Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.31

4.5           The attack on Rosenheim

Helmut stepped to the Inn Bridge over the river, and looked to the Euro United detachment that walked towards him. There only numbered three of them, two men and one young teen, but they were armed with rifles. He walked up to them with Father Joseph at his side.

"This is Helmut, as he liked to be named." Father Joseph introduced the man next to him. The teen stepped up and announced his name and rank.

"Micheal, Sergeant, United Euro. They are Steven, and Benny; both are from my squad, or what's left of it." The teen introduced them. "We were ambushed twice on the way here; lost three others had perished with one missing."

"Nevertheless, they are here." Father Joseph tried to rise up the morale. "I would have some of the town folks to assist you."

The last line was not very convincing. Helmut was to reply when the teen intervened in.

"Father, let us do the task. Get them to the defenses of the wall at the city." Micheal told the priest. "We would hit those Vampires."

"Vampires?" Helmut asked back. He was expecting more of mercenaries who worked for the enemies.

"Those who hit us were Vampires." One of the older men replied. He then unslung the rifle on his back and checked the ammo clip.

Micheal told him to take position on the left side while the other one took the right side on the bridge. Micheal then sat down on the middle and faced away from the city. He checked his rifle and laid it down next to him. He had his side arm taken out and placed to the opposite side. He then placed the box of bullets at the side. He then looked up at Helmut who had remained standing with his broadsword in his hands.

Helmut saw the two armored six wheelers; one of it was pulling a cart with a large box on it with the truck loaded with troops. There was another unit with a launcher on its carriage. It stopped at a distance from the bridge, and from it, the troops from the trucks disembarked. There were fourteen of them, led by an officer with the rank of Major. They took position near the armored vehicles, and then he saw the missile launchers aimed at the city behind.

"They are going to fire the missiles towards the city. Fire at will." Micheal gave the command.

At the same time, the armored vehicles rear hatch-back was lowered and the elite Vampires exited with some of them armed with machetes, and moved to their positions on the sides. His snipers were shooting but the Vampires were well covered.

"Bloody Hell!" Micheal uttered out.

It was then, the snipers were surprised by the presence of the Vampires which somehow had within a short time, had sneaked up close to their positions. Micheal dropped his rifle and grabbed his revolvers. He dropped back on his back and fired at the Vampires.

At that time, the first salvo of missiles was launched at the city. Steven reacted in anger and stood up to fire at the Vampires. It was a wrong move, when he was taken down by the charging Vampire. They fell down together, while the Vampire bit off the flesh from the neck, while the claws dug deep into the chest.

"Damn!" Micheal cursed out.

Benny reacted by trying to retreat, but got his head chopped off with the machetes. Micheal reached for the box to reload the revolvers. He managed to slot in the bullets when the Vampire appeared in the front of him. He fired on the Vampire at the head; blowing part of its face away. He rolled to the side and looked for more Vampires.

Two more went down, while Helmut had removed three with his broadsword. Then Micheal saw the last box by the vehicles opened. More figures leapt out. It was the hounds; all eight of them headed for the defenders. They had the scent of the blood and in a state of frenzy to kill.

"We are outnumbered. We need to withdraw." Helmut called out. Just before he could finish the shout, the hounds were already at their position.

"Micheal, the hounds...."

Micheal was retreating then, turned and crouched down to shoot, but he saw the shadow of the Vampire flew over him. It crashed into the hounds with its head severed. It was cut by a power whip.

"Hello, I heard you boys needed help." The person was a lady with her whip lashed out and missed barely the other Vampire who was retreating. Micheal ignored her and looked at the fight in front of him.

The Crawler had followed the Mistress to Rosenheim on a four door armored personnel vehicle driven by Sergei while Geranium traveled on her own bike. When they sighted the bridge, Crawler had jumped off the armored vehicle and rode on the standing on the back of Geranium bike. He saw the hounds rushing across the bridge, and jumped off on his own pursuit. He half jumped and ran until he landed on the bridge and sprang from there to clash with the hounds.

Crawler grabbed the hound by the neck and tossed it over the bridge. He then moved onto the next hound which was leaping at him. He thrust his clawed fingers into the soft belly of the hounds, and pulled hard at the insides of the hound. It was then another hound charged at Crawler on his back and went down together to the other side of the bridge.

During the fall, Crawler reached to his back and pulled the hound off. He reached with both his hands into the hound’s jaws and pried it apart. Once the hound had stopped moving, Crawler stood there to look for more hounds. It was then he picked up the scent and shook his head. His mind registered it but his heart waved it off. It can't be but the growl from the other side shook him more. It was a scent he had not sensed for a long time. It was his long lost brother; long missing since young, but now that standing creature below the bridge had mechanical plates on the left side of its head with part both of it forearms with metal plates and wires on it. The other werewolf had also longer claws, and they looked more menacing.

The other did not pause and jumped at Crawler, with a menacing swing with the right claw. Crawler jumped back and hit the bridge wall. He used that to roll to the left and then lashed out with his own claws. The other brother hit back with the claws and cut part of Crawler' left forearm causing him to fall alongside the bridge wall. He was expecting the next killing blow but the other brother was hit by a shot from Micheal.

Micheal saw Crawler went over the bridge and followed suit. He saw the man creature being attacked and fired at the other one with the metal plates. The shot did hit it at the flesh and caused it to retreat. It ran on and out over the river bank.

Up on the bridge, Helmut had just killed the last of the hounds, and then saw the fleeing shadow of the one from under the bridge. He would have given chase, but the later had disappeared into the dark. He looked for the two members of resistances, but they were dead.

All those innocent lives were lost.

And the never ending battles.

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