Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tweet tweet .... 11/3 I have

After two hectic months of work ( they do pay the bill ) and with lapse in resting hours, I did not write a single word of any new tales. Nor have I watched any TV serials since then.

I did however deleted five unfinished tales (first for me.); lack of creative ideas or interest. It was a hard decision then, but it was to clear my mind. My normal pace for writing can vary from two thousand to five thousand words a night but with the work ( exhausting project; one of my worse after two decades work in implementations ), I could hardly do two hundred words before deleting it all.

But fear not. I have tales written in my inventory (Pardon that it's an overflow of work terms getting into my blog writing too.) and should keep this blog going for another three months.

Now that project is tapering off, I may be able to re-ignite the creative words again.

Coriolanus seems to be getting some good responses from you. I am glad. Once this tale ends, there will be another one; Titus Adronicus. That tale splatter with bloody scenes and madness. So beware when reading.

Till then, good nite and keep on blogging.

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