Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tweet...tweet....15/09...I am not at the wheelhouse for now...

First, my apologies for the non-daily update. I have not been myself since January when my Dad passed on. It was a turbulent period before he went on to see my Mum; with him lying in bed with respirators and air valves on his body. Then the funeral and other issues came up which required my attention. All have been resolved and hopefully, the living will go on as usual.

Since then I did pen Mordred ( ad could not complete it ) and then pen Deep Sea Wars ( on the listing now. ) The later is pending three last chapters which I have been re-writing over three times but I will get it done this week. I can assure you there will be Book 2. I am jotting down the ideas daily ( not something I do before. My tales have always been free flowing when I type. It was never planned with the plots.

Second as mentioned above its not usual self but I have not penned down much. My mind is devoid of exciting ideas for now. I am however at my real work; pumping grey cells into the solutions and be honest, its taxing my leisure hours. Darned paychecks needed to feed the hungry at home and myself included.....hahaha.

Third despite all of this I am trying to come back to here. I will and shall do it soon. I been reading ( one of my other hobbies which inspired me to write ) and I am sure ideas will form soon.

So my apologies for the delays in the postings.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...