I scribbled on it the words of the Archangel Michael.”

“Revelation 12.7; And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.” Father Lamiere spoke the words of Archangel Michael. “Your brother had perished and you will take his place but to win, you need his guns.”

Lance opened the box and removed the gun belt. It was indeed Lambert’s belt. He had seen the belt on Lambert before. It was given by their father. He saw the bullets on the belt. He counted twenty of them and smiled. They were marked by Lambert’s.

“Make each one count.” Lance recalled his brother’s words. 

“Before we move into battle I want you to meet the allied of ours.” Father Lamiere motioned to Lance. The allies of the Occult Section stood at the far end of the table. There were five of them with one lady standing in the center. The lady dressed in the off shoulder white blouse and colorful wide skirt. She was in her mid-forties with the few strand of the gray hair.

“The ones you may know as wanderers of the land. I knew here as Lady Quita of the Grey Wolves.” 

Monday, May 16, 2016

LLM Part II Chapter 22


Lance woke up to a dark chamber but he was not shackled. He felt empty inside him. He rubbed his body and felt the differences. Hi body was not the same. It was raw and painful. He pulled his shirt and saw the removal of  his inklings. 

All of it was gone.

His protection spells.

The chamber door was opened. It was not by the walls but on the ceiling.

Lance was in a pit.

The parcel was tossed down. He reached for it and saw it contained food and medicine. So his captors may be ruthless but also merciful. He took the food and medicine. Then he rested on his side.

The Lone Ranger was defeated.

Lance was surprised that the pit door was opened once more. He was fed and yet they come. It must be to torture then. He pulled himself up and looked up. He saw then the body falling and landing lifeless. He looked u was p and saw the rope ladder was lowered. Without hesitation, Lance took to his escape from the pit. He climbed over the edge and saw the person assisting him.

“Mr. Smith?”

“In the flesh.” The other replied and handed over the gun belt. “It’s not silver but it kills. We need to go before your escape is made known.”

The prison was in an abandoned one where a number of tunnels were dug. Lance counted five of such shaft with a depth of thirty feet. He crouched there and looked to the surrounding. He was in the far yard by the wall and across it were the derelict structures. He counted three buildings and the large barn with the corral. Part of the walls behind the structures had collapsed but the sentries were seen there. There was also the sentry by the structures which was occupied. Mr. Smith tugged at Lance’s sleeves to run towards the wall. The run was short and soon they were at the hole which gave them freedom. They ran into the trees and then up the hill down the valley. They reached the horses and rode off.

“How far was I from the train?” Lance asked when they had rested by the stream. Mr. Smith had built a camp fire while Lance eased his aches seated on the branch there. He pulled out the gun from the holster and checked the bullets. He had six in the gun and ten on the belt. The place was well hidden by the trees and it was vantage view of the path on any approaching riders. During their ride they have been checking their rear.

“Far but not too far. We are a day’s ride.” Mr. Smith replied. “I followed the train and enquired on the ride. They told me of the stops and then the one they saw carried away. I followed and here I am.”

Lance stood up to look at the horses.

“How many days have I lost of their trail?”

“Five days.” Mr. Smith told him. “I have contacted the Pinkerton. The train did not go to DC. They went north and then west.”

“West? Why there?” Lance asked. “I thought the plan was to take DC. The Sergeant said so.”

“It may be but the train headed west towards the new frontier.” Mr. Smith continued on. “We have news of an Army there. Mercenaries and regulars there were unhappy with their President. The Mexicans are with them too with promises of their land. All of them are well paid by gold coins.”

“What does the President do with the new threat?” Lance asked. 

“The President is more concerned now on his re-election of his post. He had sent the Army but they have proven useless except to patrol the borders.” Mr. Smith stroked the woods he had placed in the fire place. “Forget them. You need to rest. We will travel tomorrow. Be thankful I found you.”

“How did you find me?” Lance looked to the elder man.

“I did not find you but the Pinkerton did. I had lost hope with the destruction of the town. I took to help the wounded and buried the dead. It was then a Pinkerton Agent approached me. He was unlike any of us but he was one.” Mr. Smith pulled a smile on his face. “I had given up and there was this elderly Spaniard who resumed my faith in the Pinkerton.”

“They were one of the secret sections. They were the Occult Hunters. They were led by one named Father Tibur and he resides at DC. He even gives sermon at the church there.” Mr. Smith left out a chuckle. The Spaniard had lent me strength and direction to find you.”

“I am thankful for your renewed hope. I hope I could only do what you may bid of me.” Lance sighed. He felt the loss of his inklings. They were with him for the betterment of his role and then he felt naked without it. Lance could not sleep that night for he was concerned on his inklings. He was unprotected by the spells and without his silver guns. He tossed and then woke up. He then sat up and looked at the stream. It was calming there with the water flow and so he made his way there. He stepped into the stream until his knees was covered. He lowered himself into the water and felt the cold water soothed his aches. He felt the pores on his flesh touched then by the water which had seeped through his clothes. The water washed the wounds there and enriched the muscles. He lay back until he was on his back. He submerged his head into the water and closed his eyes. He saw nothing but the darkness behind the eye lids. He held his breath and left his mind to wander. It was like when he was on the plains among the lions and the cheetahs. He saw their strength and speed when they hunt, and when they sleep, their rest was alert to other predators.

Then Lance saw the elders once more. The circle was still there. The elders were lined at the circle border. None spoke to him and yet he approached them. He picked the nearest one but there was no response. He looked to the face and saw there was none. Their facial was blank without the eyes and mouth nor nose. He looked away and looked into the circle. He saw there the image of himself when he was first there. He saw the naked form of his when the inklings were applied on him. He saw the inklings move when applied. He then saw the inkling seeped into his flesh before it resurfaced and disappeared inside. It did that several times and finally stopped to remain on the skin.

Lance then found himself breathless. He pushed himself up to draw his breath. He found a hand extended to him which he held to pull up.

“Lance, are you mad?” It was Mr. Smith who had dragged him up. “I came to release myself and find you there. And you are wet. You will die with the cold on your skin.”

Lance shook his head and then made his way to the far banks. He stepped up and then he raised his arms.

“I am the hunter. I am the Lone Ranger.” Lance shouted to the dark skies. “I am not without a weapon. I am the weapon.”
Lance stripped off his shirt. The pale skins of his gleamed in the moon light with the wounds streaking across like red lave streams. He flexed his chest and then the wounds went pale while the original inklings soon appeared on the flesh as if it was never was taken off. He placed his palms on his face and cried out.

“The spells lived inside me.” Around his eyes were the dark shades that resembled the face mask as if he was under the shadows. 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...