Friday, October 10, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 3 Part 1.33

"Jealousy? Of what I am to be jealous?" Othello replied. "What is that you feared of me being jealous? Who am I to be one? I am holding the position of Legatus and I desire not the Emperor's role."

Then he smiled. "You meant of Cassio and my love seen together? Why should I? Since they knew each other, he may still harbor some affection for her, but she love not him. She loved only me."

"My God, Othello. Do not think so of that on Cassio? Woes to the man who thinks he is loved when his love only dispensed empty meaning to him. If it that was the dream of Cassio, he would have a long sleep to look forward to. Desdemona belongs to only to you. " Iago added on the venom to the riddles.

"Misery to Cassio if that was true. But I doubt so. " Othello defended on the faith in his love. "Desdemona is a fine lady. She knew her duties and loved me for the care I shown her. She may be outspoken, flirty, but never would she betrayed my love. If you think its me who may be betraying her trust, then looked not at me as being one like that."

"Jealousy? Aha! Unnatural of myself to be one. If she had shown any signs of betrayal, I would not be jealous but I would get even on my misery. It won't be jealousy then, but pure anger." Othello told Iago.

"Alas, I am free of concern, but as your friend, I believe in caution. Like how I spied on my men, I would advise you do on her. Never let your guard down, or you would be killed." Iago mentioned their fighting motto, while he smiled. "I seen couples who can do wonders with themselves. They are not caught by it for they had all the plans not to be caught."

"Do you think that is so?" Othello looked to Iago on his claims.

"I been with one for so long. I knew more than you. Women are the same like Man. They can charm and at times withheld you from them." Iago smiled. "Your love appear like no others but she had the trait of them in her. She had charmed you and not the other way around as mentioned by her Father. She claimed to listened to your tales, or was it you listening to her then. She asked you to speak, and you told her everything. A trick of the women I have seen many times." 

"I think you are right, Iago. I could been the one charmed." Othello fingered his mask over his face. He felt then to be silly that it was she who told him to speak.

"I am sorry, Othello, but words of such advice are resounding to be heard from true friends." Iago told him. Othello thanked the other.

"But don't take it to heart. I could had misjudged her. And also Cassio." Iago switched his alliance then. He was trying to confused the Legatus of which he had succeeded very well.

"Not a concern to me. Desdemona won't betray my love." Othello reinforced his own belief.

"And I know she won't, like you would not do the same to her." Iago replied to the empty beliefs.

"Aye, a fresh apple would be nice to sink the teeth in, but it may decayed left alone for weeks." Othello reflected on his long absence during the wars. "She did choose me among the many."

Othello felt his inadequacy over his face mask. Iago saw him reaching for the face mask and reinstate more damages.

"Oh, she may had many admirers. She of beauty and influence held by her father, would had besotted by many admirers. Did she find you...appealing or mysterious with your mask? Or Cassio had ran out of ideas to intrigue her?" Iago looked away, and then smiled. "I am sorry, Othello. My idle mind had wandered to evil antics of the ladies."

"Don't feel bad, Iago. Your intentions are well received." Othello turned to walked away. Then he stopped.

"Its just I am so new to the union. And with this war, there was no time for us to ...manage it." Othello sighed to himself. He looked to Iago.

"Leave me here. I have much to think." Othello told the other. Iago made his exit alone to the tavern.

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