Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Coriolanus Act 4.5.1

Scene 4.5.1

A house in Antium

If the interior of the house was to said, it make the exterior a pale comparison to the interior. The walls inside the house were in white in shades, with its decorated walls of flowery design, and the mahogany furniture that lined the walls. There were three doorways; the left to the buttery, the right to the library, and the center to the main hall where the entertainments was held. It was the home of an ex-General who had one too many friends seeking his acquaintance or assistance. Tullus Audifius may have been a General of a defeated army, but he still held an influential position among the Elders and leaders. That evening he was entertaining some old soldiers, and with them the barrel of wine must be bottomless so were the attendees.

The silence of the front hall was shattered by the arrival of the serving staff from the center doorway; a young slim man with well defined anatomy lines to his apron covering his nudity and the metal tray was his other decent cover. He was devoid of hairs from head to toe; probably the wax may have still remained in some clefts.

“Wine, wine, wine! What service is there?” The staff walked and did a right turn to the buttery to get more of it. He did have a rounded butt. When the first was gone, another pranced in from the earlier doorway. It was lady serving staff then, dressed like the man. She was young, nubile in the shape but retained her hair on the head. She paused in her steps while she massaged her bosom. She muttered to herself on the rough treatment by those lecherous patrons; men and women. If not for her master, she would have fisted them up to her elbow on them. She then reached to her back and pinched the cheeks to ease the pain there.

“Cotus? Where’s Cotus? My master calls for him.” The lady staff muttered. “More like coitus to me.”

“Bah!” The lady staff resigned to her woes, and turned to go back by the door she came from. It was then Coriolanus walked in by the front door. It was also then the man staff having retrieved the wine barrel. He held the small barrel covering his chest. He saw Coriolanus and eyed him from heel to head. He frown his expression on seeing the vagrant in the hall.

“A goodly house. The feast smells well, but I”, Coriolanus looked to his dirt covered clothes, and unkempt hair. “Appear not like a guest.”

“Here’s no place for you.” The staff twitched his nose and motioned to the doorway to outside. “Pray leave now.”

The staff felt out of place with his nudity and chose to ignore Coriolanus. He scrambled back to the Main Hall. Coriolanus stood there undecided when another lady staff walked back in with an empty tray.

“Gracious, who are you? Has the porter give to such companions? Pray get you out.” The new lady staff cringed in her body on the sight of Coriolanus. He looked so dirty and unworthy of her attention. “Shoo!”

“Away?” Coriolanus reacted to the denial by the servant. He was a Noble and such conduct was unheard of.

“Go away!” The servant repeated her words. She held the tray she was holding to shield her nudity as if she was ashamed to be seen by him.

“Now you are troublesome.” Coriolanus approached the serving staff which made her stepped back.

“Are you so brave?” The serving staff placed the tray to the ground and held out her arms towards Coriolanus. “I am telling you I am well versed in the arts of fighting. I will have you talking to the Gods soon.”

The serving lady lashed out with a finger jab towards Coriolanus throat, but he had seen that move. He grabbed her tiny hand with his right hand and pulled it to the side before he used his left palm to push her back.

“Ouch!” The lady staff went sprawling down and it was then the main door opened and out came three more serving men staffs. They were all dressed like the others.

“What fellow is him?”

“A stranger. I cannot get him out of the house.” The lady staff explained. “I was to show him my skills but he….”

“Let me stand here. I will not hurt you.” Coriolanus voiced out. “I am a gentleman. A ….”

Coriolanus bit on his tongue that was to say Nobles.

“Call the master. He will now what to do.” One of the men staff said and then went off to fetch the master.

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