Lance looked at the man
standing in front of him. The man was trying to dress like a frontier man but
his uneasy stand spoke of his other comfortable dressing. He was a fair height
with the thick side burns and had slight hump on the back making him slouch
forward. His eyes glasses deflated his frontier look but his firm hands on the
gun belt showed otherwise.
“I am surprised the
Pinkerton sent their best from the east to find a vigilante.” Lance shuffled
his feet on the grass. “What makes you think I was who you were looking for?”
“Mr. Bernard, the
Pinkerton had a lot of friends. Our friends are more than the Secret Service
and the Texas Rangers. Some of these had met the one named Lone Ranger before.
They were gracious for the works of the Lone Ranger and truthfully they want to
know more.” The Pinkerton agent replied. “When the Lone Ranger went missing,
they searched with more depth. And more to it, the Lone Ranger was easy to
locate. Who else ride with a native American as a riding partner?”
‘Thank you, Mr. Smith
but there are many of us who are friendly with the natives since they last met
at Little Bighorn. Black Clouds is my scout.” Lance tried to evade the
confirmation to the vigilante identity.
“Black Clouds have a
unique background.” Mr, Smith smiled at the Native American. “You were raised
by the Missionaries which was where you learned your reading and writing. You
left soon after to rejoin your grandfather the Shaman. You returned to your
ancestry skills and became an adept one too but your path was soon to change.
Your grandfather death by the demons enraged and struck the spark for you to
find revenge for the death.”
“The parts that evade
us were why you became the Tonto when the first one was unrelated to you.” Mr.
Smith looked with amusement to know more.
“Tonto was one of ours
in the clan. He was a legend to us. When he died, the elders have asked me to
be him.” Mr. Smith cut in to enquire on the cause of death.
“Tonto rode in one day
with some serious wounds. They were not of the white man’s bullets. The Shaman
came and performed the rites but the warrior was dying. The Shaman kept his
soul to give to the worthy warrior.” It was then Tonto raised the tomahawk. “This
was once his and now mine.”
“I don’t believe all of
you.” Lance hit back. He then looked at Tonto.
“You were my friend and ….partner. I …”
“Believe it, Kemo-Sabe.
I am with the Pinkerton.” Tonto exclaimed back. “I am a Shaman without a clan.
And the silvers you passed to me have little value to my trader. And hunting
raccoons and hedgehogs were a chore when they ignored the traps.”
“Okay, I was raised by
a missionary and hunting was not in the upbringing.” Tonto sighed. “They did
offer me a good deal to fight the demon.”
The demon was the
reason Lance met Tonto. He recalled then the pursuit of the blood drinker. It
was not his first but his fourth since he took up the task to find his
brother’s killer. All he had then was they were blood drinkers and he found one
then. It was a long ride across the desert with the water canteen drier. He
trailed the blood drinker after a chase of two days. He cornered the blood
drinker at the canyon. The blood drinker had staggered into the hut with the
corral there. There was a well there by the hut. It was also past the hour of
dusk then and the hut chimney was devoid of smoke. Lance stepped forth to the
“Come on out, cowboy. I
know you are in there.” Lance had his hand rubbed at his dry lips. He glanced
over to the well but he was not losing sight of his prey. The later had done
that twice over the hunting. The man stepped out in a half crouch. The cowboy
had not changed the trail outfit but his lips were smeared with blood. He then
tossed out the young pup and then pulled up with the fangs bared.
“That must be
refreshing. I have not my drink yet.” Lance smiled at the other. The blood
drinker had then braced himself for the gun draw position.
“You can’t kill me with
your gun but I could with mine.” The blood drinker gloated on the
invulnerability of the blood drinker to the steel bullets. Lance drew first and
shot the blood drinker twice in the chest. The other screamed out in pain when
the silver bullets pierced the flesh and fell down to the knees. It was then
Lance saw the second figure in the hut.
The second figure fired the rifle at
Lance felt the bullet
creased his left forearm before he jumped. At his fallen position, Lance
leveled his right hand gun at the shooter but the later was also down with the
tomahawk in the face. Lance rolled back to build a distance away and then sat
up. The blood drinker he shot at had aimed his gun drawn from the holster.
Lance took his chance and shot the blood drinker in the head. He then turned
back and saw the approaching Native American. He leveled the gun at the later
but the native had raised both hands.
“My name is Tonto. I am
not your prey.”
That was how they met.
“Kemo-Sabe, I did not
want to tell you for I was unsure how to tell you.” Tonto had taken the Lone
Ranger to the side under the stars while the Pinkerton and his associates
shared the camp fire. The two of them had strolled and work out their
“Tonto, how could you
not tell me? We rode together for now …”
“A year now. I could
read the stars and we are into spring again.” Tonto smiled. “I joined the
Pinkerton just two months back after the Tennessee capture. We have been
hunting for so long and all we had was the hunters. We never got the leaders.”
“How many have we
killed? Ten or fifteen? It was the Pinkerton who gave me what you called the
clue. I laid it out for you so that you figure it out.” Tonto looked at Lance.
“It was that which got us closer.”
“No, you were wrong.
The Association was a good clue but I found out more. I know now who is behind
the Association. And this time I will get him.” Lance glared back at the other.
“We could …”
“No, Kemo-Sabe. You are
wrong. This is the work of the Lord. We were brought together to hunt the demon.
When we had strayed, the Lord gave us a new direction. And with that you found
the Association.” Tonto exclaimed out. “The Lord will guide us. Read the lines
in 1 Chronicles 29:11.”
Lance glared at the one
he had harmlessly chosen as his partner. He wondered what made him do it and
how they survived so long. He did not want to be the obliging one nor the
vengeful one but he became the later. The Lone Ranger rode out a year ago after
his last return from the darker continent. He had approached Father Dennis and
learned how to shoot and ride like Lambert. It took some time for him to
improve and soon he was the new Lone Ranger, He hunted alone and soon met
Tonto. Since then they have not spoken of the last Lone Ranger. They were the
new one.
Later that evening, at
the town, the town folks were clearing their supper and the ones not doing it
was heading to the saloon. The town saloon was not exactly bustling with
drinkers at that early hours but it have half its tables seated by the eight
patrons. The seated were five local folks having an evening drink except for
one where three cowboys were wearing their hat and dealing the cards. There was
no one at the bar counter except the bar tender cleaning the glasses. The
saloon looked closely the same in all the towns with the large mirror either at
the back of the counter or the overhanging chandelier. There was also the
longhorn displayed there to make the cowboys feel at home. Lance stepped in
with Mr. Smith at his heels. Lance was dressed in his riding suit but his face
was added on the moustache and the long side burns. The duo approached the far
table at the front window. Lance changed directions and approached the counter.
He grabbed two glasses and the bottle. He walked back and knocked into one of
the cowboys. The accidental move knocked the hat off the cowboy.
“Yeow!” The cowboy
screeched out in pain with his hands held out to cover his eyes. The other two
cowboys reached for their guns but stopped in mid draw. Lance looked to the
door and saw the new arrival.
It was Hawkins.
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