Monday, April 25, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 14


Lance dropped the extra dollar coin into the large pool of coins. His fingers were still holding to the five cards there while his eyes were checking on the other players. He had lost a tidy sum for Mr. Jones was an novice at the game.

“Tell me, Medicine man. You sure want you want to place that bet?” Lance looked at the one who asked him. He was seated opposite and was dressed as a Sergeant in the Union Army. The bearded Sergeant was also fingering his cards and the only ones betting was him and Lance.

“I …think so. Isn’t that the game should be played?” Lance looked around at the other four players with his blank expression complete with the bespectacled look. “If the dollar is ….”

“It’s enough, Medicine Man. I am calling for the draw now.” The bearded Sergeant threw the cards open on the table. “I guess you got anything to match that.”

The cards by the Sergeant were a single pair and a three card. It looked like a winner until Lance showed his.

“I guess I lost.” The cards revealed by Lance were a Royal Flush. The bearded Sergeant was reaching for the coins then had stopped. He had lost his money and so were the others. They were leading the Medicine Man to top the pool and now the later had won.

“You…” The Sergeant wanted to cry out cheat but he knew he had no prove. Lance had then grabbed the winnings to pocket it. He then stood up and excused himself to the back of the saloon. There was a privy there and was in need of the patron.

Lance buttoned up and turned to leave when he saw the Sergeant and two other guys there. Their intentions were clear and Lance was itching for it. He braced himself on the ball of his feet with the slight bounce in his legs.
The first throw of the punch was by the Sergeant right fist aimed at Lance’s face. The later sidestepped and hit out at the underarm of the right elbow. The counter punch cracked the joint and Lance followed through with his own right hook fist into the Sergeant’s face. That second blow was delivered with a scooping motion with the power coming from the hips.

“Avant!” Lance called out when he delivered the blow.

Lance then turned his body to do a side kick ‘chasse lateral’ into the guy on the Sergeant’s left. Then he had his body crouched with the legs spread and delivered a low punch at the third guy in the right kidney area.

“Avant!” Lance called out again. He then followed through with a few well aimed jabss into the Sergeant to drop the man before he delivered the ‘Arriere’ chop on the side of the left neck. His adversary was down then before he moved in on the second recovering man. He did the series of jabs  into the face and then a left hook to drop the man.

“Avant!” Lance called out once more. He was enjoying himself with these three amateurs. They won’t last the first round at the organized fights at the ports. The third man was still holding onto his left kidney area when Lance grabbed his head and had it impacted on the raised right knee. He then saw the Sergeant had recovered to step in for more fight. Lance then did the whip kick or the ‘fouette’ on the Sergeant. The movement starts with a front leg kick, and then with it the knee was up. The movement called for the flicking of the leg from the knee joint at the side of the face. The strike was deadly with the toe point of the boot. Snap! The Sergeant fell sideways with his limbs flaring out.

‘Damn! I am good.” Lance had his earlier training when he had to fight off the school bullies. He found his way with the best then although he lost some teeth back then. Later he learned in the darker continent with the French traders and sailors in the art of French Savate ‘Dans du Rue’’ the Street Technique. It was intense and deadly. He looked to the other two and saw that they may not know much to tell him. He moved to the Sergeant and woke him up with the knee bent at the groin.

“Sergeant, you will tell me what’s happening here? And in return I will give you the winnings but you will ride out now.” Lance looked at the groggy state in the Sergeant who had nodded back. It came out in plain words.

“We are mercenaries. Paid to do a job up north. The train leaves tomorrow.” Lance was not impressed and exerted more pressure.

“Okay..I heard from the officers. It’s the DC we are going for.” Lance applied more action and asked on the other uniforms.

“The Prussians….I was told to garner support of the Germans. The migrants from Poland and those others on the east coast. It’s all a ploy to create a new civil war. The South shall rise once again.” With that Lance silenced the Sergeant with the punch in the face. He then stepped away but his mind was on the things he heard.
Why would the demons want DC unless they want to take over the Capital? But why? He thought the demons were just a menace across the Frontier. Maybe he was wrong. They are an Association. They are bandied for a reason. His task had become bigger than he thought. He needed to find Mr. Smith.

And Tonto.

Unknown to him, Tonto was staring at the group of men before him.

“The Army came in last week and had just rounded all the town folks. We were then herded here.” Red Horse explained their predicament. “We had no choice with the rifles aimed at us. It was like in the old fights when we lost the land and moved into the reservations.”

“No, it was more like the old slavery era.” The colored man spoke up. “I thought we were behind that but when I saw the Army, I knew it that my medical profession was gone.”

“All of you?” Tonto asked but he got his reply.

“No, Senor. It was only the few of us. The others were not. They are different from us. They came in the last few months and took over the town. They are mostly demons in disguise but some are bad men. I know their kind. They scared the women and the children.” Tonto listened harder. He knew that with him were the women folks and children. “They ignored some of the elderlies and the righteous ones.  Father Stanley was given the right to go where he wants. They feared him those demons I had seen. Mrs. Oliver from the hardware was ignored. She was a tough lady and they left her alone.”

“But they shot Mama Martha.” Another colored man spoke up. “She was shot dead by the Army. Her juju’s will haunt them.”

“Martha was not a nice lady.” The Doctor voiced out. “She and her so named magic were killing my patients. I ….”

“I need to get out.” Tonto stopped the argument. “Who can help me? Red Horse, the warriors are needed here. Our brothers must ride for us. So must the Lone Ranger.”

Lance pulled on his white shirt over his dark pants in the dark. He had ridden out unobstructed by the sentries for he looked like a drunken man on his way home. He had rendezvous with Mr. Smith at the nearby valley and freshens up with the new clothes. It was time for the Lone Ranger to do the task but he was unsure how. It was almost dawn and his partner was still missing. He was still stung by Tonto being an agent of the Pinkerton and holding that from him.

“I can ride to the next town but it will be noon when I do arrive.” Mr. Smith had joined them earlier but he kept away from the town. “I can wire DC and some others for help.”

“You could but by then the train would have left. And we don’t know the size of the Army.” Lance replied. “I need to do something to delay them or stop the train.”

“How? With your silver bullets and ….” Mr. Smith snapped back but was cut off by the arrival of Tonto. With him was Red Horse on the back of the horse.

“Kemo-Sabe, I have much to tell you.” The partner switched to his pseudo of the faithful one.

“Speak fast, Tonto for we got three hours to dawn. And an Army to stop.” Lance glared at his partner. The quartet had their findings shared and then the argument on what was to be done. In the end with another hour to do at dawn, they finally agreed.

Mr. Smith rode off with Red Horse on their task while the Lone Ranger and Tonto went back to town. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

PP 1

LLM PArt 1 Chapter 13


Lance in his latest disguise as the bespectacled medicine salesman strolled the street while tugging his horse. He had one of this spare white shirt over his dark pants. He arrived soon after the morning sun and made his way to the hotel there. The town was filled with personnel in uniforms or all sorts but there were few town folks around and even the Sheriff office’s door was left open but there were no officers there. Most of the stores were closed or shuttered shut. He tried to book a room but the hotel was fully occupied.

“I am sorry, Mr Jones but we are full occupied.” The hotel receptionist told him. “With the train in the town and the Armies having their meet here, we are out of rooms.”

“I’ll be darned. I lost my bags in the hills running from the Indians and now you tell me I can’t get a room.” Lance huff and groaned on his reply and then proceeded to the saloon. Once he stepped in, he was looking at the different uniforms of the gathered there. There were the blue uniform of the Army and there were the colors of the French and Prussian. They were all wearing gun belts with the guns. There were the Corsairs there too. The place was no different from the last one and the ones before it. There was a similar décor to all of them. He stepped out and looked for another place to rest. He saw the hardware store and walked towards it.

“How can I help you, Sir?” The lady asked from behind the counter. The store was like any but its shelves were close to 
empty. Every nails and hammer to the long handles picks were missing.

“I doubt so. Your store looked empty ….” Lance replied but he was cut off by her.

“I am closing the store so you best leave.” The lady told him. Lance was to leave when he noticed the crosses on the ceiling. “Please leave.”

Lance left the store and took to the next street. He can across the wooden barricade with the wires on the street. It was to close that part of the town. He noticed there were guards there and the ones behind the barricades were the colored folks and natives. He stepped closer but was stopped by the guard there.

“Step back, Sir. This area is off limits.” Lance looked at the guard. He was dressed in the Army uniform with the gun belt and the Navy Colt. On the shoulders were the Lieutenant pips there. He was wearing a Army issued hat and have a grim look on the face.

“Eddie Lawrence. I was thinking if I can sell them some of my medicine. It’s potent and….” Lance introduced his pseudo but the Lieutenant had him chased off. He retraced his steps and then saw a familiar face behind the barricade.

It was Tonto.

Tonto turned away from the barricade. He moved to the row of houses there which was used to intern the people there. He saw the few Native Indians; they were Apaches and Pauites with some Navajo. On the side line were the Mexicans and there were the colored ones. He had sneak in last night and stayed on the street with his ears listening to the chats. He was looking for the one called the Indian Chief. He walked to the rear of the houses and then kept to the rear vegetable gardens. He was looking for a particular house. He found it but they found him too.

“You are not of one of us.” The figure standing there was a colored man dressed in the workman overall with an oversized wrench in his hands. He was not alone for he had four others behind but not all of them were colored. Two were white and one was a Navajo.

“Are the welcoming committee for me to report to?” Tonto smiled. “My name is Gabriel Stone. I have just returned from England. How are you?”

Tonto handed out his right hand towards the man with the wrench. The colored man gripped the wrench as if he was going to swing it but Tonto have his hidden dagger in his left hand from under the shirt out. He grabbed the wrench with his right hand and pushed his left hand out. His dagger was at the colored man’s throat then.

“Move and you die.”

The man did not and neither did his friends.

“Don’t kill him, Dark Clouds.” Tonto heard the voice. He recognized it. It was someone from his past. It was an elder from his clan. His name was Red Horse. The man dressed in the buckskin was aged and hobbled on the good left leg with the walking stick.

“We can talk inside.” Tonto was led into the nearby house with the herbs garden. It was the one that was different from the others. Soon Tonto was to talk and then the one named Dark Clouds had wished he had come earlier. .

“How many of you can fight?” Tonto asked the old man. “How much weapons have you.”

Only two dozen men stood there with Red Horse. It was a rag tag army and only a few had their gun belts and no rifles. The others were holding sticks and even a shovel. Tonto looked away to the other side of the town hoping that his partner will have better luck. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 12


The situation was contained later with Tonto explaining that he was away from the camp fire. He was tending the horses when the attack came. He did rush to help but it happened so fast. The attackers were focused on the group and not him.

“I don’t know. Maybe they are avoiding me. I only left the group for a short while.”

Mr. Smith wanted to go back for his men at dawn. He told Lance to continue in the pursuit with the carriages.  It was then the Lone Ranger and his partner rode off in silence. They picked up the tracks and pursued from there. It was dawn when they caught up with the carriages. Lance watched them with his looking glass.

The Hawkins group was resting by the river bank with three guards posted out. The others were all seated by the river banks and Mr. Hawkins was not seen. Lance saw the Corsair stepping out without his shirt. His chest showed the bulky muscles with the muscular forearms. He was holding the sabre favored by the Corsairs and having it swung as if he was in practice. The other gentleman was seated under the tree with his hands flexing the bow strings. The Ottoman bow was a recurved composite bow with the wooden core and animal horn on the belly. The bow was built tough with the needed strength to pull the string back. Omar was fingering the grip that allowed him the thumb draw on his bow. The grip prevents the arrow from moving when the archer is riding. The draw on the string was short but with the tautness and pulled on the string, it was enough to propel the arrow in a long distance.

“Indians!” The warning went out. The resting guards all grabbed their rifles from the saddles and took cover. Lance counted twenty five Native Indians in the first wave. They were riding in hard from the low hills. Lance focus on the native warriors riding then. He saw the war paints on their faces and chests. They were carrying an assorted range of rifles from the Winchesters to Spencer.

“Ndee!” Tonto called out on the name of the attackers’ tribe. They were Western Apache and he knew their strategy. The attacking group was the distraction. There was a second group there who will sneak in. He scoured the river and saw the second group of ten warriors were crossing the river and going for the flank of the guards.

“There were no warring tribes there.” Lance voiced out. “Who are they?”

“Peoples of the land. They are not renegades but there is a purpose to the attack.” Tonto replied and then pointed to the bank across the river. “There is the Shaman. He is here to protect the warriors. It’s the demon they sought too.”

The ten attackers from the flank opened fire at the carriages. The guards tried to double back but then Lance saw the figure emerging from the carriage. It was Sergei who rushed out with his sabre and then Omar also appeared. He held several arrows in his left hand and had them nocked on the bow string. He released the arrow and then moved onto the next one. He fired in succession but with each shot he aimed at different targets. He brought down four of the attackers there with his arrows. By then Sergei had reached the nearest attacker and his sabre removed the head in the swing. The Corsair then leaped up onto the headless body and used it to propel himself at the second attacker. He was shot then in the chest but that did not stop him. He cut the second attacker in half from the left shoulder with the downward swing before he did a body turned to toss the sabre at the third attacker in the chest. The sabre swung out like a rounded shield in a roll and cut into the flesh. The blood spurts out but by then Sergei had rushed forth to grab the sabre and used the body as a shield. With his strength, he pushed forward with the body and rushed at the fourth attacker. The attacker fired off two shots before retreating from the forceful adversary but his flight was cut short when Omar’s arrow pierced the left side of his neck. Sergei had not seen arrow and slammed into the Apache. The impact of the bodies slamming together propelled backwards into the tree trunk. Sergei gave it last push before he pulled up his body.
By then the others were all killed by Omar with his bow. The bowman was precise with his shots and then had lowered his bow. His lost shot had killed the attacker in the neck.

The first group that attacked the guards had withdrawn with half their numbers dead.

The fight was all over.

Lance watched on and saw the astounding feeding then. The guards all walked away to a far distance and then Hawkins stepped out from the carriage with the lady. They approached the dead bodies by the river and then crouched down. Hawkins was seen holding the wounded warrior in the hands and then he motioned to the lady. She leaned over and bared her fangs. She sank her fangs in and devoured the blood off them. Hawkins moved to another and saw it was a young warrior. The warrior was still alive despite the protruding arrow in the chest.

“Kaga…” The young warrior addressed Hawkins. The word was short but it was definitive to address the demon before him. Hawkins glared at the warrior and then stomped his right feet on the warrior’s chest near the arrow. The warrior screamed out in pain and then glared back at the other. He felt ashamed to cry out in pain and then called for the Great Spirit to guide him.

“He-ay-hee-ee!” It was then Hawkins move to stomp on the face and crush the nose into the brain. There was no more sounds then from the warrior. Across the river, the still surviving Shaman cried out with the words of the Spirits. Omar ended the chanting with an arrow into the Shaman’s throat. The elderly Shaman fell to his knees clutching the arrow and soon fell dead. Omar and Sergei then joined in the feast on the others. It was like watching the pack of lions feed on the plains. The only difference was the group then only drank the blood.

Lance leaned over to throw up but Tonto was still watching. The former looked at him and asked.

“Do you relish such feeding?” Lance asked.

“No, it’s not the feeding. It’s to know the demons in them. I could only kill them if they are beyond redemption of their sins.” Tonto replied. “Those are not sinners. They are the demons of the sins.”

The wait for the carriages to continue their journey was later at dusk after the rest from the feeding. The journey was for three more days and two nights before they arrived at what appeared to be a major town. The difference was the army fort on the edge of the town and the major rail tracks interchange. There was a train on the tracks with a series of wagons in the load.

“Welcome to Fort Bright.” Lance heard Hawkins called out. “This is where we will begin our next journey.”

Friday, April 15, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 11


The small misunderstanding was cleared with Hawkins calling off the cowboys. He dismissed the cowboys and then apologized to Lance.

“Do I know you?” Hawkins looked at the moustache man with the long side burns.

“I doubt so. I just arrived to Arizona.” Lance replied in his British Isles ascent. “I do have to …”

“There is no need. Please continue with your drinks, gentlemen.” Hawkins then looked at the cowboys. “Wait outside.”

The three cowboys walked out of the saloon. It was then another group stepped in. Hawkins ignored the moustache and sideburns man to greet the newly arrived. There were three in the group; two men and a lady. The men were dressed in the fine silk suit with the vest and cravat around the neck. They wore the corsair hat that had the edges covered their ears. Both of them had the thick moustache on their upper lips and the thick eye brows. They held no guns on their belt but the jeweled curved dagger on the left side was not an ornament. The lady was dressed in the riding outfit with the wide knee length skirt and white blouse beneath dark waist length jacket. She had on the similar belt with the dagger except her hair was covered by the smaller version of the Stetson hat. It was her boots that attracted Lance. It was made from expensive sable felt. So was the jacket but the boots were alluring and sexy.

The trio took the seats motioned by Hawkins which was two table from the one occupied by Lance and Mr. Smith. The conversation was overheard.

“Sergei Ivanich, I greet you to the new land.” Hawkins then looked towards the other. “Omar Hanum of the Ottoman…...”

“Enough of the pleasantries. We are here because you have what we want.” The one addressed as Omar replied with agitation. “Our journey was far and …..”

“And we will enjoy your pleasantries.” The lady spoke up. She glared at the two men who had remained tight lipped then. “Our wait was longer. Tell me more of your arrangement.”

It was then Lance saw the lady’s face. She was a beauty to behold and the blue eyes brought it out with radiance. He saw the two men did not argued with her. The quartet continued on with the pleasantries except the two men which had remained silent. It was then another arrived.

“Master Hawkins, the carriages are here.” Hawkins acknowledged the man and motioned to the three guests to join outside. Lance peeked out from the window when the group had stepped out. He saw three carriages and an escort of ten riders. Each carriage had two handlers. The lady mounted the middle carriage while the two men took the rear one. It was Hawkins who took the first one. The order was given and the carriages rode off with the riders. Lance got up to follow but he found the front door was blocked by the three cowboys. They latched the door behind them. It was then the other five local folks spread themselves out across the hall. They were joined by the bartender.

“Master Hawkins sent his regards to you.” The bartender voiced out. He had then passed out the guns to the others. Lance looked to Mr. Smith who stood up.

“How many do you think there are?” Lance asked while he adjusts his bike for the crucial draw. “I am surprised that we were caught by them.”

“I am afraid you need not concern yourself. The whole town is under our control. We are all blood drinkers. We have been waiting for you ever since you arrived at the valley. And for you Mr. Smith we have been watching you.”
It was then a figure crashed through the window and landed on the flooring. It was Tonto and he was firing the rifle of his at the three cowboys. He got two down with chest shots and the maimed the third one in the right forearm. It happened so fast that no one could react then. He then turned to shoot at the others. It was then Lance and Mr. Smith joined in the fight. The duo fired at the town folks who were also pulling at their guns given to them by the bartender. It happened so fast that all five men were soon on the flooring. Only two of them were dead shot by Lance with the silver bullets in the head but the others were writhing there in pain. The other three and the surviving cowboy still have their guns.

“I shot them with the silver bullets.” Mr. Smith cried out. He was ignored then when Lance took two more shots at two of them while Tonto had removed the last two including the cowboy. There was still the bartender which both Lance and Tonto shot simultaneously.

“I shot them with the silver bullets.” Mr. Smith still disbelieved at the effectiveness of his own bullets. Lance stepped over the dead bodies to ensure that they were dead. The bartender was still alive despite the two bullets at the heart. Lance aimed and shot off the front part of the head. He then looked at Tonto who was at the window.

“Kemo-Sabe, we have more of them.” Tonto called out. “The horses are at the back.”

All three of them rushed for the back exit and mounted the horses. They heard the shots into the saloon but they were already riding into the dark. They rode hard and soon left the valley. Tonto stopped to check their trails and was relief that no one pursue them.

“What happened to my men? Sergeant Kelly….” Mr. Smith asked when they dismounted to rest the horses.

“They are all dead. Sergeant Kelly was last but he was soon dead. They came at us past the sentry. I think it happened so fast that I was taken by surprise.” The group had stayed at the valley to await more instructions. Tonto was with them. “I counted twelve of them and was quick. They did not use guns but daggers. It was all over in seconds except for me and the Sergeant. He fought hard but there was so many you could handle. I escaped with barely my life and rode here.”

“You left my men to die?” Mr. Smith showed his anger. Lance stepped in to avoid a fight. “You are a bastard…”

Lance held the Pinkerton agent back and acted as a buffer between the two. Tonto had then rushed forth on being call profanities but Lance held out the arm to hold him back.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 10


Lance looked at the man standing in front of him. The man was trying to dress like a frontier man but his uneasy stand spoke of his other comfortable dressing. He was a fair height with the thick side burns and had slight hump on the back making him slouch forward. His eyes glasses deflated his frontier look but his firm hands on the gun belt showed otherwise.

“I am surprised the Pinkerton sent their best from the east to find a vigilante.” Lance shuffled his feet on the grass. “What makes you think I was who you were looking for?”

“Mr. Bernard, the Pinkerton had a lot of friends. Our friends are more than the Secret Service and the Texas Rangers. Some of these had met the one named Lone Ranger before. They were gracious for the works of the Lone Ranger and truthfully they want to know more.” The Pinkerton agent replied. “When the Lone Ranger went missing, they searched with more depth. And more to it, the Lone Ranger was easy to locate. Who else ride with a native American as a riding partner?”

‘Thank you, Mr. Smith but there are many of us who are friendly with the natives since they last met at Little Bighorn. Black Clouds is my scout.” Lance tried to evade the confirmation to the vigilante identity.

“Black Clouds have a unique background.” Mr, Smith smiled at the Native American. “You were raised by the Missionaries which was where you learned your reading and writing. You left soon after to rejoin your grandfather the Shaman. You returned to your ancestry skills and became an adept one too but your path was soon to change. Your grandfather death by the demons enraged and struck the spark for you to find revenge for the death.”

“The parts that evade us were why you became the Tonto when the first one was unrelated to you.” Mr. Smith looked with amusement to know more.

“Tonto was one of ours in the clan. He was a legend to us. When he died, the elders have asked me to be him.” Mr. Smith cut in to enquire on the cause of death.

“Tonto rode in one day with some serious wounds. They were not of the white man’s bullets. The Shaman came and performed the rites but the warrior was dying. The Shaman kept his soul to give to the worthy warrior.” It was then Tonto raised the tomahawk. “This was once his and now mine.”

“I don’t believe all of you.” Lance hit back. He then looked at Tonto.  “You were my friend and ….partner. I …”

“Believe it, Kemo-Sabe. I am with the Pinkerton.” Tonto exclaimed back. “I am a Shaman without a clan. And the silvers you passed to me have little value to my trader. And hunting raccoons and hedgehogs were a chore when they ignored the traps.”

“Okay, I was raised by a missionary and hunting was not in the upbringing.” Tonto sighed. “They did offer me a good deal to fight the demon.”

The demon was the reason Lance met Tonto. He recalled then the pursuit of the blood drinker. It was not his first but his fourth since he took up the task to find his brother’s killer. All he had then was they were blood drinkers and he found one then. It was a long ride across the desert with the water canteen drier. He trailed the blood drinker after a chase of two days. He cornered the blood drinker at the canyon. The blood drinker had staggered into the hut with the corral there. There was a well there by the hut. It was also past the hour of dusk then and the hut chimney was devoid of smoke. Lance stepped forth to the hut.

“Come on out, cowboy. I know you are in there.” Lance had his hand rubbed at his dry lips. He glanced over to the well but he was not losing sight of his prey. The later had done that twice over the hunting. The man stepped out in a half crouch. The cowboy had not changed the trail outfit but his lips were smeared with blood. He then tossed out the young pup and then pulled up with the fangs bared.

“That must be refreshing. I have not my drink yet.” Lance smiled at the other. The blood drinker had then braced himself for the gun draw position.

“You can’t kill me with your gun but I could with mine.” The blood drinker gloated on the invulnerability of the blood drinker to the steel bullets. Lance drew first and shot the blood drinker twice in the chest. The other screamed out in pain when the silver bullets pierced the flesh and fell down to the knees. It was then Lance saw the second figure in the hut. 

The second figure fired the rifle at Lance.

Lance felt the bullet creased his left forearm before he jumped. At his fallen position, Lance leveled his right hand gun at the shooter but the later was also down with the tomahawk in the face. Lance rolled back to build a distance away and then sat up. The blood drinker he shot at had aimed his gun drawn from the holster. Lance took his chance and shot the blood drinker in the head. He then turned back and saw the approaching Native American. He leveled the gun at the later but the native had raised both hands.

“My name is Tonto. I am not your prey.”

That was how they met.

“Kemo-Sabe, I did not want to tell you for I was unsure how to tell you.” Tonto had taken the Lone Ranger to the side under the stars while the Pinkerton and his associates shared the camp fire. The two of them had strolled and work out their differences.

“Tonto, how could you not tell me? We rode together for now …”

“A year now. I could read the stars and we are into spring again.” Tonto smiled. “I joined the Pinkerton just two months back after the Tennessee capture. We have been hunting for so long and all we had was the hunters. We never got the leaders.”

“How many have we killed? Ten or fifteen? It was the Pinkerton who gave me what you called the clue. I laid it out for you so that you figure it out.” Tonto looked at Lance. “It was that which got us closer.”

“No, you were wrong. The Association was a good clue but I found out more. I know now who is behind the Association. And this time I will get him.” Lance glared back at the other. “We could …”

“No, Kemo-Sabe. You are wrong. This is the work of the Lord. We were brought together to hunt the demon. When we had strayed, the Lord gave us a new direction. And with that you found the Association.” Tonto exclaimed out. “The Lord will guide us. Read the lines in 1 Chronicles 29:11.”

Lance glared at the one he had harmlessly chosen as his partner. He wondered what made him do it and how they survived so long. He did not want to be the obliging one nor the vengeful one but he became the later. The Lone Ranger rode out a year ago after his last return from the darker continent. He had approached Father Dennis and learned how to shoot and ride like Lambert. It took some time for him to improve and soon he was the new Lone Ranger, He hunted alone and soon met Tonto. Since then they have not spoken of the last Lone Ranger. They were the new one.
Later that evening, at the town, the town folks were clearing their supper and the ones not doing it was heading to the saloon. The town saloon was not exactly bustling with drinkers at that early hours but it have half its tables seated by the eight patrons. The seated were five local folks having an evening drink except for one where three cowboys were wearing their hat and dealing the cards. There was no one at the bar counter except the bar tender cleaning the glasses. The saloon looked closely the same in all the towns with the large mirror either at the back of the counter or the overhanging chandelier. There was also the longhorn displayed there to make the cowboys feel at home. Lance stepped in with Mr. Smith at his heels. Lance was dressed in his riding suit but his face was added on the moustache and the long side burns. The duo approached the far table at the front window. Lance changed directions and approached the counter. He grabbed two glasses and the bottle. He walked back and knocked into one of the cowboys. The accidental move knocked the hat off the cowboy.

“Yeow!” The cowboy screeched out in pain with his hands held out to cover his eyes. The other two cowboys reached for their guns but stopped in mid draw. Lance looked to the door and saw the new arrival.

It was Hawkins. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 9


Lance smiled when he rode into Arizona delightful scenery then. His fascination on the flowers caught his attention. There was the Ocotillo that was seen then in the fields. The flower with its spike like arms topped with the luscious red-orange blossoms waving in the blue sky. The flower was not the only delight; there were the hedgehogs which were seen prancing over the ground in their myriad of colors. The multi colors lent depth to the sepia tones of the desert like the painted shades on the canvas. He sat up on the saddle with his hands on the reins. He was dressed back in the cowhand clothes complete with the dusts and drawn low Stetson hat. His array of clothing stacked in the duffel bag on the saddle was his to choose for his different disguises. His silver coated horse stamped on its hoof as if it was ready to gallop. He had journeyed there on the rails and then switched to the three days of riding. He had skipped the towns and rested on the open plains.

“Kemo-Sabe, don’t you know how to set up a better meeting place and time?” His partner named Tonto had caught up with Lance. They went separate ways on the accomplishment of their tasks, and on agreement they will meet when needed. Tonto had mentioned that Lance did not need to find him but he will find the later. It was all a simple mode when Lance released the hawk with the written message to Tonto. They will agree to meet on a scheduled place and time. There was the issue for Tonto have little regard for those messages and will normally turn up late.

“I had to track you from Kent Junction.” Tonto got his horse to stop by the other. “You are lucky that I could still track your horse droppings and yours too.”

“Kent Junction was supposed to be two days ago, and you were late. I rode out before the demons leave.” Lance grind back at his partner. “The last task you were late by one day and I was almost run over by the herd of bison.”

“I was not late then. I was riding with the bison like in my younger days.”

‘Bison? It was more like a stallion trying on the mares. I should had known the Kent Junction held some bawdy places.” Lance retorted back. “Why can’t you stay away?”

“Have you tried to stay alone in the plains watching the stars and be bawled by the coyotes? I can assure you the ladies at Kent Junction have better soundings.” Tonto displayed his satisfied look.

“I had my share of ladies but I restraint from inducing them into the amorous ventures.” Lance tried to justified his social life was just as exciting. “But can we look at….”

“We have an agreement that when we are not on the task, I can do what I liked.” Tonto stated his part on their partnership. “Anyway, when have I ever left you alone in our task? I do have to find you most times. You mentioned a place and will be miles from it.”

“You wouldn’t miss me at all. I could see your hawk hovering over my head for the last two days.” Lance gasped in frustration. “Now can we go to the town. I am tired of these tirades of who and what and why.”

“Fine by me but you should mean the town coming to us.” Tonto motioned to the group of riders approaching them. “Do we ride or stay to be hung on the tree? They do like do it to us.”

Lance stared at the group and saw the rifles leveled. Those were not the regular posse or welcoming town folks. The firing came and missed Lance by a foot. That prompted Lance to turn his horse and took off after the departing native. They rode for the tree lines on the nearby hill. The shots came fiercely at them but they were driven hard from it.

“Kemo-Sabe, we are drawn from there.” Tonto had diverted to the valley which was the only direction where the bullets were reaching for. Lance followed on close and then realized why they were directed there. There was another group there. Lance pulled his reins to stop the horse and then looked back. The other group had covered their flank. 

“We have to make a stand here.” Lance grabbed his rifle and jumped off the horse. Tonto did the same and joined the other.

“What happened to the Winchester I gave you?” Lance asked the other.

“You did not give me the bullets. I liked my Henry’ more.” Tonto was proud of this rifle. “It shoots .44 and not your .38. 
More to it, my Henry was with me for some good fights and it fit my grip.”

Lance sighed and wondered why they have to argue on these issues when they are to be shot. They slapped the horses off and went down on the grass. A rider from the second group approached the duo. It was a man in a frontier dressing with the wide brimmed hat.

“I am unarmed. I want to speak to the one known as the Lone Ranger.” 

Monday, April 11, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 8


Lance went running towards the shaft. He almost tripped and regained his balance. He felt the first wall crawling creature grabbed his left shoulder and his right hand went to pry the hold there. It was cold and clammy to the touch even with his gloves on. Even before he could call on for his guns, the inkling on his right forearm went into action. The protection spell of Noir Spike went into action. It was not a killing spell but of the maiming one. It went out like dark spikes to punch at the cold hand. The spikes were like long nails that pierced the flesh there. The creature shrieked out in pain and withdrew. It was then Lance fell and felt another creature on his back. He tried to roll over but the inkling went to protect its master. The spikes struck at the back of the neck. The second creature had climbed off in pain but by then Lance had rolled over. He reached for his gun with his left hand. He did not have to aim for the creature was in front. He shot three times at the second creature but it was a not scaling one but a frame that resembled a man.

To be exact it was a huge man with a scar at the left lips but the wings made him different.

The huge man with the wings staggered back when the bullets hit the chest. The inkling that was the Noir Spike then went for the huge man. It appeared again as a series of spikes that pierced the winged man on the chest. The winged man shrieked out in pain while the other two had crawled back into the tunnel. Lance got up and looked at the writhing huge man on the ground. The blood was spurting out form the wounds but the man was still alive. Lance aimed the gun at the head and blew the top part off. With that the wings stopped fluttering and the body went motionless.

The shots have attracted the others and Lance turned to look up the shaft. There were shouts up there and he saw lights. He knew that the way up was not the best and then he made his way back into the tunnel. He went past the dead man and slowly felt the walls. He was looking out for the other two and the fact that they went in mean there might be another way out. He stepped carefully and then decided that he needed help. He unbuttoned his shirt and called on the Spirit of the Sun. The inkling was on the left ribs pushed out and appeared like a series of floating lighted orbs. The orbs lit up the place and then it went forward like a guiding light.

“We know…” One of the wandering souls muttered. And then the one which was a soul of the clergy stepped forth.

“Follow me.”

Lance did as told then and found his way was deeper into the mine. He reached the paths where the tracks do not reach. He had a look at the walls and noticed that they were not old. It could have been dug like some weeks back. He then came upon the huge cavern. The cavern was not dug out but appeared natural. It was a huge dome with crafted flooring that resembled a hexagon design. There were three of the designs there intertwined at the edge. On the center hexagon design was a white slab each that resembled a casket. The cover on the slab was opened. Above the slab was the inverted cross over it. The other two crawlers were there crouched on top of the slab cover like the crouching predators. The lighted orbs had snaked back to the chest for the cavern was illuminated with the green moss that released the luminous ambience.

Lance drew up his guns and leveled at the two on the slab. They looked like humans but their facial expression was otherwise. It was a ghastly face with the fangs there. His inklings were throbbing to come out but he held them back. It was his fight and he needed to speak to them.

Or one of them.

Lance shot the uglier one in the face and the heart. The man fell off the slab clutching his face. Lance then smiled at the other.

“We can talk?” The other on the slab snarled and leaped at Lance. The later shot off twice to stop the attack. The attacking man fell short but Lance then heard the shouts. It was followed by the sound of explosions. The explosions rocked the cavern with the ceiling dropping pieces on the flooring. Lance rushed forth to examine the slab and studied for any markings. He had to hold his attention for more of the ceiling was dropping. Whatever was in the slab was not there. It was moved or stepped out on its own.

“Thank God we will be interned for good.” The clergy soul cried out and then looked at Lance. “If you run along there, there is another shaft there. It opened to the top.”

Lance took the advice and run with his hands over his head. He reached it and saw the shaft. It was not one that needed climbing but an angled one that he needed to use his legs to run. He ran amid the collapsing ceiling and managed to make it out. He stepped out and found the welcome of guns drawn there.

“Whoa!” Lance did not reach for his guns then at the group of six guards but his inklings went into action. The Lion of Richard streaked out like the scimitar from the scabbard. The magical scimitar flared upwards and then swung across in a deadly blow at the group of six. The scimitar cut across them without a drop of blood but the group of six shrieked out in pain. The blood soon spurted when the heads rolled off the necks.

“Whoa…” Lance did not wait to check on the dead and ran for the wall. He was soon out and heading for the stone hut. He needed to go to Arizona. 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...