Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tweet tweet 15/12.. System 32 error

No I was not shirking from my posting here but my notebook went into a crash with System 32 errors. She is in ICU now with the experts looking at the restoration. I am on my spare notebook but it was not recently backed up with my latest tales and postings.... hence no postings.

Its like you have done the home run and the lady ask you; did you use the rubber? Oops! It could be 28 days of anxiety if you are below 18 or 18 years of 'Hell Raising' with the repeated syllable; I told ya we could not afford "Episode 7".

And to Star Wars fan...may the Force be with you. I got tickets for this Friday evening show. It helps when you walk up the counter and whisper...."I am your father..." with the respirator mask and tank.
It would had worked better if the lady at the counter did not say; "I know its you, Dad. Now get back in the queue."

Damned! I should had come as R2D2 but one free size then does not freeze the fats into it now. If I did squeeze in, they would thought I was discarded by the Jawa Raiders at the dumps.

Honestly, I tried C3PO but the laughter won't stop when they saw my midriff. Some one asked; "Is that you Jabba in there?"

Well, Han Solo would had worked but the darned pants won't adjust to my posterior. It went 'seams apart' on impact. I doubt the Falcon will break that far wide.

Now Chewbacca won't work either. It was how I look when I emerged after cleaning my kids' room. They have more discard parts than the Death Star under construction.

Excuse me, as Leia? I think the Belly Dancers Union will file a WWW Protest and not limited to YOUTUBE. In the better words of lovable partner, "You looked like an alien with three breasts but the middle on seems to be sagging."

As Luke. I doubt so. The kids wanted me to do the daring somersault jump from the balcony once like in the Return of the Jedi. I told them I would had done it when I was in the Errol Flynn era but now I will use the stairs instead. More to it, the Land Speeder won't do beyond twenty on the flats. It was 'weighed' down by the driver.

That's all folks. And keep the Force with you, I will be back. I do need my other notebook back. With this one, I may end up as YODA teaching Luke how to yodel like Julie Andrews instead.

I shall be getting my lady ...oops, my notebook back tomorrow. May sanity prevail then..

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