Wednesday, April 13, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 9


Lance smiled when he rode into Arizona delightful scenery then. His fascination on the flowers caught his attention. There was the Ocotillo that was seen then in the fields. The flower with its spike like arms topped with the luscious red-orange blossoms waving in the blue sky. The flower was not the only delight; there were the hedgehogs which were seen prancing over the ground in their myriad of colors. The multi colors lent depth to the sepia tones of the desert like the painted shades on the canvas. He sat up on the saddle with his hands on the reins. He was dressed back in the cowhand clothes complete with the dusts and drawn low Stetson hat. His array of clothing stacked in the duffel bag on the saddle was his to choose for his different disguises. His silver coated horse stamped on its hoof as if it was ready to gallop. He had journeyed there on the rails and then switched to the three days of riding. He had skipped the towns and rested on the open plains.

“Kemo-Sabe, don’t you know how to set up a better meeting place and time?” His partner named Tonto had caught up with Lance. They went separate ways on the accomplishment of their tasks, and on agreement they will meet when needed. Tonto had mentioned that Lance did not need to find him but he will find the later. It was all a simple mode when Lance released the hawk with the written message to Tonto. They will agree to meet on a scheduled place and time. There was the issue for Tonto have little regard for those messages and will normally turn up late.

“I had to track you from Kent Junction.” Tonto got his horse to stop by the other. “You are lucky that I could still track your horse droppings and yours too.”

“Kent Junction was supposed to be two days ago, and you were late. I rode out before the demons leave.” Lance grind back at his partner. “The last task you were late by one day and I was almost run over by the herd of bison.”

“I was not late then. I was riding with the bison like in my younger days.”

‘Bison? It was more like a stallion trying on the mares. I should had known the Kent Junction held some bawdy places.” Lance retorted back. “Why can’t you stay away?”

“Have you tried to stay alone in the plains watching the stars and be bawled by the coyotes? I can assure you the ladies at Kent Junction have better soundings.” Tonto displayed his satisfied look.

“I had my share of ladies but I restraint from inducing them into the amorous ventures.” Lance tried to justified his social life was just as exciting. “But can we look at….”

“We have an agreement that when we are not on the task, I can do what I liked.” Tonto stated his part on their partnership. “Anyway, when have I ever left you alone in our task? I do have to find you most times. You mentioned a place and will be miles from it.”

“You wouldn’t miss me at all. I could see your hawk hovering over my head for the last two days.” Lance gasped in frustration. “Now can we go to the town. I am tired of these tirades of who and what and why.”

“Fine by me but you should mean the town coming to us.” Tonto motioned to the group of riders approaching them. “Do we ride or stay to be hung on the tree? They do like do it to us.”

Lance stared at the group and saw the rifles leveled. Those were not the regular posse or welcoming town folks. The firing came and missed Lance by a foot. That prompted Lance to turn his horse and took off after the departing native. They rode for the tree lines on the nearby hill. The shots came fiercely at them but they were driven hard from it.

“Kemo-Sabe, we are drawn from there.” Tonto had diverted to the valley which was the only direction where the bullets were reaching for. Lance followed on close and then realized why they were directed there. There was another group there. Lance pulled his reins to stop the horse and then looked back. The other group had covered their flank. 

“We have to make a stand here.” Lance grabbed his rifle and jumped off the horse. Tonto did the same and joined the other.

“What happened to the Winchester I gave you?” Lance asked the other.

“You did not give me the bullets. I liked my Henry’ more.” Tonto was proud of this rifle. “It shoots .44 and not your .38. 
More to it, my Henry was with me for some good fights and it fit my grip.”

Lance sighed and wondered why they have to argue on these issues when they are to be shot. They slapped the horses off and went down on the grass. A rider from the second group approached the duo. It was a man in a frontier dressing with the wide brimmed hat.

“I am unarmed. I want to speak to the one known as the Lone Ranger.” 

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