Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Planet 2.1


2.1 The descent.

‘DSV Madeson, we are confirming our descent in ten clicks.” That was the signal relayed to the fleet that was protecting M1098 from being turned into a battle field. The corporations that were not to be there were kept at the system boundary.

“KDS Kingsley Five, you are cleared for descent in ten.”

KDS Kingsley Five was a newly launched freighter with the capacity of a hundred tons in its cargo. It was shaped like an oblong airship with a length of a thousand five hundred yards and a radius of two hundred yards at its widest. There were the four engines that were built in the sides which powered the freighter. It was captained by Commander Sean Callow; a finer officer when he was wasn’t sober. He worked well with high content alcohol drink that he malted himself. He stood there in his unkempt uniform with the officer cap skewed to the left.

“We will descent with the speed of free fall to below fifty thousand. I want it fast and then at my call, we will hit the retro engines to slow the descent. During then, I want the nose leveled to twenty five degrees then and then we have five seconds to level it at ten thousand. All thrusters to blow open then and stabilizer set in on fast settings.” Captain Sean called out while his eyes were ticking down the countdown. It read as ‘zero; then, and the KDS Kingsley roared to life. His twenty five human crews with the hundred and five droids then went to work.
The freighter descended through the atmosphere; with the dense layer that soon erupted into a fierce thousand degrees of heat. The heat exchanger plates absorbed the heat but it was soon tearing away at beneath the third layer before the freighter reached the fifty thousand.

“Hit the retro engine.”

The command was not needed for the crews knew their works. They went into action with the firing of the seven retro engines to right up the nose of the freighter. It also slowed the descent with the rapid reversed force. The freighter screamed out its pain with the sudden moves but the structure was holding. The springs and suspensions went into maximum tolerance limit before the engines compensated for the contortions.

“All thrusters open.”

The freighter was sent into an orbiting line at fifty thousand feet, with the heat exchanger then over heated plates began cooling with the orbiting run. The stabilizer soon kicked in and then freighter was on orbit.

“Descent on my count.” Captain Callow called out. “Now!”

The freighter having its hull cooled was then descending to the landing area. It was a successful descent.

“Thank you, crew. Now let us rest and let the rest of the other damned crews do their work.”

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