Saturday, September 12, 2015

Deep Sea War 8.2

The Depth

It was Captain Arthur and Stacy who moved to the rear and out of the coach on the right side. He climbed down and saw the four warriors running half crouched there on the other side. He took aim with the Webley and fired off three shots in succession. Two warriors went down but the other two had jumped for cover.

“Damn!” Captain Arthur cursed out. He was to rush over when he was set upon by the warriors from the train steamer. The arrow landed near his feet before one of the warriors jumped kick him from on top of the coach. The kick landed on his left shoulder and both of them rolled on the ground. The Captain fell on the ground stunned and was then punched by the young warrior.

“Kia!” The warrior screamed out when he delivered the punch at the Captain. The other took the blow face on but he was fall from out. He had his share of bar brawls and a few punches won’t dent his face. When the second blow aimed at chopping his neck, the Captain had his left forearm to block it while  he slammed his open palm with the spread out knuckles like that of the tiger paws. His blow was a fierce grab on the warrior face and then pulled the warrior off his feet. He then tossed the warrior across the ground in anger as if he was tossing a crate of sardines. Meanwhile the second warrior jumped down from the coach. He was notching the second arrow when Stacy rushed at him. She had taken out her dagger and tossed it at the warrior. The warrior went down with the dagger in the heart.
Stacy picked up the bow and arrow. She had not seen one before in real.

“Aye that’s a bow. I had used that before I was in the Far East. Good weapon for the silent kill.” The Captain took the bow from Stacy and flexed the taut bow string. It was then Bian Feng had commanded the other warriors to shoot at the duo who were inspecting the bow. The arrows missed them when the Captain on his instinct pushed Stacy to the rear. They then jumped for cover before the carriage.

“They can’t fire at us unless they popped their head out.” The Captain told the lady. Two of the warriors then jumped clear from the coach and rolled on the open ground.

“Jumping Jupes!’ The Captain called out and ran along the coach. He has a bow but no arrow. They were save when the Sergeant Major and Jones gave their cover fire.

That left three more warriors including Bian Feng alive. The leader realized the odds was against them and called for a retreat. Lord Henry was relieved of that and looked at the darkening skies.

“I think we will be spending the night here. Anyone brought marshmallows for the camp fire?”

‘Not necessary, my Lord. I could drive the train. My uncle Freddy taught me once. He rode the lines from…..Gee I forgotten the towns.” Jones offered his assistance and soon they were moving on the tracks to the port.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like it so far, keep it up

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